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  1. hi I have been giving myself a headache trawling through all the these threads looking for the right spread sheet and right templates. I have already sent the SAR to cap1 and received the reply docs with the statement, The problem I have is that they only sent statements going back to 2005 yet the card was opened in 2000, now since it has been ruled that ppi is unlawful how do I go about claiming from 2000. I did read somewhere that I should sort out the SAR documents before starting the actual claim or I could be left with a new claim. is there as template letter to request for older statements out of curiosity can I take the monthly ppi £2.02 charged in 2005 and apply it to each month going back to 2000, in indicating in the reclaim letter that "due to your failure to provide all the information on ppi payments dating back to the date the account was opened I have applied the amount of £2.02 obtained from the earliest statement you have on record." the wording could do with some work.
  2. Been having an epic SAR battle with RBS and finally got one offer on a £500 12 month loan I had in 2000, they have offered me £102 so not a great deal with 13 yrs interest ! They are being ridiculous around sending me breakdowns etc. Does this sound anywhere near right? Here is the breakdown: Refund of premium 54.58 Stat interest 60.10 less tax - 12.02 Offer 102.56 Shouldn't there be more interest????????? Still pushing for a breakdown and the agreements!!!
  3. I'll try and keep this as brief as possible. From 2007 to 2010 I was a full time uni student on a fixed bursary with two dependant children and a single mother. I applied for housing benefit and an official came to the house to complete the claim paperwork. I cant remember the exact figures but it meant that I had to pay roughly half the rent and the rest was housing benefit. About 12 months later I was told my rent account was significantly in credit because housing benefit had been increased, when I contacted them I was told the figures were correct so I adjusted the amount of rent I was paying accordingly. During the 3 years my child tax credits increased only due to inflation as did my rent and my personal circumstances never changed. At the end of my course in October 2010 I contacted housing benefit to report a change in circumstances and they came back to me saying I had been overpaid housing benefit. Initially I was told it was about £700 but they accepted this was likely to be their error and they were looking into it. A few weeks later they told me that in fact it was about £2000. Again I was told not to panic as "most" of it was probably their error. The final figure they arrived at was just over £5000! To say I am horrified is an understatement! For the past 2 years I have argued the fact that this is their mistake and have written 2 letters of appeal which they have "lost" on both occasions. The case has also been passed around to different people so it was hard to keep track of who I was dealing with and I was constantly having to repeat myself. A few weeks ago I received a letter saying that the council had taken the case to court and I had been found liable. If I had known it was going to court I would of liked to of had the opportunity to put my side to the judge. I have now been told I have to pay even though I dispute it. I was told to write them an income and expenditure and make an offer of payment. At the moment although I am managing to pay my bills I have some big expenses that are looming, car is due its MOT and I know it needs a lot of work doing. My son will be starting college soon and I need to buy equipment which will set me back nearly £300. The house is in a poor decorative state. My son has shot up in height and desperately needs new clothes etc. Anyway im waffling so I'll get to it. I made an offer of £20 per month and wrote a covering letter explaining my present circumstances and asked that they accept this nominal offer for 12 months and then look at it again when im hoping my circumstances would be improved. They have declined this offer and are demanding £50 per month for 6 months then £60 per month for 6 months and then they will look at it again! Its almost like they havent even bothered to read my letter properly. What do I do next?
  4. Hi ladies/Gents. I received a job offer from EE, (in a call center I've previously worked in when they were under the Orange brand) on the 12/04/13, they sent me through a contract, and gave me my start date for 3/06/13. Since then I've received myriad calls, and e-mails from security watchdog, who apparently vet all their applicants, and from EE themselves. They've taken the following from me: All previous jobs within the last two years. All employment gaps within the last two years Passport Details Address and payment details Two work references Two character references (who they insisted must know of my employment gaps but I told them this wasn't possible) Bank Statements for employment gaps. Bank Statements proving I was actually employed by one of my jobs. Out of my four previous jobs, I requested that one not be contacted because I left due to bullying and would not receive a fair reference, as I handed my notice in, and as retaliation they failed my probation. Security Watchdog contacted me again asking me if I would give them permission to contact this reference, fearing that they might revoke the offer if I declined, I said they could contact them, but reiterated that they probably would not give me a fair reference. So I had security watchdog on the phone last week asking for the last set of bank statements, during which I was told that my references were fine, and the bank statements would complete my file. I received a call on Friday from EE stating that there were issues with my reference from the employer I asked them not to contact, they asked me to explain my reasons for leaving. I explained everything and asked if this would cause an issue. The lady on the phone said she wasn't sure and would have to contact her manager. I got another call from EE yesterday, asking if I'd read their e-mail they'd just sent. I said no, logged in to my e-mail at which point the lady said "We aren't able to start you on the 3rd". I asked if they when they were planning on starting me, she said "we're not", I asked her why, she said issues with my references, but would not give me anymore information. The e-mail said: "Sorry to hear you want to withdraw your application for our Sales Advisor vacancy. But thanks for letting us know. The EE Resourcing Team" So basically, I've been strung along by EE for a month, I've wasted an entire month of possible job hunting, they sent me an e-mail making out I've withdrawn my application when that's a complete lie, and to top it off they won't even tell me what the references said without asking them in writing. Is this legal, do I have any recourse here?
  5. Hi I am a little uneasy as I have a letter from Clarity arrived today regarding a £1500 debt to Cahoot in which it states "As time is running out our client has advised us that they will consider any offer, however small, to settle the balance" I can't help but feel that this is a letter designed to catch me out and what will happen if I offer £50... .it does say "however small". Has anyone experienced this type of letter? Thank you Deb
  6. Hi there. I am hoping that someone can offer me some good advice on this, because I am at a loss to understand what has gone on today. Basically, I was offered a fantastic new job and career, after 18 months out of full time employment, and this was subject to the normal pre-employment checks, including references. I was shocked and staggered today after receiving a start date for my new job that the offer was withdrawn due to an unsatisfactory reference. I immediately contacted my former employer, with whom I parted company on good terms, who denied providing anything negative. However, on further investigation, it transpires that my ex-employer had ticked a box saying that he would not consider employing me if I ever re-applied for a job, and ticked me as "weak" on a couple of areas surrounding ability to work in a team and ability to work unsupervised. This information is wholly inaccurate, as I have always been great in a team and the very nature of my previous work was such that I had to work independently an awful lot of the time. I am totally at a loss as to why a job offer would be withdrawn on the back of two very spurious remarks that are not even true. My other reference provided with the same questions, displayed my excellent team working skills and ability to be independent. As you can understand, I am totally bewildered at the moment, and wonder if I have any legal case to find out what has happened and gone wrong? I know I can request disclosure of my reference from my former employer, but I cannot for the life of me understand what has happened to cause him to basically end my career hopes. If he is providing bad or unsatisfactory references over something that simply hasn't happened, how am I ever going to get a job again, because I had been at that place of work for 11 years with no issues, apart from one informal verbal chat with my line manager over a slight falling out with a colleague, although this was well over eight years ago. Please can someone advise because I am at the end of my tether and don't understand or even know where to turn to next.
  7. Hi all - hoping somebody might be able to help out here. My parents submitted PPI claims to Lloyds for 3 loans - 2 were taken out in February 1997 and 1 was in March 1999. All three loans were paid off in July 2000 when my father retired and they moved house, etc. The loans were paid. Settled. Finished. No rollover into other loans, no pay off the mortgage and the loans together. They were paid off! Anyway, so far one of the 1997 loans and the 1999 loan has been upheld and and they received payment for the 1999 loan last week. We're a little concerned over the figures. They are as follows: A - Original cost of the single premium PPI £535.31 B - Number of monthly payments (contractual) 60 C - Actual number of payments made 15 D - Total value of monthly premiums paid £101.80 E - Interest applied to premiums paid due to it being added to the loan £83.80 F - Total cost of policy (D+E) £185.60 G - N/A H - Excess Balance and Interest. This is an additional payment to cover the extra amounts you paid when you refinanced your loan/PPI. The outstanding balance on the loan you refinanced was higher because you had PPI so you had to take out a larger loan and paid more interest when making your repayments on the next loan. £159.95 I - Other indirect losses - N/A J - Insurance rebates, previous refunds of PPI and previous successful claims £0.00 K - Total adjustments (H+I+J) £159.95 L - Net refund due £345.55 M - 8% per annum simple interest on L £365.58 N - Gross refund £711.13 Now then... my parents do not know the exact details of the loan. A SAR request showed a loan of £6000 but what the terms, repayment details, etc were is anybody's guess. We'll just take their word for it. What they do know for certain, however, is that they did NOT refinance the loan. They paid it off. They used money from retirement and selling the house, etc. Can anybody suggest whether they have seen something similar to this on their offers? There is another issue too. Presumably, as my parents paid the loan early, they would have had a rebate on the PPI loan. However, this isn't featured on the calculation (J). Any ideas on this? How should we proceed next? Lloyds paid the money to their account directly a few days ago (they hadn't even received the calculations yet). Should my folks query a) the refinancing issue; and b) the rebate? Thanks in advance
  8. Hi everyone, I have managed to get to this point by just searching and reading posts etc. but I now feel I need somebody's help I applied to have 4 loans looked at for missold PPI and was happy to receive a letter telling me that my complaint had been upheld, one of the 4 had not had any PPI attached but the total for the other 3 was £5,800.31. Bit of a result as you will probably agree, the thing is after all the research I had done I was sure that the three lons had run consecutively and were consolidated into one another. So this got me thinking and looking at the numbers closer, I was not positive that they had taken the rolling over into account as all they had given me was the three loan ID's and the offers for each, no details at all. With this in mind I wrote back and asked for confirmation that they had taken into account the rolling over of the PPI, I also asked them for all the start/finish dates and amounts so that if necessary I could check there calculations myself (by this point I had come across this awesome forum!). Back to the present and I have received another copy of the same letter offering £5,800 but a seperate sheet with all the data from the three loans. I've just put all the payments into the 'StatIntSheet v101' and as you can see I get a very different figure ! in fact its almost double ! So heres the big question . . . Am I right ? and if so what do I do ? Any help would be greatly appreciated, is there another spreadsheet I could use to see if i can get a similar result ? Can someone check my figures ? Really dont know what do do next ! Leepee2000
  9. Hfc sent a letter after a claim asking for copy of the agreement and proof of final payment. The offer they have made falls short. I tried to phone the number but the guy I spoke to does not appear to understand what I'm saying. Again a call centre abroad. Can you look at this agreement and figures my spreadsheet so simple but they cant seem to accept it. They have stated total payments £526.75 = 8% 388.93 Total 915.68 Falls short according to my spreadsheet . They cant tell me where they got figures from in fact no help at all . Just need it checked prior to me sending a letter requesting breakdown.
  10. Hi Thanks for offering assistance in this matter. In the early 1990s I took out a Lloyds loan for £10,000 & was told that I would not be able to have the loan without PPI even though I had a secure job & was in good health, I was 22 at the time. Please note that I dont have any of the agreements in question & that the loan was sold on face to face tearms with my bank manager at the time. The loan in question ran from 1993 to 1998. I recently contacted Lloyds & expressed that PPI was not optional, I was told that PPI was a condition of the loan & was not asked if I had any other insurance or employment benefits. After waiting 6 weeks they replied with a letter of refusal to pay out on the PPI. This is what the letter stated! After considering the evidence & documentation available to me, I have not found sufficient evidence to agree with your alligations that your PPI policies were mis-sold. As such I am unable to uphold your complaint. Having completed all of these steps, I went to look at your complaint as a whole to ensure that we acted fairly towards you in relation to the sale of your PPI policies, given appropriate weight & balance consideration to all available evidence. I am sorry that you felt the need to complain about your PPI policies & appreciate that my decision may be dissapointing to you. However, I can assure you that I have fully investigated your complaint & all the surrounding circumstances. Your complaint Durind a telephone call on August 29th 2012 you said: 1) It was not made clear that PPI was optional 2) You were told that PPI was a condition of the loan 3)You were not asked if you had existing insurance or employer benefits. Findings In order to address the concerns you have raised , I have reviewed all the available sale related evidence, I have established that you applied for your loan PPI policies. To further assist my investigation I have also taken the following in to consideration. Your telephone complaint Our knowledge of our sales process & documentation at the time. It should be noted that prior to 2005 the sale of PPI was not regulated by the FSA. However, we were members of the of Association of British Insurers (ABI), which expected its members to conduct business with upmost good faith & integrity. All your complaint points have been fully considered . For clarity, I have addressed your allegations under the following headings. Optionality - Were you made aware that the policy was optional? Information & Disclosure - Did we give you enough information & help so you canmake an informed decision? Were our services & status explained correctly? Optionality - Relating to complaint points 1 & 2 I can confirm that ithas never been a requirement to take out a PPI policy in order for a loan application to be accepted. In addition, taking out a PPI policy would not have improved the chance of your application being accepted. I am also aware that the sales process at the time clearly demonstrated to you that your PPi was optional & I have concluded that the adviser did not mislead you in any way. I have therefore come to the conclusion that you were made aware of the optional nature of your PPI policies. Information & Disclosure I can varify that the adviser had no alternative policies to consider or offer to you. I am also aware that only where it was practical to do so we would have taken steps to identify your needs. However, we would have put you in a position where you could make an informed choice about the transaction that you were entering into & the insurance that you were buying. When considering the information available I can conclude that the documentation that we provided to customers at the time contained sufficient information to ensure you could make an informed decision as to wheather the policies met your personal requirements. It cannot therefore be concluded that the information & disclosure was inappropriate in the circumstances. Conclusion In light of my findings, I feel that our advisor acted fairly & reasonably throughout the sale. I believe the information provided at the time was a fair presentation of the feature of the policies & explained the policies' exclusions & the total cost of the insurance. I am also of the opinion that it was clear, fair & not misleading & therefore allowing you to make a fully informed choice. My review has not highlighted any failings with the sale that would lead me to believe your decision tp purchase the PPI policies would have changed. So I have 28 days to provide further supporting evidence, I have contactrd the FOS & they are taking on the case, however, due to backlogs it may take a year. I appreciate any help & advice on this matter
  11. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-22094308
  12. Hello everyone. I am new to this forum, but do need some urgent advice. To cut a story. I won a high court partnership case against my ex girlfriend. I had made an early offer part 36. In which I offered her the amount she originally put into the partnership. Our partnership ended and our relationship, when I found out that she had taken £59,000 out of our account. She also kept the partnership car that was worth £11,000. For some reason she took me to court to end the partnership. On our first visit I explained to the judge the circumstances and it was transfered to the high Court. I did not hear anything for 10 years, then had a knock on the door on christmas eve by a court bailiff. He handed me a summons from the courts in France saying My ex was going to sell the house I bought. She had said that When I bought the house in france she put in £5,000 and it was a partnership asset. She said this to the English Courts but now said French law means that she owns half the house, although it was my Mortgage. Anyway it was bought indivise by mistake. To stop the French action I had try and open the 10 year old action she started against me, Luckily the Judge agreed. My ex girlfriend strongly opposed the opening of the case even though she started it. I opened the High court action As andefendant, But it was the only way I could prove that she had stolen the Car And £50.00. My offer part 36 was I would give her £5,000. But she had to stop the French action. Pay all me french Legal costs to date and take her name off the deeds an transfer it to my sole name only. She agreed on this in the end and had to pay most of my costs about £35,000. Anyway she has not taken her name of the deeds despite meeting me in France me telling 3 Notaires and giving them the Offer and court order. She does not sign for leeters and I get the back and emails sent to her on Facebook get ignored. She now lives in France. Can anybody please tell me hoe I can get her to conform with the part 36 offer and court order.
  13. Hi, Just looking for a quick steer if poss - RBS have offered me £956 for PPI for two loans, looking to understand roughly if this is a massive under offer or not. The loans were: 2004 - 2009, £4000 borrowed with approx. £120 paid each month for 3 years and £45 per month for the last 2. 2007 - 2010, £3000 borrowed, approx. £140 paid each month. Both loans paid as agreed, both with PPI. Any rough ideas of the reasonableness of the £956 offer? Thanks, Mark
  14. This is brilliant!! Just thought id share even though this is well past statute barred. Our Ref: ******** Current Balance: **** Original Lender: Uncle Buck Payday Loans - Debt Assigned to Motormile Finance UK Ltd EASTER HOLIDAY - SPECIAL OFFER! Take advantage of this Easter Holiday Special Offer from MMF. Save up to 40% on your account with one of the 3 offers below:- It's really simple. Just follow these steps to benefit from a massive saving: 1. Choose one of the fantastic offers below 2. Call us on 01138 876 876 quoting your reference number 3. Give our advisor the Promo code Offer 1,2 or 3! Current Balance: £450 Offer 1: £270 to clear your account! Enjoy a massive saving of 40% if you call and clear your account. A one off payment of £270 using Credit or Debit card by 28th March will close your account and reflect on your credit file.* Offer 2: Two instalments of £168.75 clear your account! Take advantage and Save 25%. Make two payments of £168.75, one by 29th March 2013 and one by 30th April 2013, use your credit or debit card and your account will be closed.* Offer 3: Five instalments of £76.5 clear your account! Set up a five stage payment plan and save 15%. Make the agreed monthly payments of £76.5 from March to July 2013 by Credit or Debit card and we will close your account.*
  15. Hi Newbie here any help greatfully recieved. I had a Cap One credit card between Oct 2001 and Feb 2009 paying between £8 and £11 per month throughout that period PPI. I have recieved an offer today from Cap One of £1411.00. Does this seem right? the average interest rate of the credit card was 26% for the whole period. Thanks
  16. Have had confirmation from fos that MBNA will make offer, In meanwhile my sar has arrived from them so want to spread sheet it up so i can see if the figs come close Its for a credit card, i have no statements just the print out showing ppi made and dates and the odd balance amount, can some one guide me what spread to use ,[ i am pretty rubbish at spreadsheets ] and can someone advise on charges ie can i look at claiming overlimit and late fees etc Thanks
  17. Hi everyone, hoping someone can give me some advice. Basically I owe CT from 2009 (£1200) - I was fighting it but in July last year my baby daughter died and I didnt bother answering any letters or anything and the court ruled that I have to pay it. After my daughter died I didnt got to work didnt pay any bills, I lost my house and now live with my parents. I went back to work in November 2012 and started to try to get my finances into some kind of order. I was paying the council £20 a month for this as it was all I can afford. It wasnt an arrangement it was just what I was paying. The council wanted more but I couldnt afford it, I have gotten myself into such a huge mess financially I am paying companies left right and centre and I am thousands and thousands of pounds in the red. As the council kept sending me letters I contacted them by email stating I could only afford £20 a month due to all my financial obligations. I was sent an income and expenditure form that I filled in and sent back along with a bank statement and pay slip. A week later I still waiting to hear back when I received a court summons, I again contacted them asking why when I had sent my forms like they requested. I received an email stating the lady dealing with my case is on holiday and will contact me when she returns. She did so saying £20 is not enough and the court case will go ahead as by my payslip amount (£1033) they will be able to take 12% of this which is £123 a month. I spoke to my dad who said he didnt want me going to court and he said he would drop my rent by £60 a month so I could get it paid. I wrote back basically telling them that they have not 1 bit looked into my case on an individual basis and surely the court would look into all my other finances I am paying and surely would not agree to them taking £123 out of my wages every month. Then I said about my dads offer and said I can pay £80 a month so long as they didnt proceed with the court case. I got an email today from them stating they will not accept £80 a month as I have offered and she has informed the court officer I will be there tomorrow for court. I just dont know what to do. It seems I am going to court tomorrow to have them attach my wages and take £123 a month off me. I have just sorted all my finances out and made deals with all my creditors and everything and now the council are going to ruin this and I am going to be back to where I was when I first went back to work. I honestly thought they would accept £80 a month as to me that seems quite high, I read so much about people offering such lower amounts and they are accepted. What am I going to do?
  18. Just a thought. Being "unemployed", on JSA and having to navigate the benefits system and DWP etc alone, could be a nightmare for some people - if not all of us at one time or another!! I'd be more than happy to arrange informal but regular get-togethers for people living in Chester where we can share information and experiences, offer practical support and advice. The more heads, the better really. Being unemployed doesn't mean we're on the scrap heap. I'm certainly not. I've recently discovered "Approved Foods" .... perhaps putting together bulk orders, therefore reducing delivery costs, etc could help lots of families to eek out their weekly benefits. I'm also really handy when it comes to recycling and upcycling stuff, hand-making gifts, cards, home cooking, baking, altering and mending clothes to save money. Incredibly practical .. child of the 50s, who crafted through the whole of the 60s and is still doing it now! (It's now my self-employment.) I also have a Hons Degree in English and a zillion years experience being a PA/Secretary, Property Developer, Interior Designer, Charity fundraiser and yawn, yawn, yawn ..... experienced old bird! It's just a fledging idea but I would really like to offer my support to anyone in the area who feels they could benefit from a listening ear, a cup of tea and a natter. I'd love to hear your views. Impecunious!
  19. Nearly a month ago now, they said they would write back to confirm the money being transferred into my account within 28 days, it was with Black Horse, getting worried that I haven't heard anything.
  20. Hi All I'm very new to this and forums so here goes. My partner called RBS up to get details of PPI account numbers she had on a chain of loans. She was given the information and the staff member took her through the process over the phone for claimback. About 1 week later we received letter with 5 offers for each part of the loan chain. We looked at the offer and the way it was presented looked reasonable. They stated on each offer that "the bank is prepared to refund the insurance premiums and interest that you have paid" However, while chasing details for a mortgage with a different department the staff member said if we would like he would send us copies of all the ppi we have with RBS. We received this today and the accounts (which I mention above and have accepted the offers and been paid) have much higher premiums paid that stated in the acceptance letter. My question - at long last - is We have accepted the offers and been paid - do we have any grounds to now appeal this on the grounds that a) they didn't give us the entire facts b) they stated in the letter that they were going to refund the premiums plus interest. Any guidance would be kindly received Mith
  21. Hi My partner's sister bought a car a few years ago. She lost her jobs, had twins, got pregnant moved house and her partner left. Phew. She can no longer afford payments. She owes around £23000 to the company. She has been offered £20000, the loan company has refused to accept. Their argument is that they 'might' get more at auction. We all know that they will sell for what they can get, what happens if they sell for say, £17000. They will come after the shortfall. We have letters with the rejection offers. Where do we stand on the matter. Thanks
  22. Hi, I have recently received a written offer of employment with a start date of 04/03/13, i am already in employment and would need to hand in my notice asap, but the company offering me the new position has also arranged a medical on the 13/02/2013 for me to take, i believe the medical is a general medical looking at skin complaints, drugs, alcohol etc....so my question is can they retract the offer if i fail the medical? Please advise.
  23. Hi, I have many debts all of which are at quite an advanced stage. I.E. Threatening court actions. I am unemployed and have no money to pay them off. I have spoken with my family about this and they are willing to give me some money to pay off the debts. However, it is not enough to pay off all the debts in total but not too far off. I was wondering if it were possible and likely that these companies would consider a reduced final settlement offer? And whether some industries are more likely to accept than others? And what kind of % is considered reasonable? The other point to note is that with some of the debts I actually dispute the amount owed. I.e some of the CC companies have been charging me £18 late fees and also some PDL. Do I have to resolve this before I offer them a final payment? How best to proceed? My debts are as follows Capital 1 credit card total owed (£2300) £300 disputed fees Cahoot credit card total owed (£1300) £600 disputed fees Vanquis bank CC total owed £1900 Quick quid original amount taken out £1300 they say I now owe £1600 Payday express original amount taken out £800 (200 paid back but they have added more charges on) Pay day uk original amount taken out £680 (£150 paid back but charges been applied ) Orange Phone £350 Accountancy firm £300 but dispute £200 of this. Lump sum offered by family £7000
  24. So after 7 weeks and 2 days of sending off the letter and FOS form I received a PPI offer from HSBC against my graduate loans from 1999-2005. They have calculated a PPI Premium Redress against the 4 loans I chased and oddly enough a redress against the 5th loan which didn't have PPI (HSBC Graduate loan with Protection) and I didn't mention. I think because each loan consolidated the last somehow the PPI became part of the 5th and final loan. (?) Each premium redress has taxable interest added at 8% and the grand total of it all comes to £2,828. I don't have any of the details of the loans anymore (I was given the PPI plan no.'s by HSBC over the phone) so I don't know whether this is the correct amount or how much PPI I was paying each month. 1. I know it is hard to say but does this sound ballpark like the correct figure? Each of the loans was less than £4000. (I realise this is probably completely unanswerable!) 2. Finally should I just accept the first offer? I am quite happy with it but....I hate to let banks get away with anything Any advice greatly appreciated, HS
  25. I have a lot of debt including a PDL which is due for repayment around 17th Jan, I have no means to repay at present and from reading through threads on here I have decided to wait for all of my creditors to Default me on the accounts before any offer of payment arrangement, this is so the 6 year wait for the default starts from then rather than when an AP or DMP would start from the date its completed. What I would like to know is regarding only paying back the original loan plus 1 mths interest.......does this mean for example say I borrowed £1000 and they put £400 interest on so total repayment due on 17th Jan would be £1400 - does this mean you would offer them the 1400 plus another months interest or does it mean you would only offer the original 1000 I borrowed plus a months interest?
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