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  1. I have been issued with a a PCN for parking at a local council NCP CAR PARK. I have been photographed leaving the parking site without paying for a valid parking ticket. I DO have a parking ticket for the time of parking but it does not display my vehicle reg number, I could not remember my reg number when I got the ticket,couldnt be bothered to walk all the way back to car, so just entered a series of 1111111 in order to obtain the ticket. I have appealed the charge but am expecting in to be rejected, because thats what they do. what will happen if I refuse to pay up.
  2. Hi All, just wanted your opinions on this please. A local takeaway owner applied to the Local Authority for a commercial waste bin. Eventually he got one but it took a month to get it. In the meantime, two other shops allowed him to put his rubbish in their commercial bins until his was delivered. Soon after getting his bin, he was contacted by the Local Authority in which they accused him of fly-tipping as one black bag of his rubbish had been found on a local nature reserve with details of his shop inside. He says that he cannot understand how only one bag was put there as when he used the other shops bins he always put 10 to 15 bags in the bins and the other shops are very close to him whereas the nature reserve is about 5 miles away? I would like to know if he is legally entitled to use the other shops bins thereby quelling any fears of prosecution for fly-tipping? The other two shop owners are quite happy to say they allowed him to use their bins Until he got his own but only if there is no threat of prosecution to them. Any ideas? Thanks all.
  3. Hi I wonder if anyone can help me...? I bought some composite garden decking with a 10 year guarantee 3 years ago, had it fitted and all was fine. Now it is cracking and some has collapsed, it isn't due to how it was fitted it is due to the quality of the product. I have contacted the company I bought it from who have agreed under the guarantee to replace the failing boards but what are my rights because the boards are in the middle of the decking I will have to have someone take up at least half of the decking to replace the boards and there will also be a clear colour difference. Before I get back to them I was just wondering if anyone had any advice or knowledge if this was a satisfactory response? Thanks!
  4. I recently purchased a smart/fitness watch (Garmin). When purchasing I was lured in by the suggestion that the watch would feature connectivity to Deezer (Music app) so that I could download my playlists and go out running without having to take my phone with me. This was marked on the website as 'coming soon'. Since buying the watch and asking the customer care team when this feature will be added they are unable/unwilling to give a time frame. Is there an actual definition of 'coming soon'? I am tempted to take the watch back but as it is outside of the 28days and there is nothing wrong with it I can only imagine it will not be an easy conversation. Any help to sway my argument would be much appreciated. Thanks RunningMan84
  5. We recently had a neighbour park over the edge of our driveway - they were asked to move their car but refused, we called the local council who sent a parking warden on a scooter. When he arrived he confirmed the car (shown in the photo) was over the drive BUT I thought over the edge begins at the stone that tapers down to meet the road (Point A) where as he said only the last 10cm of the car was over which is more like Point B in the photo. Which is correct? Also 3 days later a Police Man came to our door about the incident - no idea where they got our details from we weren't expecting them and they were 3 days too late but I did ask the Policeman the same question and he didn't seem to know either. it would be good to get a concrete answer and have that well known.
  6. Palm Oil-What Is It -How Does It effect Us-And What Is It Used For. Hi Old Tawnyowl hear reporting from high up in the canopy of a tree today in Lancashire. Just chilling out. Another thread coming through.Sometimes i have just got to mention something that is bothering me. The story began the other day. There i was seeing what people were saying to each other on my favourite subject Fracking when a video came through. Completely unconnected. Now my days seem so busy researching,working,walking the Shoreline that the day seems to have vanished before much is achieved. Anyway i have not had much time to research this Palm Oil and will admit that i knew nothing about it or really what it was,used for anything. Back to the video.A lady called Tina Rothery had shared it.Some of you who read the Fracking thread will know who Tina is. The headline said. The area was being cleared to plant this Palm Oil Crop. So i hope others who have researched or know about Palm Oil will tell me and others what it is used for in everyday products. Perhaps some know perhaps how many areas of land have been destroyed to plant this crop.How many animals have been affected,anything really. I do not know anything about it as i say even which countries plant it and how. I realised shortly afterwards that i had encountered this product in a strange way and perhaps a different way to expected. When young i read so many books on Greek Legends,Robinson Crusoe,Jungle Book books like that.Perhaps made me a bit of a Dreamer. And the love of the sea has followed me through life.Most of my days or part of my days are spent On The Shoreline hunting for things. So i pick things up.I usually pick a few plastics,fishing line,nets as well as things i can use.To make things. I have seen many things including a body or two,perhaps to be expected due to the times i go there. But also many beautiful things One of the things i look for is Ambergris,i never really expect to find any.But any possibilities i pick up and look at.Even smell. Now i have just found out that ships and if wrong someone can correct me. After delivering the Palm Oil to Ports around England the ships leave to go to their next job. Once out at sea they as far as i know once more than 12 miles out can flush their tanks. This is when the Palm Oil enters the sea and like fat if put into water becomes this huge mass of floating stinking mass that can end up on beaches. After collecting Bacteria that multiplies for as long as it takes to beach.So when dogs etc smell it,taste it makes them ill even kills them. I now realise i have picked this stuff up myself wondering what this waxy,yellowish substance is many times. In fact i have seen perhaps one ton or more once in a huge mountain with ten men shovelling it into bags.I asked them what it was and they told me. I filmed them and took pictures but as usual goodness knows where the footage is. That at the moment is all i know about it. Perhaps you know much more.Perhaps you have time to research a little and share what you find. Please share your knowledge of Palm Oil.As that footage sure has bothered me.And know next to nothing about this product. Thanks very much. Tawnyowl.
  7. A look into the future CALLER: Is this Gordon's Pizza? GOOGLE: No sir, it's Google Pizza. CALLER: I must have dialled a wrong number. Sorry. GOOGLE: No sir, Google bought Gordon’s Pizza last month. CALLER: OK. I would like to order a pizza. GOOGLE: Do you want your usual, sir? CALLER: My usual? You know me? GOOGLE: According to our caller ID data sheet, the last 12 times you called you ordered an extra-large pizza with three cheeses, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms and meatballs on a thick crust. CALLER: OK! That’s what I want … GOOGLE: May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes and olives on a whole wheat gluten-free thin crust? CALLER: What? I detest vegetable!. GOOGLE: Your cholesterol is not good, sir. CALLER: How the hell do you know! GOOGLE: Well, we cross-referenced your home phone number with your medical records. We have the result of your blood tests for the last 7 years. CALLER: Okay, but I do not want your rotten vegetable pizza! I already take medication for my cholesterol. GOOGLE: Excuse me sir, but you have not taken your medication regularly. According to our database, you only purchased a box of 30 cholesterol tablets once, at Drug RX Network, 4 months ago. CALLER: I bought more from another drugstore. GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your credit card statement. CALLER: I paid in cash. GOOGLE: But you did not withdraw enough cash according to your bank statement. CALLER: I have other sources of cash. GOOGLE: That doesn’t show on your last tax return unless you bought them using an undeclared income source, which is against the law. CALLER: WHAT THE HELL!!! GOOGLE: I'm sorry, sir, we use such information only with the sole intention of helping you. CALLER: Enough already! I'm sick to death of Google, Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp and all the others. I'm going to an island without internet, cable TV, where there is no cell phone service and no one to watch me or spy on me. GOOGLE: I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first. It expired 6 weeks ago…
  8. Hello all. Firstly, as a first time poster I just want to say how useful this forum is, so I’m hoping you’ll be able to help me out too. I was recently stopped by a Southern Rail inspector. I was travelling on a packed commuter train and (although many of you might think this is an excuse) I suffer from really bad foot pain, which I have been to the doctors about, and sat in first class as I was in real pain. In hindsight, I shouldn’t have done it. I should have asked someone to get up for me, but being a young guy I doubt people would have taken me seriously. I spoke with the conductor who made me feel out a ‘witness statement’ I gave my name, full address, phone number and then she handed it to one of he colleagues who completed the process. He was a nice guy. He told me not to worry and that they would send me a letter in the post asking for a fine. But he didn’t ask me to pay anything there and then, he said I had to wait until the letter comes through. I later revealed some kind of gold badge and asked me a few questions which I answered truthfully. He said not to worry and that this was only ‘civil’ and that I would 100% just get a fine. I’m not a fare dodger and never sit in first class barring this one time. What should I expect? Just a fine? A court summons? Once again, thanks for all your help/advice.
  9. http://invodesk.com/captivating-black-metal-bookcase/attractive-black-metal-bookcase_semi-open-design_three-shelves_four-caster-wheels_modern-style/ I'm looking for a sturdy three shelf rack for stacking printers on. It must have casters. I can't for the life of me find where I can get one of these systems in the picture – but it's ideal but there may be something just as good if anyone has any ideas. Ta
  10. Hi Just received my credit file and after getting into a bad financial situation I have a total of 19 defaults on my credit file!, 11 are due to drop of this year and 3 next year the rest are around 2022, for the latter do you think my credit file will improve If I pay them of so they are marked as satisfied? or should I just wait, none of them are chasing me for payment at the minute Just edited to add one is for a mobile phone debt that I was paying for 2 years at £35 per month, it says I owe £550.00 now
  11. My friends vehicle has been seized and a notice of sale has been received. I am the debtor. I have included this debt in my bankruptcy which was approved a day after the bailiffs came. The Official Receiver accepted evidence that this vehicle was not my asset. My friend has provided a receipt, a bank statement, a sworn statement and a letter from DVLA confirming the car has not been in my name since February 2017. The v5 was temporarily in my name for insurance purposes as I was borrowing the car. The owner has submitted an N244 application. I have submitted a form 4 in relation to a massive list of complaints about the bailiffs conduct. I have also written complaints to both the bailiffs (DCBL) and the creditor (UKCPM) The vehicle was due to be sold this Monday but I have not seen it on the auction website. It has been reported to the Police and they have said it is a civil matter. DVLA have also been made aware. The original creditor and bailiffs are refusing to respond to any emails. On the last phone call I had with them I was told the evidence provided was not enough to prove my friend owned the vehicle as I have to prove I never purchased it. I have emailed them asking if they would like a years worth of bank statements to prove no funds ever left my account for this vehicle. I have no idea how else I can prove I never purchased it or how else my friend can prove it is his. The only response I have had from DCBL is that the vehicle will not be returned until after the N244 application hearing. Does this mean they are planning on charging the owner storage fees if the Judge deems the vehicle is in fact his? If the Judge for some unknown reason deems this vehicle is owned by me can they legally sell it if I have been made bankrupt? I have spoke to CAB, national debtline, payplan and a whole load of other agencies. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!
  12. Tried to do IR lending compaint with Quick Quid. They said No as loans are over 6 years old. Its not much but its a lot to me right now. Also I didnt pay back one of the loans but it has been sold on, to PRA Group I think .... Should I bother sending to Ombudsman? Or write this one off? Have included the statement Thank you all. QQredact.pdf
  13. Hi, I'm disabled and live with my parents. I claim IR-ESA and PIP, my mum gets Carer's allowance for looking after me my dad is approaching retirement age - he's on contributions based ESA, and receives a private pension from the job he was medically retired from. My question is - when I eventually get moved over to Universal Credit, will my ESA amount be affected by my dad's income? I don't think it should be, as it currently isn't I'm under the impression your parents' income has no effect on your entitlement. Hope someone with better knowledge can help me out!
  14. Hi everyone Babbling on behalf of my boy as hes not too good at asking for help Hes late 20s. He moved out of his home in January to rent. His ex asked him in August to move in with him temporarily, he said no, she whined on that she couldnt go anywhere else as her friends had said no too she moved in with him for a bit. He gave her a deadline of the 20th to leave, she didnt. Shes not on the tenancy and the police were called. they told her they would return to chuck her out but havent since come back. She is now claiming she cannot be removed, as she saw it on telly about some 28 day period and she was invited there that she has rights. Questions Can she stay there? Has she got these rights to stay after some 28 day period? Has my boy got to confess to his landlord and possibly get evicted to boot? Any help would be grateful Bravo Zulu!
  15. Hi, Just wondering if I make a complaint about irresponsible lending will that halt any action being taken on a debt? Had 3 letters from Moriarty Law re Motormile for old payday loans with Northway Broker Ltd to my ex's mums house. This was in June! Have only just been told by ex's mum that she opened these letters and that she told them I dont live there anymore. The letter states 'In the event we do not hear from you within the next 14 days we have been instructed to issue proceedings without further reference to yourself.' Now as I say this was in June. They havent been in touch since but worried about them going to another previous address and trying to do a ccj there. There are three separate loans -£286.47 £218.75 and £318.96 Not sure how to move forward with them any ideas would be great thank you.
  16. The Great Repeal Bill – which does the opposite of what it says http://www.independent.co.uk/voices/theresa-may-great-repeal-bill-parliament-brexit-negotations-deal-a7837616.html One of the key points in the Brexit referendum and since has been the returning of power to the elected British Parliament YET the great repeal bill - includes a part which effectively gives absolute power to the PM and a handful of her senior ministers COMPLETELY bypassing the British democratic process. "The Great Repeal Bill proposes to delegate power to Government in the form of a Henry VIII clause which will enable Government to change all EU-derived primary and secondary law by means of a secondary act (usually a statutory instrument) with limited or no Parliamentary scrutiny or oversight. In the second of her two posts on the Bill, Joelle Grogan argues that this runs counter to democracy, legal certainty, the rule of law and the ultimate supremacy of Parliament itself." http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/brexit/2017/06/05/the-not-so-great-repeal-bill-part-2-how-henry-viii-clauses-undermine-parliament/ This should be opposed with your every breath whatever your beliefs on Brexit or ANY other subject. I have no real issue with the main part - bringing required EU legislation into British Law, ONLY with the complete negating of British democracy which May has bolted on to it - Which I unequivocally oppose.
  17. Have you or do you work for them? Specifically I am wondering about setting up a Limited company using Companies House. What are the pros and cons of this? Thanks
  18. Government pulls all Learndirect contracts and funding https://www.theguardian.com/education/2017/aug/15/government-pulls-all-learndirect-contracts-and-funding?subid=19389892&CMP=EMCNEWEML6619I2 Learndirect, which was privatised by David Cameron’s coalition government in 2011 and is majority-owned by the private equity arm of Lloyds Bank An FT/FE Week investigation this week found that in the four years since it was sold off, it parent company spent 84% of its income, most of which came from the taxpayer, on payments to managers and financiers. learndirect opposed publication of the report "which gave the provider the lowest possible rating" because it would "create a risk of “irreparable damage including financial consequences”." The shape of things to come for Hunt the Hated's sell off of the NHS's taxpayer money saving Staffing arm. https://www.ft.com/content/5bc8444a-5979-11e7-9bc8-8055f264aa8b
  19. Long story short, without going into details.... though happy to if needed... I submitted a defence to a claim against me by a plumber (though the debt collection agency did it on their behalf) in small claims court. The claimant had to respond to my defence by a certain deadline, which they didn't, so a 'stay' has been put on the case. As it was explained to me this means the claimant has to apply to a judge to resume the case. When I spoke to the court they said an application could be put forward any time in the future, so there is no time limit. So I have a few questions I wonder if anybody could help me with... 1) Is that the case that there is no time limit for an application? I've been waiting to get some works complete until this is sorted but if they can put an application in any time this could never be concluded! 2) Do judges often agree to applications to resume the claim? Or must there be extraordinary circumstances? 3) The company seems to have stopped trading under their current name (removed their online listings). If the claimant company change their trading name, or close the business and reopen under another name in the future, can they still pursue this claim? Thanks so much for any help you can give.
  20. Hello, I rented a studio over 4 years ago through a London Agent; standard AST. The Agent secured my deposit (over £1000) with TDS. After one year my LL decided she did not need the agent anymore and offered to rent the flat directly to me. This, according to her, saved her some money to proceed with the needed repairs. I have been renewing contract (no changes in there) for the consecutive 3 years since then. Due to her numerous failures to carry out repairs (leaks, mold, poor insulation, lack of heating - literally she removed electric heaters from the walls to make the flat look bigger, fuse box issues - lights tripping out the box on a daily basis, boiler issues, shower power issues plus criminals next door, with their drug-related behaviour 24/7), I had enough and decided to move out, ending the contract in 2017. I gave her 2 months notice, but according to the contract I did not have to. She was extremely unhappy with my decision. On the same day she gave my private phone number to an Estate Agent; without permission&behind my back. They informed me that my LL decided to sell the flat and they would need immediate access to take pictures and show the property to potential buyers. I was speechless. I looked at my contract only to find out that she was in breach. The contract states that if the LL intends to sell the property, the tenant must be informed in writing 2 months prior the notice of intention to sell. Anyway, for the 2 months I have been harassed by my LL and Estate Agent so much, I had to take sick leaves as I was not able to perform my duties at work (she had known that I work nights only). On the day of my move she broke into the property (the police were called by my neighbours) and changed the locks. It's been over one month now and she does not reply to my requests for the return of my tenancy deposit. To cut the story short, when the new AST was up in 2016, she delayed it until the next month. She claimed that because of her delays in paperwork my deposit was protected for the time being as periodic, but she would protect it in full once the contract was signed. In 2016 I did not receive any reminder from TDS that the fixed term was ending and that action was required so that protection of the deposit continues ( this is what they say when asked about clarifying whether a LL complies with their rules). In the middle of my 2016-2017 tenancy I checked TDS (I had no reference number, nothing regarding the full AST deposit protection scheme from her). The only way I could check my deposit was by inputting the start date of the tenancy and full name on their website. The TDS could not find my deposit. I asked my LL about it and she said, blushing and stammering, that the deposit was in her account. I was at my wit's end so I tried to find my deposit with a reference number on periodic one. It turned out it's been periodic. My contract for the year 2016-2017 was not periodic. The previous deposit protection was fully registered and says: Tenancy start xx/xx 2015. Expected to end on or after xx/xx/2016. Can anyone advise how I pursue TDS and my LL about this? All advice/experience with LLs and TDS much appreciated. Thank you
  21. I am running Windows 8.1, 64 bit, and the C:drive is not showing in the disk defragmenter, although it did before. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  22. A few months ago a male, who is a live in employee at a property opposite my girlfriends house aggressively threatend to smash my face in and knock my teeth out, when I asked a delivery man to move his van that was blocking the driveway, the delivery man moved his van and drove away but the other man made more threat and demanded I fight him in the street and telling me what he will do to me, so I called the Police. Police never came out because they said I was safe inside my girlfriend house. The Police investigated but the male employee who made the threats denied it, the delivery man was traced and also said he didn't see or hear anything, but he had already moved his van and drove away before the threats wre made. Since this occurred the male employee is always outside in the street when I visit or stay at my girlfriends house,, always staring at me and now always parks his van outside my girlfriend house very close to the drive but not blocking it, he never parked there before.
  23. Hiya all, Trying to help my brother out, He has been issued with a money claim alongside a section 8, They are for differing amounts but issued on the same day which is odd I am going to help him out with responding but a quick technical question should a letter before action have been sent to him beforehand? I know it is practice for companies but not sure if applicable to rent arrears? Also worth saying he wrote to LL on date it was issued asking for a rental breakdown as he disputes the amounts ( especially as different from the section 8 ) and it was signed for the day after ( 13 days ago ) he believes the LL has applied his own charges and then implemented them without a breakdown to him. I am assuming he defend it on the basis that the LL has not responded to his asking of a rental breakdown/ any charges applied?
  24. This is another recent decision from the Local Government Ombudsman. This particular case addresses the common subject of single parents and whether or not they may be considered 'vulnerable' for the purposes of bailiff enforcement. There have been a couple of Ombudsman's decisions regarding 'vulnerability' and as in this particular case, the LGO confirm that it is for the debtor to provide evidence as to how their 'vulnerability' affects their ability to pay or deal with the debt. LGO Decision: North Hertfordshire District Council Miss X complains the Council has used bailiffs to try and collect a disputed council tax debt, even though she is vulnerable. The Ombudsman will not investigate the complaint as she has not seen any evidence of fault in the Council’s actions. The complaint 1 The complainant, who I shall call Miss X, complains via her MP that the Council has used bailiffs to try and recover a disputed council tax debt, despite her telling the bailiffs she is a vulnerable person. Back to top How I considered this complaint 4 I have considered Miss X’s complaint to us, the information her MP sent and the Council’s to Miss X’s complaint to it. Miss X has had the opportunity to comment, via her MP, on an earlier version of my final view. What I found 5 In 2010 the Magistrates’ Court granted the Council a liability order for a council tax debt it said Miss X owed. The Council passed the debt to its bailiffs in the same year. 6 Miss X disputed the debt, saying she should have received council tax benefit. The Council said she had made claim for backdated council tax benefit, but this was refused as it was outside the time limit for backdating benefit. 7 I note the points above as background, but I am not looking at why Miss X owes the debt as any complaint about her liability is be late, and the Ombudsman has previously considered a complaint about Miss X’s benefits. 8 In spring Miss X sent the bailiffs a ‘‘cease and desist’ notice saying as a single parent with a seven year old daughter she was a vulnerable person and the bailiffs should not be taking action to recover the debt. 9 The bailiffs wrote to Miss X asking for further information so they could assess her situation and decide how it affected her ability to pay. As Miss X did not send the information the bailiffs visited her twice later in the year. Miss X then complained to the Council about this. 10 In 2014 the Government issued National Guidance for Enforcement Agents. Paragraph 77 says - “Some groups who might be vulnerable are listed below. However, this list is not exhaustive. Care should be taken to assess each situation on a case by case basis.” 11 One of the groups listed who might be vulnerable are single parent families. 12 The Guidance is clear that if a debtor falls into the list the bailiffs must assess the individual case to see if they should take extra care in recovering the debt. Just because a debtor is a single parent does not, of itself, mean they are vulnerable. 13 The bailiff’s asked Miss X for more details of why she was vulnerable; she did not provide any information. So I cannot say the bailiffs were wrong to continue their recovery action. 14 I will not investigate Miss X’s complaint about the Council using bailiffs to recover a debt from a vulnerable person. Miss X did not send any other information to support her claim and the Council and bailiffs were not at fault to continue recovery action. http://www.lgo.org.uk/decisions/benefits-and-tax/other/16-010-888
  25. Are PCNs subject to the 6 years (england) statute barred law anyone know?
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