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  1. ***UPDATE*** So I've finally received a written reply for CRS If you want the full details I can write out the letter, but it goes along the lines of: 1. We are disappointed your account with exercise4less is still in arrears 2. If I fail to respond they will take: 1. legal action 2. Outsource to external agents 3. Demanding me to call 01444 449165 to arrange a payment ============================================= Shall I just have it our with them on the phone? I've already written a letter to them, although they have not addressed my letter in the letter I've received from them . I'd obviously rather not take this to court. I really would love to know where they got this £207 from, my contract had run out. course of action? another written reply? cheers, David
  2. The letter is sent, but they keep on trying to call me shall i ignore their calls? they also text me to tell me its urgent.
  3. 2nd Floor, Rockwood House 9-17 Perrymount Road Haywards Heath West Sussex RH16 3TW Is this the correct address to put on the letter?
  4. Hi guys thanks for getting back to me, been a bit busy gonna do it all tomorrow and I'll let you know what they say. cheers
  5. Hey, I recently received a letter from Credit Resolution Services regarding my membership at exercise 4 less . Think you know how it goes: "We'eve been employed by exercise 4 less as your membership remains in arrears despite previous letters being sent to you. As a result of this, our fees totalling £102.50 has been added. Therefore, your account balance now stands at £207.47. WE WANT TO REACH AN AMICABLE RESOLUTION WITH YOU In order that we can do this, please ring our non-premium rate number - 01444 449165" I joined the gym about 2 years ago on a 12 month contract, assuming my contract had run out, I simply joined a different gym chain, which I am now paying for. Despite what's in the letter they sent me, I had not received any sort of letter before today regarding my gym membership, I haven't even heard of Credit Resolution Services before. What is the best course of action? I've only just received the letter so have not contacted the gym or CRS yet. I may send an email to exercise 4 less asking for a breakdown of my monthly payments. Thanks.
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