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  1. I am a vanquis credit card holder with a limit of £250 due to fees I now have a over limit balance of £320 to help me i set up a card payment plan to pay my balance off by way of my prepaid MasterCard, they said the system will automatically take the payment from the card on the day specified a reoccurring card payment they called it £50 per month I was told that if it failed then i would not get charged and i would need to ring in or they would contact me to set it up again I thought it would fail and told them this, not because the money wasn't available but because of the timing, The way my account works is that the money is not visible on my account until about 9 am and then I have to transfer it from the bill account to the card account which takes about an hour, They always collect the money first thing so it always fails, They have been phoning me every day now to try and get a payment but I have just looked at my prepaid card statement online and there is a pending card transaction for £25 debit By Vanquis Bank this is not even for the amount we agreed or the day, or even the right part of the month they have just dipped in and taken money from me without asking My question is can they do that? If they can Why? or If they cant what can be done because I am worried about them just dipping in and taking my money when i Need it all , I get payed in the morning and now I am worried THanks
  2. Hi everyone I have been in dispute with Vanquis for the last 9 months over a balance dispute- due to the balance consisting of penalty fees. During this time, the account has been passed over to external agents who placed the account on hold. Each time, going back to Vanquis advising of the dispute. Who in return, informed the DCA that there was no dispute, but to keep offering discount letters. some of the discount letters up to 50% were days apart. These offered different amounts! Eventually, back in August, Vnaquis lodged this as a formal complaint. They have agreed to refund the penalty fees, which leave the balance of £180. I defaulted on a balance of £547. Default date, was 31st May 2012. Although, they state default notice was issued in October 2011, which I did not receive. Back in October 2011, I paid the balance required on my statement- which they state is acknowledgement of the default notice. Vanquis also state that no payments were made between June to October 2011. However, I did make payments and they have marked by CRA files up to date until September when I missed 1 payment. Vanquis caused my account to go over the limit with default fees being applied. The default balance consisted of the default fees. In the last 3 wks I have sent 3 Special Delivery letters one to Data controller. The other two letters contained a cheque to pay the remaining balance.O. (As all collection activity has been placed on hold by the various DCA.) Only the last one has been logged despite signatures from the post room Have uploaded the letter from Vanquis and would be very grateful for any advice on how to pursue the removal of the default. Additionally, to this day, Experian are continuing to process data on my account since the default lodged with 8' since May to present, account closed in May 2012. ( No FOS leaflet was enclosed either) [ATTACH]38653[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]38654[/ATTACH]
  3. I happened to notice on my internet statement September, Billed Deferred Finance charges. £9.05. I dug backwards and found April .61 pence May nothing, June 40 pence, July £3.91 August £3.41, September £9.05. What is this Charge? I did a Google search on the problem and got no consistent answer other than a glitch in their system that they allow to continue.
  4. Hello Well to cut a long story short i took out a Vanquis card around 18 months ago whilst i was in full time employment, to build up my credit history as i was 23 and hadn't previously had any history. Unfortunately last year i was diagnosed with a chronic illness and had to leave my job, since then i have had to live on ESA benefits for my poor health. I advised Vanquis of this straight away and last year i set up a payment plan with them. However even though i am paying this every 2 weeks by standing order they are still adding charges and interest on top, and constantly calling me several times a day even though i have told them not to. I don't see the point in paying it any more as with every little bit i pay, charges and interest are being added on and i am being put into even more debt so it is not making a difference. I have sent them proof of illness and my income, and yet they are still making the situation even worse. Finding this all very stressful and i don't need it when i'm poorly, i have been paying all i can with the repayment plan and can't do any more. My questions are; - Are they allowed to do this and if not how can i get the charges removed/reclaimed? - Where can i go for advice, and what would you do in this situation? Many thanks your help is much appreciated.
  5. I am dealing with Vanquis and some other issues on behalf of a relative. We sent them a signed letter from her, giving me full authority to deal with them on her behalf. We received a "response" today - demanding I fill in their own little form, and supply a photocopy of my driving licence or passport. On reading the rest of the form, despite me only dealing with the relations issues on her behalf, signing this form will give them the right to access MY credit files, and other databases, and to communicate my details to 3rd parties. Is all this Normal, or are they taking the mick?
  6. Hello everyone I would be very grateful for any advice on the following: Recently had cause to look at Hubby's credit file 1. Hubby works away so I usually deal with accounts. Have a complaint with Vanquis over penalty charges since 9th Jan 2012 which they can't locate despite this being lodged over the phone and in writing. 2. Find out recently that hubby has defaulted 31/05/2012. Since going into dispute his account has been placed on hold with 1st Credit and C.A.R.S whilst they investigate the claims. 3. Contacted Vanquis/ Impact over the phone intially to be told taht he actually defaulted 27th October 2011, with default notice being sent out 10th Oct 2011. The thing is nothing was received as shown on his credit file he was up to date.A payment was made for £49.76 on the 26th Oct that is showing on statements as 28th Oct. Impact/Vanquis state that the default ammount was his outstanding balance of £541. Requests for the default notice have not been met. 4. The customer relations have re-lodged his complaint as we did set up another direct debit in January which was not set up. Since then every DCA have placed his account on hold until they investigate. 5. Impact are well, unhelpful to say the least. Any advice on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Hi all, Im trying to find out how to work out purchase interest. I want to eventually claim these charges back but dont know how to calculate them: Vanquis state my purchase interest is : 3.433% Vanquis state my cash interest is: 3.990% Im sending off a SAR to hopefully get all account statements for the whole of the account period. I do have an old account statement reading: Previous statement: 553.78 Total Payments £24.92 Cash Interest: 0.02 Purchase Interest: £13.84 How can I calculate the cash and purchase interest to come up with those figures? Not sure how its done:| Thanks
  8. Hi all, I have a credit card from Vanquis Bank and have had the card for approximately four years. After my divorce I moved about from place to place and only continued to make the minimum payments. My mother passed me a statement recently dated 15/11/11 and the amount was £565.21. Now the original credit limit was £250. On checking my bank statements Im only paying £29.00 per month and with charges etc the amount is still going up. Here is a breakdown of the statement. Direct Debit Payment: £29.00 Cash Interest: 0.02 Purchase Interest: £13.84 Default Charge Interest: £3.29 Overlimit Charge: £12.00 Repayment Option Plan: £7.20 However stupid this may sound, and after a divorce etc I actually completely forgot about this card until my mum gave me this old statement. And as you can see the amount is rising and rising. I have no other paperwork apart from this old statement. Is there anyway I can reclaim the Repayment Option Plan/PPI and or interest charged. So I can attempt to get this paid? Any help or advice on how to do this would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks
  9. I've missed 3 payments, coming up to four. After how many missed payments do Vanquis file default? I got a text stating that in 6 days they were transferring my account to an external agency.
  10. Hello - new to the site and desperate for some comments/advice please on dealing with fraud on my dormant bank account My VANQUIS card has not been used since July 2010 when all outstanding debt was paid up and this morning a statement landed on the mat and showed the card details had been used last week - to purchase dollars in Canada, purchase perfume and clothes in Lithuania using PAYPAL and Amazon EU (I do not have a PAYPAL account!!). This months purchases were added to an already outstanding balance of £1900 - and I have never received a statement from them in 2 years and have not changed address. Needless to say all other mail has arrived safely and promptly on my doormat The strangest and most worrying aspect of this fraud is that the person using my account details had paid off £140 from the outstanding debt last week which appears to be a really clever way of keeping the account free of suspicion by keeping it within a new credit limit that I was unaware of! It probably comes as no surprise I am sure to hear that VANQUIS accept no fraud has taken place on this account - they accept no responsibility. Yet they have allowed a huge jump in credit rating without writing to me, they have failed to send bank statements (how very convenient) and they do not accept that a card that was only ever used on British Rail for travel to work is now being used in Lithuania! VANQUIS state that they will always advise account holders of suspicious use on an account so I wonder what they class as suspicious? I have advised them and stopped the account and am at a loss to know what to do next as they were absolutely unhelpful - any help gratefully received?
  11. I was a one parent family and took out a Vanquis card to try and make ends meet - I always paid the monthly charges on time. I recently had a heart attack and i have been told that i am in heart failure - ive lost my job and i am living alone in rented house as my daughter has now gone into the army. I explained this to Vanquis and that I do not have any money to pay them - they told me I had a kind of ppi but it did not covr this situation but they would put my account on hold for 6 months. After only one month they are constantly calling me on my landline and my mobile. I hav sent them the letter from you library with regards to harrassing phone calls and they are now saying because i have moved address since i first took out the card they cannot action my request until i prove where i live by sending them a recent utility bill from within the last 3 months. can anyone help me with this please. When they sent this letter to me they attached a copy of the letter i sent then regarding the telephone harrassmernt so i have proof they haqve received it. please help - i have been told to stay calm and that i am at risk of another heart attack if i dont stay stress free which is very difficult whrn you have these people chasing you all times of the day and night..
  12. Advice needed please. I am having difficulty in finding letter template to claim back Vanquis Repayment Option Plan payments. Can anyone give me the correct wording to use. I phoned them to ask for the payment to be refunded and they have written to me to say ROP is not the same as PPI (which I already know) but my point is that I never asked for it in the first place because I would never envisage requesting a payment holiday as I am in full-time employment and even if I was sick I get 6 months full pay. Many thanks
  13. Hi All Here is my predicament. We are expecting another baby in Sept and my wife will go on mat leave for approx 6 months. She is the main earner in the household so we are going to lose approx £1200 per month. Est income will be £2000 Est outgoings will be £2600 Outgoings include £900 of loans, credits cards and other finance. If I could 1/2 the payments I am making to these lenders in the short-term (6-12 months) and make a few cutbacks elsewhere, I think I could make the books balance. Finance includes the following: Private loan £20k @ £280 p/m Personal loan of £8k @ £230 p/m (halifax) 3x credit cards of £6k @ £140 p/m (halifax, barclaycard, vanquis) DFS @ £70 p/m Solicitor @ £100 p/m What I plan to do is write to all these creditors with an offer: Are they likely to listen and help? Is there any chance they might freeze interest? Would DFS try to reposes the sofa? Any other advice? I know this is going to affect my credit rating and quite frankly I would be glad of it. Finance people throw credit at me and I am not responsible enough (see above). The alternative is IVA or BR but I think as it's a short-term problem and we are homeowners, I should avoid that. I would be extremely grateful for any advice. Thanks Ryan
  14. Hello Caggers, I hope someone can help me on this from Vanquis If I have put this in the wrong forum please forgive me. I noticed from a statement earlier this year that PPI was being charged on my Vanquis credit card. I contacted them to dispute this and seek a refund. They requested 40 days to look into it and at the end stated that their telephone records showed that I had known about this when my application was taken over the phone. This is where it gets silly because my application was taken out online and at no time did I know about PPI being added and neither did I apply on the phone or even talk to anybody regarding this. At the time of my first complaint I stated quite clearly that I disputed the account and that I would not be making further payments until the matter was resolved. At this time I was not in any arrears and also within my credit limit. Next stage was to SAR Vanquis requesting all the information and statements from my time with them I also specifically requested transcripts from any telephone conversations. My pack arrived today and in it there are no statements, no telephone transcripts, no signed documents of any sort from me, no sign of the original application in fact virtually nothing of use. The balance on my account since the original dispute has increased by in excess of £200 and they have also added a default to my credit file. I want to take these people to the cleaners, can anyone point me in the right direction and exactly what action I can take.
  15. I'll try to keep this brief. I had/have a vanquis bank credit card, I hold my hands up and say I defaulted on payments and now owe them just shy of £600. At the end of last year I got into finiancial difficulty and like an ostrich hid my head in the sand:sad: I have since paid off one of my debts, today a company called 1st credit called me to say Vanquis had passed the debt to them. Again I stress I don't dispute the money because I do owe it but like thousands of others I'm not in a position right now to pay it in full which they demanded. They then offered to discount the debt to £450 BUT I had to pay it over three months £150.00. I offered £30 a month to start with as that is all I can truely afford, I explained to them I wanted to pay it but would not be bullied into paying more than I could afford as then I would default and be back to square one! They have told me that Vanquis have put a limit on when the debt has to be paid, which according to them means I have to pay at least £60 a month and I just don't have it at this time:sad: Does anyone know where I stand legally? That they have refused to accept my payment of £30 a month. I appreciate this debt is of my own doing but I'm doing my level best to pull myself out of it. Thanks
  16. Hi Guys, I requested a CCA from Vanquis and i finally got a reply 18 days after (just after i sent the 30 day notice letter). The information they sent back did not look like the other CCA's i have recieved from other credit companys. It was just a fowarding letter with digital application details and a bunch of terms and conditions. Is this agreement enforcable? As nowhere on the information they sent is a signiture or even a tick the box signature! Although i have removed personal information half the application is blank anyway! If someone has the time to look through the attachments and let me know if this account is enforcable or not i would be extremely grateful. Any thoughts or comments welcome vanquis 2.pdf vanquis 3.pdf Vanquis 1.pdf
  17. Hi guys got into arrears with my credit card and i owed vanquis £500 due to non payment charges was mounting up and the balance came to £660 so for the last 5 months ive being paying £33.00 a month to get this debt down. But just wanted to know could i claim my charges back.does anyone have any great advice for me.
  18. Hi every one was wondering if anyone can give me some much needed advice ? (I am a resident in Scotland) I have had a vanquis credit card since aug 2007 and wish i never got it , originally it was to build my credit rating as i have had financial difficulties in the past . Anyway to the point ..... I owe £1456.11( my limit is £1250) on the account and can't make repayments , the last payment i made was at the end of june . I don't have a phone anymore so can't be contacted that way but my partner!!!! had been bombarded with call's looking for me, i found that rather rude so i don't want to talk to them via telephone. I wrote them a letter in july stating that i couldn't meet my minimum payments as my partner no longer had an income and the only income i had was my part time earnings of £300pmth and my partners £30pwk jobseekers. I also asked if i could make an agreement and set up a direct debit to pay £50 pmth until such a time that i could pay more.I also told them that i would like like them to contact me in writing only.... i never heard anything about that. They just sent letters saying that i had missed my payments and if i didnt pay the outstanding arrears then i would have legal action taken against me. I don't know what to do my partner recieved a text today saying that my account was being handled by IMPACT Debt Collection Agency. please if you have any advice?
  19. Hi - I had a phone call this morning from Vanquis (yes, I know!), which went something like this:- Them: Hello, is that Janie1962? Me: Yes - who's this? Them: Vanquis - you're £16 over your credit limit! Why is this? Me: What?! Them: You need to make a payment today with your debit card. I'm not disputing the fact I may be over my limit - what annoys me is that they never took me through any security checks before disclosing the problem. When I said I thought she should have gone through security first, she replied that WAS security! Any input gratefully received! Thanks.
  20. Hello.... Im a little confused and need a little help. On 03/11/09 I had a default on my account from Vanquis of £407. I have now recently checked it and it has gone!! Obviously this is a good thing.. But I now have a letter from Lowell Portfolio Ltd stating that they have bought the debt from Vanquis and now want the money. Is this why the default has been removed? Are they able to put another default on my account even though one has already been on there for the same debt? Any advice would be great. =o)
  21. Hi there, This is my first post on here so please bear with me if it's in the wrong section! When I hit 18 I thought it would be a great idea to get a credit card for little emergencies. Of course at 18 it's never little emergencies, more like "oh that dress looked nice, yeah why not". I got a creditcard with Vanquis bank and after reaching the credit limit I realised I could no longer afford to pay it off... so I stopped. After 6 months or so the debt was passed to C.A.R.S, who I agreed to pay off £50 a month with. I did this for a while then could no longer afford this as I got myself into more debt with payday loans. I had a debt collector turn up at my house today from Vanquis. I wasn't there to speak with them, but my dad was home and they openly told them who they were, that they were looking for me because I owe them money, who they were collecting on behalf of and even told him how much I owe !! What I want to know is - are they allowed to disclose information like that to 3rd parties? As you can imagine my home life is now far from rosey!! Thanks Lexi
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