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  1. I have no jobseekers agreement at all. The one I had at my old jobcentre was not brought forward when I moved areas. It wasn't a WP adviser that raised the doubt but the adviser in the jobcentre who signed me. At the present time I have no WP adviser due to a change of providers.
  2. I do not currently have an adviser at the work programme. When I first referred to A4E my adviser thought I would be better placed with a specialist agency who were also work programme providers, this agency only provided telephone interviews and I only had one every 6 months and it was just a general chat and nothing was ever decided about a course of action. Early last month I had a letter saying I would be referred back to A4E and someone would be in touch with an appointment but as yet I have heard nothing at all.
  3. Hi all, I am new to the forum and looking for some advice. I went to sign on today and was informed that I would be sanctioned as I had not done enough to look for work in the last 2 weeks. In my job diary I had applied for 5 jobs and sent 3 spec letters as well as looking in newspapers etc. This has always been enough before but saw a new person today who has decided it isn't. What I am wondering is how this person decided I hadn't done enough, I am on the work programme and have no jobseekers agreement in place. One was in place when I joined the work programme but I moved areas in the city I live and was told I had to move jobcentres, this I did and had an appointment to move everything over but no jobseekers agreement was ever drawn up. Can anyone offer any advice at all as I am struggling to live as it is and losing my JSA is something I can't afford to do. Thank you
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