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Found 10 results

  1. Hi all, I'll soon be moving home into a new 3 bedroom place 4 miles away. Anyway, I want to get everything set up in advance so that I can look for the good deals. I've been having a look online and checking out what quotes I can get for gas & electricity, but the range seems to be pretty huge. If anyone has any good suggestions, let me know please! Cheers, OhhEnnEmm.
  2. I don't have a Lidl within a reasonable distance, but there is an Aldi. Are these two stores similar in price and quality ? I would appreciate some comments from customers of these stores - Thank you
  3. So yesterday I was taking a look at my Noddle credit report and when I checked the section for previous searches I noticed that in early July there were about 21 searches all done on the same date. I was rather puzzled by this and at first I thought something serious was going on, but when I checked the names and Purpose of the searches it began to click. The purpose was mostly "General Insurance" but some were marked as "Identification Check" and "Quotation Search", and the names were things like, "Lexisnexis Risk Solutions Uk Limited Insurance Quote - Www.Lexisnexis.Com/Ukconsumer" "Covea Insurance Plc (Cr Bsb) Provident Insurance (Cr Bsb Api)" "Quote Me Happy.Com" And other Insurancy sounding names. And then it hit me, that was when I was searching comparison websites because my car insurance was coming up for renewal! Now I know I searched a few comparison sites, but 21 searches? Digging a little deeper I found that some of them also seemed to be for my previous address that I haven't lived at for nearly 3 years. It seems that old companies are keeping my details on file and even years later they're running searches, even if they don't seem to be contacting me about it. Even weirder, the date of birth shown on some of the searches is my brothers rather than my own. I have run insurance searches for him with his details, but that was also his name and address (Just in the same browser session) so something seems to be going wrong there with the same browser session not changing all details. This all just seems a little strange to me. Should a comparison site be running credit searches like this just for me getting some quotes? Should insurance companies be carrying out credit searches even years later like this? Could 21 searches on the same day, even if they're of these types, have a potential short term impact on my credit score?
  4. Just checked my credit file on Noddle. Hitachi Capital have run 2 searches on me, 1 in February and again in August. Feb. was marked "Administration Review" and August search was marked "Price Comparison Hdd". I have never had any dealings with Hitachi, and have never had a price comparison for anything that I am aware of. Why have these searches been done? Should I be concerned? I have had no direct contact from Hitachi. Thanks t
  5. Any ideas who this lot are?? And i do bank with Barclays Just had a new credit search on my credit file that i did not ask or authorise Exquifax say it is a credit broker company I realise this is probably a "Soft search" but who are these people, and more to the point why are they doing credit checks?? If this has anything to do with that Clearscore then i shall not be happy
  6. I'm writing out of frustration and legitimate concern with the standards and practices within the British Insurance Industry. I have just endured the long drawn out process of 2 car insurance renewals. Run of the mill stuff for any UK motorist. What do most people do? Either take on a non-competitive renewal or seek a more competitive deal from the market. My concern is with the use of comparison sites and the potential for insurance policies to actually be deemed as invalid through no fault of person seeking to be insured. My partner was unfortunate enough to have an accident last October, where she was a named driver on my policy. Now come time to use a comparison site and this opens up a nightmare. Do I declare the claim against my policy? Do we declare the accident my partner suffered? I decided best to declare both and suffer the potential for two incidents to be recorded even though there was actually one. I approached the comparison provider and two new insurers to ask this question only to find that nobody truly agrees. Comparison sites even ask different questions and map the questions differently to insurers. RAC - Only I need to declare as the policy holder Hastings Direct 1) Web advisor - only my partner needs to declare 2) Telephone advisor - both need to declare. I challenged this based on 1. The Tele advisor escalates this and informed me 3 managers debated and 2 came to the conclusion that only my partner needs to declare. Moneysupermarket.com - Only my partner There is clearly an absence of any guidelines in this area with arbitrary decisions being made. Whats more concerning is that a comparison site offers differing advice versus the insurers. Whats even more concerning still is that a consumer may answer incorrectly for a their chosen provider, without even knowing and hence their insurance could be deemed as invalid should they claim against their policy. Neither RAC nor Hastings seemed concerned about this. When I visited the ABI it was clear from their website that they have no interest in such issues.
  7. HI ALL,..what is the best figure to use TCR.. STANDING CHARGE ..KW RATE.....when you do a comparison..i have a pre payment meter and want to change but the figures are pretty confusing...cheers paul
  8. Comparison sites accused over calls The "big five" comparison websites are directing callers to energy tariffs that earn them commission despite being asked for the cheapest deal - months after they faced allegations that they used similar tactics online, it has been claimed. Collective switching website The Big Deal has released recordings of phone calls and transcripts from last month in which it claims that all five of the biggest comparison sites - uSwitch, Go Compare, MoneySuperMarket, Compare the Market and Confused.com - failed to mention deals that did not pay them a commission. In the case of uSwitch, the difference between what it claimed was the cheapest deal and the actual lowest tariff was £60, The Big Deal said. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/pa/article-2935857/Comparison-sites-accused-calls.html You can read the phone call transcripts here: https://thisisthebigdeal.com/blog/PCW-Miselling-Over-The-Phone Last October it was revealed that the price comparison sites were hiding the cheapest “switching” deals in favour of suppliers who pay them commission. Consumers were only given access to the full range of deals – that is, including suppliers who did not pay the sites commission for referring potential customers – if they unticked pre-selected boxes. Confused and MoneySupermarket have since stopped hiding energy deals, but uSwitch, Go Compare and Compare the Market still only show deals they make commission from by default.
  9. Firms that sell extended warranties such as Argos, Currys/PC World, Tesco and Richer Sounds, Domestic & General and Warranty Direct have launched a comparison website. They agreed to set up the site after an OFT study last year found limited competition. Although most extended warranties are generally thought to be a complete waste of money, if you want peace of mind, it may be worth comparing prices first. http://www.compareextendedwarranties.co.uk/
  10. Hello there, this is my first thread so apologizes if I make any mistakes. I am looking to make some savings on my Electrcity & Gas bills this year ( TV and phone as well hopefully ). I've been looking around the web for the best and came those which you all probably know. They all seem alright but I hope that I can find something better at the end of day. for example I cam across some guys who claim that they do all the research manually for you, which sounds pretty good, and they send you the results. Also what other "comparison sites" would you recommend(apart from the well known ones I mentioned already)? Thanks
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