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  1. Hi There, I had a JD Williams account in 2006 I cleared it the following year (07) before I moved house since then they have sent me threatening letters both from them and debt collectionicon agencies claiming that I still owe them money. My account was online and I didn't sign a CCA I believe that they acquired my new address illegally contrary to the data protection act I have written to them informing them that I cleared my account and to point out that they have acquired my new address illegally but they continue to send the letters. This has gone through several DCA's and is now with Cahoot they sent me a letter today informing me that they are going to pass the debt onto MacKenzie Hall DCA. Given that the debt was incurred in 07 it is now statute barred and I receive a letter on average every 3-4 months which I just ignore. I am wondering if I should use the template on this forum for statute barred debts and write to Cahoot reminding them that the debt is statue barred or should I just ignore it as these people seems very good at ignoring such reminders and requests for CCA's. Just to reiterate my J.D. Williams account was online and I never signed a CCA. What do people think I should do? Regards Mac_fan_2010
  2. I had a JD Williams account in 2006 I cleared it the following year (07) before I moved house since then they have sent me threatening letters both from them and debt collection agencies claiming that I still owe them money. My account was online and I didn't sign a CCA I believe that they acquired my new address illegally contrary to the data protection act I have written to them informing them that I cleared my account and to point out that they have acquired my new address illegally but they continue to send the letters.
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