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  1. Hello all... Today I received a notice email from them that someone will visit the above address within 14 days (there is no address listed) This is for a company I got roped into joining online back in 2016 and never received the products for so I cancelled my monthly payments for this company called Enagic. Nothing happened for 3 years until around a month ago when I got an email from CLI telling me that I owed £998 and that they would be chasing me for the debt owed. Same emails as you've had above and they've sent 3 since. I am very worried about this and do not wait debt collectors at my door despite you're reassurance that they can't enforce anything. Is there any actual way they will either come to the door or try to collect this debt? Please note that I do not live at the address I was at back in 2016 and have moved several times since. I am now living with my partner in our first home which we own and moved in may 2019. I got into this business and I do not want to pay for something that I never received and got coaxed into joining with false promises etc. Enagic Europe aren't a UK company and it appears that after 3 years something has been done and CLI are trying to chase me for the debt. What happens from here on out? Do I try and seek advice or just ignore? I've ignored every email they've sent me and as far as I'm aware the only information that they have is my email address.. Not sure if they've ever sent a letter as I'm not at the address I was at during the time I joined the business. Back in Feb 2016 I was roped into joining a terrible business called Enagic. I was promised thousands of pounds in commission and I'd be coached through the process etc etc etc. To cut a long story short, I made no money and I wasn't coached through anything. Nor did I receive the help I was promised and I spent over £1,000 on FB ads with no success as promised. I cancelled my monthly payments to this terrible business almost straight after and I've never paid since. Nothing was said or mentioned until around 4 weeks ago when I received an email from a company called "Credit Limits International" demanding payment for this debt and they will chase me for it etc. Very threatening and making me very worried. Joining this company put me in debt with another loan for the FB ads (which I am still paying to this day) it caused me to have to put my online business to one side and get another full time job which I am still doing now. I ignored their emails (the only way they have been able to get in touch with me) and today I received an email saying they will visit my house within 14 days to chase the debt on the above address... There was no address written in the email and they've never mentioned my address or phone number etc. What shall I do? I've been reading a few threads from people saying that they had the same and that they can't enforce anything and that they are just a DCA company that sends empty threats in hope that people will pay for something that they don't owe or that they've taken on a debt that most people were unaware of. I've moved house 6 times since I joined the business and I have only lived at my current address for 3 months. I am worried they will visit my home demanding payment for something that has pretty much ruined my life for the last 3 years and I have had no communications with Enagic of CLI since I cancelled these crippling payments to this horrible business. They are trying to chase me for almost £1000. Nothing has been mentioned until August 2019 after over 3 years. am I right in saying that they won't know where I live ? On the email they've never written my address, phone number or anything. The only information that they have is my email address I think. Please advise me on what I should do. Thank you all in advance!!! Any advice and reassurance would be appreciated. Also, did anyone actually get a visit from these people? Thank you all!
  2. Received today and the time is not correct also i think the code is wrong the fact was i had a disabled person in the passenger seat needed the loo very quickly so i cut around the to light at 1703 the ticket saying 1702 the code also said 38l think that was wrong to but i needed to get them to a loo asap and had sat in the traffic 20 minutes already and could not pull into the left as was a bus lane what can i do
  3. New code of conduct for artificial intelligence (AI) systems used by the NHS READ MORE HERE: https://www.gov.uk/government/news/new-code-of-conduct-for-artificial-intelligence-ai-systems-used-by-the-nhs
  4. Afternoon all, I’ve received a ‘formal debt recovery notification’ letter from some outfit called Credit Limits International (CLI), asking me to make payment for a debt owed to the ‘Corpo Di Polizia Municipale Di Firenze’, with regards to the Italian Highway Code. I’m unsure as to what the debt is for - I’ve not received any notice prior to this. It does, however, have a ‘Car reference’ that appears to be a number plate. All I can think of is that my wife and I hired a car during the summer of 2015 - when we got married (!) - in Florence, and perhaps it refers to that (the car was returned to the car hire company without an issue, so I can only surmise I must have committed a speed or driving offence without realising). This is the first time I’ve received a debt collection letter and I’m unsure what to do next. If there was a genuine offence then, as annoying as that is, fair enough - but I’m a tad peeved my first notice is a letter that mentions an ‘enforceable order’ in Italy and ‘prosecution in this country’, plus asks me to cover payment of several high costs - not just the ‘infraction amount’, but also interest, legal and collection costs, bringing the total to almost £400. Any next steps would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!
  5. Dear Forum members, I would like to ask you if you could kindly help me draft the best POPLA appeal that I can in regards to the NTK I received from UKPC? Appeal sent as the Keeper of the Vehicle on the following grounds and asked for further information: 1. Equalities Act 2010 compliance (have sent them proof of disability for an occupant of the vehicle) 2. Parking Charge amount claim grounds 3. Asking them to give a breakdown of their actual loss. Is the charge a true reflection of damages? 4. Their status – the creditor? 5. Ownership of premises? 6. Contractual Authority (as required by BPA Ltd AOS CoP B.7) 7. Signage There was no admission on who was driving and that is stated in the appeal letter to UKPC clearly as well. UKPC Rejection of the Appeal: Their reasoning for rejection of my appeal was (verbatim): Disabled parking bays are reserved for Blue Badge holders only and that a valid disabled badge must be clearly displayed at all times. They have not addressed any other issues or points of appeal at all. I have also downloaded the photos they hold on file for my vehicle and they are all silly and also show how inadequate their signs are as they are absolutely unreadable. I have included in this document (further down on following pages) the following: • Copy of the photos UKPC has on their online system for the vehicle at the location • Copy of the photos I have taken subsequently visiting the site to check for signage • UKPC Notice to Keeper copy (personal info scribbled out) • My letter of appeal to UKPC as the owner of the vehicle (personal info scribbled out) • Copy of the UKPC Rejection of Appeal letter to me (personal info scribbled out) Could you please assist me with making the best possible POPLA appeal for this case? Thank you ALL for sharing your time and knowledge so selflessly!!! Below is the summary as per your guide and I have also attached full PDF document with photos and copies of letters etc (redacted for personal details): please answer the following questions. 1 Date of the infringement: 18/11/2018 2 Date on the NTK [this must have been received within 14 days from the 'offence' date]: 19/12/2018 3 Date received: 24/12/2018 4 Does the NTK mention schedule 4 of The Protections of Freedoms Act 2012? [y/n?] YES 5 Is there any photographic evidence of the event? YES (copy in the attached PDF) 6 Have you appealed? {y/n?] post up your appeal] YES (details in the attached PDF) Have you had a response? [Y/N?] post it up: YES (details in the attached PDF) 7 Who is the parking company?: UKPC (ukparkingcontrol.com) 8. Where exactly [carpark name and town]: Great Western Industrial Estate, Southall UB2 4SD PDF case copies for the Forum to ask for POPLA appeal help.pdf
  6. Hello everyone Unfortunately, my husband has gone and got himself another PCN. This time it's one that was stuck on his car I haven't seen any photos of the situation yet - I think they will be uploaded tomorrow at the earliest as he only received the PCN today. I was trying to upload the pdf but this website says that I have the incorrect file extension Is anyone able to help me understand what I've done wrong? I tried following the instructions about uploading files. Thanks
  7. Hi everyone, hope someone may be able to help. On Thursday 20th July around 11pm we parked in a bay, alongside a few other cars. (We have parked before so were aware of the bay regulations 9-5 Mon-Fri 4 hr no return 4 hr). Part of the bay was cordoned off with red barriers, but no barriers where we parked. On Friday morning at 8.30am returned to car to find a PCN with code 21 (observed 8:06am-8:08am). Looked for a sign only to find one partially obscured by branches from a tree and attached to a lamp post not the existing parking regulation sign, was attached with cable ties and had twisted round slightly and therefore was clearly visible in the dark. On inspection of the sign it states that 'bays o/s 47-49 Addington St' are affected, I'm going to assume that o/s means outside. The erected red barriers are outside of those flat numbers numbers and we were parked further along the bay in front of a wall to a car park. Can anyone help as to whether we have a good case for appeal against this PCN. Can't seem to attach any photos. Many thanks.
  8. i'm asking on behalf of a friend who is a wheelchair user and had to attend homerton hospital for her daughters appointment. they drove around looking for a BB parking space and couldn't find one and as the appointment time was nearing they parked on St Barnabas Terrace. they are newham council residents and and unfortunately hackney council seem to follow different rules, in newham they can park in resident only bays etc with a BB. they did not realise that they can not park in the business permit holders only bay with a BB and i know ignorance is not a defence but this was the first time they had ever travelled to hackney to attend a hospital appointment at homerton hospital. there were only 2 bays which they could see for BB holders and they were in use and being in an unfamiliar area they did know where else to look for valid parking. just wanting to know do they have any chance at appeal or not, thank you very much.
  9. Hi, can someone advise whether the signs advising of a clearway should be clearly visible in the photographic evidence provided??? I just had a pcn, I was parked (engine running) for moments on a verge, in front of a clearway sign, but not after it. the sign is not in the photo plus all double yellow lines are all broken. does the clearway start AFTER the sign or infront of it too? my car was stopped directly in front of a sign but not after it
  10. Yesterday in the House of Commons, Sir Greg Knight's Private Members Bill entitled: Parking (Code of Practice) Bill received its 2nd reading. The support that he received was overwhelming (and thoroughly deserved) and the Bill now passes to the Committee stage. Rougue private parking operators have cause for concern. Yesterdays debate is worthy of reading: https://www.theyworkforyou.com/debat...ailiff#g1160.0
  11. I have today received a code 27 PCN for parking adjacent next to a dropped footway This does not appear to be a valid code. I was parked next to a chained/locked walled entrance to a small parking area (2 cars ) of private business. This area is never used and is seperate from the main car entrance. The entrance exits directly onto the road/carriageway. There is no footway, pavement or similar at all. Do I have a valid appeal? I have also read that the CEO can only issue the PCN if an official complaint/request has been made by the owner of said property and that complete records must be made of the request? Thanks in advance.
  12. hi guys got a pcn today morning from tfl code 31 yellow box as you can see i was trying to get off the box and only 1/4 of my car is in the box . any advice and anyone got a template for appeal please. thank guys
  13. Hello I live in a cul-de-sac and my house is the last house on the road and I have my own drive at end. Today, I received a PCN code 62 while parked on my own Drive. It states 'Parked with one or more wheels on or over a footpath or any part of a road other than a carriageway'. My car was parked with the back wheels just on the edge of the footpath, something I have been doing since 1988 but for some reason I have received a parking ticket today. The footpath ends at my house, although a neighbour whose garden backs onto my drive has put a small gate in his fence so he can leave his house from the back. What can I do in this instance as I will have problems parking on my drive in future? With the back wheels close to footpath, the back of the car stands over the footpath by a foot or more depending on the car that is parked. I would appreciate any help or suggestions
  14. I would like some information and clarity regarding the tax code 0T-M1. My employment ended on 17th May 2017 after being on sick leave for more than 3 years. I'm currently in receipt of ESA (contributions- based) and PIP. I was advised that my entitlement is 12 weeks' notice pay and 1 1/2 years A/L pay - is this right? Received a P45 last week which shows the tax code as being 0T-M1, which I have never seen before, and I have noticed that nearly half of the total notice pay, has been deducted for income tax. Is this correct? Seems a very excessive amount! Confused angelsx7and9 I would greatly appreciated the Caggers help on this matter
  15. Good morning, In need of advice/direction My road has now been converted into residents parking zone Monday - Sunday 8am - 6.30pm----very excessive, but its done so ho home. I have a permit for my road. On the day of the offence yes my vehicle was parked at 9.03am, because i had just returned from dropping my 2 boys to school and had to pick up some pots to drop off to my mother who lives in Grays/Essex...about 20 minutes drive on the A13 from my house. went to my mums but didn't stay long. On the way back home my daughter complained of tummy ache (infact she mentioned it earlier in the morning, but I ignored her she has said it before). I was only about 5 minutes (10.15am) from my home after leaving my mums, and I could smell n awful stench my daughter poo's herself. I drove into my road from the main road and the space I parked in earlier the only closest space i could see, i parked there as I was panicking to get my daughter out of the car to get her soiled self inside to bath to clean her up. Once all done, I came downstairs to take her car seat out to wash it, and noticed I had a ticket. I have attached a copy of the ticket received and the sign, Id be really grateful if i could get some help to articulate a letter to newham council
  16. On the week-end of 2-3 June 2017, I parked on Cowley Place. One of my friends gave me the visitors pass for MN, but I did not realise it had a different zone than I usually use.(EO). I did have visitor parking permits, which I displayed and validated. Clearly there was no intent to evade payment or gain any advantage and I indeed have used/invalidated two visitor passes. I therefore feel it is unfair to be fined, and lose the use of two visitors passes. I also question whether the correct contravention code was used on the PCN. (30 - Parked longer than permitted). Shouldn’t the correct code be 19 - Parked in a residents’ or shared use parking place or zone either displaying an invalid permit or voucher or pay & display ticket, or after the expiry of paid for time. In my case I was in a shared use zone, displaying an invalid permit. Guidelines say Code 19 is used when a driver has made some attempt to park correctly and is displaying something that could have been used. Additionally, The Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) Representations and Appeals Regulations 2007 states that any PCN issued should legally contain the following information : (3)(2) (b)(ii)but that, if a notice to owner is served notwithstanding those representations, representations against the penalty charge must be made in the form and manner and at the time specified in the notice to owner. I cannot see any clear reference to point 3 (2) (ii) anywhere on the PCN. It is insufficient to say that the owner must follow the instructions on the NtO, it must be outlined on the PCN. This means that the council has not complied with the Regulations made under the Traffic Management Act 2004 (TMA) or the relevant regulations. Am I correct in these 3 points, which make a sucessful appeal likely ??
  17. Letting Agents Registration and Code of Practice Comes into force 31st January 2018 ***Scotland Only*** The Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 made provisions for the mandatory letting agent registration, regulation and training requirements in Scotland. Housing (Scotland) Act 2014: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2014/14/contents/enacted Part 4 of the Housing (Scotland) Act 2014 makes provision for the registration, regulation and training requirements for letting agents in Scotland. They include a mandatory register of letting agents, a ‘fit and proper’ person test, training requirements, a code of practice to which all letting agents must adhere and enforcement through the new First-Tier Tribunal. The Letting Agent Registration (Scotland) Regulations 2016 sets out the training requirements that those applying to join the register of letting agents must meet and additional information required for registration. This was laid before the Scottish Parliament on 22nd December 2016 and comes into force 31st January 2018. The Letting Agent Registration (Scotland) Regulations 2016: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ssi/2016/432/introduction/made Letting Agent Registration Guide: https://www.mygov.scot/letting-agent-registration/who-needs-to-register/ The Register of Letting Agents will be a list run by Scottish Ministers that will make sure every letting agent is suitable to do the job and has met minimum training requirements. --legal obligations relating to letting agency work and the rights and responsibilities of tenants and landlords --handling of tenants’ and landlords’ money --arranging and managing a tenancy --managing repairs and maintenance --customer communications --complaints handling --equality issues The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016 were laid before the Scottish Parliament and will come into force on 31st January 2018. The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016: http://www.legislation.gov.uk/sdsi/2016/9780111030912 Those engaged in letting agency work must also comply with the Letting Agent Code of Practice. The Code of Practice is set out in The Letting Agent Code of Practice (Scotland) Regulations 2016 and contains general duties including: --complying with relevant legislation --providing accurate information --applying procedures consistently and reasonably --dealing with complaints --ensuring compliance by employees and subcontractors --handling private information sensitively --not to unlawfully discriminate --carrying out services in a timely fashion and with due skill and care Housing and Property Chamber First-tier Tribunal for Scotland: https://www.housingandpropertychamber.scot/
  18. Hi I got a PCN code 40 for parking in a disabled persons bay which i did not know was there as you will see from uploaded pictures the bay was not clearly marked, i challenged the ticket and lancashire county council disagreed and have refused the request to cancel the ticket, i explained that i would never knowingly park in a disabled bay and that the road marking are barely visible, it as fell on deaf ears and a notice to owner is to be sent. the council said that the road markings dont need to be there as a post sign was there this was 2 spaces down i did not see this sign at the time or even notice the markings, any help. Thanks pixs .pdf
  19. Hello, on Saturday evening i thought i'd give the Mrs a break and take us all to a restaurant in Bromley, we arrived and parked at 18:50. Looking at the signs it was a bit confusing i went to check the hours of operation also attached everything looked fine and i was happy that i managed to find parking on a busy evening. The restaurant was really busy and they told us we only have an hour as they have further reservations, we sat down to eat knowing we will be back just after 20:00, but that's besides the point. I am really surprised to be getting a ticket outside of the operation hours, and the 5 mins max stay just doesn't add up. I am appealing just need a bit of help please Regards fro
  20. Hey guys, Looking for a bit of help. Got this parking ticket while dropping my daughters medicine off to nursery. I was literally in and out. I have checked the signs and road markings, I don't think I have grounds to appeal on those. My only saving grace might be the fact that the ticket was issued at 9.50 am and it was observed from 9.50 to 9.50. I know some councils have an observation period but I couldn't find anything relating to this on Havering councils website. I found some in Camden council (3 minutes) and Brighton council (5 minutes). Could anyone give me some advice whether I have any grounds to appeal this? Many thanks, Bogyo79
  21. Ive been trying to find the telex code of HSBC Hong kong , for private reasons as of yet was able to find some in web, but was not able to verify the code officially, neither no officer or customer support was able to help in this issue is there a specific department, or any official way where i can clear this query
  22. Hi hope you can help A friend of mine works as a seemstress she is Bulgarian & employs a few members of staff to help her in her busy shop. All her employees work as self employed. In October 2015 she employed a woman who doesnt speak English who lives with her daughter who speaks adequate English. My friend asked this person many times to provide her with her tax & NI number so that she could register her for tax. Cut a long story short she refused to give it to her eventually resulting in my friend refusing to pay her the last months wages until she supplied her with the necessary information required. Apparently this women does not want to give her the necessary information because she lives with her daughter who is getting benefits (housing benefit & child benefits) & these benefits will be reduced if the income is declared. Does anyone have any ideas what to do here
  23. Parked on double yellow lines (no kerb markings) outside restaurant this morning approx 5.45am. When I came out after making delivery I had a PCN on my delivery van. According to two men I spoke to parked across the road, it was a mobile enforcement car with the CEO getting out and taking pictures then sped off. I have just googled nearby signage and it is a small yellow plaque with a small controlled zone circle and times midnight - 8am & 6.30pm - midnight. Also has picture of a bus and a lorry with 5T on it. Can someone kindly confirm what signage instructs apart from no waiting / parking during times shown. Thank-you
  24. Lambeth Council issued PCN on 21/9 for Contravention 622 Vehicle was parked on clients private driveway with consent, its a new van and was backed up tight to the clients house, the client had moved his vehicle to the street as he had permit. The van/vehicles front 2 wheels were just on the footpath, there was no obstruction to the footpath and a double buggy could easily get past, it was also a wide foot path. 622 does state with one or two wheels on any part on an urban road other than a carriageway (foot way parking) ((partly on foot way). Do i have a case to contest as the vehicle was 99% on private driveway with its nose and front wheels just on the pavement. There is no clear intention to breach the traffic management act just a vehicle slightly to large for the driveway. Thank you.
  25. Hi I received a PCN code and description 31 entering and stopping in box junction. I received 2 photos showing the back wheels of my car just inside the junction box and another with a vehicle infront of me. I appealed against this informing them that when i entered the box there was enough room for me to move forward without stopping in the box however the vehicle infront of me stopped due to the traffic lights turning red which made me to stop directly behind it with my back wheels just inside the box. I was not blocking any vehicle turning right. The car infront me had enough to move forward which would have avoided me to stop in the box but he choose not to. My appeal was rejected and i now received 4 photos showing images of my car. The first photo of my car not entering the box unit it was clear . The time was 13.10.15 . The second picture my car entering the box as the traffic was moving . The time was 13.10.26. The third picture showing my car stopped just inside the box . The time 13.10.35 this was when the traffic light turned red. The fourth picture my car moving forward leaving the box. The time 13.11.03. The letter stated that having considered my representation in accordance with the requirements of schedule 1 of the London Local Authority and Transport for London Act 2003 I should pay the charge or submit an appeal to the independent Adjudicator. Can anyone please advise. I know that i only stopped because of the lights turning red. I have attached the CCTV footage of what was sent to me. PNC Photo.pdf
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