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Found 7 results

  1. With a no deal Brexit looking possible, food and drink manufacturers are taking action. Are people stockpiling at home if they can afford it? https://www.thegrocer.co.uk/finance/brexit/food-suppliers-start-stockpiling-amid-fears-of-no-deal-brexit/571634.article
  2. hi I bought a security light from an independant online retailer which offered the best price online, I e-mailed beforehand to check the product was OK and met with great customer service. Went ahead and purchased the light. 11 months down the line the light failed and because its an LED type unable to replace the bulb. I felt relieved as it came with a 3 year warrenty. I e-mailed British General to explain what had happend and for advice but there was never any response to my e-mails i rang them and was told that these lights breaking was a common problem and advised to return it back to the online store. Whenever I contacted the store I never received any reponses to my e-mails or phone calls. I found the receipt for the website which is no longer working server not found so i can only presume they are no longer trading. I tried telling this to the manufacturer but no joy, I just kept being told that I must contact the retailer. Where do i legally stand because if the manufacturer states in their terms that its guarenteed for 3 years, most hightstreet stores say you need to contact the manufacturer if it breaks down after the first year. Can you legally force a manufacturer to honour their agreement?
  3. I bought a TV 12 months and 3 weeks ago. Since buying it I had an intermittent problem with the screen going off for about 10 seconds then on again. I eliminated various other pieces of equipment over time then reported it to the manufacturer about 4 months into their warranty. After following their trouble shooting procedure they accepted it was faulty and arranged an engineer repair. When the engineer rang to arrange repair and get details I was away (this was around Christmas). During the discussion I told him I was unsure how to reproduce the issue since it happened intermittently. He said he would leave the case open for the time being. The TV is not my main set so I use it very occasionally. I forgot about the problem until more recently when I was trying to use it again and the same fault occurred. I emailed the manufacturer back with my reference number but they now refuse to repair because it is 3 weeks out of warranty. I realise I could approach the retailer but I feel like the manufacturer is using a technicality to escape from an issue they have already accepted as theirs and promised to repair onsite. It is a lot of hassle for me to transport the TV back to the retailer for a repair and they do not have the original report logged, which the manufacturer does. Can anyone please advise or tell me where I stand legally?
  4. In July 2014 I bought a Vax vacuum cleaner from Currys online, delivered to the store for pickup, at £49.99 (yes, ok cheap vacuum) Yesterday the motor burned out - terrible noise accompanied by a burning smell. Fair enough, things break and it is only 10 months old. Currys will do the right thing, I figured. £50 wasn't worth Mr. repairman assessing it and they'd just exchange - guess not. today I packed it up in the original box, along with my delivery receipt and took it to the nearest Currys superstore. Explained the situation and the Knowhow guy explained I had to take it home and phone a number (for Vax) and they would send someone out to assess it, repair or replace - depending on if they thought I'd abused it in any way. Apparently they have "agreements" in place with many manufacturers (especially white goods) and this is how they do things. Now I've had dealings with white goods companies and generally there is a call out fee you have to pay if they ultimately decide it's you're own fault. I really didn't fancy having all that hassle. the point of this post: Are Currys abrogating their responsibilities under SOGA by doing this? My contract is with them, not the manufacturer. If they wanted to take the device, repair or replace, thats their business - but I shouldn't have to do it for them? Right? The rest of the story... I knew a little (seriously, just a little) about SOGA I suggested to Knowhow guy to get his manager. Lady comes over, explains the same thing again and says that's how it's done. I refused to accept and suggested that by sending customers away they were in breach of SOGA and did she really want to break the law? They relented, phoned the help line (who answered "Knowhow" anyway), found out it was closed. Guy printed out some repair sheet and had me sign and date it and they took the vax there and then. I think that's a small win. Now I'm without a hoover for however long they decide to repair it. PG
  5. The Asus tablet we bought just over 12 mths ago for £250 stopped working because of what store staff identified as a manufacturers fault (the screen froze). We were offered £150 which was refused. Surely if it is a manufacturers fault a full refund. repair or replacement should be offered under the 2yr EU directive. Please advise
  6. BEWARE when buying anything from Currys/PC World if you think you are getting the manufacturer's warranty that you would get if you purchased your product elsewhere. I have discovered that Dixons (Currys/PC World) have a practice of "buying out" the manufacturer's warranty. What this means is that, if you need to make a claim under the manufacturer's warranty you thought you had purchased, the manufacturer may well tell you to get lost and contact Dixons instead. This certainly applies to Toshiba laptops and, I have been informed to several other manufacturers as well (e.g. Sumsung). Dixons may well argue that their KnowHow (definitely a misnomer) service is comparable. IT IS NOT. It is not a manufacturer's warranty and never will be - Dixons are not the manufacturer of Toshiba laptops - Toshiba are. If having a warranty is important to you think very hard before you buy and don't take Dixon's answers for granted - check with the manufacturer first. If in doubt - shop elsewhere. PC World are NOT the cheapest and they are certainly not the best!
  7. I recently purchased a dehumidifier from an ebay seller. Item was listed to be brand new and seemed to be a bargain. I sent a message to the seller just to confirm that the item was brand new i.e box unopened, I also asked does the humidifier come with the manufacturers warranty. I was informed that yes the item is brand new and comes with the manufacturers 12 month warranty. What I didn't realise was the the seller is private, checking the product registration it is requesting what company was the dehumidifier purchased from and the date? Because this was a private ebay sale. I dont believe that I will be able to register the product for any warranty problems. Any advice please?
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