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  1. and yes grumpy2 a sound suggestion convert the account to a pay as you go number, then you will not have any more money taken from your account. you can use the number if you purchase some credit and finally if you fail to use the number then the number can be reused at a later date you never know the phone company could donate a 31.00 so that the phone could be used in an emergency or given to someone who doesn't have a mobile phone (that if there is anyone who still does dot have a mobile phone)
  2. You are all correct in what you are saying and yes i should have read the chat log and then used the pac code. But i told VF that i wanted the contract cancelled and gave them a date that we both agreed was the final date that i could use the phone. Then surly when this date was reached the phone contract should have been terminated as per my wishes. Because i did not use the pac code they ignored this cancellation date and continued to take monie from my account. There was no text to confirm that the account was still active however several to try to get me to upgrade my phone. and if i had not checked my bank statement then the money will be continuing to be taken from my account. This must surly be a unfair term in their contract and thus against the law?
  3. In April I cancelled a vodaphone contract via a text-chatservice and confirmed that i wanted to end the contract. VF then asked if iwanted to transfer my number. They did say that failure to use the PAC numberwould mean that the contract would not be cancelled. As I was continually asked to renew my phone contract idecided not to use my old number to sto these annoying calls. I then found thatVF were still taking monies from my bank account. So my question is. IfI cancel a contract in writing giving VF the date that I want to cancel thecontact can they then say that because I failed to use the PAC code thecontract was not cancelled. No other communication was received from VF. Ibelieve that this is an unfair term within their contract. Any advice would be most grateful?
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