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Found 18 results

  1. New pocket guide for troops to access mental health support READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-pocket-guide-for-troops-to-access-mental-health-support
  2. http://news.sky.com/story/tougher-fines-to-hit-serious-speeding-offenders-in-the-pocket-10740681
  3. For the full story : - http://www.mirror.co.uk/money/thief-your-pocket-millions-paying-8455571
  4. Hi all, Below I have attempted to outline my dealings with Pounds to Pocket. Agreement No:7166*** Interest Principal 14/06/13 £1150 borrowed 28/06/13 £173.79 repaid 061.75 112.04 31/07/13 £173.79 repaid 131.38 042.41 30/08/13 £173.79 repaid 114.55 059.24 14/09/13 LOAN REFINANCED £155.00 disbursed to my account £1145.18 new loan amount (no idea how this was calculated) Confirmation email: "Please note that the status of loan #7166*** will be "paid off" as it's been rolled into your new loan #7734***" Agreement No: 7734*** Interest Principal 14/09/13 £1145.18 borrowed 30/09/13 £172.89 repaid 070.27 102.62 09/10/13 LOAN REFINANCED £065.00 disbursed to my account £1145.84 new loan amount (no idea how this was calculated either) Confirmation email: "Please note that the status of loan #7734*** will be “paid off” as it’s been rolled into your new loan #7857***" Agreement No: 7857*** Interest Principal 09/10/13 £1145.84 borrowed 31/10/13 £181.29 repaid 101.65 079.64 29/11/13 £181.29 repaid 124.70 056.59 31/12/13 £181.29 repaid 122.15 059.14 31/01/14 £181.29 repaid 119.89 061.40 14/02/14 LOAN REFINANCED £235.00 disbursed to my account £1147.59 new loan amount (no idea how this was calculated either) Confirmation email: "Please note that the status of loan #7857*** will be “paid off” as it’s been rolled into your new loan #8427***." Agreement No: 8427*** Interest Principal 14/02/14 £1147.59 borrowed 28/02/14 £172.36 repaid 061.62 110.74 31/03/14 £172.36 repaid 123.28 049.08 30/04/14 £172.36 repaid 113.66 058.70 30/05/14 £172.36 repaid 106.90 065.46 30/06/14 £172.36 repaid 102.68 069.68 31/07/14 £172.36 repaid 094.40 077.96 29/08/14 £172.36 repaid 079.63 092.73 Repayment becomes erratic at this point - my stepson took his life. P2P sympathetically charged me £24 in late fees, which I did not pay. Interest Principal 31/10/14 £172.36 repaid 076.49 095.87 01/11/14 £172.36 repaid 062.70 109.66 29/11/14 £172.36 repaid 044.86 127.50 The final two payments were not made: Interest Principal 31/12/14 £172.36 036.73 135.63 30/01/15 £172.36 017.78 154.58 I received a "notice of default sum" (i.e. a £12 late fee) on 01/01/15 and again (a further £12 late fee) on 31/01/15, plus a "notice of arrears" informing me that my "customer status has been changed to In Default". An actual Default marker landed on my credit record on 02/02/15 (for loan 8427***). This was accompanied by 2 emails, both with the subject "Notice of Acceleration", one for loan 8427*** stating "your entire loan amount of principal, accrued interest and fees of £404.72 is now due", and one for loan 7857*** stating "you are in default of the above referenced loan and have failed to take corrective action as detailed in the Notice of Default Sums sent to you at least 15 days ago" (which did not "reference" loan 7857*** at all), and "your entire loan amount of principal, accrued interest and fees of £181.29 is now due". Both emails stated - for the first time - that "We may notify the credit reporting agency of your default on this loan", but, as the default was registered the same day, there wasn't much I could do about it... My loan summary for the final loan only is as follows: Total borrowed: £1147.59 Principle repaid: £0857.38 Interest repaid: £0866.22 TOTAL REPAID: £1723.60 Principle outstanding: £290.21 Interest outstanding: £054.51 TOTAL OUTSTANDING: £344.72 DEFAULT FEES APPLIED: £060.00 DEFAULT AMOUNT £404.72 It has taken me months to piece this together, partly because P2P advised me that I had been defaulted on the 3rd loan (even though I hadn't - that's when I gave up paying - what's the point if I've been defaulted anyway?) due to an amount outstanding (even though there isn't, because it was refinanced into the 4th loan). The information presented online is very confusing. In my account overview it says: 7857*** IS IN DEFAULT, DUE ON 30/09/14 (it was rolled over/paid off 14/02/14) 8427*** IS IN DEFAULT, DUE ON 30/01/15 I OWE £576.01 (which could be the £181.29 from loan 7857***, plus £344.72 from loan 8427***, plus Default sums of £60.00, total £586.01..eh??) In my loan history it says: 7857*** £122.15 OWED FROM 31/12/13 (a full payment of £181.29 was made on 31/12/13 and the loan was refinanced on 14/02/14 - I assumed and was told that all payments due on the loan had been paid off due to being rolled into the new loan) NO LATE/DEFAULT DISHONOUR FEES AMOUNT DUE £0.00 8427*** £36.73 INTEREST/£0 PRINCIPAL OWED FROM 31/12/14 £17.78 INTEREST/£0 PRINCIPAL OWED FROM 30/01/15 £60.00 LATE/DEFAULT FEES AMOUNT DUE £0.00 In summary, according to my online account, I owe £576.01. This consists of £122.15 + £36.73 + £17.78 + £60.00 = £236.66. However the amount due is £0.00, against a default amount of £405 (!!!) I'd like to reclaim the interest charged, default fees + interest, and have the data wiped. I'm particularly annoyed with P2P as if they hadn't told me I'd defaulted when I hadn't, I would have paid them off, and then NOT DEFAULTED! More than anything I am disgusted with their attitude. I did contact them to explain I was having difficulty paying due to a child suicide (which isn't an easy call to make from an open-plan office) - their reply was "right, so can you make a payment today?". I sent a SAR on 12/04/16. However, if the above is any example of the quality of information I can expect from them, should I bother waiting, or just press on with a claim based on my own evidence? Thanks in advance! P.S. Sorry about the tabs completely and utterly not working - I did try!
  5. Another one falls... CashEuroNet Who operates Quickquid and Pounds2Pocket is to offer redress... Remember folks... Read closely... Loans AFTER 1st April 2014 affected... HERE
  6. Advice please. I was stupid, got seriously in trouble but worked my backside off to get myself out of trouble. Please, no lectures on stupidity, there is nothing anyone can say to me that I havent already bollocked myself for. Took out a number of pay day loans several years ago, Paid 'majority' of the amounts off. By that I mean I paid the amounts I borrowed and then some, however I borrowed £950 off Pounds to Pockets and have repayed £1174 but I don't feel additional the £350 they claim I still owe is fair or right. They have defaulted me (fair enough) and have now passed the debt over to ARC Europe who are threatening me with a county court claim. They have written 3 or so letters each one getting snottier and snottier, I have responded saying the amount was disputed with P2P but now have recevied a letter saying a County Court Claim has been prepared and could be issued. What should my next step be?
  7. Hi All, You normally see myself talking about debt related issues but throughout end of 2013 to summer 2014 I have been put through hell via another matter. I’m trying to find out if I can claim anything back or get some form of compensation / charge removed completely. Background to the case. One Friday in August 2013, I left work and decided to travel into an area close to where I work as I had seen a car for Spares & Repairs on GumTree (My sun roof leaked and it was going to cost in excess of £200 to repair). I travelled into the area and must of spent 45mins looking for the street, about to give up I saw a police van approaching so I flagged him down and asked for directions, of which he gave and on my way I went. Got to the street, but the car was not there so I made my way home, going back the way I came into the area (as I didnt know the area at all). I was then pulled over by the same police officer. Being of nervous disposition I started to panic and wonder as to why I'd been stopped, had i been speeding, did I cut someone up? Nope.. He asked me to step out of the car and proceeded to tell me that there had been an incident of indecent exposure in the area and "I matched the description", that scared the hell out of me, and he asked if I would come do a voluntary statement - which I did as I had nothing to hide. At station answered the questions fully, cop asked why was I heading back towards work when I live the other way, not knowing the area was'nt a good enough reason. He asked me about my car, I stated it was a Renault Clio that is Bluey Green in colour. He begins to argue with me stating that the colour was just Blue and no way can be green, but I stood by this.. after 40mins, he asked would i be prepared to do a ID parade, again I had nothing to hide and agreed.. He then took down my details: Eye Colour BLUE, Shaved brown hair, light stubble not a beard, local accent, height 5'6". Clothing I was wearing: Black T-shirt with a Red V-Neck (no collar), Light blue denim jeans, black shoes. I then left, done the ID parade a week later.. 23rd September - I get a call from my solicitor stating that I need to return back to the station as I had been picked out on an ID Parade (wtf etc etc came out) and bring the top I was wearing, which I did with him that day. Back at the station I gave the officer the t-shirt, and my solicitor advised me to say "No Comment" as I had already gave details in previous statement. I was charged. Now I was not given any details as to the witness statement or anything. Waiting game commenced with the case going to the CPS for their decision, 26th Dec 2013, they decided there was enough evidence to take to court – again something I was completely shocked about, I then had to appear to a hearing in Feb 2014 which gave me a court date of 1st April 2014. Mid of Jan, I finally plucked up the courage to ask someone I had fancied and deliberately went into her place of work just to see her for 18mths!! and to my surprise she was head over heels about me – a perfect & blissful relationship commenced. 26th Feb 2014, I met with another solicitor from the firm, whom was assigned to my case. Without going through the paper work with me he stated “Prepare yourself for the worse!”. Stated I should not have said “no comment” in second interview, to which I replied that I was advised to by his colleague (he shook his head). Told me that the witness (17yr old girl) had stated the man in question was driving a small RED[b} car, also said that the man was wearing a black polo shirt and black trousers! Viewed my car on car park and asked questions about interior confirmed colour was a blue green but not metallic or even red yet did not write anything or take pictures (something that the magistrates asked if there was any). After this meeting – I told my girlfriend straight away, as to the whole details.. “Don’t look so worried, it’s clearly not you, I believe you.” That made me happy, “I’ve watched you since the first day you came into the shop, you don’t drive a red car, and your too damn shy!” and she stood by me all the way & came to the court with me on 1st April. From 26th Feb to 1st April, I had no contact with the solicitor despite leaving endless messages. On the day of court he said to me and my girlfriend “I do not want to put pressure on to the girl due to her age as it would look bad”, yet Prosecutor questioned her fully over the incident. He never once questioned the girl on the description of the man, only focused on the colour of the car. Though the girl was adamend it was “Red.” It was “Shiny Red”, every other question put to her was “don’t know”. The only thing that was going for me was the coppers description of me and that my car was not red. The magistrates then deliberated and came back and said “We cannot take into consideration the colour of the car or clothing as Miss X, was clearly distressed – therefore we find you guilty”. I looked straight at my girlfriend (now ex as you will see why) and was informed that I was to be placed on the Sex Offenders Register. My Girlfriend and self returned back to hers, and we said the appeal will prove the correct outcome. 4th April, my girlfriend told me how she had spoken with her 16yr old son that she wants me to move in with them so we can start a life together properly, and we agreed that I was to move in at the end of the month. 10th April, we both sat down and wrote a complaint to the solicitors at the poor representation. She was also not happy to wait that long as said “I want you to move in this weekend” as she was truly happy (something her friends have said before) 11th April, after spending most of the day with her, I return home and at 9:30pm, she informs me that the social services have been round – they had told her (not knowing she was at the court) that I had been found guilty of two offences and have previous. She informed them this is not the case and that “WE” are appealing.. The social worker stated that “he has no grounds for an appeal, you are deluded as you do not know what has happened. Therefore we have no alternative to ask you to break off the relationship OR we will take your son (16) into care..” Of course she did the right thing, and put child first. They also said there was a no contact order in place! 17th April 18:30pm, I get a phone call from the solicitors whom stated that they can no longer represent me any further (for the sentencing & appeal) as they were professionally embarrassed at my complaint sent the 10th. My sentencing was 24th April – I only had 2.5days to find a new solicitor due to it being the Easter weekend. They couriered the paperwork (witness statement / officers statement and mine) to me to hand to new solicitors on the morning of the 24th. (I quickly took copies of all of theses) 24th April – I was instructed to pay £500 compensation, £350 court costs, placed on the offenders register for 5 years, instructed to do 120hrs community service, and attend a sexual offenders rehab course! – whilst at the court new solicitors quickly read through the statements, and was shocked when I told her I had never read them through and that it was clearly not me the witness was talking about. Details contained in the paperwork: Witness stated the culprit had a New RED shiny Car, he had Brown Eyes, Birmingham accent, he looked like he was 30 but had a beard that probably made him look older than he was. Wore a black polo shirt with a black collar and black work trousers. Incident took place at 16:30 and lasted 5.5mins (she knew this by messages on her phone). The incident happened 0.8miles away from where I stopped the cop, he confirmed it would take about 3mins to drive that distance and that I flagged him down at 16:45. So that meant in 6.5mins I was able to change my car, change my clothing in broad daylight, change my eye colour and have a shave?? Both myself and solicitor drew up 8 A4 pages of differences. I was turned down for Legal aid for the appeal twice, and ended up obtaining a loan with the help of my parents and paying £3,500 reprensentation!! The Appeal took place 11th July 2014, (exactly 3mths since being forced to split). At the appeal, despite having the witness statement in front of her, change details of clothing, location (put it further away) and what she actually saw. As for the officer, when my barrister questioned him about the colour of the car, the two magistrates agreed it was Bluey Green and judge stated he would settle the argument and say it was turquoise… When my barrister asked to confirm the colour the accuser had said, he went “red” the Judge shook his head in disbelief. The officer even knowing the difference in colour could not provide a reason as to why he pulled me over, only said “for another reason that I do not recall”.. Barrister asked what bottoms did the witness say the man was “Black Trousers” and what was Mr X wearing “Light blue denim Jeans” he held up my jeans and said like these “Yes” again judge shook his head. After 15mins of deliberation, the judge said that it was clear that it was not Mr X and therefore uphold the appeal. I was immediately taken off the register. THANK GOD!!!! I apparently have no grounds for compensation or can not recover anything back. Costs was awarded of which I have been notified today that it is a grand total of £349.47 yes Three Hundred and Forty Nine Pounds Forty Seven Pence. That I will receive within the next 90days!!!!! So as a result, I’ve lost the woman I was in love with (her son now 17, is being a ****, but I do understand why - as it is a protection for his mom as it’s been them two for so long - which i do admire), I’m £3.5k out of pocket – well more cos it’s a loan that was taken out, and have had my good name dragged through the mud. I’ve recently found out that the charge remains on my file so I now have to declare this for jobs and also have to pay for visa’s to goto USA. I took this to my local MP whom, is a complete to55er, he’s basically said deal with it – it’s the law, despite showing his support for another MP to get all of their funds back? I’ve also been told that there is an organisation (charity law firm) that would take on a case of compensation – but they did not know the name of the firm. Is this true? Is there any thing else I can do as I have been well and truly screwed over on this? Thanks – and sorry it was a long post.
  8. Managed to set up a payment plan over six months with these buffoons. Paid 1st amount this month on time. No issue with paying, amount is right for me at the moment. Had a butchers on the old Noddle file and see they've marked it my loan with them as a default even though I've paid on time. First steps to take? My credit file is already in the cr4pper so another default doesn't really bother me BUT of all of them on there, this is the one that is the most unfair.
  9. Hello I have four more installments left on my Pounds to Pocket loan and my financial circumstances have changed. I have had to get a more expensive ticket to travel to work thus taking a chunk of out of my income meaning I have less coming in. I spoke to someone last month and managed to get a payment holiday meaning instead of my loan ending on the 15/12/2014 it now ends on 15/01/2015. This was via the live chat and the "compromise" that we got to after half an hour trying to arrange a payment plan. I want to pay what is owed but need more time. I have other debts that I need to deal with and I have to say that while others have been helpful- Pounds to Pocket have been a pain in the backside. Any advice on how to deal with them?
  10. Millions of households have missed out on a £50 saving on their energy bill because a green tax cut has been swiped by suppliers. All of the big six firms — British Gas, EDF Energy, Eon, Npower, Scottish and Southern Energy and Scottish Power — will save money this year after the Government slashed network charges and the cost of implementing green schemes. The Government says these changes would save households around £50 on their annual gas and electricity bill. However, four months on and millions of customers have not received a penny in discount. Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/bills/article-2610842/Energy-giants-pocketed-75m-green-tax-cuts.html#ixzz31gfmzJ00
  11. Hi all, I recently made a complaint to pounds to pocket in which I have had a response of the telephone today (awaiting a written response) I am somewhat disbelieving of the resolution but I will attempt to explain below. This is the complaint that I made and pretty much sums up what has happened: to whom it may concern, This email is in regards to my account *******. I wish to lodge a complaint today the 05/11/2013 and wish for my complaint to be dealt with in a timely manner. I am appalled by the service and pathetic excuses I have received since taking my loan out on the 24/10/2013. I decided on Saturday 02/11/2013 that this loan was the wrong solution for me. So I went online and spoke to an advisor wishing to repay. I was informed they would need to update my bank details after recently switching my account. I agreed to giving my new card details in which the advisor could take payment. I was told my card had been declined, and to contact my bank. I spoke to them to find pounds to pocket had not attempted to take any funds, and was advised to contact yourselves again. I contacted back a 2nd time and spoke to a new advisor, I was told pounds to pocket were experiencing some technical issue, and advised to try again in 24 hours. Following your advise on the 03/11/13 I spoke to a 3rd advisor, they too explained they were experiencing technical issues, they re-assured me that the amount I would need to repay would not change from the £782.32 I was quoted on saturday, and to try again in 24 hours. So I contacted you back a 4th time on the 04/11/13 as advised. I spoke to an adviser this time who originally quoted me a higher amount, after explaining they stated they could see a note on the system and corrected the amount to £782.32, I wished to proceed to make payment explaining as his or her colleague had previously they would need to update my card details. This advisor was very abrupt in telling me this was not possible, I would have to make a payment using the details on file. I did my best to explain that I had closed that bank account, and have a account I can make full and final payment with today. They were adamant despite previous conversations with your colleagues this isn’t possible, but due to the situation this can be escalated to a manager with the amount payable to remain the same. I begrudgingly accepted and was told to contact back again in 24 hours. So today, 24 hours later I log into my account. With the intention of going onto your live chat service to make payment. I was shocked and confused to find my account is in default, and the amount due has risen by almost £100. How could this be possible when the first payment isn’t even due? So for the 5th and final time I went to speak to an advisor. I was transferred to your collections department. I spoke to the advisor here who was no help what so ever, much like every employee of pounds to pocket so far. They explained the account is under review and to contact back again in, guess? Yes another 24 hours. I have several points from the above explaination I wish for you to justify. Why did it take an online company 48 hours in order to take a debit card payment? Why would the first colleague accept the payment details, but not the 4th? Why is my account in default, with ridiculous fees added onto my balance? I would also like to know, and have you confirm to me in writing that no default has been levied against my name, or on my credit profile. I am extremely disappointed, having used your services before to find that you could treat anybody this way. The drop down box responses, ridiculous excuses, and unprofessionalism of your company has forced my hand in writing this complaint. I expect written acknowledgement of my complaint with 7 working days, and recompense for the time, effort, and stress pounds to pocket has caused me. You may contact me by post or email, or by phone after 6PM. Regards, NATHAN3699 (an unsatisfied customer) My complaint was acknowledged today by email, and as requested i received a call this evening. No apology was given but I had been told my account was closed and that there will be no balance to pay. confused I asked to clarify, in which he repeated the same. I asked if there would be n impact to my credit file in terms of the so called default. I was told there shouldn't be. I have asked for the above in writing which I am waiting to receive, but I am incredibly surprised that they would role over so easily. Especially when I am able to repay my debts and have offered to in full, could anybody possibly offer me some insight to why they would do this. Have they broken some sort of code of conduct? Fear of loosing they're licence? Or is it actually to good to be true? I appreciate that was a lot of reading, but I am even more surprised by the outcome than the service I have received, nothing in life is free. Thanks, Nathan
  12. Hi My son is on employment support allowance, he has adhd, odd and possible asg, he was told how to access a loan company. He got a loan for 400 pounds from pounds to pocket. It was too late for me to stop him, and I had no knowledge until after the fact, then he starts to get the letters of default that I found under his bed, now Makenzie Hall are ringing our home telephone. He has never worked and is not expected to, he is not in the support group for esa, as I think they have written him off due to his disabilities. His impulsiveness is a horrendous problem and it gets him into all sorts of trouble. I have looked at the p2p website and they state you have to be employed to get a loan from them, he told them he was only on esa, and disability benefit(however he does not get disability benefit)He gets confused. They gave him a loan to his bank account, so that sees him taking all his esa out, before they can get hold of it, that means trips to the bank at 2am, and his money is spent the very same day. He has no idea of spending carefully. I asked him did he tell them he was working and he said no mam, only told them I was getting my esa, and disability, which he does not get, although he should. So now I have got a very stressed 21 year old who has the social age of a 14 year old. He's scared to answer his phone, and keeps saying he can't cope. What is the best way to deal with this one please?. Thankyou
  13. I have 2 outstanding PDL debts ; one with Wonga, one with PTP ; (total debt c.£2000.00) I have cancelled CPA's with my bank, sent both companies an income/expenditure form, and in the case of Wonga, have set up a monthly repayment of £30.00 to start repaying my debt. PTP state that ' we do not participate in standing orders' However, both companies are completely ignoring my communications, including my appeal for all interest charges to be frozen ; Both companies are demanding that I phone them to discuss the matter, and provide my bank details. Also, both companies have stated that they'll continue to try and withdraw money from my account, despite acknowledging the CPA agreement with my bank. One Wonga e-mail dated 24/08/13 states 'we have now cancelled your CPA as requested and have removed all debit cards from your account' A further letter on 06/09/13 states ' you should also be aware that we'll be making further attempts to collect the money you owe from your debit card' I would like some advice on the following matters ; - what further action can I take to try and get the interst charges frozen - how can I pay PTP ; would it be OK to send a monthly cheque ? - are they allowed to continue to plunder my bank account, knowing that there's no money in it, and knowing that I have an agreement with the bank to stop all CPA's all advice will be gratefully accepted...
  14. hi, i had a loan with this company and managed to pay it up but they refuse to close my account. i have a gambling problem and know at some stage i will take out another loan with them which is why i asked them to close it and to never re-open it again can they do this?
  15. http://www.scotsman.com/news/uk/socially-irresponsible-loan-firm-advert-banned-1-2752623
  16. http://www.scotsman.com/news/uk/socially-irresponsible-loan-firm-advert-banned-1-2752623
  17. hi , i have loan from pounds to pocket and have given around 7 installments but due to financial difficulties i cant pay the same amount , whts the best way to break the rest 5 installments into 10 or more ?
  18. Hi, i like many others in bother with PDLs. I took out a loan with PTP for £600, paid back £353.64 but then got into difficulty and couldn't pay. I contacted all of the PDLs by email and heard nothing but was then bombarded (and I do mean bombarded) by texts, mobile calls, landline calls and even at work calls, endless day after day after day, sometimes even 7 days a week but mostly 6! Recently Mckenzie Hall stated harassing me 4/5 times a day and recently at work. I work in a shared office and could not take the call so just said that she (me) wasn't in the office and stated 'would you like to leave a message'. To which the caller gave their number and the name of the company! Now that could have been anyone in my office taking that message, is this legal? Secondly, I have now received a letter from them stating: "We write to give you formal notice that Pounds to Pocket has legally assigned the rights to the above debt to mackenzie Hall Debt Purchase. This means that Mackenzie Hall Debt Purchase now legally own the debt." the rest is the usual taking you to court etc etc etc Plus they have registered a default with callcredit. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I am taking steps to contact all and offer some form of payment but these guys are aggressive. I have changed my mobile number to stop the texts etc. Thank you
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