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Found 24 results

  1. Hi Guys In November, I applied for a post office credit card and was declined despite having near perfect scores with Experian and Equifax. I used an eligibility checker first and it showed that I had a 95% chance of being approved so I felt confident to apply. However, while filling out the application form I did notice that there were no fields to enter information as a self-employed person but I proceeded anyway by entering info about my self-employed status so it may be that they only approve those that are employed. I received a letter from them confirming the decline but they didn't give a reason. It said that they used Experian. For several years I have had an Aqua card and they have increased my credit limit quite substantially. Over the last 6 months they have sent me a letter every month encouraging me to apply for a loan for up to £5,000 using the loan code they sent. I want to apply for a loan because the rate is 3X lower than their credit card rate. However, I'm concerned about my credit score being negatively affected again I wonder if someone could tell me how much time I should allow before applying for credit/loan again. Your advice would be appreciated.
  2. Hi I would be very grateful fo some help regarding a declined application for DLA. I need some legal advice, I have posted in Beneits/HMRC but not sure if here would be a better place. Please advise wheres best to post, regarding requesting help on a decision. I will need a list of reasons for mandatory reconsideration that will include relevant decision makers guidance, possibly case law and regulations involving past presence, EU regulations etc. This is for my 7 year old sons DLA application which has been declined based upon not meeting the 'past presence test'. Thank you
  3. Hi, Just wondering if anyone can help, my claim for income protection has been declined. I have appealed but couldn't see any reason for the insurers to decline the first place I have been diagnosed with depression. Please see the reasons below: 1) They rejected claim without seeking any medical evidence from my doctor 2) They applied a deferred period even though they state it is a linked claim 3) During Rehabilitation Sessions (which turned out to be Claim Assessment Sessions) the specialist was more interested in gathering information to build a predefined conclusion to my absence other than my symptoms I would be grateful if anyone can help with the following: Does my employer have a duty to ensure the claim is assessed fairly Does my employer have a duty to litigate against the insurer Can my employer sack me before I get a decision from the Financial Ombudsman Thanks Ad
  4. Good morning HOPE THIS IS THE CORRECT FORUM, i have an issue and need some advice hopefully there some bank account/visa debit card experts here? On friday 13th i went as usual to buy my weekly bus ticket on the First Bus M-tickets app ( i have never had this problem before) but when i clicked checkout i selected my card and instantly the screen came back with "transaction declined", i thought this is strange because i had the money in account ready. I left it half an hour confused to try again but before i did i went to check my banking app to check my balance and low and behold the £20 for the bus ticket had been deducted form my balance. I went to check if my bus ticket had turned up in the app but it hadnt and the history said "transaction declined". I phoned the bus company and was told they have no record of receiving my money and refused to issue my ticket on the grounds it says on their screens "transaction declined" Ok sorry for that i just wanted to make the story clear for guidance. I have checked today (still no bus ticket or money back in my account). I am worried my money has disappeared into thin air, i have debt management plans to pay and i am on benefits so £20 going "missing" is quite a big deal at the moment.... What do i do will the money be returned to me? Is their financial laws that state money must be returned in ??days. Thank you i hope someone can advise this has really stressed me out
  5. Hi guys I searched the forum but couldn't find any info on the situation I'm in. I was on JSA from October to mid November 2017. I got a part-time job which guaranteed me 12 hours a week. I started that on 14th November. They gave me a contract until 31st December. However, they cut that short as work had diminished. i left my job on 14th December. In the four weeks I worked there, I worked 24 hours in weeks 1 and 2, and 12 hours in weeks 3 and 4. After week 3 had finished, I called JSA to see if I could get extra benefit money as I had only worked 12 hours, and had been looking for a second job with more hour or a full-time job. I had an interview booked for 15th November. When I went to the interview, I explained that when I initially called them about low hours, I was not aware that my contract would be cut short, and explained that I had now left my job the previous day, and showed them proof of my termination letter due to diminished work. They came to a conclusion that I was entitled to £10.19 for week 4 and could not backdate as I had not shown enough reason for the delay of my claim, even though I explained them during the initial conversation that it was not possible for me to do so, as I could have been handed more hours towards the later end of week 3, since we did not have fixed hours of work. I decided there wasn't much point in arguing about not being paid £10.19 for week 3. I assumed I would start getting JSA from 15th December as I continued to look for work. I was asked to show my last payslip which I sent it. I got a call saying as I had earned £545 as shown on my payslip for the month of December, I would not be entitled to JSA until a month after I got paid. I got paid December 21st, therefore thy said I would not get any JSA support until after January 21st, as they expect me to use my earnings of £545 to get me through December 21st - January 21st. However, they expect me to keep signing on and continue to look for work, otherwise there would be sanctions. my question is, is this all correct? They're saying that after I was forced to leave my job on 14th December, I should use my earnings to cover a 1 month period, without getting any JSA support. They also expect me to continue looking for jobs and signing on. It all seems wrong as I'm seeking a job, and not getting job seekers allowance. In fact, I actually don't get my first JSA payment until 8th February as they pay 2 weeks after the month up to 21st January has finished. Any help would be useful.
  6. I recently applied for an Amex card to help spread the cost of a large house repair bill. Amex declined my application and specifically cited adverse information in the specific credit reference report. I have applied direct to the credit reference agency and my credit score is 98% and there are no negatives on the credit file. Has anyone come across this before? (apologies if this is posted in the wrong place but I couldnt see an American Express sub forum in the Banks, finance and credit forum. ) I thought it might be linked to my partner so we applied for her credit report and it is a 100% score so I cannot see why Amex would use this as a reason to decline the application.
  7. This is going to be a very long drawn out case, unless someone can offer some element of hope for us. We completed renovations to a derelict property about 2 ½ years ago. Our porch needed a new roof which was done with a trocol membrane. In a storm back in January 2016 we returned from a trip to find a metal pole on the flat roof which had a covering of gravel. My immediate suspicion was that it was the remnants of an old tv aerial, but as it was only the pole, I have since found it to be referred to as the mast, not the aerial itself. This is important as it was referred to as an aerial when I rang to make the claim. Because of the gravel I did not notice the membrane had been punctured, but removed the pole and lifted down a bracket/clamp that was on the main roof. In the August of 2016 we noticed a dry rot problem, which had previously been identified and treated during the renovations, had come back with vengeance. I notified the company that treated our house and they began stripping the property apart under warranty to determine the source. It was then that we found the porch roof was compromised which had allowed damp to enter the property. I notified MoreThan/RSA that the pole was suspected and they sent out Building Validation Solutions. Their "inspector" was quick to dismiss the case, suggesting we would get nothing from the insurance company as dry rot was not covered. It was explained that we were not claiming for the rot but for the porch roof, hall, stairs and landing decoration and vestibule door due to the leak, and that everything else was being covered by the rot company. BVS suggested to decline the claim due to rot, but yet some three weeks later, agreed inadequate costs and issued a scope of works for a patch job with inferior materials than what was listed on his first report to insurers. After rejecting this, RSA sent out their own senior loss adjuster, from a fraud unit??? who took a statement and agreed that BVS had not conducted themselves correctly, and asked for estimates for the repairs. These were for different aspects of work, building, plastering, decorating plaster moulding etc and as they were emailed to him, he agreed them individually by email. Over a couple of months, he was aware we had begun the works as it was nearing Christmas and we had a lot of work to do to rebuild our home. 5th December he sent an email giving his account of what he had agreed "as he saw it" and was going to transfer funds. This was an inaccurate figure as he had forgotten to include some aspects of work he had previously agreed to, but after a quick couple of emails he accepted. At this time I had asked him to consider the exterior rendering of the front of the house to match the new render of the porch at our builders request. This went over what he was authorised to pay and he referred it to in house specialists due to escalating costs. We have been fighting ever since. It is worth noting that this loss assessor was happy that we were being fair and reasonable with regards to the claim, considering we were only looking for the porch hall stairs and landing even though the rest of the house was in a mess. At this time, they decided to send out a forensic investigator and she would be accompanied by the same BVS inspector that had been proven to be incompetent in the first place and we have subsequently found out lied on his report, suggesting he used pole cameras outside to assess the origin of the metal pole we found, when he most certainly did not. During the forensic visit we provided some drone images which show that the old pole that was present when we bought the property had been since been removed during renovations unknown to me, and that it could not have originated from the chimney stack after all. My reasonable and logical suspicion of a pole that I was able to prove was on the property before works began from old footage was clearly incorrect. I found out a week or so later after a few anxious nights of no sleep worrying about the implications, that the pole was in fact something my son had used to extend his reach while cleaning gutters out with a trowel, which he had inadvertently left of the large chimney stack while he was cleaning up. This was explained to the insurers, so the forensics wanted to interview my son, which was facilitated and he explained what had happened. The forensic report has recently been forwarded by the ombudsman after I lodged a complaint due to the time that has been involved and their treatment of us throughout. I have found a significant amount of inconsistencies, and the report is heavily based on guess work, estimates and opinion rather than facts. With the porch being completely rebuilt and no pole available to inspect, it is hard to understand how the forensic investigation could have been anything other than an opportunity for the insurers to wash their hands of the case based on conjecture, yet the ombudsman has declined to side with us and given much weight to the forensic report considering it was independent, and have rejected the claim. The costs of these works has been in excess of £30K which was all agreed as the quotes went through, and emails can confirm this. What I would like to know is if the RSA loss adjuster by agreeing these costs and knowing we had begun works has accepted the claim on behalf of the insurers. They are claiming that because I didn't accept the original offer of just over £20K, on the 5th December, even though the loss adjuster accepted in reply emails he had calculated the figure incorrectly, and omitted some of the previously agreed costs, they are not obliged to pay anything. They were entitled to investigate further and a flimsy forensic report with steering by BVS to clear his name was the reason. The title of the report from forensics is "Damage caused by Rot" for instance, which stinks of BVS influence, considering that is not what we were claiming for, and she has not once referred to the RSA loss Adjuster nor has he been involved since the 5th December as he was "sick" and now no longer works for the company. Any guidance would be most appreciated. We are in financial difficulties after heavily loading credit cards, borrowing from family and from our business which is struggling to pay suppliers now, on the strength of this agreed fund coming to pay them all back, and the lack of sleep worrying and what feel like panic attacks, knots in the stomach and sweating are wearing me down. Perhaps RSA policy is to break my spirt but hope I can get a shred of help to fight this one last time. 11 months almost....and counting. Many thanks if you have got this far reading and in anticipation of you helping with advice.
  8. Some time ago on renewing buildings insurance, when asked about state of repair, I mentioned to my insurer (and another company I had asked to quote) a long standing crack in a detached outbuilding (not the house) which I said was stable and showing no movement. They said they wanted more information before quoting for the renewal/cover, and that they would refer to their underwriters. Before either made a decision I actually obtained a better quote elsewhere (with full disclosure, obviously). I wrote to the two companies saying that was the case, and that I did not want to pursue the applications with them. Some time on, I am now obtaining quotes for another completely unconnected house. I am being asked the standard question "have you ever been refused or declined insurance". My view is that neither company declined cover, as I withdrew the application before a decision was made (or at least notified to me). At the same time, they didn't actually offer me cover either! Can I safely answer "no" to the question about having insurance declined? Confused!
  9. I had been with Orange for approx 4 years (2 X Contracts) converted to EE, then another T Mobile Contract taken out fom2 years, ending in September 2015. I had requested a contract/phone upgrade towards end of contract, but was declined as EE claimed I owed them for a Sim a only contract I had taken out for my son - for which the contract had ended, approx August 2014? This had been owing to the SIM becoming faulty and several requests made for a replacement had taken considerable time to arrive. Furthermore, the sim only contract, was a £9.99 per month tariff/deal; for which they stated as being £150.00 in arrears? I disputed owing this amount and explained the difficulties associated with managing account, with no sim card and that I still had the replacement sim-card, fully in tact and attached to card, which we had received months, after initial request - by which time my son had a SIM card from another provider. They were adamant that they would not reason, or adjust outstanding amount and until it was paid - refused me upgrade. I continued using my old IPhone 4s/SIM card and continued paying monthly contract at a rate of £43.00, from Sept to March. By this time, it had come to my attention that, I should not be paying the proportion of the monthly cost, which relate to the handset? A colleague advised me that EE should have reduced my monthly payments, to reflect my Sim Card tariff only - which would reduce costs by approx 50% I visited an EE store to try and resolv, however they very once in tly stated that, if a customer account in arrears - they are unable to access that account on their system, so unable to assist or investigate further? Hen I mentioned the matter of my monthly payments being excessive as I should have reduction for phone as now paid in full (since sept 2015) - they said, that would not happen automatically, I would be expected to apply for it as it is apparantly considered as being an "upgrade?" So on receiving EE demand for payment of March Bill, I refuse to pay - without them having regard to my situation and all the overpayments I had made. Matter remains unresolved and my phone 'permanently disconnected' not van reciving incoming calls? I can't believe that NetworkmProvider Giant, such as EE - have no regard to loyal customers and not bothered to provide any customer service at all. Can anybody advise if this is lawful? Surely by entering into a 2 year contract, signed and agreed by both parties - would indicate a contract of just that - 2 years! Is it right that I would be expected to have to write to request my contract ends or they bill me accordingly?? Any advice would be gratefully received- many thanks in advance - Nadiq:mad2:
  10. Hi I wonder if anyone could help. I had been parking at a Premier Park in Southampton from time to time during the summer whilst on a residential course. Unfortunately my car failed the MOT durng this time and I borrowed a car from a relative. The first time I parked this car in the car park I received a ticket as I mistakenly entered the reg number of my old car (you needed to enter the reg number into the machine when buying the ticket). I appealed to Premier explaining the circumstances (it happened on the day of my final exam when I was also packing up to leave my accommodation and I think I must have been distracted, I paid for parking and provided the ticket etc) but was declined, I then appealed to POPLA who also declined my appeal. I have now received a £100 demand from Premier with a threat to pass to their solicitors. I'd apprecite advice on whether I should just pay up or are there any further avenues I can explore. Many thanks
  11. Hi All, I am in dire need of assistance! I have recently been applying for a Mortgage which has been declined last week due to a default being placed onto our credit files (Me & my wife) by Halifax for an old basic current account which we have not used since 2009. A brief timeline of the events so far.... 17/07/2015 - Applied for mortgage via broker, lender credit checked and issued DIP the same day. 31/07/2015 - Unknown to us until yesterday a new entry for "Halifax" added to both my Wife's and my credit files. 17/08/2015 - Formal mortgage application sent to lender. Lender conducts another credit check and obviously discovers that a default has been added on since the initial credit check they carried out in order to issue the DIP. We had already chosen the property, had the offer accepted etc. The solicitor has ordered the searches as well so we could be considerably out of pocket. I have not had an adverse mark placed on my credit file in over 4 years so to have a default placed 2 weeks before a formal mortgage application is just about the worst thing that could possibly happen timing wise!! What is even worse is that the default is for £39!! The entry on our credit files is as follows: [ATTACH=CONFIG]59110[/ATTACH] As above this account has not been used at all since 2009, we have zero communications from Halifax no statements, letters nothing whatsoever. I managed to find some old paperwork with the account number on it so called into a branch today to en quire as to what had happened to cause a default to be placed suddenly after so many years of inactivity. The chap I spoke to in branch trawled his computer to find the last transaction and issued me with a mini statement which reads as follows..... Sheet: 1 Of 1 Date Issued: 13/02/2010 Date Activity Paid Out Paid In Balance 13Feb10 0.00 13Feb10 CHG ACCOUNT CHARGE 15.00 0.00 15.00 DR TOTAL PAYMENTS/RECEIPTS: 15.00 So as you can see the balance on the account was zero, then for some unknown reason Halifax applied a charge of 15.00. Presumably this has been incurring interest for the past 5 and a bit years hence the default of £39.00. There are no other transactions recorded for this account after Feb 2010. I appreciate the correct approach to this would be a SAR etc.. however as explained above I have just had my mortgage declined. Our existing tenancy agreement terminates in October with no change to renew. And I dare say we will struggle passing the stringent credit checks carried out in the current rental market. So I need to fix this problem as quickly as possible, we also have an appeal in progress with the lender which I am pretty sure will not succeed whilst these marks remain on our file. In summary Halifax have put us into a dire position by registering defaults based solely on a single bank charge some 5 and a bit years down the line!! Without any notification whatsoever. Obviously I need to send a letter asap but my head is a shed at the moment and would appreciate someone giving me some starting points.. Many thanks in advance for any assistance offered.
  12. Bit of background story first, I have had back problems going back to 2005 when I slipped 2 discs in a industrial injury at work. I have since been on ESA(before it was called ESA) then JSA and then back to ESA in Jan 2014. On Wednesday this week I attended my appeal tribunal hearing for my ESA claim I made back in January 2014. I didn't see the DWP appointed 'doctor' until November 2014 and after getting the decision, zero points awarded, I appealed the decision as I believed it was wrong. Since seeing the DWP 'doctor' in November my condition has worsened to the point that I can now barely walk and am in severe pain constantly in lower back and left leg sciatica. None of that matters though as it is how my condition was in November that counts so I could have been carried into the tribunal in a coffin and it would still have seen the same outcome. I would like to know if the information given to me by my appeal representative is correct and if there's any other options. I have been advised that I should:- 1. Commit fraud and apply for JSA stating that I'm fit for work and hopefully ride it out until May when I can put a new ESA claim in due to the 6 months rule. 2. Go to my doctor and make some other unrelated illness/ailment up that would stop me from working, my adviser said I should say to my Doctor I'm depressed due to this whole process!, and then start a new ESA claim using depression as the reason. 3. Do nothing and starve. 4. Something else I don't know about or been made aware of. Thanks.
  13. Last month I received a notice of a claim against me for £850. I immediately sent off the included form admitting to the full amount and offering £40/m which would have seen it paid off in under two years. The next contact I've received is today, stating that the claimant has objected to rate of payment offered and has issued a judgement against me demanding £1025 (including interest and costs) by instalments of £100. £100/m is going to be a huge stretch for me at the moment. The other factor is that I've just taken a new job that starts in three weeks and I was going to be applying for a flat on Monday morning. A CCJ is likely to obliterate any chance of that being successful. Is there anything I can do?
  14. Hi - I'm posting this on behalf of a friend: He's just been made redundant from a 90K job in the UK. He is Dutch but has a NI number. He lived in the UK 1992-2010, but returned to Holland to work for 3 years in 2010. He returned to the UK in February 2013 to work (the 90K job) and was made redundant last month. He lives in the UK with his British partner and their 7 month old son - she has no NI number (yet) as she always lived and worked in the Netherlands. He was told to apply for 'Contribution Based Jobseekers' but has been declined because​ he worked in the Netherlands during the period they assessed his legibility​. Is this a correct evaluation - is there anything he can do as he's struggling to pay his rent whilst Jobseeking. Can someone shed some light?! Many thanks - Weetabix.
  15. Can anybody advise what figure might be considered reasonable for a declined direct debit. I believe that £25 is massively excessive when the only action required of them is to inform the recipient that the dd has been declined, but it's difficult to identify a benchmark as to what might be a more appropriate figure. Does anybody know of anything that can be used as a measure of this?
  16. I recently applied for income protection and life insurance. The company declined the income protection on medical reasons, being that 2 years ago I was off sick from work with depression for 4 months and the type of job I do does not allow me to take anti-depressants. They have offered me life insurance but have bumped up the premiums which of course I understand but I'm now worried if this is going to affect any other insurance policy I make such as car insurance, house insurance etc as you are often asked if you have been declined any insurance policy on application. Any info greatly appreciated.
  17. Hi everybody, I wonder if I could get some advice on my situation as I am not sure what to do next. I had an AIP approved with HSBC but then they declined the mortgage application due to a default on my credit. It was registered by Capital One in October 2008. In 2005 I had a credit card with them for £400. Unfortunately my financial circumstances became difficult after a bitter divorce and a move to another town. I started to pay only small amounts of money towards the balance and did not inform capital one of the change in address thus I never received a default notice by post. The account was passed to CapQuest. As a result of a dispute over a credit agreement, CapQuest closed the account with no charge. Is there a way of amending the default on my credit score, who shall I be contacting, CapitalOne or CapQuest? I am willing to pay the outstanding debt. Is there any chance of a success if I appealed against the HSBC mortgage 'declined' decision? I have build up a good credit history over the years, scoring 991 with Experian, been loyal to HSBC for 18 years, have a sizable deposit (75%LTV) and can support myself on my income. Does it count with the underwriters or is the default going to be a deciding factor? Many thanks for any advice you can give me.
  18. Please could you help as I am aware that this type of company has big legal jargon that I could easily trip up on. I have been declined cover as AXA PPP deem my condition to be pre exisiting despite my GP and consultant confirming that it is is not. Furthermore AXA PPP state that previously experienced symptoms are not covered. This effectively means if any ailment symptomatically produced cold-like symptoms for example, (and many do), they can get out of paying on a subsequent claim because you went to the docs for a sore throat! Whilst researching my appeal, I attemped to glean some info from the AXA PPP website as i have never received a hard copy of their terms. Unsurprisingly, there is no information! They just encourage you to buy a policy. There appears to be no guidance on terms, diagnosis and procedure. I called them for website navigation and they couldnt find the info i needed either and redirected me to a completely different page. This feels like a deliberate form of deception. I was told to book the appointment with the consultant before they declined this claim and the consultant performed some treatments at the time. I am now left £900 lost on wasted premium with a hospital bill of £658 and now it IS an existing condition, no one else will cover me! I am about to take this to the FSA but I wondered if there was any help any of you could kindly offer. I am hoping this all makes sense! Thank you
  19. Hi All I am a 34yo male who suffers from daily debilitating headaches, this i have suffered from for some 8 years now. My condition is covered under the scope of the equality act. The employer referred me to an occupational health who suggested home working, as the office environment is a likely trigger factor. His recommendation was a 50/50 split between the office and home office extension. If this were put into place the o/h doctor expected that i could resume my role in its entirety. I subsequently submitted a flexible working application, stating the o/h report, they sanctioned, as the basis for this. This was reviewed and subsequently declined two weeks later. I appealed the decision, and the appeal has subsequently been declined. The reasons stated are listed within the regulation guidelines, detriment to customer service, lack of work, and i would have to work unsupported. Having worked in the business for some 5 years i found these reasons disappointing and not a true reflection of what would happen. I've been left with two options: 1. Work condensed hours, with a period of phased return. I.e. work 8 - 6 Mon - Thursday with Friday off of work. This was trialed previously and had a negative impact on customer service. 2. Part-time hours. This i know would cause a problem for the business due to the numbers of colleagues working job share or part-time hours already. I feel I have been left with no option but to return to work and 'put up with' the side effects the office causes me. This is achievable to a certain extent, but what happens when i suffer repeat attacks and need to take subsequent time off of work? Back to square one.... I've also been told that i have no sickness benefit remaining, however i do not class this as sickness absence as it is a disability/condition I suffer from. I'm waiting to hear back from my union to discuss what to do next. The letter ended with a statement that the appeal has finished and that the decision is final :/ My employer is large with >15,000 employees. Kind regards Gary
  20. hi guys i am looking for a little advice, the issue is less with the insurance company and more with my previous vet. my dog has recently been diagnosed with renal disease, which due to a legnthy diognosis it amounted to a large bill. fortunately i have insurance, which is why i agreed to the tests and treatments. i have now had confirmation that my claim has been declined due to information provided by my previous vet, when my dog was a puppy, stating that she showed signs of renal/liver failure then, two years ago. i was never informed of this from the vet as i would have proceeded with treatment then, as i have always had an insurance policy there is no reason i would'nt. as i switched insurance providers at the start of the year, my claim was declined as her condition was present prior to taking out the policy. as i have now racked up a hefty bill and her treatment is ongoing is there any way i can have the original vet foot the bill, as it is thier fault the condition was not treated earlier and thier neglection to inform me that resulted in a bill. thanks in advance
  21. I've just received a letter stating my tribunal appeal has been declined, what can I do now. I have longstanding health problems with my back, knee and also depression. They scored me 0 points, how did they decide on this. Also the doctor attending used to be a locum for my own doctor, my wife saw her a couple of times, she diagnosed my wife with ectopic pregnancy but sent her home, she was incompetant and my wife made an informal complaint to our doctors secretary. Does this have any bearing on the appeal, the fact that we have had contact with this doctor before and she was negligent to my wife. I would be very grateful for any advice.
  22. Hi There Just a little note about me for 3 years have suffered with Chronic Pain of the lower back and neck heading into my wrists, i am on high quantities of morphine to balance the pain, I am under a pain clinic which i go regularly , and awaiting operations on my wrists. I worked up until a year ago @ at £20,000 a year job, i gave it up due to ill health this was accepted with myself and employer. After a year of being on ESA assessment phase and having my ATOS medical which proved me healthy, on then appealing which again proved me healthy I now have to go to Tribunal, i understand that this is a common occurrence, but after receiving my appeal documentation back i feel as though they are going to say no at the tribunal, could anybody advise on timescale, whether i have to claim JSA or that they will keep me on the assessment phase, any help would be appreciated.
  23. My car insurance cancelled my renewal yesterday. I was working delivering pizzas from my local pizza shop and when i started working for them i phoned my insurer up to make them aware of what i was going to do to have the right level of cover when i called them last october to arrange this they told me that all i needed was buisness insurance and to tell them i had a part time job delivering pizza of which i did all off. But when i was on the phone to them yesterday (28/09/2011) They told me i was to high a risk and they could no longer insure me i said to them if i dont do deliverys trying to fix the problem they just said sorry we cant do that and if you want insurance i would need to declaire that i have had insurance decilned from them. But they said they would still cover me until 18/10/2011 but i cant use it for deliverys no more which i have now stopped doing as i dont want to get stopped my the police and found to have no insurance for doing such work. Does anyone have any ideas?
  24. HELP!!! Hi all, Nationwide accepted in principle my girlfriends loan application for £8,500. She signed the agreement and posted them back wage slips etc as was requested. However, they have now declined the loan because they say she doesn't have enough disposable income. The repayment was £407.99 a month over 24 months. She earns £1,285 a month but after rent, council tax etc they've said no - based on disposable income. Now, they've said she can appeal if she comes up with some more supporting information. We have thought about about a joint application but I have 3x defaults on my credit file with Experian. I earn a good wage and we can easily make the payments. Would they accept our application?? I've had 7 searches in the past 3 months aswell. But would my earnings cover it? Or should I just make up my address details etc in the hope the don't come up with anything negative??? Any help ASAP is VERY appreciated!!!! ... PS: The Nationwide are ringing us tonight to discuss!!
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