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  1. Hi all, I am new to the forum and looking for some advice. I went to sign on today and was informed that I would be sanctioned as I had not done enough to look for work in the last 2 weeks. In my job diary I had applied for 5 jobs and sent 3 spec letters as well as looking in newspapers etc. This has always been enough before but saw a new person today who has decided it isn't. What I am wondering is how this person decided I hadn't done enough, I am on the work programme and have no jobseekers agreement in place. One was in place when I joined the work programme but I moved areas in the city I live and was told I had to move jobcentres, this I did and had an appointment to move everything over but no jobseekers agreement was ever drawn up. Can anyone offer any advice at all as I am struggling to live as it is and losing my JSA is something I can't afford to do. Thank you
  2. Hi, My apologies for not having introduced myself prior to my first post but i am trying to find out if my wife has received a wrongful default on her credit file? Neither of us have had to check our credit rating before but we recently decided to go for a mortgage and were advised prior to have a look at our credit reports just to satisfy ourselves that we would be okay. My credit report was rated as good and all the details looks exactly as i would have expected, however my wife was rated as fair with a default sitting on her report from a company called Sigma Red. Naturally she has contacted Sigma Red who stated that it was in respect of an unpaid T Mobile bill of £19.77. Obviously she then contacted T Mobile as she hasn't had a mobile with them since December 2007 and had never received any paperwork from them for any unpaid amount as her account was never in arrears and was closed correctly, this was confirmed with T Mobile who did however point out that there 'may' have been an unpaid amount due to charges that were levied after the account was closed, however they confirmed that they did not have any account details to support this. So going back to Sigma Red she informed them of what she had been told by T Mobile and she got a particularly curt reply about them not having a copy of the consumer credit agreement or anything either. Fearing the worst and needing to sort our mortgage application she then just paid the £19.77 but informed Sigma Red that she couldn't understand how she could have a default and that she would take this further but needed a letter stating that the default was settled in the meantime. After 12 days we still didn't get a letter and so she spoke to Sigma Red again, this time she was passed from pillar to post and told it wasn't policy to send letters etc and that a manager wasn't available to handle the complaint that was now going to be forthcoming. My wife was also told that they didn't need any credit agreement to put a default on her file as she could receive a default for a verbal agreement. Now up until this point whilst i was worried about how all this was going to affect our credit rating, i have pretty much taken a back seat and not really read up on the matter, but having had a read of a few of the posts around here i immediately got to wondering if this default is on her account illegally? For what its worth, having checked her credit file there is a settled account with T Mobile that was classed as satisfactory and settled on 09/12/07, and then she has a default registered by Sigma Red on 10/01/11 for £19 (which is now shown as settled). My question is, should the default even be on there and can it be taken off, if it can who do i speak to? My assumption is that this is obviously a breach of the data protection act and should be speaking to the office of fair trading? But can a debt collection agency put information on a credit file without having an account to register it against in the first place, particularly when T Mobile have an entry on her file showing her account as satisfied and closed without any arrears? Many thanks in advance. Mick
  3. Good morning all. I'm hoping somebody can give me a little advice on a problem I have at work at the moment? Basically, I have just been suspended from work for something that supposedly happened one evening earlier this week. I have been accused of bullying by a female member of staff. She claims that I had a disagreement with her during the day (which I accept) and that just before leaving for home that evening I approached her desk, "red faced and in a rage" and proceeded to launch a torrent of verbal abuse at her whilst leaning over her desk in an aggressive manner with my fists on her table. This upset her and made her feel threatened, she burst into tears after I had left and has lodged a formal complaint about my behaviour. I was off work the following day (normal weekly day off) but received a text message from my sales manage saying that I needed to make sure I was in early the following day to attend an 8.30 meeting. I was eventually called to the meeting at 12.30 which was held with my general manager, not my sales manager. He immediately warned me that an official complaint had been received and that this could be going "legal". I immediately asked if I could have somebody present to witness what was being said, but this was refused on the basis that this was just going to be a discussion between him and I to let me read the letter of complaint and for him to hear my side of events and to answer other allegations that had been made against me. This discussion was recorded (with my consent) by the way. It was immediately apparent (once I started reading the letter) that this was being blown out of all proportion. I had not approached my work colleague in a rage, and had not leant over her table aggressively. I had gone to talk to her calmly before I went home as I didn't want there to be an atmosphere at work due to the disagreement that had occurred earlier in the day. I had stood by her desk in a non threatening manner, had tried to resolve the issue as best I could but she became aggressive herself, swearing at me. Now this whole incident was recorded on CCTV camera, and when I asked my general manager if he had viewed the footage he said he had. When I then asked if it had shown I was acting in an aggressive manner he immediately replied "to me it looked as if you could have been discussing football or something" which indicated to me that it didn't, although he wouldn't admit as much. Aside from the allegations of what happened earlier this week, my work colleague is stating that there has been a history of my repeatedly belittling her and "bullying" her, which I refute. I have text messages on my phone from her, some as recently as 6 or 7 days ago where she has replied or sent me texts with kisses on the end of them. I find it hard to believe that somebody who feels she has been bullied or belittled would send text messages of this kind. As I say, I have been suspended for 10 days (paid) whilst further investigation are carried out. Thoughts? Sorry for the long rambling post, but I am really worried about this as it could cost me my job.
  4. Hi guys I took out a £300 loan from this pay day company thinking i would of had no issue paying it back but appears now i have run into a bit of a snag. The interest was £90 so my repayment date is 390 on 31st May 2013. I borrowed this for an emergency as my nan lives down south and wanted to be at her side as she has cancer so i took out this loan to cover my petrol expenses, accommodation, food etc i had a cheque in the post last week for £2000 but the cheque bounced and now im in abit of bother, Its only a matter of time before they stick £45 letter fees, £15 late payment fee's on top etc Im just worried is going to get out of hand i dont mind setting up a payment plan but i can only afford the minimum as i lost my job last month due to redundancy with company going into administration
  5. Hi all, I purchased a Citroen Xsara Picasso 1.8l Petrol 02 plate with 87k miles on the clock about 5 weeks ago. I paid £1295 from a used car garage. Now it wasnt perfect, a little scruffy it had no parcel shelf in the back and no interior mirror, and the passenger wing mirror was cable tied on and the front drivers fog bezel was missing, but i thought thats ok i can do these bits myself. The engine looked clean with no signs of oil leakage and all the electrics seemed to work ok. to cut a long story short these are the worrying problems ive got. Now none of the faults were listed in the advert of which i doubt i can no longer locate as it was on auto-trader so would now have been deleted As said ive had for about 5 weeks, and ive put in 6 (yes 6) litres of oil, Im 99% confident its not leaking and i am 99% its burning, sometimes when pulling away or changing gear there is a little cloud left behind me, Now ive read that 1.8l Petrol picasso's can be abit juicy on the oil and use upto 1 litre per 600 miles, Problem ive got is ive put in 6 litres and only done 600 miles, What is going on, whats wrong and what can i do... Is it expensive. Also out of the blue as in 1 minute it was working the next it was not the A/C and the blower have both stopped working. What are my next steps, hope the garage fix it, or refund, both unlikely, then what, small claims, both time and money of which i have neither, great.
  6. Hi Guys Long time reader of the forums, have only posted in one thread before regarding parking tickets when I was issued one in 2009. Advice was sound, nothing came of it as usual, a couple of 'debt' letters and they soon stopped writing.. I went to the British Grand Prix in 2012, parked at a services so my Uncle could pick me up from there, issued a ticket - again a couple of snotty letters, it's been nearly a year since and not a peep. Recently though, they've tightened parking where I work. This means I'm choosing to park at a Sainburys across the road on a daily basis, for up to 8 hours a day, if I choose not to move my car.. The number plate on my car is pretty unique, so the guy who wanders round issuing tickets must love it each day knowing I'll be there long enough for him to issue a ticket. I've started amassing quite a few - all correspondence is kept for record, but ultimately ignored. I've started getting letters from controlaccount plc chasing the money, the usual stuff. In the back of my mind I'm worried that something more will come of it, because of the sheer volume that I am receiving. I've probably had 15 since the turn of the year.. Now I'm not here for pity or anything like that. I'm stupid for parking there knowing full well I'll get a ticket, and I know a lot of stories on here are "I was 2 minutes over the 3 hours period" and whatnot, I'm openly admitting I flaunt the rules daily, so no beef in that regard please. I just want your thoughts on how likely this is to go further, based on the 'evidence' they're gathering.. EDIT: Just to add - All of the regular 'charges' are issued by eurocarparks. Cheers Jaspen
  7. I was wondering if I could get some help of anyone. 4 weeks ago out of the blue I was taken in the office and handed a letter to say the company wanted to Have a meeting with me about my performance and gave me a copy of the capability procedure. I am not in a union and was allowed a representative with me, I chose an ex boyfriend who worked at the Company, but was told at first he wasn't allowed to attend, at this point I had a breakdown and the dr signed Me of sick. I've been off work approx 4 weeks sick, the 1st meeting got cancelled due to my mental health, the second meeting even of sick I was asked to attend. These are the reasons for my capability and the meeting. 1) sending an inappropriate email to a intercompany which had to lead to a apology in may 2012 The actual email was in red capital letters and not offensive just asking them to attach the parts list with the goods, but the Red capital made it offensive, I written an apology. 2) during a stock take I didn't listen and basically used the info I wanted. Thus was nov 2012 There was a mess up and the supervisor sent the wrong info to the supplier To be counted, I have emails to prove this. 3) I didn't do my time booking. Feb 2013 I had to go home early due to my child being ill. 4) I put pressure on the stores by not picking parts I was asked to pick. Feb 2013 I am a material planner, picking parts really isn't my job but there was a problem with this A colleague had started it and I arranged for the rest, the kit wasnt complete so I spent 2 hours Overtime sorting it out and checking I had to ask stores for additional help with heavy items that Required a pump truck. I went to the meeting and highlighted my thoughts to be told I was being dismissed because They really couldn't micro manage me. I have had 2 appraisals since working there and the only matter they brought up was I don't always listen. I was not told at any point so was in complete shock. I have worked for them less than a year. Over the last 11 months I have been subject to bullying and sexual harassment by my immediate supervisor, When I started dating a guy from the company he changed and this is why I think this has happened. Sexual harassment bullying incidents 1) At first he used to call me Sharon stone saying I didn't wear nickers, I have an email saying hi shaz, my name is Nothing like that. 2) he used to always try and stroke my legs and my neck I used to flinch and pull away (no evidence to proof this) 3) he sent numerous text messages to my personal mobile phone which I have including:- - "did you sleep with student" - he wasn't very well so I told him he should go bed his reply " thought you would never ask" - I wasn't very well he asked me to send a pic, his reply was you look pretty bad but I would still Give you one. That was prior to my relationship with my colleague. 4) one morning he asked if it was a coincidence that me and my colleague clicked in 2 mins apart 5) he was constantly bullying me about my hours, I am a single mom and wanted me to do overtime, This overtime affected my tax credits, I did do some. I spoke to HR to clarify the hours procedure. 6) he asked one day why mine and my colleagues clock ins were 10 mins apart when we have lunch together, He came back went for a cigarette, I don't smoke. 7) he sent an email saying my colleague had managed to do something he hadn't Got me up. 8) he spoke to my colleagues manager regarding our relationship. And said it was a good job I didn't work Directly with him. I feel all this has come about due to this, and he was jealous of my relationship, I plan to appeal the dismissal, Based in the info I have supplied could I take this to a tribunal based on unfair dismissal sexual orientation ? Any help would be great fully received and thanks for taking the time to read this. I was employed by the company 22/5/2012 and dismissed 10/05/2013 I have till Friday this week to appeal.
  8. I have been with brighthouse for about 8 years, and i have had no problems at all. When i could not make payment i called my local store and explained. I was given a commitment, for the next week, sure i had to make up the two weeks, but i kept the deal. I have had to do this a few times, and not once have i had bad attitude from any of the staff. Any goods i have had have worked perfectly, a sofa had to have a repair done, again this was no problem, i did have to wait a few weeks for an upholsterer, but so what?? I always think if you are upfront with people it helps a lot, and if you miss payments without contacting them, of course they will hassle you. I read some threads from 5 years back, and i have to say respect is a two way street. Sure there is high interest etc, but we people on low incomes dont have much choice except Brighthouse if we need stuff:!:
  9. Hi, my son was banned for drink driving before he even had a licence in 2004 and was jailed (rightly so). He has since been completely clean and requested a provisional in 2007 which he received with the endorsement on it. He has moved address twice since then and informed the DVLA of this without a problem. Last year he took driving lessons and applied for a test, passed his theory and then his full test, at all times providing his documentation (paper) to the test centre. Because he has not received his full licence in the post, he has contacted them to be told that because he has not taken a medical test, his licence is invalid. He is adamant that he has never been informed of this and his original provisional has the original photograph of him which was updated on each subsequent provional, so they know who he is. I hope someone can give me some advice to pass on to him, thanks in advance
  10. can some one help me me and my wife got a plasma tv from perfect homes 3 years ago it was the first time we had hire purchase agreement and the salesman told us the total cost we would have to pay is £2242.24 with insurance and coverplus we asked again how much for everything including coverplus and yet again we were told £2242.24 so we signed and we never missed a payment and today we called into the shop to make a payment and to ask how much we had left (we thought about £130) but were told we still had £450 which we disagreed we had been paying £13.08p a week and £10.78 was for the agreement and normal insurance and £2.30p was for coverplus and we were told when we signed that all of the £13.08p weekly payment would come off the total but after we looked at the agreement we have noticed that the £2.30p for the coverplus is being classed as separate from the agreement and now the total is about £2750 which we wouldnt have signed had we known this and the salesman has lied to us so can anyone tell me what if anything we can do about this as we feel we were lied to about what we would pay in total
  11. Having used KwikFit for the last 20 odd years I was a little too trusting today....I needed 2 new front tyres, looked up the price and it said this (and indeed I have just checked again and it is saying the same price below !!). Not only that but another very local tyre company were quoting the same price (online price from the other company WASN'T an internet offer either.... Fine I thought..... This is what KwikFit were stating on their web site Make Model Tyre Size Price Quantity Total Continental Premium Contact 2 215/55H18 £140.00 £280.00 Standard Valve £4.75 2 £9.50 Wheel Balancing £6.75 2 £13.50 Environmental Tyre Disposal £1.50 2 £3.00 Total £306.00 When arriving there the chap said i'll check your alignment too and it would take about an hour, I said ok fine..... I got back and he said it had all been done, it came to paying in the office, and he started showing me diagrams of my wheel alignment (which didn't mean a lot to me to be honest). He tapped the screen a few times and I could have sworn he said £409.....I paid and only AFTER I paid did he print off the receipt, slipped it in a nice KwikFit enevelope, and as I was in a rush to get back on my 4 hour journey into the snow I didn't check the bill...I get home a couple of hours ago and the receipt shows this Tyres 2 (exactly as named above) - £191 each x 2 = £382:00 WHEEL BALANCE x 2 @ £6.75 = £13:50 ECO TYRE DISPOSAL x 2 = £3:00 NITROGEN INFLATION x 2 @ £1:50 = £3:00 VALVE x 2 @ £4.75 = £9:50 CHECK & FRONT ADJUST = £39;95 REAR TOE ADJUST = £19:95 REAR CAMBER ADJUST = £19;95 TOTAL COST £490.85 an increase of way over 50% and not only have they 'inflated' (excuse the pun) the price of the tyres by £38 EACH they have the nerve to also add on all the extras too.... Needless to say I am more than a little peeved about this, I have never been ripped off like this before, especially so as you build up a certain amount of trust with a company like this after a number of years.... I will not be using this company again and will go to a local supplier, all I can say is get them to quote whilst you are there, if they ask about anything you aren't sure of then ask them how much it will cost.......otherwise stay well clear and support a smaller business.
  12. Can anyone offer some advice/guidance..... I recently sent an SAR to American express and discovered that I had PPI on the account from 1998 to 2001 (when the account was ceased due to financial difficulites) It was a postal application form and the box for ppi was ticked (I don't recall ticking it but may have done) American express have declined my request for the return of ppi saying there is no evidence that it was missold as it was not a requirement of the credit card. I then received a letter from them and cabot (deed of assignment) to say that they have sold the debt to Cabot (balance is £1400) I was paying a third party debt collector for this debt up until a few years ago when payments stopped and no one chased me for it - it is off my credit file as it defaulted in 2002 Question 1 - are they right in what they say about the PPI or should I take this to the next stage? if so on what basis? Question 2 - Can Cabot have this debt put back on my credit file? Question 3 - should I make an offer of repayment to cabot or wait unitl the PPI refund option has been exhausted? ALSO - Another of my debts (creation financial services) has also been sold to cabot (deed of assignment received this week) I don't consider I owe them any money (balance is £1000) but the original debt was £751 and escalated with charges to £2,000 which i sucessfully challenged and got the PPI refunded to reduce balace to £1000 however over the last 10 years I have made repayments of £800 so I think the remaining balance is just charges that have been added. Just to note I have not acknowledged cabot - I have been ignoring the phone and not responded to letters until I get some advice hopefully from this site......
  13. This morning, Wed 20th March I travelled from Enfield Chase, changing at Finsbury Park. I touched in with my Oyster Card at the barrier between to get on the tube at Finsbury Park and a man watching over the barrier in plain clothes asked me to talk to his colleague. This colleague scanned my oyster card, I genuingly thought that I had tapped in at Enfield Chase and it turns out that I didn't which I explained to the inspector. He scanned my oyster card and mentioned some of my regular journies and asked where I was travelling to and told him Westminster. He asked if I had any ID with my address and I only had a passport, but then found a letter from HMRC and showed him that. He completed the form with my name and address and then cautioned me. I paniced and said do you do this to everyone and he said yes. I was led to believe that it was standard, but was quite shaken up about it. He then read off 3 yes/no questions from the form. One of them was about was I intending to pay the fare, I think I misunderstood this as I thought he meant to pay the on the spot fine and so got my purse out to indicate that I was willing to pay the fine. He showed me the form and I he had written that I had not touched in and I asked him to add 'in error', but he said I could write it in the comments section, which I did and then signed. I then asked if I had to pay an on the spot fine and he said no they will write to you and let you know if you will be fined or not. He sent me on my way without a carbon copy of the slip, without anything. I was really paniced at the time, and I still am now. Also: - The man was in plain clothes and not a uniform and neither was his colleague who first stopped me - He did not show me any ID - He did not explain who he was or what was happening - He didn't explain why he was cautioning me - They never asked me to pay an on the spot fine, even though I questioned about paying one Sorry this post is so long. I am really worried about this and would like to know what I should do. Reading some other posts I need to wait until they write to me in 6-8 weeks, but there are going to be a lot of sleepless nights in that time. Any help and advice about the best course of action is most appreciated.
  14. not going to mention to much on here to retain my identity recently had a motoring accident, third party flew round blind corner not giving me time to react I took car off road onto verge to avoid other cars path. the other car DID make contact with my car and drove off. Notified insurance mid night doesed up after injuries substained in accident myself and my passenger and foolishly stated there was an additional party in car (Have Requested audio recording), dont know what I was thinking but this was initial day only and have maintained since over 2 weeks that only myself and friend were in the car. I had taken strong painkillers after crash and before I phoned I understand its not an excuse but the additional party claim was spur of moment never proceeded or even any claim submitted. The insurance company have not been the best to deal with since day one, questioning everything over telephone despite several emails requesting communication via email only I requested this when I suspected there was an issue with claim. They have today declined to validate my claim due to apparent discrepancies in stories. The claim was submitted over 14 days ago, the insurance had there backs up since day 1 had to obtain several documents off dvla and other agencies also asked why i was not on the electrol role. The assessor came out with 48 hours after accident although insurance wont disclose what report states although dvla have told me car been written off. I have submitted a subject access report as i have had nothing in writing and all this communication has been via telephone and phoning the other parties directly after each other questioning useless landmarks and figures. The police have recorded this as a hit and run and have crime number but not investing due to lack of cctv and third party car type is common. My car is still outside my house has not been collected, my passenger at the time has substained a cracked rib, seatbealt injurys, sprained wrist and whiplash. I have broused my shoulder and my neck aches, Please advise guys I have never signed to say there were more passengers i was foolish although i could have been asked who I was with which would have resulted in me naming the third person as they were at the location I dont specifically recall saying they were in car, call recording has been requested the last 3 days but and my incident report clearly states the events. They requested document after document and when i today pulled them on policy wording of we will make you a settlement within one day of receiving all requested documentation, i was phoned to be told my claim was not validated being void. Have been very awkward to deal with from day 1.
  15. My partner started a new job last week. The payment of wages was agreed as weekly on a Monday. It is now Wednesday and he has not been paid for last weeks work. His employers excuse is that he needs a fob or something in order to pay my partner out of the company bank account and the person with this fob isn't in. We have £100 left in the bank and are getting pretty desperate for him to be paid now. What should he do?
  16. Hello all!! Im speaking on behalf off my brother. He purchased a car 11 months ago on finance (thankfully) He went to a dealership to sell it as there is always something wrong with it so he wants rid of it. Well looking around the car they said about £2300. However, once he performed checks on the vehicle the manager came back and said im sorry to tell you this but your car has been clocked. blah blah obviously he is not happy. He got them printed online but didn't come with when he took the car. In 2009 the car had done 97,000 miles .2010 the car had done 69,000 miles. From 2010 to when im brother brought the car, the car had done 800 miles? Is that the dealership trying to sell the car for 2 years with no luck so thought they would try there luck with MOT history? I've heard oh it could be a missprint of the mot garage. But it has failed every single MOT since starting MOT (no mot for first 3 years) Makes us wonder if the mileage isn't the only problem. Fair point my brother shouldof done his checks himself but didn't expect it on a 2008 vectra. For 1 week he was trying to get hold of the manger/boss at the dealership but every time sorry he’s out of the office or his inmeetings. So my brother spoke to trading standards and they said you have to deal with the finance company themselves the dealership onlysupply the car. My opinion is, they are equally to blame surely?? Moving on....He spoke to the finance company all they kept saying was We cannot guarantee mileage. Fair enough if its been driven around and what not to go up but to go back down? Thats got to be a criminal offence and fraud. Now days you buy a car depending on the mileage if its new right? This bit made me hit the roof. Finance company said We will take the car back off you but you will not get a penny back? So right...my brother uses a car for a deposit, has paid £2500 so farleft with no car? and were mean't to just forget about the money? I do not think so, me being family i want to help and i believe they are taking my brother for a ride and trying their luck. Im just asking for help as to how to re-approach them, if we haveto take legal action what steps to take. I believe my brother iscurrently speaking to fair trading to see what he can do. But im justas angry as he is and i will get this sorted myself if i have to. Thanks for reading and in advance Mick
  17. I had a meeting with HR as they wanted to know what my hobbies were. I said my hobbies did not effect my work health nor my normal life. It just makes things easier if anything. I said why do I have to explain what I do in my personal time when no one else at work has to. They did not give me to this day a clear answer. As I said before this does not effect in any way my disability but I was forced to put it in writing what I do with my spare time. They said others can volunteer to disclose such information. Why was I not given that choice? Nobody else has had to do this. Is that discrimination? To make it fair shouldn't everyone have to do the same.
  18. Hi everyone, I am being evicted from my flat with my husband and our child. the past two months have been a rollercoaster of emotion for us and I'm not sure how im going to cope,but life goes on and I'm doing the best I can. I havent got the eviction notice yet but recived papers from te courts yesterday-which I think is a defence form and a few other forms just explaining the landlords details and somthing about a possesion order. We are both working, we have low wages but we have always got by, now we cant afford to move out, we spoke to our local council, where we had an appoinment with a housing opitions officer who put us on a deposit scheme, where you can apply for properties with no deposit/rent in advance, but all these properties are atleast 10 miles from our area. When I asked her if she had anything closer she said no and that I was being unreasonable by not showing intrest, I told her I had difficulty to be interested in an area which is 10 miles away from my sons school my and my husbands work and also my university, we have no transport etc I just really want to hear from anyone who is going/has been through the same? thanks
  19. Almost 350,000 parking fines - totalling an estimated £23m - may have been unlawfully issued to motorists in London, a BBC investigation has found. In 2010 a ticket issued in a suspended parking bay was ruled unlawful because Camden Council did not have authorisation for its signage. Now the BBC has learned 14 councils still have no authorisation for these signs, while others went years without. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-21339117
  20. A NEW mental health service for veterans and reserves has been launched in East Yorkshire. Specialist nurses in the region are helping military veterans get help for a range of conditions, including depression, whether they are related to combat or not. The Veterans Outreach Service found many ex-military workers struggled to talk about mental health problems or found it difficult to approach their own GP. Now, Humber NHS Foundation Trust is providing specialist nurses to cover the region, chat to veterans and work with them to get the help they need. http://www.thisishullandeastriding.co.uk/Service-brings-mental-health-care-barracks/story-18088468-detail/story.html
  21. hi, i have done some cca requests for dca's for catalogue debts, trying to get debts sorted out once and for all, one has sent back, well pass the 12 days though, t hey have sent me copies of the cca but are not signed, looks like they have literally filled it out recently with my name and address! but it says it doesnt have to be signed, is this correct? what do i do next please? many thanks
  22. And the DVLA does nothing And the BPA does nothing (no surprises there) And they try to tell us that POPLA is independent!!! Oh how we laughed.
  23. hi still working through my debts this is debt number 3 of 17 its with thames city insurance and its from 24th july 2009 when i took a policy out with them the debts for £1395.29 as i had a minor bump on this policy and they are asking for the full premium to be recovered as i had an accident whilst i was insurred by them from july 2009 not on mt cra files tho here goes they wrote out in july 2009 askin what my intentions were to make the payments as i moved house at the time i have only recently retrieved this letter so i never made any contact with them next they have passed the debt to daniels silverman who has wrote on the 29 october 2009 saying an commercial investigator will be coming out on november12 2009 next letter 4 febuary 2010 by daniels silverman is that they will accept £20 per month no correspondance will lead to penalty charges and interset put to the debt next letter 22 nov 2011 notice of court action by daniels silvermann and debts gone up to £1661.69 interest £236.40 legal fees £30 next letter 2 december 2011 saying an investigator is coming out to my mums on fri dec 16th 2011 balance gone back down to the original £1395.29 next letter from DEA assocites (in small print it says they are trading style of daniel silvermann merseyside) dated 3 april 2012 the are stateing that they are to take enforcement action for daniels silvermann and legal proceedings will take place in 10 days if debts not paid now last tuesday my mum said 2 big men come out banging on the window when she has a letter box and was shouting through the window so my dobies jumped the back fence and gave them chase as they were agresive towards my disabled mother (fair play to the dogs) not to my mum as she struggled to get them in and she still remains upset and wants the dogs to stay with her until i sort it out. what should i do with these DEA associates im fumeing the way they spoke to my mum as i dont live there and she is alone apart from babysitting my dobermans i know i have a debt with thames city insurance and im willing to adress that thats why ive come on this site so get advice to get it all sorted any advice please with regards to sorting the debt and the DEA associates many thanks DW
  24. It has come to our notice that Vanquis or its referral agents are making statements to the effect that having a Vanquis card can build your credit score/improve credit lending possibilities. It is well established that Vanquis (Provident group) are lenders to borrowers who have had poor credit histories or have been turned down from the mainstream card issuers. We think that this is miss leading. If you currently have (or have had) a Vanquis card and gone on to apply for a Credit Card from another established card issuer,please post below including; 1.When you took out your Vanquis card/the original limit and any credit increases ? 2.When you applied to another issuer and which one ? 3.Whether you were accepted or rejected ? 4.Whether you had maintained repayments on your Vanquis card as due,and had managed the card responsibly ? 5.Any other info you think may be relevant to post in response to the thread title ?
  25. We have had various cases recently where PPCs have been involved, but all these relate to issues before 1st October. However have any of these cases set any precedents that may assist a defendant in a parking dispute after the 1st October 2012?
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