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  1. Hi all My wife recently received a County Court Claim Form which we have decided to dispute in full. I've completed the details below. I would be really grateful for your help with next steps. From reading other threads it seems my next move should be to send a CCA request to the Claimant and a CPR 31:14 request to the legals reps. Is this correct? Thanks --- Name of the Claimant: Cabot Financial (UK) Limited Date of issue: 09 Jan 2019 - Defence form submitted online on 24 Jan 2019 What is the claim for: By an agreement between JD Williams Ltd Re Fashion World & the Defendant dated 11/10/2015 ('the Agreement') JD Williams Ltd Re Fashion World agreed to issue the Defendant with a credit account. The Defendant failed to make the minimum payments Due & the Agreement was terminated. The Agreement was assigned to the Claimant. THE CLAIMANT THEREFORE CLAIMS 1. 688.36 2. Costs Have you received prior notice of a claim being issued pursuant to paragraph 3 of the PAPDC (Pre Action Protocol)? No Have you changed your address since the time at which the debt referred to in the claim was allegedly incurred? No Did you inform the claimant of your change of address? N/A What is the total value of the claim? £688.36 amount claimed + £60.00 court fee + £70.00 legal representative's costs = £818.36 Is the claim for: Catalogue When did you enter into the original agreement before or after April 2007? After Is the debt showing on your credit reference files (Experian/Equifax /Etc...)? ***Wife is checking - will update*** Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim Unsure Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? No Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? No Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year? No Why did you cease payments? Account was settled What was the date of your last payment? Unsure Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? No Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? No, as N/A
  2. Hello This morning I received a letter titled "Overdue Account" from Lowell chasing a JD williams debt. I am not sure of any dates or information regarding this account. I believe my next step is to SAR JD Williams to get all information. It is possible that this defaulted in October 2011. If someone could someone give me a nudge in the right direction that would be amazing. Thanks DC
  3. Hello everyone. I hope you are all well. Would like help, or information regarding my trouble. Fashion World passed over to Reliable Collections in 2009 Passed next to Scotcall (which inc.' from same adDress - Westcot, Fredrickson and Moorcroft) 2010 Passed to S.C.Gray Solicitors Jan.2011 Passed to Advanced Investigation Services Feb.2011 Passed to Cabot Fin.Services 2014 who hired Mackenzie Hall on same date to also contact me for payment. Passed back completely to Cabot Dec.2015 who sent me a statement of account (I didn't request it) Cabot then hired Mortimer Clarke Solicitors which I didn't know about, and I received a County Court Claim Form (N1SDT) I have asked 4 of the above - Reliable, Scotcall, S.C.G. Solicitors for a CCA - never been provided with one. Hence it kept getting passed back to Fashion World. I have also asked Fashion World for it. No reply. My only trouble is, I cannot find my receipts of proof from 2009 to 2010. I have them somewhere but I cant remember where I put them. I dont know if I can still request another from these people and Cabot etc. I only have a short time to respond and I have not yet filled in form online to dispute it. Please help advise. would be grateful. Thank you.
  4. Hi does anyone know who to complain to please re this company? I have an on going problem with them and feel they are fobbing me of so need to make a formal complaint Many thanks Sandy
  5. Hello, I am new here but have referred to the site quite often for advice. Unfortunately I now have my own problem. I have a Fashion World Online Account and have ordered without problem since 2013. Recently I ordered a Tutti Bambini Cot Bed for my new grandson. I have copies (screenshots) of all details in the advert and do this as a matter of course now. My son advised me that the bed was delivered this morning but without a mattress. This cotbed was £199 plus a delivery charge from FW of another £10 plus their £3.50 on top......fine. I looked at the advert again and nowhere does it state that the cotbed doesn't come with a mattress. I started live chat with a chap called Samuel who, after I told of the problem, advised me that the cotbed doesn't come with a mattress. I asked him whereabouts in the ad it stated that and he advised me, for the price, it's not included. That's all well and good but that was not stated anywhere in the ad. Do I have any recourse with this situation at all? Do I just take Samuel's word that it's not included in the price and buy another? I can post attachments of the ads description if anyone needs this. Any advice would be very much appreciated. Thank you May
  6. Hi i am brand new to this forum, i have a question, i began purchasing goods from fashion world about 3yrs ago, also Littlewoods & very.co.uk, however i have noticed that my minimum payments seem to be going up, yet i pay regular upon looking close, there are so many credit charges that vary and late fees of £12, no wonder it keeps rocketing have i entered into a written agreement with them, i found this on fashion worlds website If we enter a credit agreement with you, we will also supply details of your agreement with us to the credit reference agencies, as well as ongoing details of your account and how you manage it. If you do not repay on time or in full, we will tell the credit reference agencies who will record details of the debt. All this information will be seen by other organisations carrying out later searches. Information held about you by the credit reference agencies may already be linked to records relating to those with whom you are financially linked. For the purposes of credit searching you may be treated as financially linked and you will be assessed with reference to any 'associated' records. We may make periodic searches of our records, credit reference and fraud prevention agencies to manage your account with us, to take decisions regarding credit, including whether to make credit available or to continue to extend existing credit. These searches will not be available to other lenders for credit assessment purposes. You will have the right to access your personal records held by credit and fraud agencies. We will supply their name and addresses upon request to Data Protection Compliance Officer at Griffin House, 40 Lever Street, Manchester M60 6ES. We, the credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies may also use the records for statistical analysis about credit, insurance and fraud It starts by saying IF we enter into a credit agreement, does that mean i have or not? i have not put my signature to anything so far from any catalogue, sorry but i don't understand whether i am in or out and it worries me, can they charge these ridiculous charges all the time?
  7. Hi, Im brand new to this forum and would appreciate a little advice? I'm in a lot of debt problems and I'm only just starting to face up to them and deal with it. a year or so ago i ordered from a few catalogue companies, one being Fashion World...i think the whole company comes under JDWillams ltd. ...anyway i have been getting letters and phone calls and now today a letter to say someone will be "making an appointmnet to contact me at home" today, which I'm sure is just to scare me into doing something, but the reason i need advice is that i have never signed a credit agreement with them, i ordered stuff...they sent it out along with a credit agreement for me to sign and return which i never did at the time. so where do i stand in terms of my debt with them if i never actually signed a credit agreement? i would really appreciate any advice i can get, i live alone and I'm struggling to face up to my mistakes and deal with it all the last thing i need is people calling at my door asking for money. Thanks
  8. Hi, i hope i am posting this in the correct place. Just after some advice really, i have had an account with fashion world since 2011, i lost my job at the end of April and also my relationship broke down, i am still living in the house and my ex has agreed to keep paying the mortgage til we can arrange to sell the house. I contacted Fashion World by email as i was fed up of sitting in a queue waiting to speak to them, i have since had the phone disconnected and i have advised them i can only be contacted by letter. My friend is kindly allowing me use her internet to look/apply for jobs etc and also to come on here for advice. When i emailed them my balance was £1,839.01 on the 19th April, i clearly stated my situation and i also requested that they stop all interest and charges as this wouldn't help anyone. I had a courtesy message saying they would get someone to contact me within 3 days, i heard nothing. I then sent the same message again they finally responded on the 19th June saying they could not stop interest or charges and that they agreed to me paying them £21 month every 28 days for 6 months then the account would be reviewed. I haven't as yet paid them a penny as i can't believe the charges are more than my monthly payment, surely if they want this debt sorted they should allow me to at least try and start clearing the debt!? My latest letter was a default notice dated 31st July and i have til 19th August to respond with full payment! My balance is now £2143.39 so they have added £304.38 in interest and charges. I am not really in a position to pay £21 but my mum has said she'll help due to the situation, thankfully i don't have much debt other than this, but until i find another job even £21 is going to be hard going on job seekers, i still need to eat!!!!!! Can anyone advise what is my best course of action, i have seen a few other posts on here and some have mentioned reclaiming the charges etc and also if they won't assist with stopping the charges that i should tell them i am only going to pay £1 month for the life of the balance, how is that going to be acceptable, i am so worried about it being taken to court, but if i am paying token amounts surely they cannot do this? Any help or advice is very appreciated.
  9. Hi everyone, I would really like some advice please, I have been a fashion world customer since March 1993 and have always kept up with payments, unfortunately my husband suffered an industrial injury and was forced to give up work and our lives were thrown into financial disarray. I contacted all my creditors and all were helpful and froze any interest and allowed me to pay smaller payments except for Fashion World who didn't seem to care and refused to reduce my payments or freeze interest on my account, as you can imagine I have been through the demanding letters, constant phone calls and scare tactics! my account was then passed over to their in house DCA called Reliable Collections and it was then I eventually agreed some time ago to pay them £47 per month which family members helped me to pay this was until I was no longer able to do so I contacted them again to explain that I was struggling to provide for my two children let alone find £47 for them I sent them a polite letter telling them I was no longer willing to pay £47 and would until my situation changed pay them £10 per month and could they kindly stop all interest and other charges so I could just concentrate on paying the debt up, they refused and said they couldn't accept such a low offer, but I went ahead anyway and have been paying the £10 for the past year or so, but the interest keeps getting higher and I now owe about £700 more than my debt was to start with due to interest and charges. They do not contact me by phone anymore because we moved house and so our tel number changed which is light relief! they continue sending letters and the last one mentioned that I was expected to pay what they demand due to the agreement I signed, but I wasn't aware of any agreement and so I know I haven't signed one, I again wrote to them asking for a copy of the agreement, they replied saying due to the age of my account they could not provide me with a 'true copy' of the agreement (copy of my letter attached) they do say if I contact them they may be able to reduce my payments? I'm wondering why they can help me now when they refused before? I am not disputing the fact that I do owe them money and that I do have to pay them back but I do not want to pay all the interest that they refused to freeze or any of the charges, I could understand if I had just stopped paying for no reason at all. Can anyone please advise me what to do next? I'm happy to continue paying £10 per month but would like to know where I stand with the interest and charges? Sorry my post is so long!
  10. Hi everyone, After a little advice please regarding Fashion World catalogue. My niece sent a SAR to FW regarding my sisters account (she is acting as her rep with her debts as my sister is ill and unable to manage her affairs at this time) so that she could see the state of the account before making any arrangements to pay. All she got back was a load of bumpf that wasn't very helpful so she sent another letter asking for a copy of the credit agreement and statements since account was opened in about June 2010. She has received a reply saying that they 'do not hold any copies of the credit agreement for this particular account' and that they do not hold duplicate statements? - Would this be the case for an account only dating back to 2010? My niece has said that the info sent with the SAR shows only 9 x £12.00 administration charges - 5 of which have been reversed but says as my sister hasn't maintained the account since she got ill in 2011 this doesn't seem right. We're just wondering if anyone could offer any advice of what our next move should be please? The account balance is about £1200 and my sisters receiving threats of doorstep collectors, court and good old reliable collections (despite my niece being her representative). Many thanks Up2
  11. ********* POSTING FOR A FRIEND******** Hi just some general advice really. I have had these accounts for many many years and never failed with them until recently when i was taken ill at work. I have spent some time in hospital and as a result lost my job so on discharge i come home to find several letters including one threatening one from reliable lol ignored and filed under bin! So I faxed JD Williams direct and asked them to put my account on hold for 28 days while seeking advice. They have refused point blank but offered me a few low payments on 3 then a massive £37 a month on one.. yes it is the one I have had the longest and owe the most debt too but I cannot afford that. So in my reply I have asked for them to reduce this and also for reliable to be stopped in their attempts to threaten/bully me in the meantime. would you accept that this would be a good response or will they still refuse? I also am sure I took insurance out at the time to protect myself in case of sickness bereavement etc.. I have also asked them to look into this as well. I have no objection to paying as it is MY debt and up until November 2012 I was actively using them and paying them (more than minimum payment) correctly. many thanks in advance everyone just trying to help a friend out.
  12. Hi, Around 10 months ago, I bought a bed from Fashion World online catalogue. We desperately needed a new bed, and didn't have the money at the time which is why we chose Fashion World as I have an account with them. A couple of months ago, it became apparent that the bed was falling apart, it creaks every time you so much as move a muscle and the springs are sticking up through the mattress - it is extremely uncomfortable. We've taken to sleeping on a spare duvet and blankets to make it bearable. Around a month ago, I contacted FW and explained the situation and said that the bed was non repairable and would need replacing. I heard nothing for a few days and was then told that I must ring Silentnight Beds directly and they would help. I contacted SN as requested, but was lead on a merry go round ride through different persons/departments etc before finally being told that I would need to contact FW directly as they are the retailer. One month on, and I'm still waiting for a proper answer from FW. They say that if I agree they will instruct SN beds to pickup and replace the said bed. I have said that I'm not prepared to have another SN miracoil bed as online reviews are all slating them. I have requested a full refund so that I can purchase a different brand bed from FW. I have so far been told that SN beds are unauthorised to refund my money??? I am under the impression that as the product is under 12 months old, and as it appears to be unfit for purpose, I am entitled to a full refund. Is this right? Assuming that I am entitled to a full refund, do they have to pick up the bed? It's a kingsize, and I had to pay a £55 delivery supplement (£58.99 total) when I purchased the bed. I certainly can't afford that kind of charge to get it back to them! Any help anyone could give would be great... TIA
  13. Hi All I would appreciate some help and advice, as I have been in dispute with Fashion World and Reliable Collections now for almost a year. I had a catalogue account and got into some financial difficulties. At the time, I informed the catalogue company and offered to set up a repayment plan if they provided me with some bank details. At the time I owed £1432, of which there were numerous admin charges, which I tried to reclaim, but they just ignored.At the time, I calculated I owed about £750 with charges and interest removed. x It was soon passed to Reliable collections and they have continued to add charges and interest. The outstanding balance now stands at £2600. Is there an ombudsman or financial body that I can report Reliable collections to, and also get the interest stopped.
  14. Hello is there anybody that knows who the CEO of Fashion World is and there Email address - I have been treated so badly by Fashion World today - I will explain - Today I got a letter from S C Gray Solicitors Ltd saying Fashion World had passed my debt over to them and I needed to pay within so many days ect I was really shoked by this because since the end of last year with the help of the CAB I have been paying Fashion World £5 a month by standing order through my bank account - I checked with my bank and they told me I have paid every month since it was set up so I phoned Fashion World to find out what was going on and to make sure they had been recieving the payments going from my bank - I spoke to a lady asked her if Fashion World had recieved any of my money she replied " yes we have recieved every payment from you by standing order " I said thats great have I missed any payments ??? she said " No none at all " I then said thats great but can you then explain to me why you have transfered my debt to this S C Gray Solicitors Ltd company if I have paid every month without missing any payments at all - She said " well its because your only paying £5 a month so we sold your debt off to a 3rd party to get the money back from you " I said I beg your pardon !!!! I am paying £5 a month by standing order , it was all set up with the help of the debt adviser at the CAB everything was sent by letter stating it was ok - I then told the lady that the reason I was only paying £5 a month is because I am disabled and I don't work I am on disability benefits and this was the most I could afford - She then started talking over the top of me louder saying " you didn't fill in the form we sent you " ummmm What form ??? I haven't had a form from you , or any letter saying you hadn't recieved the a form - The only letters I have had from Fashion World is stating how my balance was going ... I told her it isn't my fault if I haven't had the form she said well this is why we sold your debt off - So without telling me - Without any letters stating I hadn't returned a form because if I'd had a letter stating this I would of contacted them explaining I'd not had any form in the first place - she finished with well there's nothing I can do about it then asked me to do a customer survey on her performance .... I hung up !!!! She didn't explain to me what I should do now or should I canel my standing order going to Fashion world ... So I phoned up S C Gray Solicitors Ltd and spoke to a very friendly man who helped me sort everything out - I set up a new standing order for payments to go to them and he told me to go into my bank tomorrow to cancel my standing order to Fashion World so they wouldn't get anymore money from me .... This man also told me his company don't buy debt from companies they are given the details to follow the debt through - As I said I am disabled and my illnesses are made alot worse by stress so having a letter from a debt collection company has made me feel very ill and I am completely drained by it all feeling sick and on edge by all of this ... So I want to complain firstly about my account getting passed to a debt company for no reason and secondly because of the way the lady spoke to me on the phone she was so rude to me ... If anybody knows the email address or any other contact info would be great Thankyou Amanda
  15. Hello. Last year I made a successful claim for unlawful charges against Fashion World in which they paid back roughly about £300. However within the same year they started adding charges again and I also noticed they now also charge me around £5 a month for a credit charge as they reactivated my account suddenly without any go ahead from me, no new cca signed or letter informing me. Are they breaking any laws here and what would you advise I do?. Thank you.
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