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  1. I spoke to one of Hastings advisers and he informed me that my policy had been cancelled 2 months shy of its renewal , he also mentioned that when the payment was due to be taken the direct debit was rejected which I agreed with him that my pay was not credited to my account until the day after due to an administrative error. Although apparently it is normal Hastings practice to put the payment through a second time which was stated in the letter which I have in my possession from Hastings the adviser assured me that the payment was again rejected. I have contacted my bank and they informed me that no payment was attempted from Hastings either by direct debit or debit card. When I subsequently contacted another Hastings representative after I had discovered that the policy had been cancelled I was informed that it would not be possible to re-instate the policy even though I offered to pay the remaining two months balance and even more frustrating is that the representative offered to waive the £55.00 cancellation fee if I took out a new Policy with the Sales Department. Not only has Hastings acted completely without concern for their customer knowing the additional strains put on us serving military personnel at this time during the Olympics but now without the no claims bonus to which I am entitled my insurance is costing an extraordinary amount.
  2. Hi, I've been browsing the internet for a while to see if anyone has had a similar problem but haven't come across it. So I shall start at the beginning: After some initial inquiries at my local Orange store in July about cancelling my rolling contract (my 24 month contract expired earlier this year) I called 150 on August 29th to cancel my phone as I was moving abroad for the year, where I am currently. I was advised that there would be a 30-day cancellation period and that my contract would terminate on 28th September. It seemed a remarkably short and simple conversation but as I was leaving the country, crossed it off my list and moved on. What I did realise though was that I hadn't arranged for a forwarding UK address, so I called again a few days later, explained the situation and informed the member of staff of my forwarding address. I left the UK during the first week of September and for a couple of weeks used my Orange phone to send texts back home. In October I received emails from my forwarding UK address telling me that Orange bills and advertising were being received via my old address and that the new tenant in my old house was forwarding them on. So I used the chat feature on the Orange website to correct the change of address and received a confirmation text on my still active phone that this had been done. However on inquiring when I should expect to receive the final bill I was told that there was no notification on my account that I wished to cancel my contract. I was advised to call the 150 number again, which I did, but apparently my account was still being used so I left my foreign mobile number so that I could be contacted. Naturally, I have not received a phone call. I called 150 again on 10th October and after explaining my case to three people ie that I had already had my 30 days and therefore I should not need to pay Orange any more money, I was then told there is no record of me calling 150 since July, despite the three calls I mention here, and apparently any calls are "automatically logged on the system". Consequently I was advised that my phone contract termination date would be in November. I told the member of staff that I would not pay after 28th September and I will be cancelling my direct debit. I was then informed that I can expect to receive letters regarding debt collection from an agency that Orange use. I said I wanted to complain, suggesting email to ensure I log everything in writing, but was informed that complaints could not be dealt with as their email is currently being upgraded and I could not be given a date as to when this process would be completed. For the record, I emailed them anyway including images from my Call History to prove I called 150 when I said I did, and it has been over 3 weeks and I am still receiving automated email messages saying Orange's email service is being upgraded. I contacted the executive office but they sent me a template "you have not been through the proper channels" email. They suggested I send an email to @everythingeverywhere.com, which I did but no reply. I have checked my recent bill online (turns out my account is still active even though I received texts telling me it wasn't because I wasn't using it enough) and it proves that after 28th September my phone was inactive apart from my calling 150 a few times, but I have incurred a £10+ roaming fee on the dates when I switched my phone on to call them again, which I do not understand and am frankly not prepared to pay. We are not talking massive amounts of money here but I am having trouble getting my side of the story across and the last thing I want is for my UK forwarding address to receive threatening letters from a debt collection agency, which could effect mine and their credit rating (so I've heard). Although I have now received a letter confirming that I am leaving Orange, in a minor rage of principles I cancelled the direct debit after they had collected the October payment (inclusive of 28th September by a week or so) which means they cannot get the November (final) one. I'm not sure whether to regret doing that or not. My next step is to send a letter, which I can do through the UK, and after then I will have to wait til 8 weeks are up from the 10th October (which I'm counting as when I began complaint proceedings) to contact CISAS, but with potentially no formal response from Orange at all, and what could effectively be considered my word against theirs. So I guess my question is whether I should pursue it because I'm so annoyed that they used this tactic to swindle me out of more money (they still didn't manage to change the address btw!!), or just pay up and move on. Any advice greatly appreciated.
  3. Ok, please don't jump on me for making a mistake. It was an innocent mistake with no intention to defraud. And now to the details... My freezer in my garage packed up in July this year and because I have also have a fridge/freezer indoors didn't notice it was casually defrosting over the course of previous week as had no need to go to it. Anyway, when I found the freezer had let all the food go rotten, I proceeded to dispose of and get rid of the freezer in the following week (we live near travellers/scrap merchants so if you put something outside the door and it contains metal it's pretty much gone by the time you've turned your back!). Thought that was the end of it and swallowed the loss - albeit that it had all my party BBQ food and lots of other stuff that I just filled up when I saw offers etc. It was a large 13.5 cubic ft freezer, so quite a lot of food! Later that week, I mentioned to someone at work about being upset that the BBQ food had gone and I would have to borrow money to replace it as my birthday was in a couple of weeks and they said 'have you claimed off your home insurance?'. So I checked and I was covered but was sure that I read in the documents that it had to be reported within 48 hours of finding the loss. So here goes the mistake, rather than finding the loss on the 15th of July and reporting on 16th, I reported as the loss was found a week later on the 22nd July and the reported it on the 23rd. They asked me for photos of the freezer, which had tagged on the 20th (when my colleague had said that I could claim) so the mistake was discovered. The insurance company paid me £280 minus excess of £50 but referred it for consideration of cancellation. They paid me this amount only because I didn't have any receipts OR pictures of the food - 1. because I've never made a claim before so wouldn't assume to keep receipts and 2. I had disposed of the food because it was rotten!! So I accepted this and learnt a lesson to keep receipts and regular photos of the actual food I do keep in my chest freezer! I received a letter yesterday - 9th November - advising that they were cancelling insurance stating that 'the information you provided when registering the claim as to when the incident happened was not correct and based on this hey (sic) confirmed they are no longer prepared to continue providing you an insurance policy. Your policy will therefore, be cancelled with effect from 14 days of this letter i.e. with effect from 14/11/12.' So wrong that they didn't post this prior to the 7/11/12 - date stamp shows date sent. I should've been given as near to the 14 days as possible to arrange other insurance, especially as I now have to go to specialist insurers because of the cancellation. As I said, please don't jump on me for this, everything is true and there was no attempt to defraud, I was paid a lot less than the actual value as well - I would appreciate some really helpful insight on how I can gain contents insurance without having to take a new mortgage to pay for it. I wish now I hadn't even bothered listening about claiming - I've had home insurance since I was 20 and am now 43 and have had 2 minimal claims before this - £100 for my daughters portable TV which she trod on (don't ask!) 3 years ago and when I dropped an ornament worth £200 when moving house about 10 years ago. I have neighbours and friends that make at least annual bogus claims - I don't know how they get away with it! Incidentally, the insurance was in my husband's name and I was named on the policy. It was me that made the claim and everything from start to finish of the claim was in my name, but the cancellation from RSA is in husband's name. I would appreciate some help and thank you in advance for this - Sharon
  4. After very carefully shopping around to find the cheapest deal to insure my car, I bought a policy with Quotemehappy.com on 30th September. On Monday 1st October I purchase my new car, however I still needed to sell my old car. I am disabled and due to illness this took longer than anticipated. I explained this to Quotemehappy.com and arranged for an extension to send in my proof of No Claims' Discount, which was granted until 22nd October. On 19th October, I sold my old car and phoned Admiral (my previous insurers) to cancel my policy and request that my confirmation be sent out. As this was going to take a few days, I asked if this letter could be attached to an e-mail and sent to me, so that I could upload it on the Quotemehappy website. The staff member said this was fine, however the e-mail I received was not what I had asked for, although it did confirm the necessary details. (Upon my third phone call to Admiral, I was informed that it was not possible for them to attach a copy of the posted letter of confirmation and I would have to wait for the hard copy to arrive). I went ahead and uploaded the proof to the QMH website, however after several attempts it did not seem to be going through as I was being returned to the same page and no confirmation was given or e-mail received (after some time). Thus, I e-mailed QMH to inform them of this issue and forwarded them the confirmation e-mail from Admiral, adding that I could scan in and forward the letter once I had received it via the post. As their system says, replies to e-mailed correspondence takes a few working days, so I didn't take any further action. Today, 24th October, I received a text and e-mail from QMH to say that my policy has been cancelled. Due to the company being online only, I cannot call to speak to anyone about this. I am very annoyed and worried as I am disabled and dependent on my car for mobility. I cannot risk being uninsured, yet I feel I have done everything I can to fulfill with the necessary procedures and have been penalised for a system error which was not my fault. Please advise...
  5. Not sure where I stand with this at it seems a bit strange in my opinion as to why they would do such a thing. Any way this is this situation. Last month I applied for a credit agreement with JDWilliams and was accepted with a credit Limit of £125, so a month later I decided to use the account to purchase a Camcorder for £50 and use my 10% off and claim my free holiday bag, Order goes through no problem and I receive the email confirming this, Next day was also requested, so I got up to wait for the delivery to arrive, 6pm Still no item, so I logged into my account and my credit limit of £125 was removed and my order cancelled, I've received no email from them about this and I don't owe JDWilliams any money. I have sent a complaint asking for an explanation as to why they cancelled my credit limit and my order but they have not responded even though they said I would hear within 3 days. My question is this: Can they cancel a credit agreement after a purchase has been made without notifying the customer? and What action should I now take? The only way I am able to purchase from them is by credit/debit card only now, which I don't want to do as I would prefer to pay upon receipt of approval.
  6. Hello, I took out a PO Box in August 2012 which was directing mail as it should to our real address. Payment of ~£276 was also taken by Direct Debit in this month, but Royal Mail failed to allocate the payment to our account. In September 2012, Royal Mail cancelled the PO Box for supposedly non-payment, just before we launched a magazine marketing campaign costing us £2,500.00. We were expecting approximately 200 to 300 responders, based on a similar marketing campaign launched earlier in the year. When we got zero postal responses, we assumed that the magazine had dumped our brochures. With hindsight, we now know that customers with a return address would have their cheques returned. Customers without a returns address may have their letters opened by Royal Mail, and then either sent back to recipient or destroyed. My concern is for the waste of the original £2,500 investment, but also the negative light for the customers that liked our advert and sent in a cheque. I know if I sent off a cheque and didn't hear back, or received an 'undeliverable' notification then I personally would lose faith in that company. This is very hard to put a figure on. Royal Mail have accepted that payment was made, confirmed that the account will become active in 3 working days (7 weeks after the marketing campaign was launched) but have currently gone silent on the matter of compensation. Does anyone have any experience on claiming compensation for loss-of-earnings, or dealing with Royal Mail in particular? Any thoughts on the matter would be appreciated because this is new territory for me. Thanks, Alex
  7. Hi, Please help! I cancelled my gym membership in September 2011. This was in the first 6 months so had to pay DD until the 6 months was up. Believe it or not I only just noticed that they have continued to take the DD so now £308 out of pocket. I didn't cancel in writing - was not advised to do so - and was only given a 'tear-off' receipt as proof of cancellation. Obviously I no longer have the receipt. I have spoken to my gym about it, they cannot find any evidence that I cancelled my membership and therefore I will not get any refund - it is up to me to prove that I cancelled. They acknowledge that I have not used the gym since September 2011 but this is not evidence in itself. I went to my bank about it and they put in an indemnity claim and paid me back the money. DW have now contacted me to say I need to pay it back or they will refer it to ARC for collection. Yes, I should have paid more atttention to my bank account but what can I do now? I'm waiting on a call from DW Area manager about it. For me this is down to staff incompetence and failure to have a proper process. I wasn't advised to put it in writing either. They have never contacted me either to see if there's a reason why I haven't been in the gym for over a year! Any advise greatfully received. Thanks Matt
  8. In April I cancelled a vodaphone contract via a text-chatservice and confirmed that i wanted to end the contract. VF then asked if iwanted to transfer my number. They did say that failure to use the PAC numberwould mean that the contract would not be cancelled. As I was continually asked to renew my phone contract idecided not to use my old number to sto these annoying calls. I then found thatVF were still taking monies from my bank account. So my question is. IfI cancel a contract in writing giving VF the date that I want to cancel thecontact can they then say that because I failed to use the PAC code thecontract was not cancelled. No other communication was received from VF. Ibelieve that this is an unfair term within their contract. Any advice would be most grateful?
  9. I went to withdraw money from cash machine last Monday and discovered my card had been cancelled. I rang my branch to ask why and was told I should have received a replacement due to santander taking over Rbs. I told them I had not received a replacement and she put an order in for a new card, and told me it would take upto 5 days to come through. I phoned again today when it did not come in todays post to be told it had been sent out and I should have received it. They have now ordered yet another card & I have to wait another 5 days for this one. I told her I needed money & couldn't get to the bank before they close so could they issue me with a pin number to withdraw money from cash machine, She told me as my card is cancelled there is no way of doing this. When I said I was puting in a complaint she asked if I would like the manager to call me (this was at 3pm). I am now waiting for a telephone call from the branch manager which isn't looking likely as they close at 4.30. How am I expected to get money if I cant get there before it closes? I am furious with them. x Roz x
  10. Took a policy out with Tesco 11th June. Paid £286 as an advance payment and then £155 per month after that. July's payment went out as normal on the 11th via DD. We've now moved house and upon ringing Tesco discovered they won't insure the area I've moved to, so they're cancelling my policy. They've given me 7 days to find another insurer and my policy ends on the 3rd August. Will I get my advance payment back? I'm going to have to pay another company now another advance payment.
  11. Car Insurance Cancelled Due Not Received Proof of No Claims Bonus I never had any problem with car insurance or with police or any companies related. Always my profile was clean until last year October 2011. I got pulled over by the Police On October 2011 around 3:30pm and asked if I had insurance for the vehicle. I truthfully replied that I did and stated which company it was with. Sainsbury’s Car Insurance (eSure) The officer said that the vehicle check flashed up as uninsured, then police phoned Sainsbury’s (eSure) and they advice Police that my insurance been Cancelled, because did not provide the documentation requested and police officer said the insurance company issued two letters. Then police officer gave me a producer to show my insurance and MOT documents at a Police Station. Then later on same day I contacted Sainsbury’s (eSure) customer service they advice me that Sainsbury’s Car Insurance sent two letter by post requesting no claim discount, The letters was dated 03 June 2011and 18 June 2011, which no respond and the policy been cancelled on 13 June2011, and refund some of money of £272 on 21/06/2011, I advised Sainsbury’s (eSure) customer service that I Around June 2011 I sent the original proof of No Claim Discount with pre-paid envelope was provided from Sainsbury (eSure) then after I did not received any letters from Sainsbury car insurance about anything’s. Then I asked Sainsbury’s (eSure) Customer Service, should Sainsbury’s (eSure) emailed me or called me on my mobile phone before cancelling my policy …Sainsbury’s (eSure) Customer Service advised me that {they do not contact Client by emails or phones} Only send letter out by post. Then I asked Sainsbury’s (eSure) customer service to have new insurance, but they advice me I cannot have another policy with Sainsbury Car Insurance and cannot help me! The bank account that I paid for car insurance I did not used any more and due to being generally disorganised, having young babies, work pressures etc… I did not have time to check the bank account. On Wednesday the 5th October 2011 I hade new quote for car insurance and plus I paid £150 for recovery to bring back my car. Then on 7 October 2011 I sent complaint email to Sainsbury’s Car Insurance, which I never received respond. Then on 19 October 2011 I made complain toThe Financial Ombudsman Service against Sainsbury’s Car Insurance (eSure) My argument was that the following below:- 1. if Sainsbury’s {eSure} did not hear from me after second letter, they should contacted me {By Emails or By Phone} I received some documentation by email from Sainsbury’s {eSure} on May 2011 when I had my insurance quote in relation to my car insurance. 2. If car insurance companies do not contact client by email or by phoning them in situation like this, so what is the reason the car Insurance companies request to fill the form with {Email Address and phone Number}? 3. Sainsbury’s {eSure} does not have record to proof from Delivery Companies the letters sent to the address or received. 4. I noticed in both ways Sainsbury’s {eSure} making me responsible? · I sent Sainsbury’s {eSure} NCB documents and they did not received! I have been blamed. · Sainsbury’s {eSure} sent me letters and I did not receive it! I have been blame too. 5. I have 6 years No Claims Discount from Car Insurance. What was the reason I did not send my No Claims Discount to eSure. 6. June 2012 I was in court for hearing about driving car without insurance, the court decision that I was not guilty. Unfortunately 17 July 2012 The Financial Ombudsman Service made final decision was in Sainsbury’s Car Insurance (eSure) favour. Finally I believe if insurance company did not received proof of No Claim Bonuses, they could increase the insurance cost instead cancellation. Do You Think I Have Ground To Take This Case To Court?
  12. First of all apologies if I have posted this in the wrong subforum. We are getting married at the end of October in Worcester (we live in Birmingham). We are only getting married in Worcester as I found an amazing deal on Ebay for the wedding breakfast/reception which would've saved us a fortune in comparison with other venues. I won the auction and was over the moon with what we got for the price. Visited venue - Perfect. We then proceeded to book the wedding at a castle in Worcester which wasn't far from the venue, booked the registrar, chair covers, cars etc....all of which have been centered around the venue in Worcester and deposits have been paid. The venue called me last week to say they had some bad news for us, they were closing in September. It is a country pub and basically the brewery have been messing them around by increasing prices etc....so they have ended the lease. They have had to cancel all their weddings. The girl offered us 3 options: 1. We could wait to see if they get a buyer (not a chance - too risky and we don't have the time) 2. Full refund 3. We could transfer the package to their sister hotel, a few miles away. We have already booked the hotel out for the night for guests to stay and it is lovely. The only problem is they can only fit 40 guests in the restaurant for the sit down meal (we have 61!!). So, she said they have a marquee which could be used so we could get everyone in and this sounded like a good idea to us. We went to visit the hotel yesterday and she showed us to the marquee which wasn't how we imagined. It was dirty, the carpet was filthy, the marquee poles on show. It just looked more like a cold plain dirty circus tent if I'm honest. Not suitable for a wedding. The girl got a bit funny with us saying that all the other couples she showed this to have been pleased with it. I would be embarrassed to take guests there tbh. She offered the marquee to us for £500 as they would have to hire a kitchen, staff etc... We really thought they should pay as they have ruined everything for us but they have offered us 18 bottles of wine for the tables as an apology. We expressed our concern about the marquee and she said she will email me this afternoon to see if they can do anything to make it look nicer (drapes, fairy lights etc...). I am basically wondering if we can take this further with anyone? My partner has lost all trust in this venue so if she says she can do something to the marquee, he will not take it as something else could happen down the line. We have been looking at other venues in Worcester and they cost a few thousand pounds. We won this for £512.00 for everything. I don't think we will find anything in Worcs so it is more than likely we will have to cancel and rebook everything in Birmingham which we will lose our deposits for everything. Where do we stand legally? I have no written contract from them, just a receipt and details of the Ebay package. Sorry this is so long xx
  13. hi there; i know most pple out there are quite experienced in these sort of matters. i need some advice please. i had insured my car with Auto direct and last month i got a letter that i need to pay extra to my premiums because i made a claim. i have not made any claim whatsoever. when i phoned them, they said that i had an accident and the other vehicle is making a claim against me. i did not have any accident and to make it worst they've cancelled my insurance and they are threatening to take me to court for not wanting to pay the extra premium plus admin costs. any advice will be very much appreciated
  14. Hi I am hoping someone on here can advise me. We paid AXA commercial insurance for a couple of years for our 1 van business. Also allowed on the policy were our two family cars. In November 2011 - our employee had an accident in our van. The van was very badly damaged and took so long for this to be sorted out with the insurers that our business had to cease trading - which was a very difficult and stressful time for us. Because we had to cease trading AXA cancelled our insurance policy completely even though we were happy to continue paying the premiums for the rest of the year, as both of our family cars needed cover. Axa refused to transfer the policy to a more suitable one instead. At very short notice (2 days) we had to run around finding quotes and obtaining insurance for our family cars. I called AXA and was assured that there was nothing to pay on the policy as it was cancelled. Our AXA sales rep also advised us in an email to cancel our direct debit so ensure no more payments would be taken and that the matter was now being dealt with by the office. We heard nothing until yesterday when my husband received a phone call from a collections company chasing for over 2k that AXA wanted to cover the premiums for the rest of the year because a claim was made on the policy. I have looked through my policy documents and the small print and no where does it state that if the insurer cancel the policy then the full payment will need to be made. It does however say this is the case if we cancel the policy - which we did not. What I find frustrating is that we checked at the time that nothing was owed. No one has contacted us in the meantime. We were happy to continue paying our premiums until the end of the year if they had just provided cover for our 2 private vehicles. Can anyone offer any advise on if they are entitled to the rest of the policy payments considering they cancelled the policy? Thanks in advance. TW
  15. Hi there, I have found this forum after looking for a solution to my problem through google and I was wondering if someone could advise me. After reading through some threads in this section my problem seems trival but here goes. I have been a member at my gym for about 5 years and I canceled my gym memebership last month inline with thier policy of giving one months notice. I handed my physical letter (which they insisted it had to be) at reception on the 1st of May. I rang the next day to make sure it had all been recieved and the membership canceled which they confirmed it had. I noticed that on the 1st of June they have taken money out for this months memebership fees. I rang to enquire why this had happened and was told that because I had not given 1 months notice they would be charging me an extra month. Now my issue is the 1st to the 1st is a month, but they are failing to recongise this because 'thier direct debit system works on the last day of the month' this was not made clear, I was told 1 months notice, which is what i gave. So basically im asking do I have a grievence here, or above and beyond asking for the money to be refunded and being refused (which I have) I cant really do anything more? I should have cancelled the direct debit straight away, but like a fool I didnt. It isnt a massive amount of money, but I feel they do this to chance their arm and see what extra revenue they can drum up by doing things like this to many customers and it gets on my wick. Thanks Monsterman
  16. Hi folks I purchased a BA ticket to Amsterdam about 18 months ago for a personal development conference - all paid for by myself. Before leaving and at the last minute my employer asked me to go to Washington just before - which meant i had to fly London to Washington, then Washington to Amsterdam, then Amsterdam to London. My employer purchased the equivalent of two singles: London to Washington and Washington to Amsterdam, and I assumed I would be able to jump on the return leg of my BA ticket back to London and not use the outward ticket. I didn't let BA know that I still wanted to keep my seat for the Amst-London return flight. When I got to the airport in time for the Sunday evening flight they would not let me board - saying they had cancelled my return ticket. I asked to board because i had purchased the ticket and they told me the flight was full (i.e. someone was IN my seat). I had to buy an Easyjet flight (now late at night) which you can imagine as it was also last minute was a ridiculous price (about £300). I complained to BA - and they said their action was justified because it is in the small print. I asked Which?advisors and they said there is nothing i can do and this is ok for airlines to do this. However, i would argue that i SHOULD be given a refund (not to mention compensation for the inconvenience and additional potential risk that they subjected me to) because: a) the small print for something as BIG as that should not be so small (they have a responsibbility ot make it clear). b) they have all my details in their database (their frequent flyer scheme) - and while they were able to email me about one of their (unwanted) offers they failed to email me or phone me querying why i didn't turn up for the flight and asking me if it is OK for them to cancel my return leg and sell my ticket to someone else. 3) I don't care what their small print is - if I have paid for a seat it must be illegal for them to sell the same seat to someone else whatever the situation and surely ridiculously greedy to not even give me a refund as they had sold it to someone else. Ok, so greed is unfortunately not a crime but unfair business practices (or something similar) is? I would be grateful for insight from any legal wizard who know the aviation industry. Lesley
  17. Hi, I've recently come to renew my insurance policy and have discovered that my previous insurer registered a no fault claim on the insurance database. This is having a substantial effect on my insurance premiums (additional 150-200 per year or 20%) and I would like to know whether it is possible to challenge this record and have it amended/removed? I understand that the current record indicates the following: theft claim non fault non recovered What actually happened is that my car was stolen from outside my house and then subsequently recovered a couple of days later. When it was stolen, I informed the police and started the process of making a claim. As soon as the vehicle was recovered, I contacted my insurer and assessed whether I could cancel the claim without prejudice to my insurance. Since there was no losses at their end, they cancelled my claim without it affecting my NCD. I personally paid the recovery fee to the police, which was the only cost of the incident - a [problem] in itself, but that's another story... When I came to renew after this (with a different insurer), I seem to recall there was initially an issue with the previous claim being left open but this was cleared up and I believed that was the end of it. The new insurer was totally aware of this and was satisfied that the incident should not be recorded or have an effect on my insurance premiums. Wind forward another year and I'm trying to renew with a third insurer, only to find out that the information is showing on the DB as above. From my point of view, there are two factual inaccuracies in the way this is recorded: 1. The claim was cancelled and there is no indication of this (personally, I feel quite strongly that it should not really be on there at all) 2. The vehicle was recovered. Would I be able to challenge this record on these grounds - I appreciate 1 may be more difficult than 2? If so, how do you go about this - through CUE or the previous insurer? I understand that this is not an isolated incident and that insurers are regularly passing information through to this database where a claim is not actually made. However, it's sickening that you go out of your way to avoid making a claim/incurring costs for your insurer and get slapped with a 20% hike anyway! In the meantime, I have little option but to pay the increased premium, as the vehicle would be uninsured and I am not able to SORN it. If I can get the record removed/amended, will I be able to claim back the difference to my insurance premiums? Thanks, James
  18. On the 13th of October I ordered a watch from Amazon. They were running a promotion on their 'luxury' watches and the discount was such that I finally caved and placed my order despite delivery being listed as 'Usually dispatched within 2 to 5 weeks.' I'd been monitoring the watch for a while and it had been 2 to 5 weeks for as long as I can remember. 5 weeks was approaching and there was no sign of my watch, but I had every confidence in Amazon fulfilling my order. A few days ago the 'availability guide' changed to 'Temporarily Out of Stock'. It was at this point I thought, I know where this is going. It's only a matter of time... Anyway, it happened. Yesterday morning I got the email cancelling my order and inviting me to purchase from other suppliers (at significantly higher prices) and the 'availability guide' has changed to 'Sign up to be notified when this item becomes available'. I think Amazon had no intention of providing the watch at the advertised (sale) price. They probably had no stock, but still took orders knowing that when it does finally come back in stock they can sell it at the usual, higher price. They were just using the promo to increase traffic, with no intention of fulfilling orders. The bottom line is I feel Amazon should provide the goods at the agreed sale price and I'm willing to wait for them to get hold of it. Is this reasonable? Is there anything I can do to facilitate this outcome? Or should I just forget about it? I'm really annoyed and feel like I've been robbed. I think my browser is fubar. Is the formatting in my post working? I'll have to check it at home and correct if necessary. Sorry.
  19. Hiya,Yesterday I placed my very first online order with ASDA via mysupermarket.com and had a free delivery code which I also used. I had to register with the ASDA website as it was my first time using it and after a bit of searching for the checkout, finally processed my order for delivery to come this morning between 10-12. I didn't min d the time so chose one where they suggested a van would already be in my area. I had a confirmation email and that was that.Then a couple of hours later I had another email saying my order had been cancelled. It said if i didn't cancel it, there were a number of reasons why it may have been cancelled, so I rang up the number they gave me (which was an old number by the way and promptly advised me to ring another number).So I spoke to the lady and she was perfectly nice but said she couldn't tell why it had been cancelled and as I had phoned up at 6pm on a Friday, the appropriate department was closed so advised me to ring back in the morning. So I just rang them again and the lady told me that it was cancelled for 'security reasons' - I had in the meantime noticed my account online had been suspended and she told me this was why. I asked what kind of security reasons and she wouldn't tell me. So I asked if I should be concerned that my card details have been taken or my account has been hacked and she said no, it was a security risk to the company, not to me! So in the end I double-checked that they wouldn't be taking the money and then left it at that but now it's bugging me as to what they could possibly mean? Are they inferring that I am somehow a threat to their driver? I'm half tempted to call back up and find out but don't want to cause trouble. Has anyone had anything like this occur?
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