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Found 12 results

  1. Hi Was just after a bit of advice if possible, I joined a local exercise 4 less on 16.02.2015, I chose to pay £19.99 per month as this was a rolling membership at that time i was still residing in a different part of the country so there would be periods of over a month without me being able to go . After a couple of months I cancelled my direct debit as I was going back to were I resided and didn't want to get a charge for the month although I haven't been to the gym (as i know some companies do this). Came back to permanently live here and re joined the gym under a rolling contract again and have been using regularly up until October 2017 which is when I paid a £30 admin fee to change the £9.99 and have been paying this ever since with no issues and still am. On 18.01.2018 I had a letter through the post which reads : We've been employed by e4l as your membership remains in arrears as a result of this , our fees totaling £102.50 have been added , therefore your account balance now stands at £237.50. On 18.01.2018 I called up the gym who said it has been passed to CRS as i cancelled the Direct debit in 2015. On 19.01.2018 I then called up the gym to get all the details of when i joined and cancelled and re joined and so on , the start date they gave me was 16.02.2015 but they couldn't give me anymore details and asked me to contact Harlands . This is just a quick email to see if there is somebody here who can help , I think its disgusting as I only had a rolling membership at the time and if I owed them a months price I would do ,and am now getting billed this extortionate amount three years after i joined the gym and when i cancelled, I have read through a few of these threads were people are going through the same process but thought I would message in as every situation is different Thank you in advance James
  2. Hi ,I would please like some advice please regarding this matter. me and my partner signed a 12 month contract at exercise 4 less last December 2016. In August 2016 I decided we wanted to end the membership and cancelled the direct debit. Since then to which it is still continuing they will not leave us alone ,to the point of harassment now. I've been in touch with citizens advice and consumer helpline but they are not helping the situation , they told me to pay up. I've wrote to Harlonds/CRS numerous times and the matter is not getting dealt with . I have writhen to come to an amicable resolution . I even came to an agreement to pay but a few days later I got a letter from there so called dept recovery . I rang and they said they have no recollection of me calling. So now they have written to me again and said they have recalled the phone call and are willing to settle the dept for me and my partner for £157 for them to go away I've had enough now , can you give some advice please so I can deal with them once and for all thanks gemma
  3. Hi all, I bought an exercise bike last April online from Amazon using a 3rd party seller. The braking system has developed a fault which means now the bike is useless as pressure can no longer be applied to the spinning wheel using the friction pad. I have unscrewed the braking system today, it is an extremely simple mechanism using a bolt and a nut and a couple of springs. I have discovered that the nut that screws onto the bolt which you turn to control the tension is slipping which means that no pressure can be put upon the brake pad. Here is a vid I have made today showing the nut slipping along the bolt which clearly shouldn't be the case:- sendvid.com/d459adnc And a pic showing the nut and bolt:- I am currently awaiting reply from the comapany after sending them the video this morning. So the question is am I protected by any consumer law? as I believe this to be a manufacturing defect as in my eyes a metal nut and bolt should not become loose like that in such a short amount of time with. Thanks
  4. Hi everyone, I was hoping someone could help me I joined exercise 4 less under a year ago with no 12 month contract paying 19.99 per month, around the new year I moved and it became increasingly harder to get to the gym as my house is now further away from it, I submitted a cancellation form to exercise 4 less website on 29th February as I wasn't going anymore, they said they would take one more payment off me as there was a 30 day cancellation period and not to cancel the direct debit myself they would do it for me. I recently checked my bank account and noticed harlands has taken another 19.99 payment from me, after reading horror stories on here about the trouble people go through to cancel their membership and with harlands I'm not happy, I tried ringing the gym to sort this out and I've been blown off, they took my details promising to ring me back and it's now been 2 days and no phone call. If anyone can help with what I should do next it would be greatly appreciated. Also is there any chance I could get a refund for the second payment they've taken as they only said they would take one? Many thanks Amib93
  5. READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-and-france-launch-rapid-deployment-exercise
  6. Hi all so sorry for this... been a member for approx 2.5 years re joined January 15 so now out of contract, not used the gym for some time prob 6 months or so went on there site to cancel but couldn't find the "W" no that i was given when first joining to fill out the cancelation form, So instead Thought I knew better and canceled the direct debit now Im thinking I've done the wrong thing as I have received a letter from Harlands stating the normal- " ref your membership to exercise 4 less harlands administer the collection of all payments due under your membership agreement with exercise 4 less and your bank have recently advised us that your direct debit instruction has been cancelled. the membership agreement you signed states that all payments must be made by direct debit. Therefore, you must call HARLANDS HELPLINE-01444 449033 immediately in order for us to reinstate your direct debit over the telephone. If you do not call us by the 13 march 16 you will be charged a £25.00 administration fee. the telephone lines are open 9.00 am to 1.00 pm and 2.00pm to 5.00pm monday to friday I would just roll over when i see a letter like this simply because i have no idea what I'm talking about in these type of matters, but when i received the letter something didn't seem right so hence why Iam here asking for your advice..... I take I'm right in saying i shouldn't ring the helpline no? but do i reply to the letter and if so i just wouldn't know what to say? thanks in advance.....john
  7. Hey, I recently received a letter from Credit Resolution Services regarding my membership at exercise 4 less . Think you know how it goes: "We'eve been employed by exercise 4 less as your membership remains in arrears despite previous letters being sent to you. As a result of this, our fees totalling £102.50 has been added. Therefore, your account balance now stands at £207.47. WE WANT TO REACH AN AMICABLE RESOLUTION WITH YOU In order that we can do this, please ring our non-premium rate number - 01444 449165" I joined the gym about 2 years ago on a 12 month contract, assuming my contract had run out, I simply joined a different gym chain, which I am now paying for. Despite what's in the letter they sent me, I had not received any sort of letter before today regarding my gym membership, I haven't even heard of Credit Resolution Services before. What is the best course of action? I've only just received the letter so have not contacted the gym or CRS yet. I may send an email to exercise 4 less asking for a breakdown of my monthly payments. Thanks.
  8. Hi, I am sorry for yet another thread on the same companies...I have been reading through a lot of them and it seems a common theme, but I struggled to see one that suited my case. So, I went to the gym for 13-14 months. When I was due to finish I asked the guy in there if once id finished my 12 month term I was OK to cancel my direct debit. the reply was 'yeah your only tied in for 12 month' So I then cancelled my direct debit and started at my new gym. I received letter from harlands saying the direct debit had failed and I now owed them the months fee plus a £25 admin fee. I tried to ring them a couple of times but ended up hanging up after being on hold for so long. Today I received another letter stating admin fees had been added bringing it up to 69.98. If I do not call and pay by 14 Jan then it will be passed to a debt recovery company....significant fees.... court action. I rang them and they said I need EFL to send the confirmation of cancellation. I Rang them they said there was no notice and nobody there would have advised me as I state. Therefore no letter to prove I cancelled. thankyou for any advice in advance Biscwits
  9. Hope somebody can help advise me how to proceed with this, sorry is a bit long. I work as a support worker for people with mental health problems as part of my job I promote healthy living and exercise with the service users I work with. In July I agreed to take a service user to our local Exercise 4 Less (Wigan) and train with him, I can claim back my expenses from work as long as I am taking service users. We signed up but it was never pointed out that it was a 12 month contract I even asked "what if I can no longer make it to the gym due to work", in fact the girl told me "no problem you can cancel any time if its because of work illness or moving home". Happy with this I did the direct debit. the sessions with the service user never came off as he got a job so I never ended up going to the gym. I paid the direct debit until October when I decided to cancel. I wrote a letter asking them to cancel my membership and dropped it off at the gym in person and cancelled the direct debit. I heard nothing until last month when I got a call from Harlands telling me as I had defaulted on my direct debit I owed them £34.99. I explained that I had cancelled my membership. He told me "no you can't it is a 12 month contract. I tried to explain what had been told to me in the gym but got the impression he didn't believe me, so just told him I wasn't paying it and the call ended. Fast forward to this month Monday I received a letter from Harlands saying I now owe £69.98 as I have defaulted again on my arrangement. If I don't pay it will be £129 by 26th December. I rang them and again explained the situation they told me to go directly to the gym and explain to them which I did, I was told to ring head office and given the number. Head office told me they could not help and I need to go and speak to the gym manager, who told me I need to pay its a 12 month contract and its in the terms and conditions, I had to leave before I punched his head in On the day I signed up to the direct debit at the gym, I left the gym with no paperwork what so ever no copy of any agreement or terms as I usually read such things. I have checked my emails and the day I joined I received an email titled "All you need to know about your gym membership" there are no terms and conditions on it just advertising and a link to the website. Sick of being given the run around, what should I do? Charlie
  10. I cancelled my direct debit, a few weeks ago to exercise for less because the 12 months was up about 3 months ago. I didn't think anything of it, i thought it ended after 12 months but i was still paying i don't even go anymore. Today i got a letter from Harland's, wanting me to call them to reinstate my direct debit and charge me £34.99, even though membership is £10. Ive just cancelled my membership on exercise for less website, i didn't know that you could do that or i would have in the first place. I don't want to pay 34.99, ive payed it before when ive missed a payment, its such bull****! So i did some googling and found this forum, please help!
  11. After obtaining probate to deal with my late mother’s estate I was contacted by the DWP in one of their standard fishing exercises re: benefit overpayments. This initial letter included the line “We will let you know whether or not we need to make further enquiries within 20 working days”. If only. Despite returning the form the next day I was chased for a response a month later. 2 days after that they confirmed receipt of my original response! Based on this my expectations of response time from DWP are poor. That was 2 months ago and I have heard nothing further. I have no desire to wake these sleeping dogs but as executor I would like to finalise and distribute the estate and would like to know if there is any legal limit to how long I can be forced to wait. I know that a Trustee Act notice in the London Gazette provides a time limit for creditors to come forward but in this case a letter notifying a potential debt has already been received prior to publication of a Notice. If this case got lost in the cracks would I be expected to hold the funds permanently in limbo awaiting a response or is there a limit? I haven’t been able to Google an answer so I thought I’d ask the experts! DR
  12. http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/health/nhs-chief-in-dignity-and-respect-vow-1373842 I got the feeling this is a pr excercise. Let alone the ridiculous situation of NHS as a subcontracter to a private firm for the Dwp assessments. At the very least Scottish PIP claiments wont have to face atos.
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