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  1. Hi, TL;DR version of events: I received a SJPN. I believe I technically am guilty of the charge, but had ignorantly committed the offence out of sheer financial desperation, having had no money and just started a new job. I'm desperate to avoid a criminal conviction. I contacted TfL's IAP to apologise, explained my circumstances, and I provided proof for everything possible and asked to settle this out of court, and that I'm happy to pay the necessary fine. Today they finally responded - with a very generic response to say they wish to proceed with the case... However, the Revenue Control Inspector's statement is factually incorrect, has the date incorrect. The date provided is a date on which I can prove I had a valid ticket. Do I stand a chance at fighting this as 'Not guilty' in court, on the basis that their evidence is incorrect? Complete story: On Thursday 26th July 2018 - I was caught using my mum's 60+ freedom pass by a Revenue Control Inspector on my way to work. I had just started a new job 10 days before, on the 16th July. I had used the card between 18th-26th July (until I was caught) for my commute to and from work. I could not afford a monthly travel card at the time I had been caught as I had been unemployed for past 8 months; maxed out two credit cards, and had been borrowing money from my family to afford rent and food already. I only intended on using the freedom pass until I received my first partial paycheque at the end of the month. I'm not denying - it was a stupid idea, and I obviously hugely regret having used a card I had no right to use. I'm not typically a dishonest person, and this was my first and only offence. 5 months later, just after christmas, I received a Single Justice Procedure Notice, charging me for not having a valid ticket in a compulsory ticket area; 'Contrary to Byelaw 17(1) of the Transport for London Railway Byelaws made under paragraph 26, schedule 11 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999.' Understanding I was guilty of the offence, despite it having been committed out of sheer desperation. I'm also desperate to try and avoid a criminal conviction as I’m currently unemployed, and in search of a job again, and wish to avoid anything that might damage my chances of re-employment. So I emailed TfL's IAP email address, explaining my financial circumstances, expressing that this was my first and only offence, apologising and pleading for any way for this matter to be settled without landing me a criminal record for it would really damage my chances of getting employed again- supplying bank statements, credit card statements, providing anything and everything to support the facts I had stated. ... Today, I finally received a totally generic sounding email response from one of the prosecutors at the IAP department: “On the 27th July 2018 you were approached at ***** ***** station after using a pass to enter that activated the monitors. You produced a 60+ Oyster card that you admitted belonged to your mother. These passes are not transferable and therefore was not valid for you to use…” “…Transport for London intend to continue with the matter listed against you and I would advise you to complete the paperwork and return within the required timescales” I noticed that in their email response they have the date of the incident incorrect, (She said 27th July 2018 instead of 26th July 2018. On the 26th I was caught and cautioned, on the 27th, I actually paid for my fare and can prove it) Furthermore, the Revenue Control Inspector's statement says the incident happened on the 27th instead of the 26th. It's only on the second page of the SJPN under the "Statement of facts" that they have the date correctly stated as the 26th July. Do I stand any chance in fighting this case as 'not guilty' in court, on the basis that the statement given by the Revenue Control Inspector is factually incorrect, and if they were to pull CCTV from the 27th - they'd find that I'd actually used a valid ticket on that date? Any help or suggestions would be massively appreciated. I have 5 days to respond to the SJPN letter Many thanks!
  2. Hi all. Brief background to my delimma; Opened up a vanquis account back in mid 2013, kept on top of it for a few years until I went through an extremely difficult time, they increased my credit limit to £2000 around the same time and I blew the lot and stopped paying because I didn’t care about anything. It was then sold to Lowell’s solicitors I ignored the first letters until I received the pre action protocol letter. I responded to that asking them to prove it. Today they replied stating they were waiting for response from creditor and my account is on hold in meantime. Total debt is £2396. But I also noticed some of the information on this letter is wrong. The last payment date and the amount is incorrect and also the default date. I checked through my bank statements and they’re a month out with the payment date. They have my last payment as November for £70 odd, but my last transaction was in the October for £30 odd. Then the default is recorded in May the following year. I’m wondering if it’s worth letting it go to court if they seem to have wrong information. Would be really grateful for any information or advice anyone has. Many thanks.
  3. British Forces Post Office: last dates of posting in time for Christmas READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-forces-post-office-last-dates-of-posting
  4. Sorry for going in to so much detail but I think it is relevant. I tried several times without success to book myself on a speed awareness course. A message stated that as my course was to be taken very soon I needed to ring them. I tried to ring them several times but as I work during the day and the waiting time was so long I had to give up. I did finally get through to them only to be told that yes I was too late to go on a course. I was told to ring Go Safe, who have the responsibility for issuing NIPs and offering Speed Awareness Courses. I finally got through to Go safe and explained my situation. I was told that everything was fine and they could see no reason why I was not able to take a course. After double checking again I was assured that I should be able to get on a course if I ring them again. As I was about to end the call the lady at Go Safe said just let me check one last thing. I was then told that an error had been made and they had my final date to take the course down as 31/07/2018 and not 31/08/2018 and I only had 2 hours left to get on a course that had to be taken before 31/08/2018. I finally got myself onto a course in Telford 122 miles from my house as it was the only course available before 31/08/2018. I then recieved an email to say forget the 2 hours just do a course before the 31/08/2018 and the matter is closed. This is Go Safe sort of admitting responsibility for the error. My question is: Where do I stand on claiming travel for a 240 miles round trip for a course I could have taken a mile away from my house. Should I request an extension to allow me to go a a course nearer to home as the courses are done by the same people? Thanks in advance
  5. Hi, can anyone tell me if alleged"defaults" from creditors can remain on my equifax file or for that matter any credit reference agency? in my own case.. i have won 2 cases against me alleged to default in 2012 whilst i understand they are going to fall off the file this year... its later in summer.. my query is .. having won my cases, does that not say the dispute was won on an alleged debt.. therefore should not be there?
  6. British Forces Post Office: last dates of posting in time for Christmas READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/british-forces-post-office-last-dates-of-posting
  7. Hi there, I am being asked by the passport office to provide start and end dates of my first two jobs (I don't have the P45s or payslips from these years, I do have P60s). I contacted the HMRC (SARS team) and was sent a letter with all my jobs listed but no dates to them. After another conversation with them they sent me a second letter with only few leave dates. Now, I used facebook messenger to chat with one of the HMRC people today and asked about this. I was told that HMRC may not hold any records regarding the start and end date of employments if the employer didn't provide them with such. I am trying to figure out how can I get this information (may I add that both employers are not in business anymore) and if HMRC can provide anything else that could show the required dates. I paid NI and Tax from the start and the letter shows that but it doesn't show from when I started or when I finished paying them. Could anyone shed some advise? Thanks in advance, Mad.
  8. Hello, Debt Recovery company raised a claim against me. It was dated 24th November. I have acknowledged the claim and ready to contest it . I make CPR request etc but only got a letter that they dont have the documents in their possession but have requested from original creditor. It appears i have missed defence date by few days. Please what can i do? Cheers
  9. Can anyone here confirm how long it takes Parking Eye to process their charge notices and when the charge notices was actually received. I received a Parking Charge notice long after the statutory 14 day period had expired. Their envelopes don't show a postmark so I can't date when the notice was sent although the "Date Issued" shown is within within 8 days. I know this to be untrue, what can I do?
  10. Ive never posted before and my spelling is really bad so I apologise in advance! I went to drive my car this afternoon and it was gone!! I panicked and called the police, they told me it had been towed due to no tax. I couldnt call the company because its shut. I checked online and said untaxed! I went in my direct debits and its still active, went to both dates (read somewhere they will take it 4 days after if failed) and a week either side of both and there is available money???! THEY HAVEN'T TRIED TO TAKE IT? Can anyone give me a reason why this would happen? I'm guessing the clamping place are going to be a problem and I'm going to have to pay the release anyway but can I claim it back? Also havent received any letter or email. .it was only supposed to be taken out last week on the 2nd?! Such a ball ache before christmas and majorly panicked as I thought it had been stolen! Didnt think they could do that, thought theyd clamp jesus! Many thanks for any help x
  11. Hi, I am currently in the process of beginning to tackle my debts and clearing up my credit file, with the end goal of getting a mortgage, admittedly in a good few years! I have a number of defaults from payday loans which are due to fall of my credit file in 2-3 years. However, I have been considering entering a DMP or TDP with a debt charity. However I am unsure if this would just mean the debts would be visible on my credit file for longer. If I enter a arrangement to pay with any of the creditors that have registered a default, will that just start the 6 year countdown again. So instead of falling of in 2 years, will it then mark as AP for a further 6 years from the date I entered the arrangement. The same with satisfied, or settled defaults, will it be 6 years from the date of being satisfied. Basically, by agreeing to repay the debts am I going to have a black mark on my credit file for longer than if I just wait for them to fall off? Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  12. HMRC have listed the payment dates for Xmas 2015 already. They can be found here https://www.gov.uk/when-is-your-next-tax-credits-payment Last updated: 7 September 2015 DWP tend to follow the same dates as HMRC will update as and when they are made available
  13. Hi All, I was wondering if someone could help me please as I am a bit confused as to Settled accounts and dates they are removed. I have managed to settle all my debts finally and I am trying to be realistic when I will be able to apply for a mortgage so trying to work out dates etc. There are 8 showing as Settled and 3 credit accounts as up to date and have't had any issues. Could you tell me how long a settled account stays on my file for is it 6 years? If so when is the date from? Is it Default date? of Satisfied Date? or any other I haven't thought of. Also if anyone knows, now they are settled does this increase my chance of getting credit or will be it once they are gone? I repaid them in November last year mainly, so its been almost a year Really value your thoughts, thank you.
  14. Hi I have a quick question to ask regarding the default dates that show on the default notices that have been sent to my OH and myself and the default dates that show on our Credit Reports for examlpe, Bank of Ireland / Post Office CC on the default notice received it is dated 08 December 2008 on the Credit Reports it states the default date of 05/11/09. We have only ever received the one default notice. Hope the above make sense Any help would be great!!!!! No Money Hony
  15. Hi anyone else recieve a letter from virgin about changing billing dates? below is the text from the letter . they now want me to pay in advance for my services and according to their website it doesnt give me the right to opt out of the contract without paying fees . Anyone with any thoughts ? I cant really get my head around it , and they say they are doing it because some of their customers are confused, I think lots are going to get confused. We wanted to let you know about some important changes were making to the way your billed .Please take a few moments to read this letter so you know what to expect Were always looking to improve our service, so in October we are making some tweaks to our billing system that simlify the way it works Some of our customers tell us they find it confusing that their billing date isnt the same day they get their monthly allowance of minutes texts and data. With our new system were able to bring these two dates closer together , and hopefully make things more straight forward. First things first you wont pay any more for your package than normal but you will have a new billing date . This means your bill will arrive earlier than your used to, and will continue to arrive on ( or no earlier than ) this new date in the future. So you can see exactly how the change affects your bill in the next three months have a look at this table Allowance date 30 sep 2014 31 oct 2014 30 nov2014 Earliest bill date 10 oct 14 2 nov 14 2 dec 14 direct debit 24 oct 14 14 nov 14 16 dec 14 I wasnt confused before this but now I am This is their FAQS on the subject BILLING All you need to know about Billing Bill Change FAQs 1. I still don’t understand why my bill dates are changing, what does it mean to me? Billing isn’t very exciting, but it doesn’t have to be confusing. In making the change to our billing systems, we are going to improve the way it works which means you will find it easier to know when you're allowances are added and when you’re billed for them. It’s a one-off change that we think will make things a bit simpler. 2. What is an allowance? Your allowance is how many inclusive minutes, texts or data that are included in your tariff. It’s easy to keep track of what you’ve got or how much you’re using. 3. Why are you making this change now? You’ve been telling us that billing isn’t as straightforward as it could be and some of you find it confusing as things happen at different times. So we wanted to take the opportunity to make the change as soon as possible. 4. What if I don’t want my dates changed? Can I undo it later? Unfortunately not, but if you need to discuss this with us, one of our agents will be happy to discuss it further and see if we can do anything as an exception. 5. What happens if I change my tariff or upgrade? If you change tariff or upgrade to one of our SIM Only packages after we’ve changed your bill date, the date your allowance gets added will change again. Don’t worry though, we’ll tidy this up by the end of this year without moving your bill date again.If you upgrade to anything else like another contract, it won’t. 6. Why am I being billed twice in a month? Currently your bill date and refresh date have a significant gap between them. As we bring them closer together, this means that your bills will be produced in quicker succession so you may therefore get two bills and two direct debits in the same month. Don’t worry though we’ll only do this once 7. Are you allowed to do this, do I have the right to cancel my contract without penalty if I’m unhappy with the proposal? From time to time we need to make changes to improve the experience all our customers get. If you were unhappy and wanted to leave without early termination fees that wouldn’t be possible. We’ve tried our best to give you the maximum warning to reduce any impact from this change and in some cases can discuss alternative solutions if there are no other options. 8. Is there any chance of a delay to when you make the changes, how will you let me know in advance? Any delay is unlikely, but we would take steps to tell you by SMS if anything changes 9. Do I need to contact my bank if you’re moving my Direct Debit? No, you won’t have to do anything, we’ll take care of all the details. 10. Since you’ve made the change I have two direct debits taking in the same month which I can’t afford, what happens? If you find yourself in that scenario we’ll do our best to help by giving you longer to pay. 11. What is a refresh date? Will this change too? Every mobile customer has a monthly date where your allowances are refreshed. This helps you track how long you have to use your voice, texts or data. Nothing changes, we’ll just be bringing the bill date closer so its all aligned around a closer period. 12. Will the change affect any promos or discounts I have? No. These will remain on your account as normal. 13. If I receive two bills in a month will I pay more than I normally do? No. You will receive two bills in a shorter space of time. Both will have a charge for your monthly allowance and any charges outside of this e.g. charges for using your phone abroad. 14. Will I get pro-ration on my bill? No, you will not receive any pro-ration on your bill. 15. Why am I getting two bundle charges on one bill? Some customers will experience this because you're bill date is being moved later so you will be billed as we apply your next bundle i.e. you will be paying for it in advance rather than in arrears. Therefore, for one month only, you’ll pay for two (the one from the previous month and the one for the following month).
  16. We are currently facing possible eviction, and have been given a deadline of tomorrow to either sign up to a new fixed term or be served a Section 21, delivered to our address by hand tomorrow. Currently on a Statutory Periodic Tenancy, which we wanted to stay on and landlord previously agreed to, but has since changed his mind three times and is now not allowing us to stay on it. There are various reasons that we don't wish to sign a new fixed term, which I won't go in to detail on now as it's a long story, but in a nutshell the landlord let himself in whilst I was home alone and in the shower recently due to agent not communicating to us that he had arranged with them to attend. Then rather than take his anger out on them he threatened my husband - so we are now looking for a house to buy and don't want to be tied down to this property for a fixed term. I have been trying to work out what dates they would need to put on the S21 in order to make it valid. I'm aware that landlords need only give two calendar months notice now, BUT the letting agent seems to have imposed this deadline of tomorrow and keeps referring to "tight timescales" which makes me think they are not aware of this, and are planning to use S21(4)(b) and still think they have to give two rental periods of notice. Relevant dates: Rental period starts on 6th of each month, so last day of tenancy would be 5th Section 21 likely to be served by hand tomorrow, 4th Contract has a clause stating that notice served by hand before 5pm will be considered served on next working day excl. Sat, Sun and Bank Hols, which would be Monday, 6th If notice given tomorrow is considered served on the 6th October, would the notice be allowed to expire on 5th December, or would it need to run from 6th to 6th and so if it states 5th December will it be invalid? My feeling is that it would be valid still, as it would be considered served from 00:00:01 on 6th Oct and would run until 23:59:59 on 5th December, which would be two full rental periods. But looking online the results are mixed. I found a blog comment where someone said their possession order was thrown out for not running from, for example, 6th to 6th, and when using online S21 calendars with a service date of tomorrow, they are saying notice should expire Jan 5th, not Dec. Also, if the notice is dated from 4th or 5th Oct but isn't classed as served until 6th Oct, as per the contract clause, then is it valid or invalid? I'm so confused, getting into a right muddle. I'd be grateful if anyone could clarify the above for me, as this will determine whether or not we sign the new fixed term tomorrow. I am 7 months pregnant, due 15 days after the S21 would expire. If it was just me and my husband I would fight this to the end, but with the baby due at Christmas I am so scared of the uncertainty about what will happen. If I knew we had at least 3 months I would feel fine, but 2 is cutting it fine to complete a house purchase even with the added time of the court process etc. The anxiety is affecting me a lot now, to the point where I'm having panic attacks in the middle of the night and have hardly slept for a week. Please help
  17. Hello All - Ist time post. In seeking further disclosures from the Respondent prior to ET, is the correspondence to and from them able to be discussed at the ET hearing?
  18. I am in the process of serving court papers on a creditor with regards to an invalid default notice, which in turn has led in my view to illegal reporting of a default to a CRA under Section 14 of the Data Protection Act 1998. I see the Interpretation Act and the Practice Directions of 1985 quoted frequently on these forums as follows: Interpretation Act 1978, Section 7 Where an Act authorises or requires any document to be served by post (whether the expression "serve" or the expressions "give" or "send" or any other expression is used) then, unless the contrary intention appears, the service is deemed to be effected by properly addressing, pre-paying and posting a letter containing the document and, unless the contrary is proved, to have effected at the time at which the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post." 2. Practice Direction Service of Documents - First and Second Class Mail. With effect from 16 April 1985 the Practice Direction issued on 30 July 1968 is hereby revoked and the following is substituted therefore. 1. Under S7 of the Interpretation Act 1978 service by post is deemed to have been effected, unless the contrary has been proved, at the time when the letter would be delivered in the ordinary course of post. 2. To avoid uncertainty as to the date of service it will be taken (subject to proof to the contrary) that delivery in the ordinary course of post was effected:- (a) in the case of first class mail, on the second working day after posting; (b) in the case of second class mail, on the fourth working day after posting. "Working days" are Monday to Friday, excluding any bank holiday. 3. Affidavits of service shall state whether the document was dispatched by first or second class mail. If this information is omitted it will be assumed that second class mail was used. 4. This direction is subject to the special provisions of RSC Order 10, rule 1(3) relating to the service of originating process. 8th March 1985 J R BICKFORD SMITH Senior Master Queen's Bench Division My case rests on the above Practice Directions, as the required 14 days for remedy would not have been given if the 4 working days definition above of second class post is correct (there is no proof of postage, and the default notice makes no mention of how it was posted). The creditor's legal department have written to me claiming that the Practice Direction is "not current or good law" and they therefore use the Royal Mail's websites definition of second class post, which is 2 days including Saturdays. I see the above Practice Direction quoted by many people preparing actions or defences on this site but have not come across anyone else being told that this law is not current, nor can I find any clarification of this online elsewhere. Does anyone have any sources I can use to state that the 1985 Practice Direction definition of second class post is still in effect, or anything to suggest the contrary is the case? Any advice is much appreciated
  19. Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me deal with the weird dates which barclays apply to pretty much EVERY transaction on my account. Whether I transfer from one account to another (both at the same branch) they only show on my account statement a day later than I actually made the transactions. Whenever I make a card payment (VISA Debit), the transactions only show up between 3-5 days later, sometimes, a weeks worth of transactions all of different days all get batch processed all in one day. Now I do understand that card payments can show up later on your statement, but no matter how many times I've asked Barclays to put the transaction date or some form of reference i.e. authorisation ID etc... on the statement, they tell me that 'what you get is what you get' and that's not going to change. Because of this, I often have to sit and explain to various people why my receipts don't tie up with my statements. Come month-end when I reconcile my bank account with my receipts, it can take a few days to wade through the lot.... I have been to other banks, (pretty much all of them), and they too have different dates on the statements, but under the description they have a a 'transaction date' or 'actioned date', sometimes even a full date AND time stamp. Is it not within my right to get that sort of information from my bank without having to send a SAR/DSAR off? I know they have the figures, as when I call up telbanking, they can pretty much tell me where and when things were paid for or done. Is there any plausible reason why they should be omitting this important data? As far as I know, when it boils down to receipts, you can't get more picky about dates and times when it comes to accounting, whether personal or business :-/ Some advice, pointers would be handy Cheers, A
  20. As predicted they did it again. I don;t know why my advisor just didn't say from the beginning that he had no intention of allowing me to go on the new enterprise allowance scheme. Here's what happened today. After raising this with the manager of the site last week I was supposed to go in today to fill in the paper work. Only I had this job interview, and as part of my JSA deal I had to go along with it even though the intention was to go on this scheme. I rearranged the interview for after today, and filled in the application form they sent me. I suspected all along it was a set up. I saw the emails they sent me printed off when I went in on his desk so then I knew it was coming then. This company basically have handed the job centre personal documents of mine without my consent, which I think breaks the data protection act. I have reported this to police and guess what- not a police matter. The company also cancelled the interview following my application form, so I sent them a cheeky email back telling them where to shove it and they grassed me up to the job centre, who have now referred my claim to a decision maker. My advisor also refused to sign me up foe this scheme on these grounds as well, so basically the whole thing has been a set up. My question first of all is where do I stand on this with regards to the data protection act, and what can I do about it? I'm ill from all the stress they have caused me this year and going get a sick note from my doctor again tomorrow. I thought if I could start up my own business then this would allow me to be self sufficient without having to worry about not sleeping and turning up late for work all the time, and making myself more ill. Second question- can I now claim ESA if I have been referred to a decision maker and how does that affect my claim for that? I was on it last year but ATOS kicked me off it, I should have challenged it, but I honestly want to work. I am having transient health problems which are causing me a lot of worry.
  21. Hi I am hoping someone can shed some light on my issue. I have been on a DMP with CCCS (Step Change) since December 2009. Of the original eight creditors five applied defaults. They were applied on the following dates 05/01/2010, 09/02/2010, 07/12/2011, 09/03/2012 and 26/11/2012. I am due to complete my DMP in the middle of 2014 and my concern is that if defaults stay for 6 years then those added in 2012 will not fall off till 2018:jaw:. Does anyone know if there are any rules on when defaults should be applied, all creditors received DMP payments from Dec 2009 and have done so every month since. I just feel a bit cheesed off that this will effect me for almost 9 years rather than 6, this is not because I want to access more credit but I will need to remortgage as my fixed deal ends in Dec 2014. Many thanks
  22. Hi all having checked my credit file i saw 2 defaults on call credit from a payday loan company then when i checked experian.... 2 defaults from the same company but for different amounts and with a much later default date. now i asked for a copy of the original credit agreement, statement of accounts and original default notices in late june 2013, so far they have only sent me the default notices. they were sent in april 2011 and march 2011. ok so on my callcredit file they are showing as : 1.defaulted 27/8/2011 opening balance £258, default balance £159. shown as zero,satisfied and closed ( but still defaulted) and 2.then defaulted 27/7/11 opening balance £303, default balance £159 shown as zero now, satisfied and closed ( but still defaulted) BUT on my experian file they are as follows: ( the start dates are the same in all cases so its defiantly for the same accounts) 1. defaulted 17/11/2012, amount £259 2. Defaulted 17/11/2012, amount £306 what the actual hell is going on? lol.
  23. Hello I just wanted some advice. I CCA'd RBS Mastercard, who came back and asked for a signature. I looked at a post on the forum with a similar problem to mine and used the letter saying that they had sent my statements to this address etc and included copy of passport (signature blurred) and utility bill. Today I received the letter back saying they still required signature, which is frustrating as I know they are just going to copy and past it onto agreement. I have a very big feeling they don't have a signed CCA. The card was taken out in 2007 so not sure if that's still within the time limit, but regardless, they should be able to provide me with some form of documentation. What's my next step? I really don't want to give them the signature! Thanks, Lou
  24. Hi, I have a default showing on my credit file. Having issued a SAR to the creditor I got a pile of paper back, within this were 2 default notices for the same account, one in June 2011 for £500ish and one in August 2011 for £700 ish, no payments were made in between. The default on my file is for the £700 figure and states September as the default date. Before I take matters further: Can they issue more than 1 default notice? Should charges have ceased after the first default notice? Does the date on default notices have to match the credit file exactly? Thanks J
  25. What to do, what to do..... So...I have a significant debt (£15k) that was collateral damage from a now long dead relationship. A relationship debt i refused to pay on principle...bearing in mind that there were other debts and ccj's that have now been paid/satisfied and fallen off my credit score. This is the only thing outstanding to a clear my record. I am registered with Equifax and have been keeping an eye on my credit over the last 6 years. The original debt was with Barclay's but then appeared against 1st credit and is now listed with Cabot....at one point all three defaults were listed each for 15k showing £45k of debt...which was annoying to say the least....but i kept my head down. The default date listed by Cabot currently on my Equifax file is 07/2007 so based on this would be SB July 2013. So here's the thing..I wasn't s paying too much attention at the time but having looked at this site around SB debts I looked back at an old Credit report (from over a year ago) and saw that the original Barclay's debt has fallen off, the 1st credit had a default date of Jan 2007 (as opposed to July 2007 with Cabot) so im deducing that the original default date ( i cant recall when it was myself) predates even Jan 2007 which means the debt MUST be SB by now. I've recently seen some trace searches against my old addresses from a company called Clarity Credit. I have been registered on an electoral role that is different to the last address listed with Equifax, however Equifax haven't updated and or linked my new address for a number of years. I haven't received any letters to my last two addresses chasing the debt. I really want to register with other CRA's with all my addresses to make sure everything is in order but am afraid that by doing this i will bring down the dogs of war on my current address as by applying they will link all the addresses together when for whatever reason i've dodged the DRA bullet for 6 years....as well as the fact that they never went for a CCJ... An additional annoyance with Equifax is that by requesting credit reports old ones fall of the "recent history" list so i now cant look back to the original Barclays dates , to raise a query you need a support account and they ask for your address....same dilemma. So to the eventual (and i thank you for your patience) questions.. If i register with Experian with all my correct address will they be linked and shared with equifax allowing How do i get hold of my old experian reports (paid for) so i can determine the original default date? Should i just sit tight having miraculously ducked under the radar and wait until July to see if the last default falls off and then register with CRA with correct addresses? If i can confirm the original default should i go after Cabot to SB the debt and get it removed from the CR since the DF date is inaccurate. Many thanks all Sapper4484
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