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Found 12 results

  1. Hello, I know of an employer who is not paying minimum wage. They employ at least two people I know of personally who are both EU migrants. This employer is in the hospitality industry and pays £7 per hour cash in hand, no contract, no wage slips, and I assume no rights. One of the people employed there already has two legit part time jobs so this cash in hand one takes them over the tax limit which they obviously don't pay as it is not on record. The other employee has no other job so this is their only income. They only work part time evenings, or on a when needed basis. Neither of them currently claim any benefits. I am wondering what the general consensus is on this type of activity? Would you report the company or just mind your own business? I don't like the idea of possibly taking income away people. Also their English is pretty poor so I don't think they really understand the legal situation, I don't know if those employed there even know it is wrong. On the other hand I think employers exploiting people who don't have many options or don't know their rights is not fair either. Just wondering what peoples opinions are. Thanks
  2. Let me start with a little back story. My son is 3 and disabled I am his sole carer 24/7 without a break or sleep most if the time. I have no problem with this as he is my baby and i love him. But it gives context. About a month ago it was in Tesco shopping i did self scan and after half an hour of my son having a melt down because of the noise we finally got to the pay bit. I had just got my card out to pay when a security guard shot over and asked if I had paid for the £4 toy my son was holding. Now if you have ever experienced a meltdown you can understand I was all over and stressed I had forgotten however I accepted my mistake payed for the item and that was it. after this I started using the normal checkout so that I have to check everything. A few weeks later I was shopping with my son again and he picked up and opened a toy. I put the packaging in the trolley to be paid for. My son dropped the little toy i went to the toy part and picked up a new one and put the old one back. I admit this was stupid but he had screamed for about 20mins about the missing one and my brain was in overload close to tears myself. I'd paid for the toy and my shopping the guard (same one) pulled me and my disabled son back to the front desk. They had spotted me do the swap (pretty sure he was watching me all the time I was in) I apologised and offered to pay for the old toy and that was it over. Oh and another guy walked over and threw the packaging at me aggressively. Safter this I stopped taking my son shopping. I have my dad drive him around till I'm done. I'm making the effort. I've been in everyday since the incident today a snotty manager pulls me up when I'm put my stuff on the conveyer belt and ask me if i should be in store. I have him a confused look and he said I had been asked not to return. This was not the case and I told him I wouldnt have come in if I had been told this. He called me a list. i had some nappies for my son and milk for him. I asked if I could just pay then go. He said no. Then threatened me with the police. After leaving the store my mama bear kicked in as i felt he was attacking my son. I explained that they are the only store that sells the things my son needs ( he will only have certain milk nappies and food which I can get anywhere else and i dont drive) he said he didnt care that it was my problem. I explained about my son and that i had made of not taking him in (which is very hard for my son) and he threatened me again. i said he was discriminating against a disabled child and walked out. Now I know they can ban whoever they like. But im sat here terrified I'm going to get arrested and taken away from my son. He seemed the type totty to be a ... and the security guard is a guy i went to school with who use to bully me. If the product never left the store can they so anything? And i paid both times. Also are they discriminating towards my son? Im prone to panic attacks and I've had 7 today.
  3. Hi, I've got an issue I need advice on please. My brother has lived with his girlfriend and their daughter for five years. I was talking to her the other day when her dad came round with a DWP letter for her. She cheerfully explained she claims benefits as a single parent living with her mum and has been all the time she has been living with my brother! She says she does really well from this and even gets free healthcare. I tried to discuss it with my brother, who seemed to be oblivious to what was happening. So now my dilemma, do I Report her to the DWP, I hate benefit fraud but this feels underhand plus it could affect my neice. Ignore it, again this doesn't seem right. Tell her I'm going to report her, this could cause family problems as she has a dreadful temper. Write to her anonymously saying I'm going to report her but then dont. Any thoughts? Cheers Dex
  4. Hi there, I have lived for the last 10 years in a Victorian terrace of 10 houses, which have traditionally long thin gardens which slope down to a paved Housing Association car park. The gardens of the terrace used to extend much further than they do now but the previous owner of my house, along with another, who owned this land sold it to a HA for development in 1994. The houses were finally built in 1999. Before and since the sale, the residents of our terrace have parked their cars on the land and after it was developed by the HA, in the paved car parking area. For myself that means I have been parking in the HA car park area for over 10 years.... Other residents have been doing this for longer. Some of the residents have incorporated drives on the end of their land. Some have not as the land has a 1:14 incline which means that leveling the land for a drive is an expensive and time consuming process. Last week all the residents of our terrace received a letter from the HA stating that they were looking into issuing permits for their residents and employing an agency to monitor the car park and those who use it without a permit. They had tried to establish our terrace's legal right to park on the land but could not and they are now asking for anyone who has evidence that our terrace have a legal right to park on the HA land to come forward by the end of the month. Questions: I have the deeds relating to the transfer of ( half of) the land to the HA as the previous owner of my house was one of the two that sold it to them. I know of a right of access but haven't yet immersed myself in the legalese ... what would I be looking for? Is two weeks a reasonable amount of time to allow before shutting the gates on this enquiry? Does the fact that the residents of our terrace have been parking unchallenged on the land owned by the HA since 1994 hold any legal implication? If permits were issued to the HA residents what would happen for our terraces residents or any visitors who need to park? Please can you help??? Sorry if the phrasing of this thread is clunky but I'm just a Joe Schmo with no legalese.
  5. I started a job on 9th March as a GP receptionist which is a role I wanted to do for a while. Unfortunately I fell ill with Bells Palsy a few months later and have not been to work since 2nd June. I currently receive SSP from my employers and send in regularly Fitness to Work certificates as I have had another condition brought on by Bells Palsy. Anyway to cut a long story short, I previously went a Welfare Meeting at work and it was agreed that I would return to work for 4 hours a day when I was well enough however I have now seen a neurologist who has diagnosed me with a condition called FNsD (Functional Neurological symptoms Disorder). Basically I get very bad migraines which affect my speech. The migraines are triggered by the cold, heat, humid conditions, stress, hunger, tiredness and over exertion...yes alot. My speech becomes slurred so it is difficult to speak but also difficult for people to understand me. I saw my GP today who although said that I could try to work 4 hours a day but recommended that I try a role nearer to my home (my travelling time to and from work is between 1 and a half to 2 hours each way) and a role that does not require me to talk constantly. Although I would like to return to my role, I am conscious that I may be off work again due to migraines or would have to leave work if I experience one. I was thinking that if I had to leave work, I would volunteer for a few hours a week in a role of interest but in terms of entitlement to benefits, what would my options be???
  6. HI, I'm new to this site and after some advice please. Recently been refused credit so checked credit file. I have a CCJ from severn trent water -from 2014 (I knew about the CCJ and paid it with a week of receiving it - so according to the information I received because it was paid within 1 month it wouldn't show on my record. So roll forward 2 years - My credit record has this CCJ showing as unsettled from Sept 24th 2014, they have now sent me a letter I dated 11th Oct 2014, confirming my payment of the CCJ on 3rd Oct 2014. I have spoken to severn trent who say it was my responsibility to tell the court I'd paid the CCJ and as I hadn't - it would stay on my record! Can someone give me some guidance please on what to do next please? I have read somewhere I can fill out a form and send it to the court to get this removed but cannot find what this form is (looked on HM Justice website under guidance for EX50 but this just gives a fee and not a link to the form?)
  7. I have a Barclay credit card where I did a balance transfer for £900 where it was 0% interest for 33 months. I am in month 7 of the period, however the card has been paid in full. Barclay have confirmed to me in writing that all transactions to the £900 will still be interest free for the remainder of the 33 month period. We have a Black Horse finance agreement for a caravan and after paying a large lump sum, we still have £1830 settlement figure. There is still 44 months left on the term. The lump sum payment reduced the monthly payment from £272 to about £120. Balance with interest if we pay the £120 every month is about £4400. Barclay card have made an offer that we can transfer £1800 from the card into our current account with no interest charges till July 2015. Our turnover using the card is approximately £1100 per month while reducing the debt on the card by about £500 per month. Alternatively we can pay off the £1800 to BH over about 6 months by paying a higher monthly payment however we will also be paying interest although not that much as APR is 13.3%. If there is an issue, we are well in advance and could always reduce the monthly payment by making a token payment. We are not sure which is the best option at this point and would be grateful for some advice. Thanks.
  8. Hello newby so please be kind. I am and have always been in Scotland. I had a student loan back in the early 90s. I missed a deferment in the mid 90s and they enforced me to pay the whole lot. At this point I stuck my head in the sand and moved house a couple of times. I never heard anything and got a mortgage no problem in 1998. I sold that house in 2006 and rented for a few months. Got a mortgage at my current house in 2007. Clearly never had any issues on my credit checks back then. the SLC must have tracked me down (over 10 years on) as I started getting "statements for information only" from them on an annual occurrence. They were clearly marked as "not a demand for payment". I therefore assumed they were statute barred. Checked my credit reports recently and still nothing of any relevance. Recently appears Erudio were sold my loan so I ignored their letter. Today however I had a more threatening letter from Shoosmiths LLP. They claim my account (The slc) is subject to a decree granted by the court. (No specifics). Now I know of no CCJ/Decree. Certainly none on my current file within the last 6 years as I have just spent a tenner checking. Also getting all of my mortgages/credit etc over the last 15 years hardly suggests there ever was a court enforcement. Can/do Erudio/shoosmiths try fishing with bare faced lies ? I would prefer to ignore all correspondence but this one has got me slightly twitchy. I realise their difficulties in enforcing even if there was a very old ccj/decree. However how do I find out if such an expired document ever existed ? Are they raised in the local court as to where SLC would have been chasing ? If so can I contact someone ? Many thanks
  9. Hi all, I could do with some advice because I've no idea what I'm doing. Last week, I resigned from my job due to a "hostile environment" - I did so in writing giving the required 30 days notice. I also thanked them for the fantastic opportunity I'd been given at their company. My problem/query is that I am leaving because of one rather toxic staff member but I haven't stated any names in my resignation. I've always been quiet and tried to avoid trouble etc. Unfortunately, I haven't got the confidence to put a grievance even though others have (I'm not the only one). To be honest, the whole thing has made me feel anxious/sick so I'd rather just leave quietly. Anyway, tomorrow, an area manager is travelling down to "talk to" me. My role is not easy to replace and I know that management hate recruiting so I'm assuming she'll want to discuss why I'm leaving/give an exit interview etc. My query is this: What's the minimum amount of information I can get away with telling the area manager without offending her? Also, if I do not "spill the beans" - can they stop my final wages? I feel so nervous. I know I sound cowardly but I don't want to mention this woman's name. She's already on a last warning and I'd feel terrible if she lost her job because she would struggle financially. On the other hand, I can't take her bullying anymore either. Thankyou for your time - Tina x
  10. I'm about to come into some money(4k) and I have 2 debts which I would like to do something about as they are both CCJ's. Outstanding amounts of 2.8k and 9k(8% apr), originally 5.2k & 24k. I have been paying toward them every month for a while. They are both going to drop off my CR this year. My heart says pay off the 2.8k one to get rid of it, one les CCJ to worry about too, then I'm only making one payment a month and put the rest towards the bigger one. My head says put the 4k towards the 9k one and pay less interest and pay it off sooner. Thoughts? Espicially from anyone who has been in a similr boat. Cheers
  11. What to do, what to do..... So...I have a significant debt (£15k) that was collateral damage from a now long dead relationship. A relationship debt i refused to pay on principle...bearing in mind that there were other debts and ccj's that have now been paid/satisfied and fallen off my credit score. This is the only thing outstanding to a clear my record. I am registered with Equifax and have been keeping an eye on my credit over the last 6 years. The original debt was with Barclay's but then appeared against 1st credit and is now listed with Cabot....at one point all three defaults were listed each for 15k showing £45k of debt...which was annoying to say the least....but i kept my head down. The default date listed by Cabot currently on my Equifax file is 07/2007 so based on this would be SB July 2013. So here's the thing..I wasn't s paying too much attention at the time but having looked at this site around SB debts I looked back at an old Credit report (from over a year ago) and saw that the original Barclay's debt has fallen off, the 1st credit had a default date of Jan 2007 (as opposed to July 2007 with Cabot) so im deducing that the original default date ( i cant recall when it was myself) predates even Jan 2007 which means the debt MUST be SB by now. I've recently seen some trace searches against my old addresses from a company called Clarity Credit. I have been registered on an electoral role that is different to the last address listed with Equifax, however Equifax haven't updated and or linked my new address for a number of years. I haven't received any letters to my last two addresses chasing the debt. I really want to register with other CRA's with all my addresses to make sure everything is in order but am afraid that by doing this i will bring down the dogs of war on my current address as by applying they will link all the addresses together when for whatever reason i've dodged the DRA bullet for 6 years....as well as the fact that they never went for a CCJ... An additional annoyance with Equifax is that by requesting credit reports old ones fall of the "recent history" list so i now cant look back to the original Barclays dates , to raise a query you need a support account and they ask for your address....same dilemma. So to the eventual (and i thank you for your patience) questions.. If i register with Experian with all my correct address will they be linked and shared with equifax allowing How do i get hold of my old experian reports (paid for) so i can determine the original default date? Should i just sit tight having miraculously ducked under the radar and wait until July to see if the last default falls off and then register with CRA with correct addresses? If i can confirm the original default should i go after Cabot to SB the debt and get it removed from the CR since the DF date is inaccurate. Many thanks all Sapper4484
  12. HI, I hope that someone can help me concerning some debt collection advice. I received a letter from Cabot financial for an unpaid debt 10 days ago stating that they had confirmed my address and want me to pay £1200 concerning Hitachi Nova. I received another letter from Rockwell yesterday stating that I have 10 days to pay £500 concerning a debt to Arrow global. I am already paying off 2 other debts and I have no means to pay these. I had a marriage failure and left work to study a science degree. I am pretty sure that both of these debts are around 7 years old and I have had no communication with any company or debt collection agency regarding these, I have moved around a bit due to the marriage breakdown and going to University so letters may have well be sent out to an old address but I have never actually received anything. I looked into getting an IVA for all of my debts around 6-7 years ago but I never paid the first installment as that’s around when everything went wrong so the agreement was not formed. I have no assets that could be taken anyway, the only thing of worth that I own is a car. I have never had any CCJ's or knocks on the door. So what are my options here, could anyone provide me with what I need to send them in respect to my circumstances, I am so worried about knocks at the door and my partner answering and then they taking what little we have. I would love to just pay these off but I currently have around £60 in the bank to last me 2 weeks....I really wish I never got into this mess but there you go. Thank You.
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