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  1. Hi I have just joined this site,I had worked for Mackenzie Hall and after that PRA Group once they purchased Mackenzie Hall,I no longer work for them,the reason I have joined this site (and others) is if I can help anybody in anyway with advice etc I'm only to happy to help or give advice,if I know the answer to the question! I understand it may be strange an ex employee posting on this site but I have personal reasons as to why. Regards Mashigana
  2. Hi Ive had an Vanquis card that i fell behind with after arranging reduced payments for 4 months but after 3 months vanquis rang and said id had the reduced amount and now needed to make the full payments.. Mackenzie hall have since contacted me with a reduced settlement offer of half the debt, looking for an amicable settlement prior to court proceedings, Which i worked out was the correct amount owed less there charges applied which doubled the amount, so i wrote back agreeing to the half debt amount and sent a letter agreeing to the true figure that was owed less the unlawful and extortionate charges and offered payments of 10.00 minimum per month due to my financial position. and that the 10.00 was on the understanding that we'd amicably agreed to the lesser figure, i foolishly sent a 10.00 postal order. Ive had a letter back stating that, their client cannot accept the 10.00 minimum payment per month at the reduced figure, but demand that i pay 36.00 pm and unless i pay the 36.00pm the reduced figure will become the full amount.. They have also cashed the 10.00 postal order and taken it of the full figure.. Ive had a few dealings with cabot in the past and won but need some advise asap as they have given me 30 days and im half way through that already, feel foolish for sending the 10.00 postal order now but that was clearly indicated as the first months minimum payment.. Also SAR'd Vanquis and thats been 14 days sent... Hadituptohere
  3. Hi There, I had a JD Williams account in 2006 I cleared it the following year (07) before I moved house since then they have sent me threatening letters both from them and debt collectionicon agencies claiming that I still owe them money. My account was online and I didn't sign a CCA I believe that they acquired my new address illegally contrary to the data protection act I have written to them informing them that I cleared my account and to point out that they have acquired my new address illegally but they continue to send the letters. This has gone through several DCA's and is now with Cahoot they sent me a letter today informing me that they are going to pass the debt onto MacKenzie Hall DCA. Given that the debt was incurred in 07 it is now statute barred and I receive a letter on average every 3-4 months which I just ignore. I am wondering if I should use the template on this forum for statute barred debts and write to Cahoot reminding them that the debt is statue barred or should I just ignore it as these people seems very good at ignoring such reminders and requests for CCA's. Just to reiterate my J.D. Williams account was online and I never signed a CCA. What do people think I should do? Regards Mac_fan_2010
  4. hi there I am getting letters from the above 2 so far - saying they are attempting to contact the above named (me) at this address etc etc etc In the subject matter it says Not Known/ Gone away which I know is normally on a creditors note on a credit file if the address hasn't been up dated so Im guessing theyre after me for something I just don't know what - My credit rating says excellent - although there are defaults on there but these are being paid through a DMP Do I answer the letter - the LAST thing I want is a CCJ now that IVe managed to clear up my rating I wont phone them but there is an email address - I don't want to ignore and then have something blow up in my face!!! Any advice please?
  5. So i would start a thread in the QuickQuid sub forum for my CCA sent to Mack Hall as the original creditor is QQ correct?
  6. Hi Guys I got and hone call on Friday from PRA, ignored it because it was automated, then they did the one thing that is a massive no-no; They rang my work place! Somehow managed to find the number and embarrassed me, because my boss dragged me aside this morning and went "what the hell! " Anyway I spoke to PRA and they REFUSE to remove the contact details for me after i said in writing only. They have marked them *Incorrect contact* instead and refused. I warned them I would refer it to the ICO, and they still didn't budge! What do you suggest?
  7. Seems there's a lot of bad press to do with MH on here.. I dont know much about them, but I receieved a letter yesterday. Theyve been calling me for a few weeks and leaving odd voicemails with an automated message asking me to call back. Which I haven't. I'm currently on a DMP with 'The Money Group' as my debts with Wonga and QuickQuid got out of hand. Wonga seem to have gone quiet on me, so I assume they have accepted the agreement with my DMP but QQ contacted me about a month ago saying I had 7 days to arrange payments. I spoke to a rep and offered a token £10 payment (all I could afford) and he said this would hold my account until the DMP payment was received. I'm unsure whether the issue is with the DMP company, me, the loan companies.. who? But the address the letter came to is my Mothers and I'm absolutely petrified they will show up on the doorstep. My Mum doesnt know about my debt and it will destroy our relationship. Help please. What to do?
  8. Hi this is probably very minor in comparison to many folks problems, here's my issue. Had a new mobile and number last Dec apparently it was previously owned by someone with debt who was being hunted by debt collection companies. Three of the companies accepted the fact from me that I am not the person they seek, MacKenzie Hall however don't. Despite sending me an email in June assuring me my details would be removed they are back at it this week. I have written another waspy email which I will send to MacKenzie Hall although only have two email addresses and would love to get the directors emails, however I may post hard copies as well for max impact. Does anyone else have this problem. I'm getting fed up paying to retrieve their voice mails as well as the slightly niggling feeling if they can mess this up what impact can they have on my digital finances? All too big Bro for me. From what I read on the net they are bullies riding close to the letter of the law, I guess they figure vulnerable people don't have cash to fight back? Just because you have debt doesn't mean you lose your human rights!
  9. Anyone have an email address for these people please?
  10. Hi guys, after a bit of advice and hopefully confirmation of what I believe. I took out a couple of loans with Welcome Finance. ..one a car loan one a personal loan. I'm not sure of the exact time I took them out but at best guess it would have been 2001 or 2002. Not long after I ran into trouble and couldn't afford the repayments. I made an agreement with Welcome to pay £10 per week on each of the loans which they accepted. In 2004 I moved house. In August 2006, I changed my bank account. Having had the conversation with Welcome before, I knew that the only way they would change the Direct Debit was if they sent me a new Direct Debit mandate by post and I sent it back. I wrote to Welcome from my new address informing them that I had changed my bank account and I needed new DD mandates to continue making my agreed payments. I heard nothing. In September of 2006 I wrote to them again to inform them that my old bank account was being closed and that if they didn't send me a new DD mandate the repayments would stop. Again, I heard nothing. Fast forward to around 2011 (ish) I got a phone call out of the blue asking if I was this account holder and I fobbed them off and never heard anything again from them. Then in early 2012, I started getting letters from MKDP demanding that I pay up for these loans which I chose to ignore as I figured that come September 2012 it would be statute barred and they'd no longer be able to chase me. They eventually gave up. Now, this year, MacKenzie Hall have started chasing me for this debt by post and I think by phone (I have caller ID and don't answer calls from witheld numbers or numbers I don't recognise). So far I've sent the letters back labelled "Not at this address". It's now October 2013 and I'm pretty certain the last payment to Welcome would have been late August or early September 2006 so am I right in thinking that this debt is now statute barred and MacKenzie Hall or anybody else can no longer chase me for it - even despite the threats of court action and bailiffs? Thanks in advance Steve
  11. Was stupid and took out a Wonga loan to get through a dodgy month about 18 months ago; according to my credit file the original balance was £205. It defaulted at £450~. Wonga passed this on to Moorcroft whom sent a few letters, tried to ring, gave up and went quiet. (This was around 9 months ago) Well, I've just had a missed call (or did at 0812) from a number that is registered as MacKenzie Hall. They've tried to leave a message but I know it's going to be a computer voice telling me to ring them, so I haven't even bothered listening to it yet. I'm fairly sure this is going to be about the above account though. I've done a little research and can see these are unscrupulous turds. There's a thread in this very sub-forum for around 2 weeks ago where someone has uploaded their threat-o-gram, and I'm trying to get a feel for how MH work. I'm just musing at the moment but: Threatening to issue new defaults (and actually doing so) I wouldn't mind them doing this; as I'm not trying to gain any credit - and were they to try this I would fight to have it removed and would demand financial redress. Would also make a nice complaint to the OFT/ICO. Adding a whole lot of interest This is a bit of an issue; I don't mind paying what I originally borrowed (£200) - but I refuse to pay for any of their trumped up charges or fees. Using "Meritforce" (?) as a doorstep collector I know they have no powers, but living in a block of flats it not only has the potential to be embarassing - I also don't live alone, and refuse to allow them to subject anyone else to their idiocy. Harassing phonecalls Meh. At one point I was getting around 15+ phonecalls a day from 3 or 4 companies, this isn't anything I'm unable to ignore! Considering this, after they make first contact proper, I assume it may be a good idea to inform them that: All correspondence should be kept in writing (be it electronic or hard) there is no convenient time for a doorstep collection, any attempt to send someone will be taken as a form of harassment and the police will be called Now this very debt is my last one, and it's one I would love to see cleared off - even though it's been defaulted already and it's from a PDL; it would mean quite a lot to see the £0 on my credit file. However, I object to paying off their interest fees and other charges - I honestly do not mind paying off what I actually owed. (Even though it does leave a bad taste in my mouth knowing that even if I paid off what I owe that will be primarily be profit for these crooks - but if that's the price I pay for a £0 and some satisfaction then be it.) Is there anyway I can pre-empt their exuberant fees, bearing in mind this account has indeed defaulted 18 months previously? Lastly, I'm also aware that they have a nasty penchant for refusing payment plans - I remember from previous dealings with another DCA (Cougar.) that simply quoting the OFT guidelines for the collection of debts, there was a good bit in there about accepting payments, and it got them to shut up. I'd be looking at £60-£75 p/month, which I think is actually a very good offer. Knowing they don't like to be told how much they can have though, am I right in saying that only a court can order a breakdown of incomings/outgoings? (Sneakily, when I paid Robinson Way £150 and told them they would have £75 the next month - for an account totaling £225, they asked me to complete paperwork to "ensure you are able to afford these payments".. ignored obviously.) Now forgive the brain dump here; I'm just planning where to go next. Have I missed anything, or is there anything I should know about the pondlife who will be harassing me over the coming weeks?
  12. I have a debt with Vanquis which I could no longer afford to meet the minimum payments due to overtime being cut at work so have less money coming in. Debt has been passed to Mackenzie Hall and they phoned me last week. I offered to pay £20 a month by standing order starting 1st Oct, they accepted and they gave me their bank account number and sort code to make the payments to. Fast forward to today and I receive an email from Lowell Group regarding the same debt demanding full payment now or to contact them to arrange a payment plan. Did I not just arrange a payment plan with Mackenzie Hall last week? Are they the same company? I don't want to make payments to one company and have another company chasing me saying I haven't paid.
  13. Help, I received this letter today from mucky hall. I had a wonga loan for £400 in 2011 I couldnt afford to pay it back and buried my head in the sand. I had all the usual threats, default notice and a letter telling me it had been sold to mucky hall. I got the usual threats off them, I have not heard anything for around 6 months until today. This doesn't sound like the usual threats and now I'm worried. What does it mean and what should I do. mucky hall are not on my credit report just wonga it shows default in december 2011 though the amount is now showing as £917. There is no way I can afford to pay this off and no chance of maiking any reasonable offer.
  14. Hi all, recieved a default notice from these clowns today. It doesnt say where the debt originated and I dont recognise it. It doesnt even appear on my credit files! So can they do this, I mean put a default on your file. Also, what can I do to stop them doing this? Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi everybody thanks in advance for help I have various debts all of which i am paying a small amount a month to (accepted by creditors) I have however had no joy communicating with Mackenzie Hall who have bought my Quick Quid debt. I originally sent them letters to stop phone calls which have now resumed after a break, and they are constantly sending me completely irrelevant letters. However today i have received a letter headed REDUCED SETTLEMENT OFFER Our offer of full and final settlement : £149.40 to be paid no later than noon 18th August 2013 Now the original borrowed amount from quickquid way back in Jan 2012 was £200 (£237.50 total to be paid back) I lost my job very shortly after this and everything spiraled from there. Quick quid literally ignored me for months (i was not hiding as stated above rest have agreements) and Mackenzie Hall just constantly rejected my £5 per month offer. I am wondering why today they have sent this as on paper it looks a fair reduction? Thanks for any help
  16. Hello everybody, This evening I received a call from MacKenzie Hall asking if I was who they expected it to be which is my son. I explained that no, that is my son who is at work, can I help. They said no its a personal matter and would try another number tomorrow. I contacted my son and asked him if he had heard from them or if he was in any debt. He said no to both and I do believe him (well, I definitely hope he's not deceiving me). Should I have concerns over this? I told him not to accept any call from the number I was called on until he receives something in writing. Thanks for any answers that I hope will alleviate my concerns.
  17. Hi, I have just been onto Experian credit file and seen a default from Mackenzie hall for a debt i had with QuickQuid. Now when QQ lent me the money spell my name incorrect. Now the question i have is: 1) if i was to pay the Full Outstanding amount can i get the default removed 2) Is there anything i can do about them have spelt my name incorrect? e.g. they have an extra A The reason i ask this, is that i have found my dream job, but they require a credit search on me, so i need a clean file. Is there anything i can do, please help. Adam
  18. Hi, I've been getting spammed by text message and phonecall by Moorcroft. They didn't identify who they purchased the alleged debt from. They did leave a reference number in a text message, which allowed me to log into their website and submit a message along the lines of: "Your communication by text message and telephone will cease immediately, and you will contact me in writing. Failure to comply will put you in breach of the Protection from Harassment Act 1999, and s.127 of the Communications Act 2003. Any future communications will be recorded and logged to be used in evidence." They responded by letter saying: "Thank you for your recent correspondence, I write to confirm we require a monthly repayment proposal you can afford and maintain, to enable us to assist you further." This seems to imply they won't stop texting and calling until I agree to hand over money to them.
  19. Just had the following e-mail from Muck Hall: Am I on a phishing list and should I ignore them? I've read A LOT of bad press about these clowns... I have only one call from them and that was nearly 5 weeks ago. Didn't answer as my phone was switched off! It seems they don't even know if I am the person they want and mr is spelt Mr! Have checked the CRA's (All Three) and nothing on there that it could be. Ignore the best course? Had no written correspondence either!
  20. Hi there, Really looking for some advice and what to do next....I had a loan with Pounds 2 Pockets and fell into financial difficulty and fell behind in payments. I contacted Pounds 2 pockets to try and set up a replayment plan however they said they were unable to provide me with bank details to set up a standing order and passed this to Mac Hall. This was in September of last year. Mac Hall then hounded me, contacted my place of work and generally harrased me. I ignored this however looking back it was maybe the wrong thing to do. I have had a letter from them threating door step collection, and also a couple of emails offering reduced settlements, one in November and another in Feb. Today I received court claim forms from Northampton - I panicked and rang Mac Hall even though I know I probably shouldn't have done this. The lady I spoke to said as court proceedings had begun she couldn't offer me a reduced settlement even though i have to reduced offers in writing these were withdrawn, either I paid the full outstanding balance withing 120 days or they would proceed with court!? She took and income and expenditure over the phone and then put me on hold and said her manager said there is nothing he can do as the process has begun, but she could set up a payment plan to clear it in 120 days to stop this happening, even though I clearly have no spare money. I really dont know what to do or what will happen? I want to get this sorted but dont know where I stand? The amount they are asking for has increased from the original amount I owed and I have checked my credit file and they have applied a default in their name, creating 2 defaults for the same debt!? I want to avoid a ccj if I can but I don't know if this has gone too far. Any help would be much appreciated, Thank you in advance........So stressed with it all!
  21. Could someone please help me, I have a debt which was originally with First Direct which I defaulted on 13/06/06 for £14625. The debt was then sold on to Cabot on 21 June 2007, now I am sure the last payment was made on 27 December 2006 & there has been no acknowledgement from me since this date so I know that they would need to have issued proceedings by 27 December 2012. However, I am also aware that once proceedings have been issued they have 4 months to effect service. Mackenzie Hall have now been representing Cabot since 1st February 2013 and I have received 2 letters from them, the first one offered a reduced settlement of £12432.07 and the second letter received on 04th April 2013 offering an Amazing Settlement Offer (their words) of £2925.19 which is an 80% reduction. They have said this is a One Time Offer for which payment must be made by 22 April 2013. It says that if no contact is made by 22 April then collection activity will commence for the outstanding balance in full. On my calculations they would need to serve the court documents on me by 27 April 2013 at the latest. Their last offer, gave me 16 days for acceptance, which seems to be an unusual acceptance period (as I understand matter normally offers are open for 7, 10, 14 or 21 days) and I am concerned that they have deliberately stated that the offer expires on 22 April to allow them a couple of days to serve the proceedings by 27 December and ensure that they are still in time. However, I appreciate that they will be running right to the limit of the time periods and I'm not sure that they would do this? I have a friend who has said that they will pay the £2925.19 for me. However, I am concerned that 1. Payment may not be made in time. The offer says I have to make the payment before 22 April, it is now 20 April (a Saturday) and so I can't guarantee when it will "hit" their account" 2. If payment does not hit their account in time, I will have re - started the limitation period. Please could anyone assist with the above or let me know whether you have any experience of MacKenzie Hall and their tactics.
  22. I have opened my email this morning (a Sunday) to find the following waiting for me. (I've hidden anything in this which identifies me). ----------------------- Private & Confidential - For Attention of MR [name removed]. We have been supplied this e-mail address to contact MR [name removed]. If you are this person, please respond via telephone to 08444115751 quoting reference number [number removed] whereupon further detailed information can be provided. We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. Yours Sincerely, Mackenzie Hall Ltd Mackenzie Hall Limited ------------------------- I have never had any dealings with Mackenzie Hall, and until I ran this through Google I wasn't aware that they are a debt collection agency. I presume the best response is to simply ignore it and wait until they approach me in some other way?
  23. Hello, I was wondering if I could get some advice. My husband is getting letter from the lovely MacKenzie hall chasing a debt of £321.06. He hasn't had a phone from carphone warehouse since at least 2006 and this debt does not show on his credit file either. Are they able to chase this? Should we ignore them? Would a statute barred letter apply to them if we sent one?
  24. Just found this in Credit Today http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14761/online-news/debt-buyer-serves-mack-hall-founder-with-court-order Wonder what is going on - seems they may have realised they have been sold a load of lemons!
  25. Hi all, New to the forum as I found you when trying to research the company who have contacted my partner for a £3000 debt he apparently owes. The letter is from Mackenzie Hall on behalf of their pursuers Arrow Global Limited and the original creditor Fairmile Partnership 1 LLP. The letter is dated 4th December 2012, however we only received it on Sat 8th December 2012. There is a "Payment Deadline: Noon, 11th December 2012". Quite a scary letter when you first read it, luckily over the 3 years me and my partner have been together I've become quite apt at dealing with these situations (he wasn't a good boy before we meet, but tigers can and have changed their stripes). This one has worried me a bit due to its aggressive and completely un-realistic deadline. Also the fact that while my partner has admitting responsibility for some of the past debts and I managed to get the amounts reduced or completely written off, if has absolutely no knowledge of owing £3000 to anyone for anything. I did ring them on his behalf just to state that due to his working hours he is unable to contact them within the required timeframe. The operator has said that she will post an enquiry on the account but she is unable to confirm anything with me as I don't yet have authority to speak with them. I asked if the enquiry will hold the account, but she cannot say only that "we shouldn't worry about the deadline". I hate it when people say that as in my experience it means we really should worry about it. I asked how long an enquiry will take and it usually takes a few weeks. Can anyone offer any insight into who these 3 companies named are and what the debt might be related to? Also any advice on how to proceed with them?
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