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Found 10 results

  1. Hi CAG. I recently got a ticket for driving in a pedestrian zone at Barking It's a disgustingly confusing section of road that the council seem to be making a lot of money from. I am tempted just to pay the discounted rate but lately have been floored by PCN's. On discussing it with collegues and other law abiding decent motorist I learned I'm not alone. How on Earth did it come to this where the councils are acting so despicable..? I want to appeal this one so I can help others fight back against this robbery. I turned right at the corner in the image Barking1, there is no sign not to turn right but by the time you have they've got you. the second set of signs further in (Barking3) is confused by the arrows on top telling us we have priority over oncoming traffic. I also find the pedestiran zone sign a confusing one by itself! A circle with a car and motorbike in it. If it had a red line through it it would comunicate its meaning in a second. But they don's want that do they Any help greatly appreciated. R BarkingPCN.pdf
  2. Hi everyone, I just joined this site after a friend recommended it. Can you help me please? I got a fine from Newham Council for stopping on box junction. I believe you can stop if the lanes in front are clear, as you can see from link below the left one is clear so therefore would I be successful if I appeal? I don’t want to appeal if I will fail and then have to pay the full 150 and not discounted 65 if I pay within 2 weeks. .I would appreciate your advice. Thank you, rai
  3. Evening, Last wednesday iv received typical civil parking notice from Athena. 45 quid Iv overstayed 10 mins. Went into lidl to buy water and some biscuits, paid cash. threw out receipt. Afterwards went to the bank which is in opposite street. Came back to car and drew away. I don't usually shop at Lidl, so i wasnt aware of their policy regarding parking. After the incident, i went back to the same Lidl to take sign photos. What really surprised me that there's no mention 10 min rule. Besides isn't it clearly stated, that i can park for MAXIMUM STAY 90 mins per store. Really confused here. How to proceed ? Thank you for your help.
  4. Hi all, on the 27 February this year I drove in a bus lane during its operational hours (3-7pm) I received a letter from the council a PCN on the 4/03/16, I responded to the PCN saying that the bus lane sign was obstructed by HGV lorrys delivering to a builders merchants across the road, I looked at the cctv footage that the council had, now from what I can glean from other websites, the cctv footage has to show me passing both bus lane signs ie the entry and exit signs, the footage does not show me passing the bus lane entry sign as the sign is around the bend and out of the cctv cameras vision.. Also the sign should be visible from 30 metres and it isn't , because you approach the sign from a bend. I responded to the council with my defence, on the 16/03/16 and they replied to me on the 18/03/16 to tell me that they had considered my defence but that they had decided not to cancel my PCN . I then received an enforcement notice dated the 03/06/16 I responded to this notice on the 07/06/16 again stating my defence and also asking for their traffic management order for the signage and the bus lane markings. I then received a notice of rejection of representation dated 21/06/16 they did not supply me with the traffic management order as I had requested, all they sent was a link to the cctv footage that I had already seen. They enclosed a form for me to appeal to the traffic adjudicator. So that is where I am now, I just feel that there was a long time between the PCN and the enforcement notice being issued ( 04/03/2016 PCN 03/06/16 enforcement notice issued) Any thoughts on this issue? Thanks in advance for any and all help given. Moonlandings
  5. I received a parking ticket from Athena which did have photographic evidence apparently you are only allowed to stop no longer then 10 minutes if more then you need to register within the store, the writing on the sign about this is very small and people who read the sign on arrival will only see the big writing which states free parking for up to an hour??? confusing I have appealed on a few occasions but they are ignoring and threatening CCJ ect., cannot find a number to ring lidl myself to intervene as I think it is unfair for one branch to do this and the others don't. Now have sent a final demand for £90.00. What can I do next it does state Schedule 4 of the protection of freedom act 2012. Please help Mashmallow
  6. My hubby has today received a PCN for a YBJ offence that took place on 13 April. The picture on the notice looks pretty conclusive but I've requested the video evidence just to make sure. It is a notorious junction in that you think you'll get across because the traffic is moving nicely, then it all grinds to a halt, not helped by the pedestrian lights that are spitting distance from the edge of the box. I'm not looking for excuses for hubby- if he did it, we'll obviously pay, but I don't like the idea of giving the council extra money if I don't have to. My main question is, should the PCN actually state a contravention code? This only says "Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited". No codes or nothing else. I'll upload a copy of the PCN shortly if it helps
  7. Hi can anyone help me with this, it’s driving me insane. I was issued a ticket by a smart car for parking in a loading bay whilst dropping of my dry cleaning. What’s really hurts is that I asked the guy in the smart car if I could park for five mins, he agreed, I was only five mins. Surprise, I then get a letter in the post requesting I pay a fine. I contact the council, find out it was in relation to that day, ask to see the video evidence, which just shows my car sitting in the bay, not approaching the driver or returning to my car. Despite numerous phone calls to the parking dept and speaking with lifeless staff who all agree to look into the matter, not one called or communicated back. The 14 day deadline approaches, I speak to the parking payments team, who advise me to pay the reduced £65 or face the price hike, I relent and pay. Then I get some documents out of the blue saying that the matter has been passed to parking appeals. I complete the paperwork, stating what happened and that I’m pretty aggrieved, but I had paid the fine anyhow, only to receive a letter back saying the council’s decision is upheld and I should pay the fine, and the hiked price. What a joke, I explained to parking that I had paid the fine within the allotted 14 days, gave then a copy of my bank statement, they just say, it not up to us, you lost the appeal, an appeal I didn’t bring. I escalate the matter to the local councillor, who ask the parking manager to review, she apologises to him for the lack of communication, but refers him and me to the appeals outcome, caveat pay up the other £65 or court proceedings will be issued. Am I being totally dumb here, I’ve now had to pay another £65, to keep them from issuing court proceedings. The councillor has now washed his hands, the parking team are just away with the fairies, when you can get them, and im out of pocket to the tune of £130. What next? roll over and never trust a warden who can squeeze into one of those smart cars?
  8. Hello, here's the story. For some reason, I have not received PCN, may be was lost in the mail, but received Enforcement Notice. I prepared representation, and come to a point when I need to send it. I realized that the letter does not contain the necessary addresses. There is a whole page with explanations on how to pay, but there is no address indicated where to send representation! I find their website and precisely: Make a challenge against a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN), and there I came across another crap. In the box where I need to fill my PCN Reference is written: "PCN Reference (including CG prefix)". Very well, except that my reference number begins with BZ! I decided to try it, and actually the system accepted this number and showed me the necessary information. I uploaded pictures and wrote the information needed, I click the "Submit" button and guess what? " An error occurred, please try again later"! And so a few days in a row!!! They are very good at taking our money for nothing, because there is no sign that this is a bus lane, but when it comes to challenge against a PCN, their letter does not have the necessary information, their website is misleading and even is impossible to do representation online! Whether it is by accident or on purpose, I do not want to speculate, but it is strange and suspicious. Here is the Enforcement Notice:
  9. Please help, am at my wits end over my neighbours increasingly worse issues against me, now making complaints about my dogs. Im worried sick that im now facing legal action and fines. 11.03.13 Received an Abatement notice from the council about my dogs barking. They stated 2 weeks ago, for 1 hour, my dogs barked constantly at about 3pm. I was not here (at an appointment so no way to prove/deny they were barking). Council have not issued any proof or evidence of this being true. A couple of weeks ago they sent a letter saying my neighbour had made a complaint about the dogs barking. This is following both man & woman neighbour banging hell out of my door at 11pm when I had been out for 2 hrs to complain the dogs were barking when I had been out - their brother actually caused the barking by placing things in my porch and disturbing them!!!) They had been drinking, were very threatening and abusive and made me feel very intimidated so since then I have stopped all communication with them! Ever since then we have been very prevalent to ensure that the barking is always stopped very quickly such as when they are due food, or out to loo, when I get up in morning - they are excited and yes, they bark, but are always stopped very quickly. I rarely now leave the house to ensure they are kept quiet most of the time, or arrange someone to sit with them. I don't even go out in the evenings or socialise now as I cant leave them unattended. The council who attended even said "Cant you get rid of the dog"!!!! would you get rid of a crying baby or child who is teething overnight for weeks??? However, one incident, 2 weeks ago I had no choice and left them in the afternoon for 2 hours. Typically, they barked for 1 hour, at about 3pm. This is the cause of the Abatement Notice. I have not been given any evidence or proof of this noise that was supposedly made. I do not know how long this Notice is in effect for - 1 month, 1 year or forever? I have 21 days to appeal, but HOW on earth do I appeal as its a load of gobbldegook technical jargon. Please help as I don't know what else to do, im doing my best already
  10. I have just received a parking fine from TPS for parking in a tesco car park (only about 15 mins) I was incensed when I got home and read that if you do not pay £50 within 14 days you AGREE to pay a fine of £100 . I went back to the car park the next morning to check the area where I had parked and there was no ‘no parking sign’ and no markings on the road to suggest that it was a no parking area, although the area was next to a disabled bay. I was going to appeal and send the picture off as proof but having looked on line this would appear fruitless. This is stressing me out, should I pay them, just to get them off my back or stick up for my rights and not pay up, do I appeal or just ignore, any help and advice would be appreciated.
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