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Found 12 results

  1. Service marks 100 years of women’s contribution to UK Armed Forces READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/service-marks-100-years-of-womens-contribution-to-uk-armed-forces
  2. Hello, I took out a M&S card in 1995 and it has PPI on it. I was told at the time that I wouldn't get the card unless I took out the PPI. I have read through the forums and I know I am going to look stupid here but I can't see how I go about making a claim for PPI. Could someone please point me in the right direction for forms/letters/process please. Thank you.
  3. Morning all, looking for some advice before I email M and S. I bought a bed 2 years ago £350 and last night the support that runs through the centre of the bed has detached itself at the bottom of the bed. Where do I stand? I paid with m and s credit card Thank you
  4. About 2 - 3 weeks ago I purchased some shorts from Marks and Spencer at £19.99 each. I then paid £10.50 each to have them altered as the legs were too long. No issue with the one pair, but the other pair which I wore for two days came apart in the crotch by the bottom of the zip after the first wash. Not only did it split sideways but also lengthways. As I had paid to have them altered I wanted a repair, but M& S refused outright to repair stating that I could get a refund or a replacement leaving me £10.50 out of pocket. Unfortunately I cannot stitch them up as it is split badly and I have arthritis in my hands etc. The wife cannot either as she as osteoarthritis in her hands and wrists. This would entail us taking the shorts to another tailor incurring another cost to put right the faulty goods so either way we would lose financially. I had no alternatively except to accept a refund however it is the last time we will shop in M & S. Is there anything else we could have done?
  5. I am currently 3 years into a dmp . Two of my debts are with Marks & Spencer one they have defaulted and are charging no interest the other is now marked up to date and they are charging me 24.9 % interest. Initially both were interest free but after 6 months they reinstated interest on 1 account. If I write to them to ask how they could treat 2 accounts belonging to the same person so differently are they likely to start charging interest on the defaulted account? Should I let sleeping dogs lie?
  6. Hi Apologies if I posted this in wrong section. I sent a CCA request on behalf of my friend. This loan is in reference to M&S personal reserve account where they gave you a chequebook so you only borrowed what you actually needed. This type of loan does not have any CCA agreement. Please see attached reply from Arrow Global. What is the next course of action? Appreciate your help as usual. Thanks you.
  7. Hi, I took back some items after Christmas with gift receipts, and was given a credit voucher in early Jan. I then spent some of the credit voucher that day and received another credit voucher in change. I wasn't feeling well that day, and probably shouldn't have been shopping, but I did, and obviously wasn't thinking straight because, it later transpired that I had the receipts from the two transactions but no credit voucher. I went yesterday in store and fully expected them to be able to track and trace the credit voucher via the receipt and replace it. At the time I was unsure as to whether I had even been given the voucher. Customer services asked the securityto look at the security footage and they have told me that they saw me place the credit voucher into a carrier bag I was carrying, but when I asked them to identify the carrier bag so I can check at home, they were unable to give me any information other than it was a dark carrier bag, possibly a marks and spencer one (when I then asked how they knew it was a credit voucher that went into the bag if they cannot see that level of detail they said "we just know what they look like"). I was told that a replacement is not possible - that in their terms and conditions it states that credit vouchers should be treated as cash, and that they are unable to trace the credit voucher from the transaction. However, in my opinion they are not the same as cash for two major reasons: number one, if they had refunded me cash, and I had lost it, there would be no way to trace it. number 2, if it were cash I had lost, they would not be benefitting from my loss. If this were a small amount of money, I would probably just let it go as lesson learned. However it was £90, and that is a lot of money to me (I know I should have been more careful, I realise that). Obviously my number one concern is getting a replacement voucher, but also I would have thought that they would wish to prevent any person who may have found the credit voucher from using it (if they haven't already) I certainly would like to prevent that. My understanding is that for somebody to use the voucher it would be theft, and so presumably they would wish to find out if/when that transaction occurred? I cannot believe that a huge company such as this, who use a barcoding system to track transactions are completely unable to link the credit voucher to the transactions. I would have thought in terms of an audit trail that would have been a basic requirement just from a HMRC point of view. So I suppose my question is, do I have any avenues here, or do I need to suck it up and not waste my time? Thanks
  8. Ahead of results day the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has reminded A-level and GCSE students of their right to see details of how their exams were marked. Under the Data Protection Act students can ask to see information including: A breakdown of their marks Examiners’ comments Minutes of examination appeals panels Details of how to request the information can be found on our exam results page. David Smith, Deputy Commissioner and Director of Data Protection, said: “The Data Protection Act gives students the right to see some exam related material. The information may not lead to their grades being altered, but it could help them to make important decisions about their future, such as whether to re-sit an exam.”
  9. I am interested to know who has been rejected by M and S for a PPI credit card claim on the basis it was non advised when they were "strongly recommended'" the policy on the actual application form? Has this happened to you? The Ombusdman clearly argues that this is an advised sale (where advice OR a recommendation has been given). So I wonder what experience people have had? eg - did you challenge and win? - did you go to the Ombudsman - what did they say? I would like to gather as much info to raise it formally with the Ombudsman.
  10. Hi CAG users. This is my first post. I'd like to make everyone aware of my bad experience with M&S since they have been so unhelpful and unappologetic about their terrible service. I had ordered flowers from their website for my fiance. They were due to be delivered the night before our wedding. That night, 6 minutes before the deadline for delivery, I received a text from m&s confirming that the flowers had arrived. I later called my fiance to see if she liked the flowers. She hadn't received any. On the morning of my wedding I checked my email to get the order number so I could call to see what had gone wrong. I had also received an email confirming delivery. I called the helpline with my complaint. Their cutomer service woman told me the flowers had been delivered. I assured her they had definately not. She then put me on hold so she could look into it. When she came back she told me that the flowers had been delivered but the recipient had rejected them because of damage. I then informed her that the recipient was my wife to be and that she had not received any flowers damaged or otherwise. She then offered me a £10 discount as a gesture of good will if I wanted to reorder them but I would have to pay again as my refund would take 3 to 5 working days. No further explaination was given. Needless to say I declined. I was so mad that I immediately wrote a review of my experience on their website. They claim they invite customer feedback of how they found the service provided by m&s, both good and bad. They rejected my review without giving an exact reason. I have now received an email stating that the refund is for a billing error! To say I am outraged is an understatement. Now I've thought about it more it sounds a lot like an attempted fraud. If I had not checked that the flowers had arrived m&s would've taken my money for goods and services not supplied as advertised and I would have been none the wiser. The fact that they lied about what had happened is very worrying. I think this begs the question how many times has this happened to other people who have not checked if their flowers were delivered, and simply accepted that they must've been because of the text and email claiming they have. If you've ever used them I would ask you to check that they supplied the service they claimed to. I would urge anyone else not to use them as they cannot be trusted. I have received no appology from m&s. They have tried to cover this up but I have written to citezens advice and would ask if anyone has any suggestions as to what to do next. The offer of a refund does not make everything ok!
  11. Hi my wife had a debt with M&s which went into default when i lost my job, it wsa taken over by N C O, 2005-2006 we paid for a few years, we split up 2011 and split debts this one got lost somewhere and has not been paid. she has just started receiving letters from 1st credit staying they have bought the debt from M&S and want paying, i have emailed and asked for copys of account and credit agreement and am awaiting them, they say they have to get them from their client, but surly if they have bought the debt they are the client?? There has been no contact between ourselves and M&S for well over 8 years does this mean i can go for statute bared?? can anyone help thanks?
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