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  1. Thank you, i will try this template letter, adjusting it accordingly.
  2. Hi it seems crazy the amount of charges they lump on to me at the moment, its increasingly difficult to keep them at bay for example, here is a copy from the Very catalogue 02 Mar 2015 Debt Collection Letter Fee £12.00 - 07 Mar 2015 Missed Minimum Payment Fee £12.00 - 07 Mar 2015 Account Interest £13.68 i owe them £164 in one payment £115 are arrears, their version of helping you is to place further fee's putting you deeper in debt, until there are more money going out in fee's than the payment for the product you were paying for in the first place, and all they quote to me is the consumer act or something from 1974. my question is, by what authority or law could i ask these company's to give me copie's of all my catalogue statements since i began with them, as i need them to calculate the fee's in order to claim them back, i have enclose an attachment of from who & what they keep sending me by letter. tell me what u think?
  3. Thank you for your help i got the spreadsheet and i am now fishing out all my admin fees from 2007 onwards from fashion world, littlewoods & very.co.uk, some statements are missing, but i do still have quite a few left which were buried in my loft somewhere which i never thought i would need, when i see just how much these people make off credit charges, admin charges & late fees, i am shocked, they always seem to come up with a fee for something, so a minimum monthly payment can be a basic £30, but when all the fees and credit charges are put on it ends up being £76 which is ridiculous, anyway, once again thank you for your input.
  4. Well so far on fashion world since July this year i have had 3 admin charges of £12 each and six credit charges ranging from £4:50 to £17:00 what can i do about them, no wonder these people make a fortune, any idea's? Thank you for your input by the way
  5. Hi i am brand new to this forum, i have a question, i began purchasing goods from fashion world about 3yrs ago, also Littlewoods & very.co.uk, however i have noticed that my minimum payments seem to be going up, yet i pay regular upon looking close, there are so many credit charges that vary and late fees of £12, no wonder it keeps rocketing have i entered into a written agreement with them, i found this on fashion worlds website If we enter a credit agreement with you, we will also supply details of your agreement with us to the credit reference agencies, as well as ongoing details of your account and how you manage it. If you do not repay on time or in full, we will tell the credit reference agencies who will record details of the debt. All this information will be seen by other organisations carrying out later searches. Information held about you by the credit reference agencies may already be linked to records relating to those with whom you are financially linked. For the purposes of credit searching you may be treated as financially linked and you will be assessed with reference to any 'associated' records. We may make periodic searches of our records, credit reference and fraud prevention agencies to manage your account with us, to take decisions regarding credit, including whether to make credit available or to continue to extend existing credit. These searches will not be available to other lenders for credit assessment purposes. You will have the right to access your personal records held by credit and fraud agencies. We will supply their name and addresses upon request to Data Protection Compliance Officer at Griffin House, 40 Lever Street, Manchester M60 6ES. We, the credit reference agencies and fraud prevention agencies may also use the records for statistical analysis about credit, insurance and fraud It starts by saying IF we enter into a credit agreement, does that mean i have or not? i have not put my signature to anything so far from any catalogue, sorry but i don't understand whether i am in or out and it worries me, can they charge these ridiculous charges all the time?
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