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  1. Well today I have received a letter from DWP, claiming that I owe over 6k pounds. They also said not to ignore the letter. If I cannot pay off the amount still I need to contact them and arrange a payment agreement. They also threated me saying I don't they will eiter pass this to debt collection agency or recover from my employer and this will affect my credit scoring. They also said they conted me before but as far as I know I claimed JSA back in 2008 for several weeks as I was made redundant so to keep my NI contribution I claimed JSA and after about 3 to 4 weeks later I found a job so infomed DWP and stopped JSA. I would be grateful if you could please confirm whether they have the power to recover the sum from my current employer. Thanks very much for your attention. Kind regards Monmoy
  2. Any help on this matter will be gratefully appreciated. I had a letter from EOS back in Nov 2010 - I sent a CCA to which I never received a reply in the specified amount of time (12 working days). Around Xmas 2010 I then received a statement of account from EOS showing the balance I owe. Again I send them a CCA and I hear absolutely nothing. Then on 2nd March 2013 I receive another letter from EOS stating that I have not replied to their previous correspondence, and how I should contact them immediately etc. So on 5th March 2013 another CCA is sent to them, it is delivered on 6th March 2013 giving a reply date of 21st March 2013 (12 working days). I receive nothing until today (9th April 2013 - which I make 11 working days over the date I expected to receive a reply from them). Anyway, the letter today reads: I am writing in response to your recent request for a copy of your credit agreement. We are unable to provide a signed copy of your agreement so will not be taking legal action to enforce recovery of the outstanding balance. Please find enclosed, however a reconstituted copy of your current credit agreement with our client. This approach is consistent with the requirements of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, as amended. As you will be aware the reconstituted credit agreement as supplied complies with all legal requirements. As such it is our intentions to recommence collections activities on this account. Please be advised that the account has been placed on a 2 week hold to allow you time to receive this information. So what is my next move?
  3. Hi All, New to the forum and first post! Hope its in the right place Basically took a loan out with Halifax for 10K in 2004. Mis-sold PPI etc and defaulted in 2007 on the loan. Cabit got hold of me in 2009 and said i owed it to them etc and i panicked (because of the ridiculous threats to court etc), arranged a payment plan with them and here we are today. I recently looked into the PPI claim and contacted Halifax but they have no record of me and suggested i stopped paying cabot until they provided evidence that i owed this loan in the first place. I wrote them a letter asking them to provide documentary evidence for this alledged debt to which i am still waiting for. The phone calls continue every hour practically. Have i done the right thing and is their anything else i can do to contest this debt?? I cant find this on my credit file for the last 6 years either. Brgds Mat
  4. I've seen many different threads on the forum regarding old debt, but my case is a little different in that the 'debt' owed was repaid! I received a letter in 2006 from DWP stating I had been overpaid IS in 1996 and was outstanding. This was actually repaid via Family Credit deductions in 97-98. As per other threads, DWP claimed they had sent many previous letters (which I didnt receive) but refused to provide copies or tell me to which addresses they had been sent (the person I spoke to actually said 'tell me where you lived and I'll tell you if thats where we sent them') They also advised that Family Credit records only go back as far as 2003 so they can't comfirm or deny I did repay this They have also acknowledged the fact that they cant pursue this through the courts, although they are still sending threats to this effect. I asked them to look at this again in 2009 as I was getting nowhere - I received their 'decision' this month (2013!!) saying nothing had changed and if I didnt make a payment arrangement within 3 days they would take the money from my wages. No explanation given, despite this being promised in their own guidelines in the very same letter!! I want to make a formal complaint but am not sure whether this could also go to the Ombudsman or elsewhere, as I am absolutely at my wits end with them Any advice as to where to go from here?
  5. Please respond with any advice available, please no judgement. I moved into an new flat (as a tenant) on July 27th, 2011. I immediately called British Gas to put the bill in my name, however British Gas told me that the previous tenants had decided to switch to a different electricity company. I asked whether i could stay with them, however British Gas said that it was too late to stop the switch. I then asked them, whether or not they knew which electricity will now be supplying us, and they stated it would be N Power. So starting from the 8th of August 2011 I would be supplied by N Power. I tried to call them several times in the following couple of days, but i never got a response back. I then contacted British Gas to switch back to them, but they said i had to wait a month before i could do so. So I was only able to switch back to British Gas on September 8th 2011. British Gas took care of all the details, and had no problems. However, I never ended up having a bill for the electricity used during the period starting the August 8th 2011 and ending september 8th 2011, as N Power never contacted me back, and after a while i gave up. Now FAST FORWARD to February 23rd 2013, and Sparks energy sends me a bill claiming that i owe THEM £255 + interest for not having paid sooner!! I searched online for any help, and sent them a letter stating that due the Code of Practice for Accurate Back Billing, since they are at fault for not billing me sooner, and that the bill is not applicable because the energy supplied was consumed more than 1 year previous to the bill being issued. Sparks energy then responded stating, that they had received my letter, and that they have looked over the account and they can advise the final bill was sent out on 20th of March 2012. (However, I never received it, as I suppose it was put in the name of the previous tenant.) They finished by saying "unfortunately Sparks Energy are not part of the back billing code so the bill does stand, I do apologise that there has been a delay in the final bill issued out due to this my manage has offered a 10% discount of the balance on the bill. I have yet to respond back. Please let me know if there is any other way i can fight this bill, I just don't have that sort money laying around. Thanks for the help!!
  6. Hi, I have just received a second letter from Red debt collection agency for an old debt of which must be nearly 7 years old. These are the only 2 letters I have received from them. I have checked my credit file and their is nothing on it, there is no debt on there. Also, I have had no contact from the original creditors or lowells since I defaulted on this credit card debt back in april/may 2006 and not paid anything since. I am pretty sure this debt is statute barred. They state they are 'passing this account to their Special Recoveries Team' to recover the money. How do I know that the debt is SB for sure and what advise can anybody give for me to take next. Lowells have also been searching my credit file, can they keep doing that after 6 years? Thanks in advance. tipo808
  7. This is quite a long story. Back in July 2003 I was a customer of Woolwich and went in the branch one day. I am disabled with many health problems and at that time was very unwell. I went in to draw some cash and the clerk asked if i would like a Barclaycard. Having lost my business some years before, ill and living on benefitsI immediately said yes. I was given an immediate limit of £3000 which each quarter was increased and after two years it was £7000. As we were on a very low income I used this to help feed my still young family. Need less to say by 2006 I was very much in debt to Barclaycard and had difficulty paying. We came to an arrangement and I began by paying £5 per month. All interest was frozen and was reviewed each year together with help from the CAB to £20 per month. Fast forward to 2011 and I began getting calls from Cabot. Did not even know them. I bascially told them I was disabled and put everything in wrting. I contacted tthe CAB and I told them my agreement was with Barclaycard. The CAB said it was common practice and that if I refused to pay Cabot could take me to court. So I bit the bullet . I had an explanitory letter back in January 2011" Welcome to Cabot" they expalined they had bought the debt and were happy to agree to conitiue the repayment plan I had with Barclaycard with payments of £20 per month, with interest frozen. Fast forward to today and I receive a letter from Cabot asking me to contact them as they are "reviewing" my account. In other words they will want me to pay more. I have just looked at my credit report and Cabot is listed and the account is marked satisfactory and my credit score is fair at 790. However being short of cash as I always am I have never seen my Barclays Credit Agreement or had one from Cabot. We face huge bills increases this year rent is going up £90 per month alone so I cant afford to pay these people any more money each month. How would things stand if I just refused to pay these wretched people??? It seems I will soon loose my mobilty car and was thinknig of applying for a loan to finance a small car.. Would I be delcined ???
  8. Hi, My husband owes around £1,950 from his April 2012 tax return and this was passed to a DCA at the end of November, and is on his fifth letter "Final Demand" (up from Reminder Notice) from them today, dated 7th February. It says he needs to ring them by Friday and "DO NOT WRITE", to arrange payment and that they may be able to enter into a repayment plan. At the end of the day, it HAS to be paid, but it would probably take until August to repay, by which time we are late with this years tax. Are they likely to accept this? Should we contact HMRC directly? Any advice would be gratefully accepted. Thanks, Ruth
  9. Hi there i am new here but have a possibly unique situation. i lost my job and fell into arrears with main mortgage and second mortgage. the first mortgage company have been great and most helpful i am back on track with a suspended money order and paying away. The second loan company are horrible and it took some strongly worded letters to stop them phoning me on the hour every hour. they have not chased me for money for about a year?? i have offered them a token payment recently and heard nothing back, i find it strange that a company who threatened to repossess over a year ago have done nothing since. i also have a case with the FCfs for PPI which should also reduce this debt. i am not trying to avoid the debt, but do not want to lose the house. why have they not enforced? it makes me think they do not have a charge on the house any advice appreciated
  10. Hi everyone received a letter from Equidebt demanding nearly £1800 for a very old Abbey National debt. To be honest i'm not sure if it's an old overdraft or loan from when i worked for them. It's def SB i left them in 2001 & never heard anymore from them & haven't changed address. Do i just ignore equidebt's letter, or reply with a SB one. Thanks
  11. Hello! This is my story with H Samuel for almost 3 months. Having bought our marriage rings from H Samuel a few years ago and all was perfect, my husband bought me an anniversary ring in September 12; a half a carat eternity ring. Ordered in store and collected it a few weeks later from a different one, the size was small and went back to get it changed. When we first bought the "small" ring it was on full price, then when we went back to replace it the ring was on special offer. At this time in store I was told that they will put a new order through at the discounted price and refund the balance.. ..i also sent my marriage ring to be resized which costs me £89 and therefore they have refunded the balance on the card paid with for the ring. Got the ring a few days later, the round metal wasn't polished, it was bent a bit and the diamonds hardly sparkle. I didn't wear it and sent it back to their warehouse within my 30 days guarantee . H Samuel confirmed they got the ring and that a refund was made on 17/11. In December I checked the bank statement and no refund. I've been calling H Samuel every week since December. They said the refund was made to a card ending 0000 (non existent) , my card ends with different numbers. I told them that I never got the refund while they keep insisting it was refunded in the store (never went back to the store for a refund) , then on my card, then again in the store.. .the story changes everytime I speak to a customer service' staff member. The banking department was supposed to look into this and let me know where did the refund go but nobody got back to me for weeks. It's frustrating that they cannot chase where the payment went ..why does it take the so long? I really want to take this further as H Samuel complaints dpt are useless..there is noone to talk to that can actually do something. Need to checl the costs incurred just on the telephone costs as their tel number is expensive... Can anyone help?
  12. Hi Caggers, I could really use some advice please. This is a bit long winded but I don't want to leave anything out. I had a capital One CC back in 2001 with a balance of £250 outstanding. My newborn son was in Hospital for a few months and during this time I was obviously spending all my time in the hospital and not working. I tried to claim on the PPI insurance that I had with them and they told me that I wasn't covered so in a rage I told them to stick their card and sue me if they thought they were going to get another penny out of me. they defaulted me and added loads of charges (as they do). A few months later I decided that I had better try to sort it all out and contacted them and agreed monthly repayments. I made 1 payment of the agreed amount (£10) and the next month they took double the amount from my bank so I cancelled it. They were still adding monthly charges of more than I was paying s o I would have never paid it off. so I just stopped talking to them and burned all the paperwork I had. I realise how stupid that was now but I was pretty depressed at the time with a 6 month old baby in hospital in heart failure, no money and those snakes taking my petrol money so I couldn't travel to the hospital. Just to be clear this all happened between June 2001 and March 2002. I haven't spoken or written to them since and the debt has done the rounds through different DCA's until it's ended up with Lowlife with an outstanding balance of £1001.80 After finding this wonderful site I have slowly begun to build up the courage to deal with this. on the 5th December I had a pretty standard threat o gram from Hamptons Legal on behalf of Lowell which I decided to reply to with the bog standard prove it letter. Shockingly (ok it isnt a shock) Lowlife have ignored my prove it letter and sent another threat o gram saying they will be sent to Fredrickson blah blah. should I send another prove it letter or go for the SB letter? I am positive I never had a letter of assignment from lowlife or capital none Isn't that supposed to be hand delivered or sent registered? Also I am pretty sure they have nothing to back up their claim as they offered me 85% discount last year.
  13. I defaulted on the payments of a number of credit cards, loans and an overdraft back in 2008. Managed to short settle a few of the debts and entered a DMP with PayPlan for the others - kept the payments up until I lost my job. After a few months of being snooty and threatening, the 3 creditors I owe money to just all of a sudden went quiet. A few months later, I got a statement from one of them showing the account balance as ZERO. Have heard nothing from any of them in about 2 years - except for a 6-monthly statement of account from Santander showing how much I still owe them. Other than that, no letters and no phone calls - absolutely nothing. I havent moved house or anything - it really did just go quiet all of a sudden. Checking my credit file, I see these accounts being marked as 'D' (default) every month and the amounts outstanding (about #40k in total). Has anybody else experienced this? Have these been written off as bad debts, and thats why they've stopped chasing me? If thats the case, can I get them removed from my credit report? Do I need to wait 6 years from the dat of default? Or wait 6 years from the date I last paid anything? Obviously, I'm worried that they will blow the dust off these things (last payment was about 2 and a half years ago) and start chasing me again but I'm wondering if anybody has any experience of similar, or any thoughts on what might be going on and the best way to handle it? Many thanks
  14. I have recieved an account balance today that has been sent to my old address where I have not lived for 4 years, for an amount of £141.50. I do not know who this is for as there is no reference. I do not wish to contact them by phone, but would like to know what this is that I am supposed to owe. I regularly check my experia report and do not see any late payments or defaults on my account. What would be the best way to deal with this? Thanks in advance.
  15. can anyone confirm if MERCERS are a DCA and have bought the debt, or are they just chasing on Barclays behalf? letter says 'they are dealing with my account on BEHALF of barclaycard.... account overdue...' 'you have missed three payments.... if you can repay 2 of the outstanding payments we will credit your account with the 3rd payment....' 'if you dont contact us, we may pass your account to a specialist company... may call at your address' it would appear the standard wording for a DCA who have bought the debt... but i just wanted to check with CAG first. thanks.
  16. Hi all, Bit of a desperate urgent one i had arrow global chasing me for £360 for what they say is an unpaid orange phone bill from 2007 ish. I know i did have a few bad debits back then but don't remember not catching up with my phone bill for this amount. When they first contacted me a few months ago i would not give them my dob and personal details as i thought it was a [problem] they refused to give me any info other than what i have detailed above. They finally said they will go back to the client and say that this is unchaseable as they I will not provide security confirmation. I did not hear from them again so belived it was a [problem] and they had lost intrest until reciving a court order for the money yesterday which has already is 7 days from the issue date. I am going for a mortgage next year so cannont have a ccj against me and feel for the minute will just have to pay the money to keep my credit rating clear and fight it out after. Please can someone help and offer advice? Like i said i cannont have this on my credit file and have to sort this out someway tomorrow proberly by paying it but i need the piece of mind that this is sorted. Thank you for any help, Adam
  17. My partner and I seperated in September, since then he has missed the October payment on his BarclayCard. Barclaycard have been on the phone every three hours for a week and a half, it's been quite creepy in that they have been trying differant patterns of times to catch him in. He visits his son regularly and I have asked him repeatedly to get in touch with them and get it sorted but he keeps 'forgetting' to do so (head/sand interface) a statement arrived the other day and it accidentally fell open, like they do. Since he left he has been living on his card and his balance is scary. What's the best course of action? I'm a single mum, living on benefits and I don't want my idiot ex's creditors chasing him at this address or worse still Bailiffs turning up if he continues not to pay. I wrote this letter to Barclaycard: Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Please can you update your records to note that XX XX doesnt live at this address, we have seperated, and hasnt done since the 20th September 2012. Can you ask your agents to contact him directly on his mobile number: XX this is the only number my idiot-ex can be contacted on. I dont have a forwarding address for him but he does pick up his post from this address every so often. My personal circumstances are such, single mum on benefits, that I do not want idiot ex's creditors chasing me or this addresses credit score adversely affected in any way. Thank you for your time. Best regards I feel a bit mean but I have enough to worry about as it it.
  18. Hi, Long story short, me and my mates had a 6-a-side football team, after 4 games, I got an recurring injury to my ankle, so couldnt play (still can't now) and the rest of the team didn't really want to continue playing either as some where finding it hard with work etc. The company who run the league have chased me for a total of £900 and have now passed it on to Icon Collections who are now contacting me at my workplace and threatening court action. Where do I stand with this, as you can see from the attachments I signed an agreement to fulfil fixtures, but its not a CCA or anything like that. Look forward to hearing from someone! All letters are here: h t t p://postimage.o r g/gallery/anncy91u/8a22ec95/
  19. Hi, it looks like lowell have bought a old 02 debt of mine, they are saying i have not repaid my debt and they are sending it to Advantis Credit Limited. Nothing showing up on my credit file from either 02 or lowell. Any advice? should i cca lowell?
  20. Hi, i just checked my credit file and i had a debt with aqua credit cards, i recieved a letter from 1st credit in Oct with my annual statement saying i owe £1022.66. My credit file is saying 1st credit registared a default on 19/01/2010 for £1065. I checked my credit file in Nov last year and this default was not on it. Any advice would be great.
  21. I have received a letter from Lowell in the week chasing a debt for £8800 from an egg card that I know nothing about. I have never had an egg card. I googled Lowell and came across this site. Can anyone please give me any advice on what to do. I work away quite a lot and am worried about a ccj by default. Thanks for all help.
  22. Hi I have received a demand from Iqor with regard to an old Ebay debt which I had forgotten about. I sent them a prove it letter and they have replied with instructions on how to log into a blocked account and view an invoice. When I followed the instructions The amount which Iqor are demanding differs from the amount stated by Ebay. Iqor say I owe £39,09 and Ebay say it's £31,09. There is also information on the account which says that the last payment was made on 04/03/2006. My question is, does this mean that because it has been more than 6 years since any form of acknowledgement, the debt is statute barred? Also, if not, should I just pay Ebay the £31,09 and tell Iqor where to get off? Thanks in advance JJ
  23. Hi I have recently received two letters from Lowell chasing a old debts, Neither of them appear on my credit fil I want to get this sorted asap have just managed to get Wesclot of my back regarding a CCJ and am in the mood to fight this lot now. The letters are both their standard we want to help you clear your account and we may send someone round for a cup of tea to collect the money etc. What is my best course of action, Should I cca them or sar I'm pretty sure the debts are SB, but cant be sure. Also around a year ago they sent letters saying I can pay the debts at a reduced rate. Hope someone can advise on this one Thanks L
  24. Hi Today i received a letter from a DCA called C.A.R.S (Creditlink Account Recovery Solutions), they state that they will be attempting to visit me at home within the next week to 'Establish Reasons For Non-Payment' to an old Monument Credit Card (balance of £620.21) which must date back to at least 4 years ago. I have responded by sending them a letter back requesting all communication to be made via letter and no doorstep callers and will immediately follow up with a CCA request. However i've just looked at my Credit Report which lists everything but for some reason this debt is nowhere to be seen on it, what does this mean and is it to my advantage ? many thanks
  25. Hi there, Reading up on this forum, I understand that Mackenzie Hal are a lot more bark than bite, but I'd still like to know what I should be doing next. I've had a few letters from them regarding a Txtloan acct that fell into disarray. Knowing their reputation, I ignored them. However, I've had one today threatening "POTENTIAL ACTION" and that "NON-PAYMENT AFTER JUDGEMENT" could result in "an application to your employer for an attachment of earnings". Almost certainly twaddle, but I'd like to send a letter in response so it looks like I'm paying attention and so they know I'm not a sap. What should I be sending?
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