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  1. Hello, In August 2018 I took on a BT TV and internet package on a 12 month term. I did not want to use BT really as I was told their service is bad. I explored all options with other providers such as Virgin, Sky etc but it turned out I could only have BT TV at my rented flat and the lines were BT only also. The time came to have my TV and internet connected and BT came to my flat and within 5 mins the technician said ‘OK, you are activated’……the point he said was active was by my front door which is far from my lounge where I needed BT TV and the modem. I connected the modem to the point by the front door and confirmed it worked with the technician, I then check the TV point but it was dead. The technician had a look and said ‘yea this point will take 24 hours to come on’ which I could sense was utter nonsense because it was fed pack to the point by the front door, so something was wrong, which didn’t surprise me as it is a very old regency building. 24 hours went by and not to my surprise it didn’t work, I called BT and booked for them to come out the following Tuesday (6 days later). Tuesday came and it got to 4pm and I called them to find out where they were and they said I had no appointment. I could not afford to take more time off work so I just parked up the TV issue for the time being as my internet worked and I could get by and would tackle the TV install later. By October I had been given a new opportunity to take a job in Australia meaning I had to move out and leave for Australia in December. I called BT to say that I needed to cancel and was told I have to pay out the whole agreement to the amount of £578.18. I explained that this felt unfair as they are not supplying me with any future service, on top of that they never finished setting up my BT TV, and last of all the new tenant who moves in has to use BT (as outlined above,unless they don’t use phone, or internet) and therefore when they sign up with BT it will cancel off my service automatically. As a result BT will be charging the new tenant for their services and charging me also! It doesn’t seem right that someone can sell or lease out the same thing to two people at once with only one of those people being a beneficiary. Any advice on my matter would be much appreciated, I understand I signed an agreement, however they never fully installed what I paid for and they are also trying to make me pay for something someone else will be paying for going forward… it doesn’t seem right.
  2. I live on the High Street in the London Borough of Sutton. Recently a visitor received a PCN while parked on the single yellow line outside my house shortly before 8pm. All the nearest (under 100m) yellow control signs for single yellows nearby show restricted times of Mon-Sat 08:00 to 18:30, however there is not a yellow sign directly at this location. Seeing the single yellow line, and the time, my visitor thought parking would be fine. At the location there is also double yellow blips, controlled by a No Loading sign. To compound the confusion, at this location there is a newly installed sign stating 'no idling, turn engine off while waiting'. She submitted an appeal expecting the ticket to have been issued in error by an over-exuberant TCO over the xmas period and to be overturned, unfortunately the appeal was rejected on the basis of no loading at any time. My question is, is there any point in continuing the appeals process on the basis that the single yellow would have reasonably considered to have been in force, on confusing signage / markings, was waiting/parked not loading, or possible other basis, or, to pay the discounted penalty before they remove the option. Thanks in advance. The contravention on the PCN - 02 - Parked or loading/unloading in a restricted street where waiting and loading/unloading restrictions are in force. Location postcode (for Google mappers!) - SM1 1LD
  3. Contravention code 01 Parking in a restricted street during prescribed hours Russell place Brighton £35 Can I challenge this....11:20pm is a bit late to be lurking for parking enforcers. Regards BB
  4. So I need some advice. Long story short, I was working for a small lettings agent. I was given a company car however the owner told me to take out personal car insurance, stating that he would pay the monthly direct debit. This was the case and I was working their for a couple of months until unforntualy I had an accident in the car making it a write off. I then had to claim on the insurance, the car was paid out, after that the owner decided he didn't want me to work their anymore. I then lost my job, the owner canceled the direct debit for the insurance which then, in turn, caused Direct Line to cancel the insurance. I then, however, started receiving letters from Direct line insurance stating that I owed the £1809.71 for the rest of the insurance premium as per the terms and conditions. I ignored these letters for months, however, I am now receiving letters from Moorcroft Debt recovery LTD who have been instructed by Direct Line insurance to collect this £1809.71. I need some advice asap, I am currently not in a situation where I can pay off this debt and to be honest I don't really want to.
  5. On the 1st March I gave notice to my old broadband provider (Virgin) and signed up with Vodafone. The agreement for this service included the transfer of my phone number from Virgin to them. My service allegedly went active on the 13th march, but my broadband wasn't working until the 21st March. Whilst on the phone to them (my old cable line with virgin) I asked when the number would be transferred across, and was told it hadn't even been requested. I was rather ****ed off by this, but they assured me it was being done there and then. about 10 days later and still nothing, we go into a new month which incurs me more line rental charges from Virgin as my phone service isn't disconnected until the number is transferred. I spend a further 95 mins on the phone with Vodafone and am assured that it's being done, I'm told that it's been sent direct to Openreach and they will do it within 72hrs. I am also told that they will be crediting my account with £30, but when I try to check... the online account I setup is mysterious non existent and I can't set it up again as it doesn't recognise my phone number or account number. They are told that the 72hrs ends at 5pm on Friday 6th and if the number is not transferred by then, my services will be terminated due to breach of contract (they failed to transfer the number which was part of my agreement to use their services) 72hrs pass and nothing, virgin claim they've never even received any request to transfer my number over and confirmed this again as of the 16th April. On the 7th April, I send an official complain both through Vodafones website, and via mail to their complaints dept. This complaint terminates my services with them for their failure to do something as simple as transfer my number. A process that has been simplified to make it so easy that a trained monkey could do it. So far they have completely ignored my complaints and have not terminated my service. I am now in limbo, I cannot switch to another provider because there is a temp number on my BT line that I have never used and have no intention of ever using... A new provider will try to transfer that number across instead of my virgin one. I am also still paying for a virgin line and number which I've had for many years and don't wish to lose, because it will cause so many problems. Because they had credited my account with £30 (allegedly, I've not seen proof of this) I cancelled my DD and had the previous one of £27.06 returned to me. Today I got a threatening email saying my 'April' bill is unpaid and I owe them £34 (which would be about right if there was a £30 credit as my normal bill would have been £37) So far they have ignored my complaint, failed to transfer my number and failed to terminate my service. They have been clearly informed of their breach of contract, and my service was terminated within the first 30 days (even if they claim 13th March as date service started, it's still less than 30 days). I am now being threatened with my service being restricted, and if it's not paid service disconnection and payment for the full term of the contract will be pursued. I think I need to escalate this to the regulator... But have no idea how to go about this. Switching is supposed to be easy, but this has been the worst mistake and has caused me so much hassle and stress.
  6. I have today had a letter from my council cancelling my right to pay my Council Tax. In installments. I have been paying this on line for the last 4 months for this year on a regular basis. My last payment was paid on Monday this week. When I received the letter I phoned my Council who informed me all my on line payments have been taken off an old Debt which is also being taken via my ESA. They say I have to pay again as the money I have paid has gone off my old debt. My question is, Is this correct and can they do this.? I spoke to someone back in April who assured me this would not happen again, Obviously, it has.
  7. Hi I need some advice please. Recently I replied to a direct mailshot from a Manchester-based PPI claim company called Consumer Claim Line. I had had a credit card some 20 years or so ago (Capital One card) and I wanted to find out if I had paid PPI on the payments. I returned the paperwork and thought to take advantage of their advertised "no claim no fee" offer to get this investigated. A few weeks later received a reply saying that their preliminary findings were positive and that I should sign the enclosed form authorising them to investigate my claim further. With this same reply paperwork enclosed was another form asking me to list any banks that I may have had accounts with in the past and they would look into these accounts too. I signed the authorisation forms for the Capital One account and sent back the other form listing the Clydesdale bank although details of this and the Capital One account I was not able to furnish as I had no paperwork and no recollection of any details. They said that details weren't important as they had ways of tracing accounts. A fortnight later I received correspondence from this company stating that their investigations showed that the Capital One account had previously been looked into (sometime in 2009 or 2010) and since I had not informed them of this they were invoicing me for a Cancellation penalty fee of £360 for wasting their time. Along with this invoice were two additional "letters of authority" for two Clydesdale bank loans (taken out sometime in the 1990's (I think) which they wanted me to sign and return to them. I telephoned them to explain that my claim on the Capital One account was made in good faith and that I had no recollection of having this investigated before (I have good medical reasons for general memory impairment which I explained to them) I asked them to therefore cancel this penalty fee they were demanding. I also stated that as a consequence of the outcome of this first experience I didn't want to return the forms for the Clydesdale bank investigation as because of my memory impairment I could not guarantee that this case had not also been investigated in the past. I had no recollection of this being the case but then again the same applied to the Capital One case. The supervisor whom I was explaining this to was not sympathetic to my position in fact he adopted a rather aggressive and threatening stance, threatening court action on non-payment of the penalty fee saying that for every subsequent reminder-letter they sent me an additional £20 would be added to the cancellation fee invoice . He further threatened that if I didn't send back the second set of "letters of authority" (for the Clydesdale bank loans) duly signed by myself a further £360 (each) of cancellation fees would be invoiced to me for payment. A few days later I received out of the blue a phone call form the company (from the same supervisor) saying that they have reconsidered and that if I go to my doctor and get him to write a letter confirming that my medical condition and strong medication I have taken (over a period of over 20 years) have indeed led to among other things severe memory impairment. I duly went to my GP and he wrote out a letter confirming what I had said, and I sent this doctor's letter in to the company. A week or so later I received another phone call (again from the same supervisor as before) and he now said that he would not accept my doctor's letter as he had met people before with the same condition that I suffered from and he didn't believe that it could cause memory impairment. In other words he completely disregards a doctor's medical opinion on a patient he has been treating for 25 years in favour of his own unqualified prejudiced and generalised opinion of the condition I suffer from (the condition is in fact Severe Clinical Depression). The decision stood he said and I now owe them 3 x £360 fees plus £20 further penalty on the first case ... a total of £1100. Can they do this ? Is there anything I can do about this ? If nothing else maybe this post will warn others of this companies practices. Regards, Jackthehat
  8. Royal Marines to be restructured in line with growing Royal Navy READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/royal-marines-to-be-restructured-in-line-with-growing-royal-navy
  9. Hiya all, Personally I think that the fine I've received is absolutely unjustifiable on the grounds that it was completely unclear, even clear in the opposite way, that this spot was restricted- and every colleague/friend/family member I've consulted has agreed. However I'd like to sense check that before I waste any more time dealing with the glacial process of formally appealing it now that the informal one has failed. I was parked at the end of a cul de sac, which had no signage about parking. There were double yellow lines alone the sides of the street, but they appear to me to visibly not cover the end of the street (indeed everyone else has come to this idea, as the end of this street is regularly full of cars parked at the end). As the PCN and the rejection of my informal appeal only mentioned double yellow lines, It can't be anything else. Hopefully everyone can see my attachments; the first two less grainy photos are some of the ones I took to demonstrate the situation, which I sent along with my informal appeal. Long dead end street, no obvious double yellow lines at the end, no signage banning parking The third grainy photo is to me the most damning photo they sent as evidence. Interestingly the white paint splodge of no clear meaning right next to my car that you can see in my photos looks as if it could be a double yellow line due to the angle of his photo. I'm sure that this was absolutely a coincidence and I have absolute faith in the traffic wardens honesty and integrity. Only a cynical person would suggest that he's deliberately misrepresented the situation. So what do people think? I'm currently waiting until the notice to owner arrives and plan to make a formal appeal, but if people think I was actually in the wrong then I'd rather not waste everyones time. additionaly I'd be grateful if anyone could answer the following: Can I make a formal appeal directly even though I'm not the registered owner of the vehicle? The "Notice to owner" apparently has to go to the owner, is there a limit on what representation I can make by myself?
  10. Hi all, I need some advice regarding the world of car insurance & "no claims bonus" My Girlfriend was with Direct Line and should have about 6 years No Claims Bonus. Unfortunately due to a bit of financial difficulty, her Direct Debit failed with them & Direct Line cancelled the policy. This was 6mths ago, in that time frame the car was SORN her circumstances have changed and finances have come back on track, and she's has been told by Direct Line that due to the failed DD, Cancelled Policy and the 6mths lapse of insurance, they will only confirm 1 years NCB. My Questions are: Can they do this? If NO what can we (probably I as I enjoy a good fight -- Oh Advantage how I miss you) do to get confirmation of the 6yrs NCB. By having the 6 yr confirmed makes a £300 difference in price. Thanks for reading. Ads.
  11. I mean, you fill out an enquiry form with all the details specific to your situation then they want to phone you up but for what purpose ?..
  12. Could someone please advise if my assumption is correct. PCN received for code 02. The sign says no loading but the double yellow lines have only a single kerb blip which would indicate a timed loading restriction. If there is no loading at any time surely the kerb blips should be as Diagram 1020.1 and not 1019. I would be grateful if an expert could clarify this for me. Thanks for any help given
  13. Hi, I had a loan for around £12500 with Direct Line around ten years ago, I have sent a PPI claim off to RBS who are saying I need to contact Direct Line for the account number for the loan as the have no record of this. I have contacted various different numbers for Direct Line but as they no longer do loans this is proving a very difficult exercise to get the answer that I want. Does any have any ideas as to where I can turn to obtain this information from Direct Line as it would be most appreciated.
  14. Hi We are currently based in Spain and do not have all our bank statements, a Company from Swansea called Claims Line Direct Ltd has called us (we have a uk phone number here) and asked for 495 gbp which they guarantee to return whether they are successful on our behalf. They claim we have approx 3500 gbp to come back but cannot guarantee that figure. Does anybody know of this Company ?
  15. I have looked to see if anyone else has encountered this problem on CAG couldn't find anything, so apologies if I have missed it. In Wales there are circumstances when you can park on a single yellow line for three hours and then the car must be moved for one hour. I believe that this may be different in England but not sure as there is conflicting advice. Having had a rather nasty experience yesterday with a traffic warden who swore blind that I hadn't moved the car when I most definitely had as she said, "the valves are in the same place", I wondered how far the car has to be moved? Does anyone know? It was a horrible experience being told that I hadn't moved the car and that further more I did it every day! There was a CCTV camera on the pub nearby so I suggested that the warden go ahead and book me and I would request the evidence. Eventually when neighbours came out to support me we told that we were "ganging up on her". Fortunately in law witnesses are not accused of this! In any event I was told to reverse the car 10 foot to move the car. I understand that this is within the power of the traffic Warden so I complied. Therefore it appears that moving a car is just moving it so that the valves are not in the same place! But is this correct or should the car be removed from that stretch of yellow line making it difficult to return to a place of work? It has also occurred to me that this must create difficulties for disabled workers trying to park near their place of work. Popping out and moving the car every three hours to where?
  16. This rip-off charge called a line rental is being increased yet again. This won't just be BT, they will all follow suite and up theirs as well, so standby Sky and Virgin customers. We're changing some of our prices from 20 September 2015 Line rental will go up by £1 per month. We've also made changes to some of our other prices and terms. Changes to our phone and TV prices are shown below. To check changes to your broadband package, click here (you'll need your account number and telephone number to log in). Standard Pricing† Calls to UK landlines and the Access Charge for calls to Service Numbers will go from 9.58p to 10.24p a minute. Calls to mobiles from your landline are going up from 12.77p to 13.65p a minute. (But if you have the Unlimited Anytime Calls plan, you'll pay less than half price with a change from 6p to 6.41p a minute. The set-up fee for calls will go from 15.97p to 17.07p a call. † Inclusive calls of up to an hour on calling plans will not be affected. Changes to our line rental and calling plans Line Rental (monthly price) From - To Standard Line Rental £16.99 - £17.99 Line Rental Plus £18.99 - £19.99 Calling plans (monthly price) From - To Unlimited Anytime Calls (if you signed up on or before 20 June 2014 £7.45 - £7.95 Unlimited Evening and Weekend Calls (if you signed up on or before 20 June 2014) £2.12 - £2.26 Unlimited Anytime Calls (if you signed up after 20 June 2014) £7.50 - £7.95 Unlimited Evening and Weekend Calls (if you signed up after 20 June 2014) £3.00 - £3.20 Add-ons (monthly price) From - To Friends and Family International £1.20 - £1.25 International Freedom £6.20 - £6.60 You can get a good mobile plan for less than that, so me thinks it's time to cancel the landline and move over to just mobile. £20 to rent a bit of wire, I ask you, it's the same bit of wire that was there in WW2.
  17. I am sad to say I have been duped into giving my bank details to a company for postage and packing for free trial products. My bank is helping me to deal with this, albeit very slowly, but the company has told me that their terms and conditions, which I should have read, are watertight and as I have involved Direct Card Disputes they now cannot offer me compensation unless I get my bank to telephone them to dissolve their investigation which I have 99.9% of losing. My others issue is, I never received these goods but company say they are not responsible a nd I should take it up with their delivery company as delivery company say they left products in my garden shed. Checking, albeit after the fact, their terms and conditions on delivery it says a signature on receipt is required, as I never received the delivery, they don't have a signature. They still insist it's up to me to investigate delivery. I believe my contract was with them and not their chosen delivery company. Where do I stand? I hope to get an appointment with Citizens Advice tomorrow in the hope to recover my £97.95 for Free Products. Thankfully I managed to get the company to dissolve future subscription and unwanted shipments to me. But I would dearly love to get my hard earned cash back even if I did unwittingly allow them access to it. Thank you in advance for your time and any advice. I feel quite ill for being so foolish
  18. Hi Everyone A friend of mine has Virgin TV, Internet and Phone line, Big kahuna On Saturday I rang him to see if he was OK, has serious heath issues. Went to see him and nothing was working, phone line not working so on. Anyway after a long phone call to Virgin this morning on friends behalf today Found out that some one had Maliciously phoned Virgin saying my friend had Died sometime at the end of March this year. Yes that's right told Virgin my friend was Deceased. My friend is very much alive and kicking this morning. I got Virgin to reconnect his telephone, Internet and TV within the next 48 hours or so and his virgin password had been changed. Virgin media have my contact details as added back up. I want to report this to the Police on my friend behalf, does anyone think a criminal offence may have been committed under one of the communication act, Just to add Virgin media where much help. Any advice would be welcome . Thank you in advance.
  19. We all know it is rubbish, but just to have a moan, trying to get through is a nightmare, You have to listen to minutes of unrelated information, give answers to a nanny voice and then to be a) told they are all busy- good bye or b) to be on hold with silly messages and infuriating music until you get bored or die of old age Quick enough of the mark when they want something though ! End of moan
  20. Hi all I am just looking for a bit of advice if anybody can help please. I purchased a £148 Stunt Scooter for my son from Pro-line Skates Online towards the end of November this year (2014) just a few weeks ago basically. When the scooter arrived we noticed the 'Grip-tape' was faulty. As I was going into town I thought I would pop into the store for them to replace the grip-tape. I was told that as I bought the scooter online they could not help me (even though it's the same business!) and I would need to go through the website to fix the problem. I did and I was sent a generic grip-tape which I cut to size. Sadly, this was not the end of the problems for this scooter. Nearly two weeks ago the scooter started to make horrible sounding clicking noises when the handlebar was turned. I made sure the bolts were tight etc, but the problem persisted. I emailed Pro-line skates and didn't receive a response. I emailed again, and again no response. I thought give and take for the holidays. I then finally received a response (Today) and was told to take it to their shop, another 10 mile round journey. I emailed back and said what happened the first time and I wasn't going to go back to the shop again to be told the same thing. Rather than saying the shop was wrong for turning me away they told me I never visited the shop and called me a liar! I figured that was a bit extreme as all I wanted was for them to pick the scooter up and repair it, at their expense for a change. Due to their stinking attitude I had a change of heart and decided I now wanted a full refund instead and they could stick their repairs somewhere else! I was not so politely told that in no way was I ever going to get any refund and "Legally" I have no right to a refund but "MUST" accept a repair. Maybe they are right, I don't know - but I do know I am extremely angry about this. I would have been happy for a repair but being called a liar really wound me up. Sorry if I've gone on a bit. Can anybody advise whether I must accept a repair, again at my cost travelling, or would I be entitled to a refund? Thanks for reading and any help. Clare
  21. Did you know that you can save in excess of £50 with BT or £60 with Virgin Media by paying your line rental annually. Now that has to be worth it.
  22. Hi All. My Father is nearly 80 and relies on his landline. He recently reported a problem on his line to his provider (Post Office) who confirmed there was a fault and advised him BT would be out to have a look. BT arrived a couple of days later and the engineer says there is a fault caused by water ingress and he needs a new connecter box in the house. He replaces this box and disappears. Next thing my Father is being charged by the Post Office £144 + VAT for this tiny box! No-one, not the engineer or the Post Office at any time suggested there would be a bill, let alone one for £144+VAT, they just did the work. He thought, as it was their box and their line, there would be no charge. Question is can they just do the work without advising him there would be a huge bill? Surely they should have quoted him for the work? Not only is he on a pension and can ill afford the cost, he is quite upset about it as he feels conned. The irony of it is that the water ingress came from the hole where the cable entered the house and wasn't sealed properly originally, so it is actually their fault anyway. Thanks in anticipation of any advice.
  23. Hi I have an issue with e bay and an one line store recently and wondered if some some could help me ? I ordered an item for halloween and paid extra to get the item for next day delivery after checking they were able to do so. I waited patiently to discover halloween came and still no outfit, i had struggled to find their telephone number to contact them and was still waiting on the reply to an e mail regarding this. I hadn’t been out in 2o years so this was a very special occasion to me and I love halloween so spent far to much on this so I could have a great time. In pure desperation I was trying the internet and any where to see if I could find their telephone number but still could not find them? In desperation I called one of the 118 numbers to see if they could help not knowing latter I would find out for this one call and they still didn’t have the number it would end up costing me £15.oo and being on a benefit its all a real struggle for me. When I finally found their number out of pure luck and (I have no idea) I phoned them and they seamed nice and did try to help, but they told me that some one had left the parcel bag some where and its probably been stolen. When I asked why didn’t they e mail or call to let me know I was given excuses of were not sure who’s have gone. The only thing he was able to do was to ring his people who he gets these orders from direct so I could get it their, but it was approx 1 /2 hours away one way in Halifax. Out of pure desperation I said I would collect checking with his first that the order was correct and the size I didn’t want to go all that way and find I couldn’t get it. He said it was correct so I drove to halifax knowing I would have to be quick because tonight I was due out, it wasn’t easily either because I have a condition that leaves me in a lot of pain. When I got their I was told the size I wanted 24 wasn’t available the item only went up to size 22 and this is stated on the from of the package which was very upsetting I only went for this item because the size was 24 but it was also an extra £25.00 because of this. I didn’t know what to do so all I could do was bring it home and try it, but when I did it didn’t fit I was very angry and upset and didn’t go out due to the journey took me far longer than I wanted leaving me late in a lot of pain and the out fit didn’t fit so my whole day was ruined. I feel very cheated and lied to about the size etc.. the out fit is no good to me really halloween is gone and it cost me £65.00 with out delivery etc I paid £72.00. It has just cost me a lot of upset and money instead of the night I was looking forward too. I was going to keep it in the hope of loosing weight by next year and having it here already, because I bought lots of other items to go with it. But feel very cheated and hurt by the company. I have sent them a e mail.. which is below along with a reply but not sure my rights etc and how to handle the situation from here on in.. Can some one one help me and give me some advise. Many thanks This is a copy of the actual letter sent to the company. I am writing due to buying this above order from your company recently, After struggling to to find your telephone number I had no choice but to check directory which latter I found cost me £15.00 to do so. But after speaking to you I discovered that my parcel was one that had probably been stolen and there was no way I could receive it on time for that night. Even though I ordered it with plenty of time and checked this would be ok and paid extra for delivery. You did try and help me but to get this order I had to drive to Halifax over 2 hours to get their then back. Costing me £17.00 in Petrol money one way only £34.00 in total, which you promised to reimburse. Before I left for Halifax I double checked that the order was correct especially the size and I was promise everything was correct, yet when I got their it clearly stated that these makes only went up to size 22 not 24 as promised In the advert. Which is the only reason I payed £25.00 extra with your self rather than others so I got the bigger size so I feel very cheated, and the clothes did not fit. By now I was very upset and annoyed being so put out and having to drive such a long way and pay well above the odds for an item that I did not receive and spent far to much on. I drove home which made me very late and was upset that the item did not fit and I had no costume to wear. As I explained via phone this was going to be my first halloween party (or just going out) in over 20 years. So I was very excited and looking forward to my favourite day of the year. Instead I have suffered a lot of upset and had to stay in. Not receiving my item. £15.00 on directory phone call for your number. Cost me extra in delivery £6.00. That didn’t turn up. Spent nearly 6 hours traveling to Halifax, also made me late. Costing me £34.00 in petrol. To collect a costume that did not fit, even though I checked the sizes again and again. I could of got this costume £25.00 cheaper If I hadn’t been lied to. (false advertising) Only to have to stay in and not go out on Halloween which was very upsetting. I was upset and angry after all I had been through, I am writing to collect the petrol money you promised me but also to let you know how upset I am I believe you let me down a lot and think you should rectify the situation on what I have lost out on. Yours Faithfully, THEIR REPLY Our contact number is on the shop. We have responded to your most recent message and we will honour the promise made to you on the phone that day. Regards Hi, First of all if you read the packaging make sure you are not reading the American size as you have received the correct size as we stated in one of the messages to you. The costume is a American brand and the size on the packet is American. If you doubt this fact check the manufacturers website. We also do not understand why it has took you so long to discuss this situation with us. You have also gone over the 14 day return period and you do realise that all costumes would be checked by quality control to test if they had been used or not. We have responded appropriately and honestly to your latest message. We will honour our promise made to you on the phone that day. We pulled the stops out to rescue a situation that was outside of our control. We have never lied to you about anything, our contact number is listed on the shop and we responded to your messages and sorted you a replacement costume with one of our contacts. Our price is what it is and you are free to choose to buy from us or not. Your claim of "False Advertising" is unfounded so be careful what you say, we will not take this matter up with e bay on this occasion due to the circumstances and we do feel that you was inconvenienced with this transaction but the issue was outside of our control and we did find a solution for you. The size of the costume is as stated and that is beyond doubt and can be confirmed by the warehouse. We have already lost the first costume in the post and we have paid for your replacement. We do except that this is not your fault and as per all previous communication clearly states you were very glad that we helped you and you leave it until now to contact us over 2 weeks after your event. So please do not now create problems as we rectified the situation in the only way we could and you agreed to collect the item. We did promise to cover you for the fuel cost and we will honour that promise. We can not refund you for that through e bay but we will refund you direct to your PayPal Account. If you wish to discuss the matter sensibly please ring us on …....... or …......... and we will gladly resolve the issue with you but we will compensate you for the fuel and the £6.00 delivery charge which will be £40.00. We are not obliged to do this but we will do as we feel that you made the effort of driving to collect a costume same day that we organised for you and we did promise to help out with the cost of doing so but do not take advantage with the claim for the other cost items. We appreciate the situation as we did at the time but we have done everything possible to rectify the situation. Regards
  24. Hi, I was wondering about the legalities of posting comments on line about an ongoing court case which is being reported on by the media. I expect its a definite no for twitter and facebook. But what about a forum What about a private, members only forum? Thanks!
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