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Found 19 results

  1. Hello everyone, Hope you can help. Last year I jumped a red light - not on purpose, didn't realise I had. When the letter with the offer of a condition FPN arrived, I was perfectly willing to hold up my hands as it was certainly my fault. I duly paid up the £100 and thought no more about it. Unfortunately, it being a few days before Christmas, I completely forgot to send in my driving license in order to have the requisite 3 points added. This weekend, a court summons arrived - which initially perplexed me as I had evidence I had paid the fine. A call to the magistrates office confirmed I had no court fine outstanding. During our conversation, I realised that I had forgotten to send in the license, so the adviser suggested a call to the local FPN office, but didn't foresee any major problems. Having just checked my bank account, for evidence I could produce that I had paid the fine, I discover that they have credited the fine, probably on the day they send out the court summons! Oh dear! Help! I've never had anything like this happen before and am quite anxious. When I rang the Met's FPN number, I discovered they were only between 9 and 12 and I spent the morning just trying to get through to all the right people. Can anyone give me any advice or guidance on what might happen next? Thanks.
  2. I recently got a notice to pay a £75 fine in the next few days to stop a court summons, however i had not received the FPN, and this was my first notification of it, I rung my council to speak with the most rude, abrupt person i have had the displeasure of speaking to, the letter was dated the 13th November, however between the 10-16th i was not in the country, however he magically comes out with saying the offence occurred on the 5th, i ask him for evidence, he refuses, and then says i need to dispute it, i said how can i dispute something i, have not received and have had no evidence for, i also explained that the "28 day notice was up on the 11th" not giving me proper time to dispute, he told me that he found it funny that i did not receive the original notice, ( i live in a block of flats with a communal post box and also communal waste area. Now i know for a fact i put my rubbish out every sunday night, ready for collection on monday, and are extra careful with personal information as i have been a victim of ID fraud previously, Where do i go from here? I also have evidence of the rubbish collectors not collecting all the bags, and theres still some bags left from the last pick up on monday
  3. Hi, My mother has just received an FPN for littering. Judging by the dates and location, the offence could only have been disposing of a cigarette butt out of the car window whilst driving. They haven't however given her any details or evidence of her committing the crime, just when and where. I'm not here to deny that it could have been her, or justify it (I hate the fact she smokes anyway, maybe this will prompt her to stop), but if it was a person who saw it rather than it being captured on film: - it's an offence carried out by a lot of people - are they sure it was her cigarette and not the car in front? - could have been mistaken in thinking she dropped/was about to drop it if her hand was held near the window? Can she request what evidence they have before she pays? If she can be shown she did it, then that's of course fair and she won't try and worm her way out of it. But without evidence (such as you get with parking charges, bus lane fines, etc) - well, hopefully you can understand it's frustrating to be made to pay out for something you don't know for sure whether you did. Thank you for any help. Curt
  4. hi On 8th August i received a letter from the council re: waste disposed of contrary to enviromental protect act 1990 and clean neighbourhood and enviroment act 2005 It says on 31st july enforcement officers witnessed the driver throw a cigarette butt out of the DRIVERS window and drive away ... etc etc if you wish the council to consider any representations, ie you were not the driver on the date and time mentioned, before making your decision please can you ring me to arrange a mutually convenient time for you to visit the council offices within the next 7 days. On the 8th i rang the given name and number and left a message with my name and number and asked to be called back....nothing....I rang again on the 11th and left the same message......nothing Today i received a FPN for £50 the attached letter states that a female driver was witnessed throwing a cigarette butt out of the drivers window... to conclude this matter you have limited options, pay now or go to court. on the fpn it says issued via post and printed below says the officer who has issued this notice has or will be making additional notes, you are encouraged to read and indicate the accuracy of these notes. Can anyone tell me how i get to see these notes, if no response from my calls. The offence is clearly not accurate as 1. my drivers window does not open, the motor has gone and been removed and so has the internal gubbins because we tried to make a manual window opener ? but failed so the window has been glued permanantly shut. 2. we dont smoke in the car because the window does not open. I am at a loss how they say i threw a butt from the window, i categorically did not. Should i pay this or go to court are the only options, but why should i pay for something i did not do. any advice please
  5. Hi all, I am after a bit of advice regarding a Fixed Penalty Notice issued to my father from our local council. It was issued to him for smoking in his car (which is a taxi and therefore classed as a smoke free place). It was originally issued for something else (smoking in a bus station) but was changed by the person issuing it. Now the council have no evidence at all other than the original allegation. There is no photographic proof, no video, no cctv and no other witnesses. Just the one statement. As it was on a Sunday, both my father and the "licencing officer" were on a day off. He was sent the original ticket through the post, but as they sent the wrong part, and the wrong details were put on it, the licencing officer knocked on his door, said he had an important document about his taxi licence, then handed him the new one. She didn't know his address so she looked it up on their database of licensed taxi drivers that the council have. In her statement she says that she followed him as he picked up his family and then went shopping. She actually followed him in her car to the supermarket, waited outside while they went shopping, then followed him home until he pulled into a police station. This in total was over an hour and a half. We went to court this month to plead not guilty, and that is where we are at now. He is not entitled to legal aid, and can not afford a solicitor. My questions are as follows: 1. Am I right in saying that the onus is on the council to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he was indeed smoking in his taxi, or have I been watching too many ITV crime dramas. 2. If so can he be found guilty based on just the one statement from the council? 3. Would it be a case of him having to prove his innocence and having to come up with reasons why she would lie? 4. Are there data protection issues with them looking up his home address on their taxi drivers database to issue tickets like these? 5. Is it worth going down the road of asking why she didn't take a snap or two on her camera phone? Any help or advice from people who have had some experience with this would be really useful. Thanks.
  6. Hi, I got a parking ticket in December - my fault because I didn't know there were now restrictions. I paid up the £30 by Debit card the same day and forgot about it. Yesterday I received a letter saying that I hadn't paid said penalty and if I didn't pay up they would increase the amount to £45. I checked with my Bank who confirmed the time and date of payment, and said that the transaction appeared on my statement for the following day. As I didn't bother with a receipt from the gov.uk website, and I don't have the original ticket, what should I do next? I have tried phoning the local Enforcement Unit without success, so what should I do next? I know I am in the right, and does this occur regularly? Thanks, Mike
  7. Hi, apologies if this is the wrong forum, but.... I got caught driving in a bus lane in Glasgow - hadn't even noticed it was one - and got sent a Fixed Penalty Notice of £60, reduced to £30 if I paid within 28 days. I went online and paid it. Or at least thought I had. The transaction looked complete, there were nothing to suggest that it had failed. I have sufficient funds to pay. You can guess the rest - I later received a letter saying that I hadn't paid, and that the fine had been increased to £90. I appealed, explaining that it was their system that had failed to take payment, and hadn't told me it had failed, and I said I would pay the £30 again. Much later, I received a letter saying that the appeal had failed, and I must pay within 7 days. I really don't want to pay, when I've done everything I was supposed to do! Any advice? thanks.... Paul
  8. Hi, I received a Fixed Penalty Notice for parking in a residents bay whillst I was loading/unloading my company car from a business address. The Police Officer said as he had already started writing out the ticket he could not cancel it. I have a few questions: I only received Parts 3(payment slip), 4(vehicle defects) and 5(court request), Is that correct? There is no details of my car on the notice, although I cant see where it could be written as there is only space for drivers details. if there is no car details on the notice how can they chase me/my company for payment? I wish to appeal against the notice but do I complete Part 5 for a court hearing, write to my local authority although I am not sure who exactly I appeal to or do I wait for a notice to owner letter to arrive? Sorry for all the questions but the notice I received is not clear.
  9. I just want help in clarifying whether I received a Notice of registration of fixed penalty and collection order for £135 as the courts believe I didn't pay the initial Fixed penalty notice I received for £80 (the policeman crossed out £80 and said it had gone up to £90)? I was unable to pay £90 online or over the phone so paid the £80 set on the website for fixed penalty notices and got the payment reference number. I have now received a Notice of registration from London South East and Central Courts ordering I pay £135. I'm confused as the policeman said I would just have to pay the £80/90 and on the back of the FPN it says "if you choose to pay no further action will be taken in respect of the offence detailed in part 1.." Can anyone advise on why I have received this or what I can do before I phone tomorrow?
  10. Hi, I received a Fixed penalty notice for shoplifting in August and paid the fine the next day. The policeman at the time scribbled out the printed £80 on the Metropolitan Police Service Penalty Notice and said "it had gone up to £90" which he then wrote next to it. I tried paying over the phone but for some reason kept being told to try again later and the call dropping, so I paid online where there was no option to change the £80 to £90. I started receiving letters from Loss Prevention Ltd for £147 which I have ignored on the advice from this forum but today received a Notice of Registration of fixed penalty and collection order from London South East and Central Courts for £135. I am obviously willing to pay the £135 fine to make this all go away (considering the policeman said paying the original FPN would be the end of it unless I did something again) but I'm worried I will continue to receive letters from Loss prevention ltd. threatening me for more than what the court wants... I just want to know whether anyone has had a similar case and why I received this notice from the courts. I did read somewhere amongst my research that it may have been because the OP didn't pay the first Fixed penalty notice, which is making me wonder whether because I couldn't pay £90 they believe I haven't paid anything! Please help?
  11. Hello to all, I was caught using my mobile phone whilst driving (bluetooth had not operated and answered a call) went through all the relevant questions and got a Fixed Penalty Notice, and a 'produce' ticket. I mislaid my Paper Licence, and went to local police Station, with other papers, and told them i had mislaid paper licence. Desk Sargent said don't do anything you will get a court date, The court date finally arrived, and i did not contest the Offence, just my explanation, to why i was using at that time. I didnt hear from the Court until a demand notice came demanding 197.00 ( the fine was 3 points and 86.00 pounds. I made an appeal, saying that i wasn't given the opportunity to pay the Fixed Penalty as was advised against it because paper licence was mislaid. Now the case has gone to High Court Appeal, and i am worried that i might incur more court charges, if they do not accept my explanation of events. can anyone suggest a course of action , or a letter to write in to the court? any help or comments would be appreciated, regards
  12. Hello I'd appreciate some help here please. Back in December, there was an incident where a friend drove a relative's car where a speeding ticket was incurred. My relative wasn't the driver or in the car but it was her car so she got the notice in the post. She quickly replied she was not the driver and named the person (my friend) she believed was the driver at the time. My friend sometimes stays at the relative’s address but not always. Anyway, a few notices were then sent to my relative in the name of my friend which my friend (the driver at the time) apparently did not respond to. A Court Summons FPN has now arrived at my relative's address in my friend's name. My friend insists he was not guilty of the speeding offence and suggested that something may have been wrong with the camera that awarded the ticket. Also, the court summons has misspelt his name and he's wandering how best to plead/address the matter. The summons was received on 16th of May with apparently 7 days given just to defend it or plead Not Guilty. Kindly please urgently assist. Many thanks.
  13. I broke down today on a minor A road about three car lengths away from the traffic lights , and I had turned my engine off, put the handbrake on and put the warning lights on. I had dialled the number for Tesco breakdown, and I was in the process of moving over to the passenger side when a police van passed on the other side, and one of the officers mouthed at me to get off my phone. If I do receive anything in the post (I don't know how FPNs work), what should I do? I was not actually driving the vehicle, and everything was switched off, so was I committing an offence or not? I'm not trying to dodge the fine, I just don't know whether I was in the right or the wrong.
  14. Hi, 6 months ago, I was in TK Maxx one the phone, and walked out with a bag. I was on the phone with my mum. I DID NOT REALISE I had taken it from the premises. All of a sudden, two men came up to me and asked me to follow them back into the store as I had just stolen a bag. I realised what had happened and followed them immediately, apologising. They conducted a search of my bag, and because I am a architecture student, I had on me a pair of pliers and two scalpels. They asked me to confirm my story and show them ID, but all I had was my student card on me, which did not have what course I studied. Therefore, they called the police. The police came and they said they had no option but to issue me a £80 fine, which, I being embarrassed and just wanted to leave, took it and paid. I paid the £80 and decided to put it to the back of my mind. Only recently has it come to my attention again. I currently work with disabled children on the weekends. I always have since I was 17. However, I need to have my CRB check renewed, so I wondered if this penalty charge would show up on my enhanced CRB. As well as this, I have a temporary job helping in a college, which again requires a CRB check. I wondered if it would show on here. I truly believe this incident is not my fault apart from walking out with a bag by accident. It is even worse how it could affect me now.
  15. Whilst working in darlington i recieved a FPN for littering Whilst i did drop a cigarette on the floor, i believe i was on private property whilst doing it. I have 2 days to appeal it, otherwise it goes up by £25 Now looking at the letter, they have spelt my surname incorrectly. Does this give me more grounds to appeal? Thanks
  16. Hi, I am writing to ask for advice on behalf of a friend of mine who has landed himself in hot water. Person was issued with Fixed Penalty Notice / Magistrates Court Fine, paid some of the balance, but due to an error (payment sent at post office, receipt lost as purse got lost/stolen, courts have no record of payment received), case has now been referred to bailiff. What was a £45 fine is now £345 as bailiff pushed a notice of distress form through the door making a levy on the car. Whilst researching, I found this on Philips' website: HMCTS new fee structure from 1st January 2012 Financial Distress Warrant - Administrative Fee {for all administrative activity associated with the service i.e. tracing} £85 Financial Distress Warrant - Attendance Fee {to cover all visits made and actions taken recoverable on 1st visit} £215 As these add up to £300 it looks as though these are the fees that have been charged. No payment has been to sent to the bailiff yet and as there is no proof that a the payment was sent to the court, my friend is willing to accept this money as lost. However, being unemployed and having young children in his household (one of whom is disabled) he simply cannot afford to pay this amount upfront as being demanded by the bailiff letters. What is the best action to take at this stage? Pay £45 to the court (online this time!) or set up a payment plan and let the slimeballs have their money? Hope to get this sorted ASAP so thought this was the best place to post, *fingers crossed*
  17. Hi there. I was given a FPN for price swap/shoplifitng 14 months ago in Tescos, and was just wondering what the deal was with this and disclosures for future jobs. What is the difference between a Caution and a FPN, do you either get one or the other or can you get both, as I dont remember getting anythin that said 'caution' on it, but I did definitely get FPN of £80. I have read conflicting information saying that FPNS do not show up, even on enhanced disclosures, but that cautions do. Is this right? Also for jobs that require a standard disclosure do cautions not even show up? I want to try and establish if I recieved a caution or not, what happens if you recieve one anything in particular? Its been a year and 2 months now and want to move on, but cant if I still have reprocussions from the past event. Thanks Rob
  18. We took our kids to Winter Wonderland on the 2nd January Bank Holiday and parked about 730pm with hundreds of other cars - that were not ticketed at the time - but parked in double lines down the centre aisle of South Carriage Drive. We couldn't see any signs saying you shouldn't park there and no one else had a ticket. After driving around for a bit someone pulled out and we manged to get into a section that was only one car in thickness (honestly there were hundreds parked up and down that section). We went and enjoyed ourselves, came back about twenty past ten to find hardly any cars left and all the ones that were there did have tickets. I've had a look through a few of the forums and can't see anyone else kicking up a fuss yet. It was obviously issued by a PC does that mean it's a criminal offence - I've never had one of these before. Where do you begin? Here's all the info I have on it. Many thanks in advance for any suggestions/help, it will be gratefully received. Regards I would put all the links and images here but the forum won't let me. Any ideas how I can give you the IMG's of the car, the location of the site and the images of the parking tickets without uploading links and images?
  19. I received a road side FPN for speeding a couple of months ago. I have a couple of issues with it though. 1. The officer has not signed the FPN. 2. The speed wrote on the FPN is different to that on the court prosecution letter i received. Was i supposed to be written to within 21 days of the expiry of the FPN payment date? Just to add, I refused to sign the FPN when I was given it as the officers were very abrupt. Where do i stand, can anybody help?
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