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  1. Cheers Emmzzi - thankyou for both your posts. It's not easy for me to stand up for myself even though it's the most rational thing to do - thankyou for acknowledging and appreciating that.
  2. Update: Thanks everyone. I was called in to see the area manager who was upset that I'd resigned and had an idea of who it was because. No names were mentioned though. I explained that I'd been anxious over the last few weeks due to just one staff member. I thanked her for hiring me as I loved working for them and it's really enhanced my skill-set but I'd like to leave quietly because I don't want to get anyone into trouble. She asked me to leave while she rang her boss and then called me back in again. She told me that it was bullying and has basically said the same thing you've all said. She has asked me to put a formal grievance in and was reassuring me that she has an idea of who the problem is because, apparently, someone else has "spoken off the record" to her too. This someone else also doesn't want to put a grievance in. She has tried to persuade me to put a grievance in on the grounds that she speaks to the "someone else" to see if they'd be willing too, now there's 2 of us. She couldn't guarantee that the problem staff member wouldn't be dismissed. As a sweetener, I think, the area manager started discussing applying for promotions etc., great worker etc. and if I was normal I'd disclose, put in a grievance and accept. The area manager has not "accepted" my resignation today (???) but will speak to me on Sunday after I've had a think about it. I'm not at work between now and then, and I'm going to the GP soon to discuss something to help my nerves. I don't think I can do it but I don't want to upset the area manager either. Thanks again everyone x
  3. Hi all, Thankyou all for your help. I never even thought about speaking off the record. If I do speak off the record, is there anyway they can confront her with it anyway? I've only met the area manager twice and she seems reasonable. Sabre: thankyou for your reply. I've already been advised to put in a grievance by a colleague. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position physically or mentally to take a stand (I can express myself much better in text )
  4. Hi Sparks, Thankyou for your reply. It wouldn't be too hard to get another job because until now, I have finished all of my contracts with positive references. This is the only one I've actually resigned from. Previous employers contact me about every 3 months to see if I'm available for a new post. I could always contact one of those. With regards to JSA, I wouldn't be entitled because of leaving my job, but I have savings and would be ok to support my children and I financially for about 2-3 months comfortably and 4-6 months if we were skint. I also have the option to go self-employed. My fundamental drawback is my nerves. If I tell the area manager everything, she'll probably get sacked and I'd feel awful. That must make me look ridiculous but I suffer with anxiety and it's hard to describe. I'm fairly certain that she'll be sacked soon anyway for how she is treating others. However, I just want to leave as quietly and I can. Thanks Sparks - any feedback I'd be grateful for x
  5. Hi all, I could do with some advice because I've no idea what I'm doing. Last week, I resigned from my job due to a "hostile environment" - I did so in writing giving the required 30 days notice. I also thanked them for the fantastic opportunity I'd been given at their company. My problem/query is that I am leaving because of one rather toxic staff member but I haven't stated any names in my resignation. I've always been quiet and tried to avoid trouble etc. Unfortunately, I haven't got the confidence to put a grievance even though others have (I'm not the only one). To be honest, the whole thing has made me feel anxious/sick so I'd rather just leave quietly. Anyway, tomorrow, an area manager is travelling down to "talk to" me. My role is not easy to replace and I know that management hate recruiting so I'm assuming she'll want to discuss why I'm leaving/give an exit interview etc. My query is this: What's the minimum amount of information I can get away with telling the area manager without offending her? Also, if I do not "spill the beans" - can they stop my final wages? I feel so nervous. I know I sound cowardly but I don't want to mention this woman's name. She's already on a last warning and I'd feel terrible if she lost her job because she would struggle financially. On the other hand, I can't take her bullying anymore either. Thankyou for your time - Tina x
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