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Found 22 results

  1. Hi all, hope you can shed some insight into this situation for me! I'm currently abroad on holiday but received word from a friend minding my car that it had been seized by Newlyns in regards to a previous owner's fines. I've thankfully managed to have it released and it's currently at a friend's. I don't understand why they seized the vehicle, as when they encountered it, it was already in my name (i.e. I was the registered keeper) according to the DVLA. To the best of my knowledge, the registered keeper is the one responsible for any tickets, fines, etc., not the owner (unless it pertains to insurance matters) - is this correct? when I bought the car and the DVLA updated their records to show that I was the new registered keeper, shouldn't they have left the car alone? I understand that they may have suspected that the owner was the debtor, but doesn't a new registered keeper raise reasonable doubt? My friend took photos before driving away from the garage where the car was being stored and I can see clear damage to the vehicle. I have photographic evidence of the condition the vehicle was in before they seized it from a month earlier and witnesses who can attest that when they last saw the vehicle, it was in the same condition. My car is covered in scratches and dents, and they've managed to damage one of the front headlights as well as break some of the chassis under the car (can see a piece of metal sticking out). Once I return and see the car in person, I can make a full assessment of damage. I feel this is clearly on Newlyns and the city council they were collecting on behalf of to fix. I've filed complaints with both - once when the car was seized after it was already in my name and then I updated that complaint with the initial damage I noted. However, with the holiday season, I doubt I'll be hearing back soon. I was just wondering what my options were and how to best proceed. Should I expect that Newlyns and the city council won't easily agree to pay for damages? Should I notify my insurance (I also have legal cover), so that they can help me with this in case Newlyns and the council won't pay? I've also become a bit worried, as if they can take the car despite me being the registered keeper, is there anything I can do to check if other bailiff companies or councils are looking to collect on debts from a previous owner(s)? Thank you!
  2. Hello! I have won a bid on eBay for a heavy, bulky item and in the listing the seller stated: "· Please only bid if you have a big van to transport · Have at least 2 really strong people to carry, preferred 3 strong people. As it is extremely heavy. o IF this two points are not met, I will not give access to the property, as I don’t want anyone dragging the bed out of it by damaging my floor boards. I won the bid, paid instantly by Paypal, as stated in the listing and THEN the seller said they didn't accept PayPal but would only accept cash on collection. It's a 2.5 hour drive away and based on the seller's threat to refuse entry I wanted to hire a professional and insured firm to collect, the seller suggested I bank transfer payment and refunded my PayPal payment. I hired a firm, having spent a good deal of time getting the ones with the best customer feedback who could meet the sellers requirements of "after 6.30pm during the week or weekend collection" and the movers stated they are insured but did not state for what exactly. I paid by bank transfer just now and the seller has contacted me saying "Please them know. if they do scratch my wallpaper, they have to pay or get this sorted" Grrrr - if this item wasn't quite rare and such a bargain, I'd tell the seller to shove it and buy elsewhere but to save things from becoming a massive pain in the rear for me - what can I do to ensure that if the couriers do cause damage I don't have to deal with this seller to get it sorted? Who is liable if they cause any damage? I have sent the courier the eBay listing AND contacted the manufacturer of the item to find out the weights of each of the elements of this big and bulky item if it does, who would the seller have to sue, me or the courier? Thanks in advance for your help JunieJ
  3. In April 2016 I hired a 7.5t van from a company online. They did not deliver on the stated day and didn't tell me it would come the next. A driver from this company was waiting in a Sixt 7.5t van angry that I wasn't in when he arrived, made me sign the document threw the keys in the cab and drove off. I arrived at my destination (a few 100miles) and 2 days later 2 Sixt reps turned up to collect. They noticed old wear and cracking on one of the tires, they were very unhappy with the depot/yard in the south allowing it to be out on the road. The damage was photographed and noted as being old wear. They then saw the rear bumper was very slightly pushed in but the damage was rusted and old, photos taken and notes put on their handheld/mobile that it was not my fault. I asked them to ring their head office just to confirm, they understood why and did so to explain and then allowed me to talk to them. All was fine, notes were put against the account and it was agreed the vehicle should not have been released and they would take it up with the southern depot. Almost 12 months later 28/03/2017 I receive a call from Sixt solicitors regarding outstanding debt for the above damages. They have the wrong name but correct surname, the wrong address (old one), no email and only my mobile. I have no documents from the time and only remember signing their handheld/mobile and found out they have had a head office change since. I don't know what I need to ask for or what proof they need or if there is a precedent to void their claim as it has been almost 12 months. Please help.
  4. Hi, I issued a Section 10 notice (Data Protection Act) on a non-credit related matter relating to the processing of inaccurate personal information held about me. The organisation a) failed to respond within the 21 days (upheld by the ICO) and b) when they did eventually respond, have refused to comply with my Section 10. Most grateful for any guidance on next steps - e.g. how I might go about enforcing compliance through the courts, procedurally. And is their failure to respond within the 21-day timeframe actionable, e.g. distress in light of Vidal-Hall v. Google? Many thanks.
  5. My landlord has submitted a claim and now I have a form for defense. I have been abused by the landlord over 4 years and last year I finally managed to have the council serve a notice for repairs which were done in the worst manner possible. I know the following: 1. I was never given details of my tenancy deposit being protected until now where I have seen them for the first time 4 years on. 2. The name on the claim form for the landlord is the wrong surname 3. The council requires a landlord to have a licence prior to submitting a section 21 and this was not done. 4. The court application for possession was made prior to the end of the fixed term of the assured shorthold which is June 29th and this was submitted on 26th May. 5. The second landlord (as there are two), does not reside at the address stated on the claim form. There are two boxes for two people and the second one is blank. What about issuing a counter claim for breach of contract under the Housing Act and Landlord and Tenant act for failing to carry out repairs once being notified in reasonable time for a period for 4 years? When would one submit this claim as a counter or is that done as an entirely separate matter in the courts? Shall post in 2 seconds.. uploading now here are the claim form pages Will make into a PDF. two secs Ok attached attachment.pdf
  6. Hi guys i work for a company called xxxxxxxx a company who are well known for ripping people off on the job, I work on the Virgin contract and had a job which involved abit of cable clipping and cable splicing as the customer didnt want extra holes drilling through her conservatory luckily i found an exsisting RG6 sky cable on the roof of her property which i barreled on to and tucked behind the gutter no tugging or pulling involved as i just slot it behind and then clipped the way around to my access point. 6 weeks had passed since the job had been completed and the customer claims that i have pulled the guttering away from the fascia and has caused a leak and claims she has had the guttering people out to take a look at it would cost £300 but has no proof of a quote in writing , any invoices to the job being completed or any photo evidence to support her claim against the guttering being damaged. I phoned my manager today to be told that i have had enough and have been asking for the proof to this claim if he has it i will hold my hands up and settle the damages he claims there is no proof of the work being done or any quotes, invoice etc and its classed as SETTLEMENT OF CLAIM which means they arnt required to provide me with any information. The company is a complete and utter joke and have no idea how these people are still running They have already took £50 of the settlement from my wages without telling me about it, signing any paperwork to show i approve of it and the contract does not state they are allowed also I have £250 remaining and another £50 is due to be taken from me on 28th of this month DO I HAVE ANYWHERE TO STAND HERE IN TERMS OF A TRIBEUNIAL IVE TRIED MY HARDEST TO WORK WITH THEM ON THIS MATTER BUT NOTHING AS THEY ARE NOT INTERESTED THE AMOUNT OF PEOPLE WHO HAVE LEFT THE COMPANY DUE TO THESE PEOPLE I HAVE LOST COUNT
  7. Hi My name is Yasmin. I live in London. And I am about to show consumers what 02 are capable of. I want to sue 02 because while I was in dispute with them over a contract they mis-sold to me - they refused to listen, did not once pick up the phone to me. Moreover never answered my questions nor launch an investigation into how they sold me a contract when I expressly told the sales agent I wanted to buy a mobile phone meant for a minor then aged 10 who needed it for her first day at new Secondary school where she would be travelling alone to and fro. Prior to this I had been using pay as you go - the agent advised me that there was a cool new package that was designed to help control spend and that is was called Simplicity. And that she would be given enough mins to ensure that she can report in and for ant emergencies - he told me that if I stuck to PAYG she may get stranded and need that possibility to make that call to keep herself safe. I said ok. As he seemed so lovely and I kept telling him I had never bought a mobile contract for a child before and wanted to do right by her and my money as I was on a strict budget. I told 02 the contract had to be fixed - the agent promised me it was ok I need not go for PAYG and recommended the 'Simplicity' package. But in 2015 I know noted he did not tell me that this contract was a walking bankcard nor did he set any bars. Or explain what limits. 02 gave no info to me. This why I accuse them know of secretly blinding consumers by selling unlimited data contracts - which they wait to rack up charges on. The 02 agent then secretly, without my knowledge sold me an unlimited SIM card/contract (I was so happy to buy this as a Xmas present) - which in 2014 the child now aged 13 took abroad. It got lost. She got scared to mention it. As soon as I found out, I cancelled it. And I was lucky enough to cancel my direct debits as if I had not done so 02 would have swept my bank account of the entire amount the thief had racked up. Once I then started to ask for help it became a dispute as they kept telling me I had to pay. I told them this was mis-selling but the complaints system is set up to make life so hard. 02 then spent months leading me round the houses. They outsourced my complaint. The phone bill which after I reported it grew to £312.71. I kept asking how can this be? I wanted to pay what I owed. But they just would not talk to me. Here is the contract - can you see anywhere it mention that it was unlimited data card? They told me it as a 'Simple' contract (see attached) - how can you call something simple then allow for call/data charges to be applied - internationally? Attached: 1. 02 contract with personal details deleted - but sales agent to reinforce to me how much I can expect to pay each month 2. 02 contract T&Cs (no mention of data or call charges internationally) My issues: I informed them at around the same time that I was a survivor of abuse and therefore need all the pennies I can get. Every penny was tight and I was in a huge personal crisis. I wanted 02 to just to take monies for what I ordered. I was happy to pay the £10 that was due but 02 never accepted that. They never once picked up the phone to me. They did offer to reduce the bill but they never gave me a breakdown of how the newly reduced figure was worked out. The CEO Ronan Dunne was informed that during this time I was also a survivor of domestic abuse - he and his team refused to listen or help and kept demanding I pay the reduced amount. 02 then handed me over to Badenoch & Clarke - who were bailiffs - when they heard my story they were so horrified and halted it - and told me that at no point were they made aware that there was a dispute over mis-selling. My incident is proof that 02 set us consumers up, make it vague and a quagmire to debate or challenge mis-selling and then - cart you across to the conveyor belt of debt - and trash credit reports as punishment for daring to challenge them. Failure by 02 to take the issue of misselling - even now I have contacted the MEP, Ofcom - and they seem very vague and woolly. Hypocrisy by 02 - see image below of Ronan Dunne - yet he says publically one thing and did the other - to me. I even wrote to him but his email account blocked me. Now that these unfair charges have been racked up - 02 refuse to accept or discuss that the contract was for a minor. Nor will it comment why the agent wrote in his handwriting £10.50 verbally (then wrote promotion on the contract) and why they say 'basics data' will not explain why they did not write that this contract was clearly an unlimited sim card (aka walking bank card). 02 say as I am the person on the contract - I am the adult. I must pay. But this is why we consumers in 2011 were blind folded - as today all the retailers esp Tesco Mobile which is powered by 02 I believe now have strong capping. Why are telecoms companies allowed to sell walking bankcards - at least to use these you need a sim - why is the telecoms industry so irresponsible in selling us contracts for minors - when they knew how dangerous it can be. And that there must now be a default which stops consumers from racking up charges for data or for international calls. FYI Until this loss/theft of the mobile phone incident I paid on time - 100% of the amount due since Nov 2011. I of course wrote to Ombudsman - who did not read my complaint properly. Nor addressed mis-selling issue at all and supported 02's stance - that it was fair to reduce the bill as 02 suggested. This was a disgrace and now I am still waiting for Ofcom to reply. I was forced to complain about the Telecoms Ombudsman and there was an independent investigator who upheld my complaint and offered me compensation. This is why I decided to sue 02 after Telecoms Ombudsman - screwed up. Not once did they try to help me and moreover I found evidence they were supporting 02 - when they ought to be impartial. Damages. This is the effect on my life. How much is this worth? You see prior to this I had never been turned down for credit and always paid my way. I am now so reduced and battling 02 who seem to think they have gotten away with this. I am just trying to find the money to sue them via the small claims court. Stress, mental exhaustion Unable to kickstart my new business - which is now on hold. Sept 2014 - failed remortgage due to adverse credit report filed just by 02 - this was supposed to have paid all my debts and raised money to invest in my start up business April 2014 due to inability to get remortgage forced to enter an IVA July 2015 trying to obtain a tour operator's license. Been told that due to poor credit score and IVA unlikely that I will get merchant facilities. August 2015 - obtained a letter in principle to take my business products to a top London venue - where I can sell these as a commercial concession. Due to inability to find investment/sponsorship or money - I will now be forced to lose this opp. This is why I now am so shocked 02 have done this and did so - even with permission of exec office who refused to discuss mis-sselling with me. They just would not call me and refused to have any sympathy and refused to explain their contract. In fact they told me they were licensed to charge us what they want as the sim was unlimited (even though they called it simplicity) - utter madness. Questions: What would you do? Has anyone had the same happen to them? Is it solved? Unresolved? If the latter please get in touch with me as maybe we can do a class suit. I think there are more consumers out there but it takes a mighty persons to still remain standing as I think 02's complaint procedure is designed to ensure consumers like us who accuse them of mis-selling are sent via a maze - never to emerge and complain or be successful. Which small claims court process should I pursue? There are 2 - but it depends on how much you sue for and then of course there are relevant fees attached. Which would you best advise? What do you think is the damages I am due? And which court should I go via?
  8. Hello all, A good friend of mine has been given notice of eviction by his landlady after he complained about her workmen damaging some of his possessions and holding her liable for the cost. He is now unsure of how to go about following up if she refuses to compensate him. Does anyone have any advice? Thanks in advance!
  9. http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/markup.cgi?doc=/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2013/1539.html&query=El+and+Makdessi+and+v+and+Cavendish+and+Square+and+Holdings+and+BV&method=Boolean search google for Court of Appeal ruling: El Makdessi v Cavendish Square Holdings BV the judgement which is quite recent, analysis penalty clauses and commercial justification which I think goes a long way to show that commercial justification as regards parking charge notices, which are penal by their very nature, cannot apply to these penalty charges in my opinion. Also commercial justification can only be taken into account where the terms of the contract have been freely negotiated between parties of equal bargaining power. also an appraisal of the judgement: http://www.allenovery.com/publications/en-gb/Pages/Court-of-appeal-rules-on-penalty-clauses.aspx But suppose it will all be decided in the upcoming Beavis appeal.
  10. Hi Everyone, I am in the process of applying for a mortgage and quite rightfully the lovely lady at the brokerage advised my to check my credit report on line via a major name in the credit report game.. .either Equifax, Experian or Call Credit to name a few. What a shock I had....I discovered a CCJ planted against my name that: No 1: Does Not Belong To Me No 2: The CCJ is issued to an address that I have never lived at No 3: It is issued to somebody with the same name as me I quickly got to the bottom of where it came from and have had a face to face meeting with the utility company involved. They had the ordasity to ask me for money to get it removed although they admit it is nothing to do with me, their mistake!...they finally agreed to cover the cost of the court paperwork themselves. I have given them seven days to have it removed or face legal consequences as it is hampering my attemt to get a mortgage on a property I want to buy. I really dont have the energy for persuing a legal claim but I was wondering if anybody else has ever been in a similar situation and If I am to sue what would the likely outcome be? I really want this property I have my eyes on and the only thing hampering the process is the CCJ which is nothing to do with me. Once I have waited for the court to remove the CCJ it will probably be around 6 weeks bufore the CCJ is removed form my file.. ......far to long.....the property will be gone. Any advise? Thanks everyone.
  11. i hope someone can advise my best course of action to take here . briefly my wife used a car which is owned by me but she isn`t covered for insurance wise whilst out in the car she had to manoevere out of a parking space when she clipped another vehicle , foolishly she then drove away without leaving details . the next morning a traffic cop arrived at our home took a statement from my wife in which she readily admitted her guilt and she subsequently had to attend the local magistrates court and was fined and her licence endorsed . out of the blue i received a letter from northampton county court with a statement prepared by some solicitor claiming that i was the driver and that i had been driving along the road when i carlessly lost control of the car , veered across the road and collided with his clients vehicle , all this of course is completely untrue and absolute nonsence . there is a claim for £360.00 in repairs for the damaged car and £50 solicitors fee and a further £50 court costs . could someone please advise on my best course of action here , there is a letter / form attached with the paperwork for me to respond but im not very clued up with the legal system .
  12. Hi guys, I'm going to try to keep this brief and I hope your not going to mind, but I'm not going to mention names in order to avoid jeopardising the on-going case. Recently I've had one of the big six utility companies install a boiler for me. Unfortunately:- 1. They didn't clear up properly and left a lot of mess 2. They have also done some damage to the bath panel, bathroom floor and hallway carpet has been left dirty with debris 3. The electrician has incorrectly re-wired the circuit breaker for the boiler and now when one of the living room light switches is used, it triggers all the house electricity to go off from the circuit breaker (short circuit?) 4. Some of the pointing has not been done properly outside. 5. The boiler enclosure that was also covering the electrical switch and pipes was never put back on after the electrician took it off, leaving parts exposed to someone touching or water splashing. Due to an injury, I had to get the help of my family to clean and it took us a very long time. I complained and emailed them the photos and their manager/inspector came out and agreed that the damage done was wrong and apologised. He promised that he would put it right and asked for a couple of days to create a report and resolve the problem. I waited and got no response, so when I rang him directly on his mobile, he said it was being looked at. He didn't get back and after calling him and texting him, I realised that my calls were being avoided. So after chasing up, I managed to get hold of the area complaints manager, but here's the shocking news...they have received the report which has told them the opposite in that there was no issue to resolve and all work carried out was inspected and was safe. Even after seeing the photos, no damage or mess could be seen according the advisor. I as you can imagine was furious and told them that I was given the false hope of having things fixed, but instead I'm being fobbed off. There is a lot more to this, but I want to keep things in perspective. I would be most grateful if anyone can pls advice on my rights and what I can do to get things done. What are my chances of success?
  13. Hi We have been living at our address for 8 years, our neighbours over the back fence have been there 14 years, when we bought the house there were very high conifers over 10mtr high, we had them cut down to 4Mtrs and have maintained this since 2008, last year the neighbour over the fence advised us to remove the trees as they wanted to put up a fence and wall, to which we advised we could not agree, as they Trees did not affect their enjoyment and were a reasonable height and are 30ft away from their house and in the middle of their garden. This year while we were away we came back to find that the Neighbour has cut back the trees, beyond our boundary and also within our boundary, we have informed him that this is illegal and that our trees are now dying, he has written back and advised me that we have to bring them down and remove them, and if that is not acceptable we have to bring them down to 6ft, we feel that :|we have complied with the legal requirements over the last 8 years and the trees are not a nuisance but he wants to remove them to satisfy his whim, which over the last 14 years he has said nothing about. I have been in touch with the Insurance Company, they advised that we have no legal cover, but the Neighbour has trespassed by removing branches beyond his boundary and cutting into live wood, causing the trees to die back! I have been advised by him that he will approach the council and he will demand the trees be cut down to 6ft, he is ignoring the damage he has done, and has stated that he is entitled to remove brambles and he is entitled to remove anything which was over 2meters he could view from his garden, so I am very annoyed. Please can someone help me do a letter to write to the neighbour as I am a loss at to what he is now trying to do, as he has already damaged the trees. Thank you
  14. Hello I recently moved out of the flat i lived in for two years on the 10th of Jan 2014. The letting agent was closed when i was moving out but the landlord came over to do an inventory. We both agreed on the costs for damages and he removed it from my deposit and gave me the balance. Today i received an email from the letting agent with some other damages and replacement of beds, sofa etc. Things we did not agree during the final checks. I am worried they will apply for a CCJ under my name. All i have is a text from the landlord that says how much damages he was going to remove from my deposit. I have been trying to talk to them all day but have not heard back. Any advise will be welcome. Thank you.
  15. my roof tiles came of my roof and have badly damaged my car roof and bonnet the house belongs to an housing association can i claim from them to have it repaired
  16. I have a thread in the Barclaycard forum where a few months ago i won my unlawful charges claim against them. Part of my settlement was BC removing the default as they told me they had bought the account back off Lowells when i started my claim. After the claim had been settled I applied with my bank for a credit card and overdraft as i should have had a clean file only to be turned down and told to check my file. Lowells had re-added the default as BC had not completed the purchase of my account or even notified them the debt didnt exist anymore. Bc only sorted this out after i made a complaint to them. I settled my claim early for a lower amount with BC in the belief that they held my debt, yet it was still Lowells account at the time. Having made a complaint to BC for compensation for damage to my credit file i have been turned down using Kpohraror as that was a business claiming damages and have now been told that Durkin vs HFC is irrelevant as that is not binding in England. Does anyone have any advice about starting a claim for damages as BC misrepresented how they were handling my original claim, caused me to be turned down by my bank for credit and are adamant that i have to prove financial loss and the cases i quoted are pointless.
  17. last week i came home to find a car had crashed into mine and the next doors fence (no one was injured ) luckily how should i claim for the damages to my fence i have all the details of both drivers involved from the police including there insurance details and the driver responsible owned up to the police i had not renewed my house insurance so can't claim on that any info would be appreciated thanks in advance
  18. I'm a vicar of a small rural church which has an account with Santander (previously A+L, Previously Girobank) for our 'Restorationn Fund". In April I received a letter that said that unless we used the account it would be classed as DORMANT. (Its got about 5K in it) I telephoned them and told them not to make it dormant as we need to use it from time to time when we have work to do on the church. The person on the phone said she would email the team dealing with it to tell them this. (This was noted on the file). I heard nothing more so assumed that this was done. At the beginning of this month I issued two cheques for around £600 and £700 which we returned with the big stamp "PAYMENT STOPPED". The inference from this, was that I stopped it. When I telephoned again, they told me that the account was dormant and that I had to apply for it to be made LIVE (which I've done) I believe that bouncing someones cheque, especially when there are funds available could lead to an action for damages to our reputation, stress etc etc. It's particularly bad in that I STILL have had no letter saying that they had bounced the cheque nor did I get a telephone call to ask why a dormant account had become live - which I consider negligent. Obviously our reputation is important because churches are other charities are expected to have the highest levels of probity, How can I start an action for damages? Are there any standard bits of forms, paperwork etc that someone can point me towards? Thanks for your help
  19. Hey guys, I'm shortly ending my tenancy, but it has been blighted by a leaking conservatory for over a year. This is not a new problem either as my dealing with the letting agency has revealed this problem to date back to 2009 and has subsequently got worse. Basically it leaks, quite bad, whenever it rains, and depending on the direction of intensity of the rain is seems to leak in different places (4 or 5 I've counted). I complained about this to my letting agency last Xmas and have since taken numerous photos and have also revisited the complaint many many times. I've been visited by 4 different people (arranged by the letting agency and landlord over the last 9 months) and all have advised it needs replacing. The party line is "we're speakling to the landlord" or "waiting for a guy" or some other bull**** and I've been quite passive to it up until now, but it has ruined a brand new dining table that we bought when we moved in as well as a sentimental item of my girlfriends which has upset her. I have tried to resolve this amicably with my agents, who just seem completely dismissive to it as if they don't want to hear what I have to say but now I am keen to proceed more formally to recover costs as I believe they are in breach of their agreement to keep the property in good condition. Their argument of "well you could have moved your stuff" doesnt really wash with me as I'm effectively paying a premium for a room that is completely unusable, so I should be entitled to a rental rebate to the sum of the price of a room for the duration of my tenancy. In terms of ammo; I have some (I think)...my landlord has regularly visited (hes friends with my neighbours) to "collect mail" but has always tried to get me to go around the letting agency with regardsto any issues so he doesnt have to act upon anything in any formal manner, letting it slip off the radar over time. I haven't said anything to anyone, but he shouldn't be knocking at all given its a managed property. Anyways, any advice would be greatly appreciated. We're moving into our first house so minimal stress would be great! However I have a feeling it wont be the case...
  20. A friend of mine last year had an accident on a well known pier, through no fault of his own he slipped on a puddle on the floor and severly injured himself, anyway cutting a long story short, he was off work for 4 months and during a meeting set up by this pier he was assulted by a security officer. They then proceeded to fabricate a lie that he was rasist toward the security officer who assulted him, all whilst he was still in recovery for the accident. He was taken to court and won with all 12 Jury delivering a not guilty verdict in just 15 minutes. He has now been advised to proceed with the original accident claim, which they have rejected with no investigation and compensation for the assult and Racism case, including costs and loss of income during the period. Now this pier is owned by a well known entertainment and gambling company renownd for not playing by the rules. My friend now plans to create a campaign against this pier and their parent company, he intends on making their 4.4 million visitors aware of what may happen if they had an accident, he intends to set up a website posting factual information and inviting others to add their own stories, as hes sure hes not the only one to be assulted over the years. He intends to make compaints to Trading standards, Enviornmental health, Gambling Regulator etc... He also intends to demonstraite on public land next to the pier from the start of their busy summer period. Firstly can he do this? - hes had a stong letter from the parent companies solicitor stating that: "You must appreciate that we will not tolerate defamatory publications or attempts to unlawfully interfere with our business. We will actively monitor the internet, press and other forums and if any defamatory comments are made, we will tae steps to protect the company, to include court proceedings seeking damages, injenctive relief and costs. Please note that all rights remain reserved." Basically I want to help him with the campaign as I have a sneeky feeling this company have many skeletons in their closet that they dont want to come out, what advise can you give me for setting up this campiagn? Are their any good sites to help with this sort of thing? Any comments and replies and warmly welcomed. Thanks for reading!
  21. Hi All In June of this year i approached a software developer to produce an iPhone app for me. We had a couple of web meetings and a price was agreed and i was informed that they estimated it would be competed and on the app store mid august. We are now in november and my app is still not complete. More than seven deadlines for completion have been missed. Moreover the actual BETA (test) app they delivered earlier this month, crashed and was not to spec even basic spelling was not correct. I since found they are farming out the coding to India I have paid 50% of the cost of the app upfront. It was made clear to them that a competitor was developing a similar app when they found out about mine was in development, theres was out in August. Suffice to say i have lost a huge amount of potential customers who have used my competitors app and i cant get the developers to finish my project. In summary I have paid a thousand pounds up front for a app that was expected in August and have nothing to show for it. What would your advise be for my next step, when I challenged them on the delays i keep getting fobbed off with "thats the nature of app development" Can i request my original money back as app is not fit for purpose and breach of contract for timescale? Do i have to give them a timescale first to put the app right? bearing in mind its three months late. Any commets gratefully received
  22. Hello there and congrats on a great website that has helped me loads. Yesterday I had a bailiff turn up who I dealt with by opening the gate to our property and asking him to step outside. As this person has been following me around for the last 5 years turning up like a bad penny about once a year I commented on this and told him he really was a sad little man. Naturally he didnt like that and took my photograph with his mobile phone! I was standing by my gate about to go back in. Can a bailiff do this?
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