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  1. Apologies for the delay in replying. After seeing the video, there could be absolutely no argument - hubby did drive into the YBJ when he couldn't exit the other side, so we paid the fine. There would have been no point in appealing as it would have got laughed at. That said, I do agree that that particular YBJ is a bit iffy.
  2. Thats a shame but thank you for the clarification Michael. I'll wait on the video before we pay, just incase there is anything useful on it Thank you again
  3. My hubby has today received a PCN for a YBJ offence that took place on 13 April. The picture on the notice looks pretty conclusive but I've requested the video evidence just to make sure. It is a notorious junction in that you think you'll get across because the traffic is moving nicely, then it all grinds to a halt, not helped by the pedestrian lights that are spitting distance from the edge of the box. I'm not looking for excuses for hubby- if he did it, we'll obviously pay, but I don't like the idea of giving the council extra money if I don't have to. My main question is, should the PCN actually state a contravention code? This only says "Entering and stopping in a box junction when prohibited". No codes or nothing else. I'll upload a copy of the PCN shortly if it helps
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