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  1. The card is in my possession and has never been lost - I shall be writing to them and will post any responses. Very interested to learn if anyone else has experienced the technique of 'milking' the account then paying a nominal amount to stop it flagging up with the lender.. . this appears to be a new and worrying tactic.
  2. Hello - new to the site and desperate for some comments/advice please on dealing with fraud on my dormant bank account My VANQUIS card has not been used since July 2010 when all outstanding debt was paid up and this morning a statement landed on the mat and showed the card details had been used last week - to purchase dollars in Canada, purchase perfume and clothes in Lithuania using PAYPAL and Amazon EU (I do not have a PAYPAL account!!). This months purchases were added to an already outstanding balance of £1900 - and I have never received a statement from them in 2 years and have not changed address. Needless to say all other mail has arrived safely and promptly on my doormat The strangest and most worrying aspect of this fraud is that the person using my account details had paid off £140 from the outstanding debt last week which appears to be a really clever way of keeping the account free of suspicion by keeping it within a new credit limit that I was unaware of! It probably comes as no surprise I am sure to hear that VANQUIS accept no fraud has taken place on this account - they accept no responsibility. Yet they have allowed a huge jump in credit rating without writing to me, they have failed to send bank statements (how very convenient) and they do not accept that a card that was only ever used on British Rail for travel to work is now being used in Lithuania! VANQUIS state that they will always advise account holders of suspicious use on an account so I wonder what they class as suspicious? I have advised them and stopped the account and am at a loss to know what to do next as they were absolutely unhelpful - any help gratefully received?
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