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Found 6 results

  1. This isn't quite Bailiff's as such, but might apply. I have been watching a few videos created by activists who help consumers when Utility Companies turn up with an warrant to force entry and do a meter safety check, or indeed change meter to a pay one. The claim the activists make is that a Warrant of Entry only allows the Locksmith to drill the locks, that they may not use any other means to force entry. In a particular video, the door is secured by bolts as well as locks, and after 20 odd minutes of drilling the Locksmith still cannot get in since the door also has bolts. The Representative of British Gas then starts asking for permission to come in so the locksmith can replace the lock he has spent 20 minutes destroying. Activist: "Will you check the meter if we do that?" British gas Rep: "Yes" so is told to go forth and multiply, the home owner will replace the lock and bill British Gas. The employees and the Locksmith then depart - which suggests that the activist is actually correct, and the warrant of forced entry only allows lock drilling - from the force the locksmith was "accidently" using whilst coming to the end of drilling , it would have not taken much in terms of a big chap putting the boot or shoulder in to break the bolts. So, any thoughts? And would this apply to an Enforcement Agent. Best bit of the video is a Constable admitting he hasn't seen a Warrant, doesn't understand what powers the Warrant would allow, or indeed if using force beyond drilling the locks would be allowed, but he is still going to support British Gas, despite repeatedly claiming to be impartial. And as someone supposedly impartial and only there to prevent a breach of the peace, they went off with British Gas employees several times for private chats. Just to add, these guys, such as the "Trial by Social Media" Chap, do not appear to be Freemen, or in anyway related to that insane ideology.
  2. Hi, I need some help or advice if possible. I loaned my brother £20k and have proof of this - this amount was to be repaid when he got a payout from his redundancy and we agreed that as the security. He was paid his redundancy in Feb 2013 and paid me back in March 2013 in full. In September 2013 he went bankrupt after his marriage failed and he lost his house, The Trustee is now trying to recover the money which was paid to me as he states this has should have been kept for all his creditors. I had absolutely no knowledge that he was going to go bankrupt and he was not aware of how much his debts were at that time. I am absolutely furious that this has happened and I have only been repaid what was owed. I do not have that much money now without remortgaging my house and this can be evidenced. I do not feel that I should repay any money to the trustee as I have only been repaid what I loaned in the first place. I cannot afford big legal bills to fight this but I do not feel that I owe the trustee any money at all. What can he do or what are my best options. I would appreciate any advice.
  3. I have been fighting with Chandlers about oustanding CTAX that is owed, We have never granted them access to the property but now a Bailiff is claiming he is getting a warrant to force entry on monday to remove goods, can he do this or is this just scare mongering? Have spoke to Bexley council and they have said once its handed to bailiffs there is nothing they can do despite the fact we never received any warnings our account was in arrears, the first we knew we had Bailiffs at the door, and they have refused any sort of payment other than full payment, Any advise would be appreciated Regards Kieron
  4. All weekend the tabloids (and twitter) had headlines on bailiffs powers slashed. But have they really? Seems like a master stroke by MoJ and the advice sector have fallen for it. Bailiffs not allowed to call at night - when have they ever called in the middle of the night. In fact visiting times and days have been extended. Goods protected, really? In anything the tools of the trade cap means more trades vehicles will be seized. The listed goods are hardly likely to have been taken before anyway. New fees introduced for the vast majority of debts; council tax and business rates up to £310 from £42.50 New offence of obstruction for which a person can be arrested and go to prison If this reform does not work in the bailiffs favour then you can bet that the regs will get tweaked to their advantage pretty quickly. 4 million actions a year of which 80% are from local authorities means that the government has to get this to work. Finally, the new regs mean that the bailiff industry will have to work closer with the courts which in turn means more favourable decisions. If in doubt ask the sheriffs, they had the same situation some years ago. Now decisions are almost rubber stamped (particulary in regard to costs).
  5. Can an Appeals Tribunal, if it is made aware of illegal acts perpetrated by the DWP, recommend prosecution of those individuals concerned
  6. Ok so ive had problems with council tax for years. It all stemmed from a girl i was living with and i breaking up and her leaving me with a huge pile of unpaid bills. since then i've pretty much been stuck in a vicious cycle of being unable to pick up one years council tax because im too busy paying bailiffs for the previous years. Ive recently started a new job, which will solve this situation, however, im a self employed contractor and have to pay for everything up front and claim it back from the company who are paying for my services. This poses a problem, as im on a DMP. The DMP itself isnt too bad, although i have no idea how long it is going to take to clear the balances because ive had to reduce my payments in order to pay... surprise surprise bailiffs authorised by the local council to collect last years council tax. Ross & Roberts are like all Bailiff companies, glorified extortionists. Ive paid so far £700 toward an original balance of £1300 and somehow my outstanding balance remains at £900.. They handled my case so badly at first that i actually emailed the council and tried to open a dialogue. i explained my situation in full and told them that IF they gave me some breathing room, i could clear both this year and last year's balances within the next 6 weeks. The response was basically an explanation of how the council process our tax arrears (something i already knew), a statement of my outstanding balances (again something i already knew) and what can only be described as a "Tough ****" statement regarding my situation. And a "recommendation" that i contact their office to discuss repayment options for this years balance. i have responded re-iterating my situation regarding the DMP and last years balance i.e i have NO spare income, and this financial restriction could potentially cost me my job and that being the case, NOBODY gets paid. I am aware that this situation is really my fault, and i have no intention to try and get out of paying my debts. My objection is that a government department such as the council whose responsibility is to look after the inhabitants should be a damn sight more understanding and flexible. Ive been told year after year by these idiots that if i miss one payment, i lose the right to pay by installments and must pay the full balance immediately or face the bailiffs again. NO other creditor has the power to treat people like this, and those are all optional ones. Without wanting to sound overly dramatic, it is almost fascist, the way that council tax is not only a madatory payment, unless you live on a canal boat or something, but you basically get stomped on with an iron boot if you miss a payment. based on what the council representative said to me, im basically going to be stuck in this cycle forever unless by some miracle i manage to weather the storm and get through the next 6 weeks without any further business expenses.. which is unlikely
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