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  1. Hi there, This is my first post on here so please bear with me if it's in the wrong section! When I hit 18 I thought it would be a great idea to get a credit card for little emergencies. Of course at 18 it's never little emergencies, more like "oh that dress looked nice, yeah why not". I got a creditcard with Vanquis bank and after reaching the credit limit I realised I could no longer afford to pay it off... so I stopped. After 6 months or so the debt was passed to C.A.R.S, who I agreed to pay off £50 a month with. I did this for a while then could no longer afford this as I got myself into more debt with payday loans. I had a debt collector turn up at my house today from Vanquis. I wasn't there to speak with them, but my dad was home and they openly told them who they were, that they were looking for me because I owe them money, who they were collecting on behalf of and even told him how much I owe !! What I want to know is - are they allowed to disclose information like that to 3rd parties? As you can imagine my home life is now far from rosey!! Thanks Lexi
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