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  1. Hi, Im trying to unravel my late father's very complicated finances, as I'm his executor. I found a letter from Hoist Finance dated from last year stating they own the account, with an outstanding balance of £2131.92. When I phoned to say he'd died they told me it would be passed to 'Philips and Cohen' - this was mid-January and I've heard nothing (luckily). Having read these forums I then wrote to MBNA requesting all his account data but they replied stating the 'GDPR only applies to personal data relating to a living individual'. is this true?There's also a letter relating to another MBNA debt from Link Financial, so they have sold the two on. I need to know how old these are etc. Letters scanned and attached. The reason I'm confused is I've also written to Santander (using the same template letter) and have received all the loan info so they obviously have different rules! - I'm not willing to settle anything unless I know how old these debts are and what they relate to. We couldn't find any paperwork at my Father's house. Any advice as what to do next - I did send certified copy of probate certificate with my requests. Many thanks for reading! scan0041.pdf scan0040.pdf
  2. My dear Dad who served in WWII and worked all his life developed vascular dementia after suffering a stroke and eventually ended up in a care home. We applied for NHS Continuing Care and was passed from pillar to post as is the case for many. The only asset he had was the ex-council house which I helped him to buy [he had lived there for over 40 years at the time] with my mother. We bought the house as joint tenants in 1985. On my mother's death in 1991 we failed to inform the Land Registry of her death [not clued up at all about these things] so the house was then jointly owned by myself and my Dad. My Dad went into a care home in 2006. The local authority [LA] rejected the claim for NHS Continuing Care and took all my Dad's pension leaving him with a few pounds each week. As I was the joint owner of the property with my Father the LA kept sending me bills for the shortfall in his weekly care home fees. Upon my Dad's death in 2007 the LA continued to chase me for the shortfall in the care home fees amounting to thousands of pounds despite my stating I was pursuing a claim for NHS Continuing care. Earlier and unbeknown to me the LA had put a charging order on the house [sending 3 letters - one to my deceased mother, one to my father who was in the care home and one to me [living 200 miles away] we didn't pick up the letters until after the deadline for objecting had passed as we were obviously up and down the motorway visiting my father in the care home. Since then I have completed various questionnaires and sent loads of emails to no avail and no resolution of this issue. The demands for payment from the Finance Dept. stopped in 2014. I've not heard anything since. My questions are: 1. Does the charging order made by the LA against the property have an expiry date? I have seen something about 12 years? 2. If the Finance Dept. has stopped chasing me for payment - where do I stand now? Is the debt written off after x number of years? I maintain my father was fully entitled to NHS Continuing Care and I will continue to fight this - he died in 2007 - I haven't heard anything further from my last appeal I think in 2014 - it is very wearing. Meanwhile I can't sell the house [the charge on the house means the LA will get their hands on the money to which I vehemently object] and am letting the property out to tenants which is a whole new world of pain. I also foolishly paid someone to act as my advocate and of course he took the money and did - feel very let down that he could take advantage of people when they are at such a low ebb. I know I'm not the only person to fall prey to this person. Any advice gratefully received. Thank you.
  3. Hi, 1. IBERIA: I was denied boarding by Iberia, they have been very slow in dealing with me, asking me for paspost details, birth certificate, bank account in very slow manner, but so far no compensation whatsoever, this goes back to late August. I am not sure what to do now, I threathned them with legal action if they were not to compensate me within 7 days, but nothing from them, no communication either. Shall I take them to court ? 2. LUFTHANSA: I had a flight delay back in 2016, I requested 250 euros, which they paid me, however when I realized it was more as it was a connection flight and according to the distance criteria it should have been 600 euros, I asked them to pay me the difference, their response was negative. Is it worth taking my case further, or is it because I accepted the first settlement it will be considered as a final one ? ANd shall I take them to court ?. Thank you PS. this is a six passenger claim & my claims fall within the criteria for compensation
  4. I cannot believe how useless FOS is: Investigator ruled against me because I must have accepted an online question that I wanted PPI: he sent me screenshots of questions re PPI but not my screenshots since i never seen them before. my gdpr did not contain them, my cca regulated agreement contained nothing about ppi… he says fos is not interested in cca agreement or what is in gdpr … cca is a matter for fca.. not fos disgraceful appalling service... i feel a need to complain about this investigator i have sent an email complaining about the fos guy essentially he has assumed that i saw an online form and replied i did want ppi… but he has not offered any evidence that i was offered or even accepted or declined
  5. About eight weeks ago I paid for admission for my wife and young daughter to a Zoo which, as we found out, was shutting for the day about 30 minutes after we arrived, even though I had specifically asked this and was reassured at the gate. I rang FD a few days later and asked to perform a chargeback but they refused because they said that I had no proof. Is this correct?
  6. Hello all. Ordered a mobile phone from CPW on the 27th Dec Phoned CPW directly asking to cancel the contract and return the device on the 9th Jan. Customer service rep stated that the 10th of January would have been the last day I could cancel the contract. I was given the choice of returning it in store or by taking it to a DPD collection point. I asked for the DPD collection point since it is nearer. Have been ill with an ear infection which had left me with horrible Vertigo which has kept me from going to work hence why I haven't taken it to the DPD collection point. Intended on doing that today I called CPW to confirm everything was OK was told that because I didn't return the phone on the 10th that they can no longer accept it. As far as I am aware, I have 14 days to return the phone after stating my intention to cancel which would give me until 22nd January to return the phone. Am I correct in thinking this? Also on the CPW website it states you should keep and destroy the sim card whilst the lady on the phone said I should return the sim card in the package, so a bit confused about this. The sim card is unused, if that matters also.
  7. I find myself in murky waters like many others claimming this new benefit. Having worked most of my life, and cared for family member, then returning to work following the loss of family member, my GP signed me off work and to cut long story short, I resigned from my job due to employers pressure. I was only on probationary period so cannot claim unfair dismissal. I investiagted my entitlement to benefits and was directed to claim ESA which I did. 3 weeks later receiving a letter rejecting my claim, not returning my 'fit notes' and advised to claim UC. I immediately claimed UC and attended first security appointment. I was handed my 16 digit security number (which I feel breaches data protection having it printed, but wouldn't remember it anyway) and requested my claim be back dated to 2nd September due to the above. As UC is all dealt with online, via the journal process I have found this process confusing and frustrating as I am unable to speak with someone initially to find out what benefits I could claim. The 0845 numbers in my area charge additional fees when calling from mobile phone, fees which my provider advise are not charged by them, but are charged by DWP. The rejection to back dating my claim will obviously cause severe hardship and arrears with rent /council tax. I am genuinely looking to return to work and have been applying for many jobs which I am more than capable of doing, without success but in the meantime I am totally stressed about my current situation and do not know how I am too proceed, not having been in the position before of having to claim JSA/ESA etc. I'm not wishing to sound derogatory but I have never lived off benefits and find myself in unknown territory, but extremely scared of the prospects ahead. I have done some research about benefits and it mentions 'Mandatory reconsideration', prior to appealing their decision but I have no idea how to go about doing this, as it appears the wording of the rejection letter (via UC Journal) seems to be coming across as saying 'ignorance is no excuse'............................ I have a meeting with my workcoach at the local jobcentre this afternoon and would like any information you can help me with to go armed with to get this MR moving along please. I have requested an interim payment but the UC Journal advises that I call them to apply for this! If they will take phone calls for interim payments then why can I not talk to anyone regarding UC on the phone about benefit matters? This is so confusing and frustrating but surely they can't reject a request for back dating of claim when all their rules are so complex? Or can they? I will be homeless by Christmas if they don't agree to back date this :-x:-x:-x Any help or guidance would be very much appreciated.
  8. JHi, and thanks to all those who contributed to my other thread in respect of ESA, the help has been greatly appreciated and I would appreciate any same kind advice on my PIP Tribunal was has now been listed and will proceed in a few weeks time. My initial reason for the Appeal has been based on the time it took the assessment, (approximately 14 minutes) and this was for two conditions, physical because I have a heart condition and for my mental problems which are secondary to the heart condition, PTSD, anxiety and depression. During the examination, the assessor just repeated the same questions that l had provided in the questionnaire and no physical examination was carried out, giving the time it took as opposed to other assessments that I have taking , it was as if the decision was already made before I walked in there, the assessor was and in theory just going through the bare minimal motions which I feel is unfair and not to mention the fabricated report which if true would have taking the assessor about 45 minutes to an hour to conclude what he concluded which was a complete pack of lies in all honesty, my wife who cares for me was at this assessment. I feel and this is purely based on previous assessments and not just an assumption that I was denied the right to a full and proper assessment which every claimant should have any rights too, have I got grounds?, thanks
  9. Hi all, I'm wondering if you guys can help us out with advise. We have applied for a dropped kerb (also called vehicular access) for our house where the front garden has been paved as a drive way. When we applied we were under the impression that we would get the permit to create vehicular access based on the fact that 75% of our neighbors already have their kerb dropped. To our surprise, the Northamtonshire Highways have denied our dropped kerb citing new regulations that came into effect in 2014. We were told we could appeal, but that we probably lose this based on the new regulations. Is there a way that we can appeal based on the other dropped kerbs (in legal terms called a precedent) or do we just need to accept the fact that we won't get the kerb lowered? Thanks for any assistance.
  10. I am starting this thread on behalf of my brother who desperately needs some help. He should've been on Group Income Protection by September however due to his bad health he never chased that up. He was then invited to attend a functional capacity assessment on behalf of insurer in January which itself was around 4 months later than when he should’ve started on income protection. He gave in his 200% in that assessment to a level that he ended up being with swollen legs and pain for next 2 weeks to follow. His illness started around March last year when he was getting bullied at his work place which caused him work-related stress and depression. The bullying continued and that lead him to a stage that he experienced paralysis symptoms in left side and lost strength in left side of body and he ended up being hospitalised. Subsequent tests and check-ups, physiotherapy (neuro physio), neurology consultants after thorough diagnosis ruled out stroke (luckily) and diagnosis were work related stress that caused his functional hemiparesis (losing strength in left side of his body). During this time, the management were still stressing his through different means while he had been off sick as a result his stress and depression got so out of control that it triggered Schizophrenia in him including hearing voices and hallucinations. Things like not being around for the family and being unable to carry out day to day activities worsening his condition and since then he is in care of Mental Health team. After a month, he received a letter of rejection quoting my brother doesn’t fulfil definition of incapacity and his claim was getting rejected. The basis of rejection was they believe there is no evidence of medical condition causing significant impairment in function and his reporting is inconsistent and unreliable (even though he disputes). They cited clinician believed there were number of inconsistencies in my brother’s reporting and his ability of walking and standing during formal testing were inconsistent with his reported left side weakness (even though he pushed himself over pain barrier to carry out these activities). They used around 1-2-day surveillance on him which was done approximately for around 1-2 weeks prior to his assessment and they quoted that surveillance showed him walk and stand unaided whilst grocery shopping and grip items and grocery shopping bags which doesn’t indicate functional loss. Even though they agree there is evidence that he used walking stick and displayed uneven gait throughout surveillance footage. He maintains that the bags referred to were very light. He also says that he doesn’t do these as day to day activity however on that particular day he was severely depressed as this shopping even though caused him physical pain but he did that as it gave him distraction and mental reassurance that he is not a burden on others. Now his mental health condition has further deteriorated due to further stress hence I am helping him with this and he has been given 90 days to appeal against this decision. I wish to get advice on following: 1) What should be his first steps to challenge this? 2) Given that he is physically incapacitated (as per treating doctor, physio and consultant) what weight does assessment from functional assessors carry when they say he is not functionally incapacitated considering they are paid by the insurers? 3) Does just lifting some light grocery bags justify him not being incapacitated? Even though he says it is not one of his regular activities and he did that to fight his depression and it caused him significant pain and distress? Considering that even they mentioned that surveillance shows him using walking stick and maintaining uneven gait throughout the surveillance footage) 4) Even if we ignore him moving with support and with uneven gait for the sake of argument agree with insurers no functional loss argument does high degree of depression and Schizophrenia including voices and hallucination not constitute incapacity considering his job involves high physical activities and care? 5) Considering he was supposed to be on Income Protection in September was it a fair practice from the company to get his evaluation done in January (approximately 4 months later)? 6) Is assessing someone nearly 4 months after they should’ve been on Income Protection good indicator how their condition was 4 months ago? 7) What should happen for the time between when he was due to be on Income Protection and till they assessed him? Any help is highly appreciated
  11. Hi All I'm a long-term debt struggler, but I've made good progress over the past 5-6 years, some paid off, one written off, some on arrangement etc. Just when I thought I was getting on top, Lowell tell me they're sending the bailiffs round The original debt (Capital One) hasn't been paid towards, or acknowledged for a very long while (less than 6 years though!). I wasn't in a position to pay, due to other arrangements in place, so chose to ignore it. The idea was to eke things out until April this year, when two of my existing arrangements come to an end, then go to Lowell with an offer / agree a repayment plan. The bullet points of my issue are below, any advice would be hugely appreciated... 1. Moved house May 2015. 2. Lowell wrote to me at my NEW address September 2015, November 2015 and other letters. 3. Heard nothing until last week, when I received a Notice of intention to enforce, warrant of control etc, due to non-payment of CCJ registered July 2016. 4. I knew nothing of the CCJ, no letter before claim, no claim forms, no court papers, no nuffin whatsoever. 5. Papers were presumably sent to my old address, as that's where the CCJ is registered. In short, LOWELL pursued legal action without my knowledge, affording me no right to defend their claim, and no opportunity to pay within 30 days of the judgement, thus removing it from my credit file. The key point here, is that they had written to me on more than 2 occasions at my new address, then reverted to my old address when it came to the legal shenanigans. Can't see that this was anything other than deliberate. My credit file had been starting to shape up (slowly), but now it's got a shiny new CCJ on it. I'd be very grateful to receive your suggestions...
  12. Good evening, For once I will submit a question instead of advising, as I am really not sure what I should do. My sister visited for Christmas, she purchased a Eurostar return ticket from Paris to London. The return journey wasn't brilliant... Eurostar advises to reach the London station at least 30 minutes before the departure time. On 26 Dec, she arrived around 45 minutes in advance (because buses to London were slower than usual due to city traffic), just to find an immense queue at the checkin. Time went by and when she reached the checkin desk, the operator said that it was too late to board the train! The only "solution" they offered to cross the channel was to purchase another ticket for a next train. While she had purchased the return ticket for around 75 EUR, she now had to pay an additional 150 EUR! The operator said she didn't have a cancellation or change option on the ticket. I find this insane. She has sent a long complaint, as by experience Eurostar deals rather well with customer problems (back to 2009, I was in 3 trains, the first time the train got burnt; the second time the tunnel got flooded; the third and last one, I stayed stucked in the tunnel for 3 hours). They have replied that the delay was due to additional passport and luggage controls. They have directly processed a refund of the first ticket price. Still from my perspective: - she suffered a delay of several hours; - on top of this, the delay costed her 75 EUR; Eurostar also said that they didn't communicate with customers (text, email) although they were aware of the delay, because... this isn't what they normally do. Any advice on how to pinpoints evidence against regulations or enforcement bodies' guidelines? I believe in a fair world she should not only have suffered any financial loss, but also should get compensation for the delay. However, a total refund of the second ticket will still be better than having to pay 75 EUR! Any advice? Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi all, new to the forum and came here because a search on the interweb gave some great information from this site. My problem is that I bought a Dodge Journey diesel auto in April last year. As the garages warranty had run out, and I had some spare cash, decided to take a warranty out as Im not dripping with cash and as this is the most expensive car I had (with finance) wanted to ensure I could always get it repaired. It seemed good timing as less around a month later and with 730+ miles extra on the clock, when pulling out of a junction on my way to work, the gearbox gave up with a big bang and would not move I called WarrantyWise who advised me to take to a VAT registered garage etc and get them to call them. The first garage I went to, a normal place, would not check it as they said it would need to be looked at by a specialist. I then booked in with a gearbox garage, who would deal with warranty firm as well (altho, the man on the reception gave me some horror stories bout warranty wise - couldn't happen to me could it?) The garage have deducted that the mechatronic unit has failed, leading to issues with the clutch etc - Im not sure of the full details but in total they advised to repair would cost around £4,500. They sent the details to warranty wise who requested an independent inspection, the garage requiring my authority at this time as this would mean them having to fully strip the garbox so would then put me into a £6-800 debt with them. I decided to go ahead as required repairing but then......an email advising claim denied. They have denied with the following information : "The reason for the decline is your repairer wishes to replace the following parts on your vehicle: 1) MECHATRONIC UNIT ASSEMBLY 2) FRONT CLUTCH ASSEMBLY 3) GASKETS/SEALS,FILTERS,OIL Unfortunately the Mechatronic assembly is specifically excluded on the 9.4 08/80 level of cover you currently hold and therefore we cannot consider this request. We have also received the independent engineers report and he has concluded that the forward/dual clutch has become damaged consistent with a failure of the mechatronic unit and is a fault common to this particular type of transmission which the repairers have previous experience of. The independent engineer would also have to consider in all reasonable probability that due to the elapsed mileage since plan inception he would have to consider the fault to be progressive and that the fault would have been developing at the time of plan inception or at best the unit was compromised leading to the current defect." In respect of the exclusion of the mechatronic unit, this is due to the following information re gearbox and transmissions : "Parts included : All Internal mechanical and electrical parts of gearbox, transfer gearbox, torque convertor and overdrive (but excluding SMG and DSG hydraulic actuator, internal oil cooler or radiator)" I have now checked on the internet and would seem that the hydraulic actuator is within the mechatronic unit, so I honestly am not sure where I would stand on this. When I mentioned this to WW, they advised that as te mechatronic unit is not an internal part of the gearbox, this is not covered anyway (although, I again have pointed them to several sites where it advises this unit sits inside the DSG). But as I say, Im not a mechanic so I may be totally wrong and it may be an excluded part. What has irked me, and Im hoping someone can really help me with on here, is the fact they are using wear and tear, and the fact that this unit is well known for being a problem, to deny the rest of the claim. The car was running fine up until that moment, so as it requires repair before being able to be used, this should be down to sudden and unexpected failure. As I have advised them, all the reviews I read none of them mentioned an issue with this gearbox (it was normal car reviews) so how would I, a layman, have known there was issues with this? They seem to be using the fact that as these boxes are well known in 'the trade', then that should have been all I needed to know. There is a lot more I could put on here, but if anyone could try and help me and would like more information, please let me know. Thanks
  14. Hi everyone, I feel I am being put into a position by housing benefit regulations of having to consider giving up my job, I would be grateful for any help or advice. My story starts with leaving a job I was in after 12 years as an employee to do the job I am doing now. I started this job in June 2104. Basically I am a door to door collection agent, (like a provident agent), different company. I am NOT self employed but PAYE, I am on a commission only basis and I pay all my own expenses from my Net Pay, e.g fuel, car repairs, mobile phone, wifi etc. these expenses are not recoverable from my employers but from HMRC in the form of a new UTR (Unique Tax Reference). I also pay an accountant annually from my Net pay to calculate my expenses and submit them to HMRC and Tax Credits. I have had no issues with HMRC or tax credits, my award has been altered accordingly, but Housing Benefit will NOT accept these expenses because they do NOT show up on either my P60 or Pay Slips. HMRC are sending me out a calculation to give to the council showing my annual wage after expenses, but I know this will be fruitless, as another agent has been denied after providing his. I have took this to appeal and tribuneral and to my local MP, but I am still banging my head against a brick wall. Housing benefit are quoting me Housing Benefit Regulation 35 2(b) as the reason why I am not entitled. Basically in my previous job on approx £11,000 per year I was recieving £64 per week housing benefit and some council tax benefit. This job after expenses I get £10,700 per year and receive nothing and have to pay back an overpayment of £1900. I am a single parent with 2 teens under 18 and work in excess of 30 hours per week. I love my job and do not want to have to search again, I would be grateful for any advice offered. Thank You
  15. I pay for my parking monthly via Dash and park at a site managed by NCP. Dash allow multiple vehicles to be registered on their system. I renewed my parking but as we were going to be away for a few days I renewed the July payment on my alternate registration. On return my logged in and changed the vehicle normally parked to primary. Over the course of August I received 3 PCN notices, all challenged and two of which were acknowledged as noting the car actually parked was registered on the account and cancelled; the third not. I raised an appeal through POPLA, which surprise surprise has been refused. The PCN is for £100 vs a £3.70 daily charge for 24 hour parking, and a prepaid sum of £67.40. I made every effort to change the designated vehicle through the party that took my money to pay for the use of parking for the period in question. At no time were both vehicles ever parked at the site simultaneously. The fact that two notices were rescinded in my opinion creates precedence and by that alone makes the refusal of the third unfair. Where do I turn to now? This refusal by their own 'old boys club' is a joke in its self. Any guidance is appreciated I am not familiar with UK county court processes. Many thanks
  16. I paid for parking via mobile and received a penalty notice for non payment. The appeal went to POPLA, and APCOA then agreed in their statement that they had received payment but not my vehicle reg. I stated that I entered my vehicle reg with my payment details. APCOA claimed that they sent me a separate text message asking for vehicle reg. They did not. I did however receive a voice mail from them saying that payment process was complete and I was entitled to park for 24 hours, so I assumed that everything was in order. (APCOA haven't denied this message). POPLA denied my appeal, the assessor stated that I hadn't entered my reg details (even though I disputed this) so payment wasn't valid. What did I pay for if it wasn't parking? I followed exactly the instructions communicated to me and APCOA didn't have any loss of income. I cannot understand the assessors decision.
  17. I don't want to go into a 1000 word essay so I've tried to summarise this down into valid points and be as brief but detailed as possible. On 24th December 2014, I visited Halfords and purchased engine oil 5L bottle and engine oil top up service. When the gentlemen from the 'we fit' team came to my car he just had a orange pouring beaker and nothing else. On pouring the engine oil into the vehicle and inspecting the dipstick I was slightly alarmed that the staff member wasn't using any measuring device and was seeming freely pouring at his hearts content, I decided to take a photograph of the top op occurring. My partner and her son where in the car whilst this was all on going. I assumed being a Halfords 'we fit' member it was probably just my own paranoia that he wasn't using a measuring device or jug. On completing the top up the staff member told me I was ready to go and it was complete and was about to shut the bonnet when I quickly noticed and informed him that the engine oil cap had not been reapplied and closed to the engine oil unit. The staff member apologised saying he had been at work since 6am and was very tired. So I left the store. On driving approximately 1-2 miles from the store smoke started coming out of the exhaust of the vehicle which i noticed from my rear view mirror and wing mirror. I immediately stopped the vehicle and as smoke was starting to appear from the exhaust and engine decided to check the engine oil top up. I at this time read the engine oil dipstick and saw that it was 3 times past the maximum mark. I took a photograph with it getting into the evening and at this point it became dark quite early and also for proof of the dipstick. I then returned to the store. On this point on returning to the store a 'engine malfunction' light appeared on my vehicle. I informed them of what had occurred and 2 members of staff inspected the engine oil. The supervisor told me she'd get equipment to drain the engine oil with the staff member. When they got this equipment because of the size of my vehicle it would not fit. Therefore the supervisor said she would ring halfords autocentre and see if an 'engine oil overfill' would cause any danger to drive. After ringing them she came back and told me that a mechanic at Halfords autocentre said the vehicle would be safe to drive with engine oil overfilled. I asked why the engine malfunction light was occurring and was told it was probably a false sensor alarm on the trip computer because the car was just 'slightly' over on engine oil. I asked what would happen if my vehicle was damaged or stopped working because of this and was told by the supervisor that I would have to seek reimbursement after purchasing the repair from Halfords Autocentre by bringing the receipt in store. To me this did not make logical sense and after googling the dangers of 'engine oil overfills' on my phone I decided to go into the store and speak to the staff to get some form of written liability and promise in writing. On speaking to the original staff member in store and his colleague they would not provide me anything in writing. I therefore decided to covertly record the conversation so I had some form of proof of the incident occurring and evidence. On speaking to the staff instore the store manager was at a till behind them. The staff told me to not worry and if anything did occur that 'Halfords would pay for it' as they had 'insurance in place for these kind of things'. I was told that mistakes did happen and before staff had fitted batteries in wrong and Halfords had paid the repair. The store manager then said that he drives his car which has 150k mileage on it with overfilled engine oil all the time and it does no damage. With this recorded I left and drove my vehicle home. I decided that something still did not seem right as I had been told 2-3 different things about reimbursement (insurance being involved...paying it myself and being reimbursed..halfords paying the repair costs..). These were three different things and to me it was not logical to drive a vehicle with a engine malfunction light. I kept the vehicle parked up and switched off and did no further driving. I rang my breakdown cover and asked them to send a mechanic out for an opinion. When the mechanic arrived he told me the car was unsafe to drive and the advice Halfords gave me was wrong. It was not safe to drive a car with overfilled engine oil as it was as bad as driving the vehicle with underfilled engine oil. He put this into a report of the breakdown he emailed to customer services, which I later requested. I therefore waited until Boxing Day and in the meanwhile i was left without a car because Halfords was not open during this period. When I rang the customer services on 26/12/14 at 2pm I spoke to someone there and they promised me that my car would be repaired until I was 'happy'. I asked them provide this in writing in which they did in the form of 'case notes' that were forwarded to me. I was told this would be done ASAP and the store would be instructed on how to do this. On being taken home by my mother at approximately 5pm I got a phonecall from someone claiming to work for Halfords claim team. I therefore spoke to them and they told me that they would require proof of the breakdown report and that the car was unsafe to drive as a result of the store's misadvice and negligence. I therefore asked them to put in writing this. Which they did in a email to me on 26/12/14 at 5.23pm I sent them the breakdown report, dipstick reading and audio recording on 26/12/14 at 9.58pm On the 29/12/14 I was contacted by the claims team via telephone on Monday throughout the day who said they would get the car towed to an autocentre to be flushed. This was done and I then awaited the car to be repaired. I asked about what would happen to any charges such as taxi for transport because of Halford's error and as since Xmas eve I had been without a car. I was told to email any costs in form of receipts and they would be reimbursed. On the 30/12/14 I was told the car would be repaired at 5pm. I decided to ring the autocentre repairing the car and ask them to specifically look at the catalytic converter and gasket and do a emissions test and thorough check of all components of the car as I was worried that from seeking advice these could be damaged. I was told this would be done. I picked the car up at 5pm and was given no receipt or invoice and was told that the car was done. Neither did I sign anything. On picking the vehicle up I noticed that before the car had been towed it had 3/4 full of petrol. It now only had below half so i took a photograph of this and asked for 25% of the petrol to be reimbursed to me, as I would not have lost this petrol if the matter had not happened and I sent Halfords the original receipt. The following day I noticed that the A/C was no longer working and neither was the audio system/CD player and these components of the vehicle had been before. I therefore tried to call Halfords but was told by the customer services team that the claims handler was busy and so they would get him to ring me back. I tried to call Halfords two more times within that week with the same response. On the 6th January (6 days) later I sent Halfords a email to the email address they had been corresponding to me at informing them of the problems with the vehicle and my concerns. I received no response and when I called on the 7th January was told that the claims handler who was dealing with my case did not work weekends and had been off so to allow a few days for a call back. On driving to Nottingham on the 9/1/15 M1 the same engine malfunction light that appeared on the engine oil overfill re-appeared on my car's trip computer and dashboard with a weird smell. I decided to pull in and call Halfords customer service and demand to speak to a manager. On calling them they put me through to the claims handler who told me to take the car to my nearest autocentre. I did this and on the 10/1/15 the autocentre confirmed that the diagnosis was that the car had a 'emissions fault' and the 'catalytic converter' needed replacing. Halfords claim team called me on the 10/1/15 and told me that the repair would be started on Monday. On Monday 12/1/15 I was called by the claims handler and told the repair would take upto 1 working day but as this autocentre was under staffed that they would require further time, so a courtesy car in the form of car hire had been sorted for me with Enterprise locally to me. I was told I had to pay the deposit amount on the vehicle but the rental fees would be covered by Halfords. Therefore with no other choice I accepted the rental vehicle. I did this and got the courtesy car. On Wednesday 14/1/15 I was called by the claims handler to say that 'due to the cost of the catalytic converter' an 'investigation' was going to take place to see how the catalytic converter had been damaged and not spotted before. I accepted Halfords to do this as I knew nothing had been done. On 23/1/15 I received an email from the claims handler saying that Halfords staff had given 3 witness statements stating that only 1 litre of engine oil was entered to the vehicle which all staff witnessed and the engine oil dipstick was seen by 3 members of staff who all said it was at minimum, thus the autocentre found the engine oil amounts to be between 1.5-2 litres over therefore this did not match amounts. The autocentre had raised no concerns at the time but the investigation concluded the engine oil amounts did not match and thus Halfords stated that after Halfords topped up the oil i must have added more oil to the vehicle and damaged the vehicle myself, therefore Halfords were no longer liable for the damage/s and expense/s and the car hire would be ended on 29/1/15. On the 30/1/15 I rang the customer services and informed them I would like to speak to someone above the claims handler as at the time of the incident occurring and the engine oil top up happening my partner who was a witness to it all was there and could testify that 3 people did not check/supervise the top up. I also informed Halfords that i had a photograph of the engine oil top up occurring which had a time/date linked to it which was further evidence. I was promised that I would get a phonecall from a higher up member of the team on the Monday 26/1/15 as the claims team did not work on a Saturday. I received no call on the 26/1/15 from anyone higher up and instead was greeted by this email from the claims handler: Dear XXXXX, I understand that you have contacted us over the weekend in regards our response dated the 23rd. I can confirm that I have already discussed this case in detail with Halfords' High Level Complaints Manager, XXXXXXXX, prior to sending the email on the 23rd and that she has confirmed our stance. As previously advised if you do wish to take this further then I can only advise that you seek independent legal advice and address any correspondence to Halfords Legal, as we will not be giving this further consideration at Customer Services. Kind regards XXXXX Claims Consultant I then decided to reply with a letter before action (LBA) and sent one via post to the address I was told to send further consideration to only (the legal team at halfords) via recorded delivery and one via email to the address for Halfords I had. I yesterday received the below response to my LBA. Dear Mr XXXXXX, I confirm receipt of your email. Taking into account our prior correspondence, we are comfortable that this is our final position on this matter, and we do not propose to respond to you further in this circumstance. We refute your assertion that liability has been accepted at any point and recommend that you do seek legal advice should you wish to take this further. We await service of your claims paperwork from your legal representative and would ask that your case number of XXXXXXX is on all paperwork submitted. Yours Sincerely XXXXXX Claims Consultant I am now fed up over the matter. I am going to commence a MCOL. But need help in writing the particulars section. I have looked on the internet but found no examples of applicable use and don't know if what I have done is good enough. Can anyone help? Oh and I forgot to mention have still not had my vehicle back..and car hire was cancelled 24 hours earlier than what I was told!
  18. Rail passengers are routinely being denied the cheapest fares when they buy tickets at stations, The Telegraph can disclose. Self-service machines — which are used to purchase almost a quarter of all tickets sold annually — offer wildly different fares, an investigation by this newspaper shows. Customers buying from a machine can pay more than £200 when a ticket for the same destination can be found elsewhere at the station for more than £100 cheaper. For example, at machines run by train company Northern Rail in Leeds, passengers buying a First-Class Anytime Return to Birmingham were charged £271. Only feet away, an East Coast trains machine offered the same journey using a First-Class Off-peak Return for £145.70. This type of ticket is not available for customers using Northern Rail’s machines, which means that some passengers might not be aware that they could save £125.30 by travelling off-peak. The Telegraph investigation examined rail fares across the country and found that customers were being offered different prices for the same journey depending on which operator’s machine they used. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/road-and-rail-transport/11175688/Rail-ticket-rip-off-passengers-routinely-denied-cheapest-fares.html The best way to ensure you don't get ripped off is to buy your ticket at the ticket office. Ticket office clerks are required by law to offer the cheapest tickets, regardless of which company they work for.
  19. I am not sure if this is the correct place on this site for queries about the State Pension but could see no mention of pensions anywhere so someone might point me to another section. This is a little complicated but here goes. I was on ESA back in 2010, got put in support group for 6 months (letter appeared 2 weeks before my appeal hearing) but then 4 months later I had to start the process again with another E50 (?) form to fill in and new ATOS medical. Of course I failed the medical and lodged an appeal immediately in I think June of 2011 - it took some time to get the ATOS appoinment. My appeal took even longer, although then you still received the basic ESA of around £70 per week while awaiting appeal. I believe now this is not the case and you have to go on JSA until the appeal is heard, something I could not cope with. I finally got the appeal hearing in October 2012 which I failed and my benefit was immediately stopped. Due to my health issues (mental health) I find it impossible to face going into the Job Centre to register for JSA. I had to give up my flat and stay with various friends around the country. In 2013 I managed with some difficulty to find work, through an agency which was very irregular, only 4 shifts in two months, while I was staying with a friend. I then found a permanent position but only lasted 8 weeks as it was more than I could cope with. Faced with the prospect of not having any income until my state pension in 2020 (I am one of the unlucky ones who has to wait until I am 66) I took my modest savings (under the limit for claiming benefits) and came to live in Turkey, where I can manage on just £30 per week for everything! However I am not sure my savings are going to last another 6 years, even here prices go up. what are the criteria for receiving the state pension early (although technically not early as all my working life I thought I would be claiming it this week when I turn 60!) on health grounds? I know if you are terminally ill you can get it sooner but how do they class terminal illness? My condition is permanent and although I have repeatedly tried to work during the past it does not last long before I am again unable to do so. I cannot cope with going into the Job Centre to answer their questions and fill in their forms. I am not comfortable around people which is why I cannot last long in jobs. I know this sounds like a feeble excuse but I can assure you it is a very real problem. Receiving my pension early would relieve all the stress of having to come back to the UK and try to sign on for JSA or try (and fail again) to claim ESA and then try to find a flat and live on £71 per week, which as everyone knows is incredibly difficult. Is there anyone on here that can point me in the direction of who to contact for answers to this question? Many thanks for reading.
  20. I discovered two years ago that for 6 years I had been paying day time rates for my E7. They admitted and promised to refund within 7 days. A tear later they were denying it and saying there had been no error. By this time the records had been destroyed forever after a system upgrade. I had calculated around 2000 in overcharges in the 6 years and stopped paying them until they sorted it out and refund me whatever I had not gotten back that way. After a few months I sent details to the ombudsman who acknowledged my complaint, but then lost it and never acted. I then became suspicious when I was turned down for a job and found that BG had defaulted my credit record every month and had me down as heavily in arrears. They used that false information to illegally get a warrant rubber stamped by magistrates and turned up one Saturday morning and began drilling my door lock to break in and fit a coin meter. (This pushes the cost up considerably apart form the inconvenience) I had to pay them most of what they demanded there and then to get these heavies to clear off. The following Monday I received their letter threatening to break in if I didn't pay. I then got the ombudsmen involved again and they apologised did noting and eventually sais they found in favour of BG, but gave no grounds for that decision. I am determined not to be bullied but they continue threatening and sending make believe debts to debt collector firms.. I am paying 2000 a year to heat a two bedroom flat and I cant switch because they claim I owe them money. I find it hard to believe they could be given such power to ignore normal law. I simply said, send me a statement proving what fuel I used and how much you charged me for it and if that is correct I will not argue. They are unable and unwilling to do this and seem to be able to use to the system to simply make up a sum and demand it with the backing of the state. Does anyone know the true position? I cant afford to employ lawyers, but at this point the principal is as important to me as the money. Any suggestions? I eventually got them to clear my creit file
  21. I have been fighting with Chandlers about oustanding CTAX that is owed, We have never granted them access to the property but now a Bailiff is claiming he is getting a warrant to force entry on monday to remove goods, can he do this or is this just scare mongering? Have spoke to Bexley council and they have said once its handed to bailiffs there is nothing they can do despite the fact we never received any warnings our account was in arrears, the first we knew we had Bailiffs at the door, and they have refused any sort of payment other than full payment, Any advise would be appreciated Regards Kieron
  22. Hi Not sure what advice anyone can give me and sorry it is long winded. Over a year ago my partner and I advertised for a part time admin person and were approached by a recruitment company who had obviously seen us as a possible lead! We are only a small business, but my partner decided to allow the RC to come to our house and discuss if they could help. I was not keen and left it to my partner. The result being she agreed to meet 3 applicants. She did not sign any terms and conditions, nor was she given any at that time, cost was not discussed at any time. An email from the RC asked us to return and sign them but none were attached. We then went away on business for three weeks. However my partner decided to try one applicant and informed the RC by telephone that she could start 4th Jan 2013 for one day a week. (During the time we were away an email was sent with the costs, which my partner did not pick up due to work etc) We then received an invoice for £980 dated 27th December payable immediately. I was a bit shocked by the cost (as was my partner) and was reluctant to pay as I had no idea it would be this much. I wrote and said that i would pay monthly ( as I believed that should she stop working I would not have to keep paying) We sent a payment and also said that no terms etc had been signed and costs agreed. The RC refused and started legal action and during this period the admin person informed us she was going to do her own freelance work and stopped any more work on 2nd April having completed about 6 or 7 days work in total. I received a court claim form etc. I lodged a defence and after agreeing to mediation I was told they had refused that, and a court date was set for October 14th. The RC replied to the defence and I replied to that and sent copies by registered post to the RC and the court. Now a week before the hearing I was given a date 14th October for an operation, that I had been waiting for, two years waiting, that's why I was on a last minute list if a space arose. I emailed the court and informed them of the operation and apologised for the short notice. I did hope that it would be postponed and foolishly said in the email that if they had to hear it in my absence I would understand believing if that happened they would look at my defence. I got an automated response, and heard nothing more and was out of action myself for nearly 2 months. To be fair I did forget all about it until March when I received a letter from a claims management offering to help after the judgement against us. I immediately tried to call the court and could not get through and emailed again on the 5th march asking for details and why we had not been informed of any judgement. Again I had only an automated reply. We then went away for work for another 4 weeks working and just after arriving back had a visit from the High Court enforcement Officer demanding £1908.35 and giving 4 days to pay. I rang the court again and after a fair wait finally got through and was abruptly told that my defence was dismissed and a letter of judgement had been sent out. I have never received any letter of judgement and would have acted if I had done so. I then applied to the High Court for a Stay and the County Court for a hearing to set aside, and was granted both. In my defence I thought I had a good chance of judgement in my favour for the following reasons. 1.The claim and judgement were not made out to our partnership, which they started with originally but in the name of our other business which is similar in name, but is a ltd company that trades under owns a cafe with different premises and registered office (my old accountants who were still listed on the Companies house website. I imagine they may have been sending stuff there mistakenly, and the HCE officers actually told me that they had gone there and were given my home address by them. I did send proof to the RC that it was the wrong company they were claiming against, in the form of separate headed paper and separate cheque books and accounts. We also have separate VAT and HMRC accounts and they are totally different types of business. 2. We never signed any agreement and only saw any terms and conditions when we were given demands for payment. 3. The RC had two of their employees, who were writing to both my home and my previous accountants. 4. The 'admin employee' had ceased any work after hardly any time at all and why should we pay any more than that. 5. There are other points I raised but those were the main defence. today at the Set aside hearing the DJ was not interested in any of this and stated that the original judge had dismissed my defence and any counter claim. I am certain he did not have any of the original documents from my reply to the RCs reply. I believe he was only looking at my application to set aside which had the email informing of my op, and the follow up email. He said 'what does it matter if the Ltd Company had the judgement as opposed to us personally' he also expressed doubt that I had not received the judgement, and I should have known that it had gone ahead in my absence. He was not interested in my email asking what had happened, or any info from the hospital. He would not let me explain anything, and he favoured the RC solicitor and I got quite upset as he would not listen and refused to set aside the judgement and said I should pay the original cost and court costs so about £1150. He also said he would not allow me to appeal without applying for permission. I am really angry and feel that it was already decided before we entered the room. What can I do now. Any help appreciated Jaw
  23. Hi all. been a long time since I needed to post here I tried a search but couldn't find anything like my story. I have also posted this in the CAG facebook page because as I state at the end I want as many people as possible to know about this. Hi folks. I would like to ask has anyone ever been denied a crisis loan or know anyone that has. I'm between payments at the minute. My SSP has run out and am waiting for my ESA to come through. My money ran out at the weekend and my electricity and food ran out yesterday.. Went to my local SSO to get a crisis loan. The guy dealing with me rang the ESA office and told me that they had all they needed and no reason why a payment couldn't be put in my account today. Therefore I was refused a loan. They wouldn't even give me the price of a bus ticket home. Today at lunch time there was no payment in my account. Rang esa to be told there was nothing to say a payment had been authorised. He said he sent through an email to authorise an interim payment but said it would take 4 hours to be sorted. Because of the time I rang at meant no payment until tomorrow. Obviously that's unacceptable so rang the benefits enquiry line. The lady there said she couldn't help but told me to get back to esa and ask to speak to a supervisor. Did that and was told I couldn't be transferred but I would get a call from one before the end of the day. I didn't believe that so rang BEL again. This time the person told me he would transfer me to esa. Instead I was put through to JSA. I was told there that there should be no reason why esa couldn't transfer me to a supervisor. In desperation I rang my MP. As of 4.55 neither me or my MP has had no response from ESA. They have no idea the stress this has put me under. Luckily I don't have any children needing fed but regardless of that this is an unacceptable situation. I spoke to a charity worker who told me this is not a unique case and even mentioned that a family with 4 young children were denied a loan. Sorry this has been a long story but even though I was given some food I am furious I have been treated this way and want as many people as possible to know about this. I'm even thinking of going to the papers....national if needs be!! Is this normal practice or even accepable.
  24. Hello everyone, and thanks in advance for any advice. I work in an organisation (ok, the NHS), at a large general hospital. Over the last 5 years, we have been merged with 2 other, similar sized hospitals, each 30-40 miles from us. This has produced 1 very large organisation to replace the three previous bodies. We are in the process of standardising pay, structure and conditions across the board. This has led to the creation of 3 new junior management jobs in each of the three areas, in my specialism. I work as a supervisor, so these new jobs would be the natural next step for me to take. My problem is this. These jobs require a qualification higher than I (or anyone else in my part of the organisation) hold. The custom has always been, to apply for the job, and if successful, be awarded the job on condition of obtaining the qualification as soon as possible. I assume this was to save money on training/educating people further, who then may never seek promotion, or even leave the organisation with their expensively provided qualification. So I applied for the jobs, only, to my surprise, to receive a letter at home from my boss, saying he regretted he couldn't offer me an interview. It turns out that one of the other organisations HAD been sending their employees to college routinely, and many of them, even on the shop floor, were qualified already. Their boss insisted, apparently, that no-one should be interviewed without this qualification. As we are 'harmonising', that meant that this rule had to be applied across the board. As a consequence, only people from from one area of the organisation are allowed to apply for any management jobs. These jobs in my area have now been awarded to people from that area, while we are prevented from applying. The posts will not be filled for two more weeks though. It seems very unfair that, due to operating under different protocols for the last 15 years, we are disadvantaged in this way. It feels that the goalposts have been moved at the last minute, and all the knowledge and experience gained here over the years count for nothing now, through no failing of our own. I am a union member, but they have been no help so far (too busy, seemingly). Ideally, I would like the appointments to be postponed, and the interviews re-run including those of us who were unfairly (to our minds) excluded last time. Does anyone have any ideas how I might go about achieving this? Sorry for the long post, but it is a complicated situation, and the disappointment is crushing. Thanks for your patience, if you have read this far!
  25. Hi there Last week I managed to wash my iPhone. It went through about 45 minutes in washing machine and understandably is completely broken - both waterlogged and smashed screen. O2 have said they wont repair it under their insurance I have with them. The reason they give is that the IMEI doesn’t match what they have on record. They are reading the IMEI off the back case , which is a non-genuine Apple back fitted after the 1 year Apple warranty had expired. They claim in their T and C's that the handset must be maintained as per manufacturers instructions. But can fitting a non-genuine back out of warranty be sufficient grounds for denying my claim? Especially given that the phone has worked fine in the period between the back being fitted and then me washing it Any thoughts gratefully received! Martin
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