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  1. Hi all Can anyone help me on the correct procedure for Eon (electric) have to do to gain a warrant of entry, Also what is the procedure after the have gained the warrant, and come to the property. Thanks in advance Leakie
  2. Hi. I'm a newbie on here and I have tried to look through the threads but I think I have only succeeded in confusing myself more. I have recently been receiving letters from Arrow Global, Arrow Monument, Cabot Financial, Lowell Portfolio, Hamptons Legal and Fire. Some of the letters just say I owe a debt but no details, others give an amount but no date and there is one that gives the date of 2003. It looks like Fire and Cabot are related as are Lowell and Hamptons. Now to my knowledge I don't owe any money and I checked my credit file and none of these are on there although there are 2 others on there which I again know nothing about. All of them are in a previous married name which I havent used for almost 7 years. I really don't know where to start as I have never had this before and Hamptons say they can apply for a charging order on my property which I find very disturbing. Any advice would be very gratefully received. Thanks.
  3. Hey everyone, first of all, apologies if i am reapeating what has already been posted on here, but im new and its hard to pick out the relevant imformation sometimes, so im posting from my point of view in hopes it will be clearer for me! Here goes...... I took out a loan with welcome finance around 4 years ago for £1000. I paid them regularly each month, for about 6 months then i borrowed another £500 and continued to pay regularly. Around 3 years ago i asked for the payments to be reduced as i was having some financial problems which they agreed to. After 6 months or so they started calling me over and over and sending letters saying they needed to discuss my account, as they wanted me to increase the payments, i ignored them, but continued to pay, and i also changed my phone number (for other reasons) and did not give them my new one. Then i continued to get a few letters every few months or so which i ignored, this went on for years untill i moved house around 3 months ago. Last month after a series of mishaps, i had to cancel all my direct debits including theirs. I have since recieved a letter from them at my new address (How do they know where i live?) asking me to call. I cant deal with talking to theses kind of people on the phone so i thought i would send a letter asking them to contact me only by post and i would reinstate the direct debit back to how it was. Before i even had a chance to send it the worst thing happened. Now they have started hassling me at work. I have never told them where i work, as i have only worked there for 6 months, they call over and over and get very agressive to the people that answer, saying things like 'i am gioing to call here every day untill you put him on! Surely thats not allowed? I never speak to them. I saw the complaint letter template and was going to send it but then i worried that this would be comfirmation for them of my address and work address, as it seems clear to me that they have been looking hard for me, even though i have missed 3 payments of just £73 each! Now today i have recieved a letter of default saying i have untill 19th nov to pay the arrears. what happens with the rest of the loan? Before i pay anything i want to see all the infor they have as it says on the letter i owe £1750 but thats more than the original loan, and iv been paying it for years, even with intrests that alot. What should i do? I cant call them, i panic just thinking of it, and im worried that this will mean some kind of acknowledgment if i do. Is it possible to pay the arrears then send them an SAR for the rest of the account? Someone please help me im at my wits end and dont know how to cope with this. Thanks.
  4. Hi i went to sign on today and the advisor said that in her opinion that i had not tried hard enough over the last 2 weeks looking for work and have stopped my JSA and has been sent higher up for a decision to be made Ive done my work search as i have always done for the last year and not had a problem until today Im a 43 old man with a partner and a disabled son im at wits end and worried sick and wondering what to do Ive been a driver for 20 years and last year lost my licence and im having a nightmare finding a job as thats all i have done but the job centre dont understand that Ive never missed a signing on, im going to a work programme with seetec and looking at doing a 3 months course Im thinking of moving out just so my partner and child can get some money again Any help would be great thxs
  5. Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can advise me on what to do after losing an esa tribunal, The tribunal was for my father and I've given a history of whats happened so far below, My father's had back problems for many years now and it's been really bad recently. He started claiming ESA roughly 2 years ago and had a ATOS medical which in which he scored 9 points (2 years ago), We appealed that decision and our GP advised us to apply for DLA. The DLA claim was accepted after evidence sent in by Doctor and the previous ATOS medical, he receives Higher rate mobility and Lower rate care component. While waiting for a tribunal date at around Jan 2011, we received a letter stating the appeal has been succesful and he was backdated his payment (without going to the tribunal). Then he had another ATOS medical in July 2011 in which they awarded him 0 points. We appealed that again and we went to the tribunal yesterday (over a year after original decision) and they agreed with the original ATOS decision. We are devasted as we do not know what to do now, My fathers condition was really bad then and it's only got worse. He's got spinal stenosis and is currently of Oramorph, He's had facet injections in his back which did not help and the doctors said the only other option is surgery but they do not recommend this as it's risky. I wanted to ask what would be the next step? Is it a case of starting a fresh ESA claim and sending in fit notes? Also would this tribunals decision affect his DLA as he is still receiving this? Any advise would be great.
  6. Dear All, I have come across this site while doing some research for a court case takes place on the 10/10/12. Probably a bit late in the day but I was looking for some help, advice and support as I am representing myself. I purchased a Siemens fridge/freezer in Sept 2008 which went faulty in May 2011 just outside it 2 warrenty. They inspected the appliance and found a fan needed replacing and that they had none in stock and had to be order it from Germany. There would be a week before they could come back to repair it. To cut a long story short, I was being charged a call out fee plus parts, which I refused to pay. The appliance cost approx £870 pluse £130 delivery. This was with a 20% discount and it was through their friends and family scheme. I was just wondering what would be my main arguement? Not fit for purpose, durabilty? I had it repaired in the end (from another company) and have a report which states that the power to the fan was there but the fan was not working. The comapny that I used to repair the item, refused to stated that it was due to a malfunction in the component. If anyone has any experiences with going to court or any advice, I would be appreciative. Thanks in advance.
  7. I had a credit card with Capital One, got into difficulties, debt passed to Lowells, I then got a Debt Management to look after this debt. Debt management went bust. Now I have Robinson Way after me on behalf on Lowells and Capital One. Looked at what little paper work I had and it looked like it might have been six years since last payment, so I wrote to Robinson Way saying statue barred. this is the contents of their letter. (We do not accept the statue barred on this account. and if you were to demonstrate that this debt is time barred the debt still legally exists and will be reported as such .we would consider a substantial reduction to settle this accounti
  8. Myself and my partner are both unemployed; we have a two year old child. I have been the main claimant for us both because I am the one returning to work whilst he looks after our child. He has no qualifications, I have many (not that it's helped me find work so far, I keep being told I'm over qualified ). We claim JSA and get child tax credits. Anyway, to cut a long story short, my partner has just been signed off as ill by the GP (yesterday). He's actually very ill and will be seeing a neurologist for tests. He's been getting progressively worse over time and he isn't fit to care for our child for now. The fact is, I won't stop looking for and applying for work but my child is being looked after by me whilst he is in this state. We are both worried sick about this sudden change in circumstances as we don't know how it will affect our benefits. What will happen? Will we actually be entitled to anything now? Or would it be better to keep my mouth shut and just burnt the candle both ends in my job search (I've been doing this more and more of late anyway with my partners illness). I might be able to pull favours for babysitting with interviews, would have to cross the bridge about childcare if I find work although I suspect we'd be worse off than ever now this has happened. I am coming up to the one year mark on JSA soon and I've been told I will attend a job programme run by an outside agency so my child would have to come with me, another huge issue. I'm looking forward to the work programme to be honest as they might be able to pull some strings and get me a job lol... Thanks for any advice.
  9. Hi have had a loan with toothfairy for well over a year now, have commented before! I have paid back just over 150 now , called them today to try and clear the original loan of 400 plus interest. I have been paying back weekly 5 to 10 pounds. I have just over 300 to hopefully clear the debt but they have refused it marshall hoare. Do i pay 300 and then say paying no more or carry on with a minimal payment ie 1 pound as they wont accept the offer? thanks
  10. Hi. I am new to this forum and looking for some help and advise please. I have been on Incapacity benefit since 2006, as I had to take early retirement due to ill health. I worked 30 years for my local authority, but after suffering an accident at work in 1997 I had to stop work. I have reciently had to attend a Work and Capability Assesment, which I only received 6 points and have been decleired fit for work. As the assesment was a complete fix I am now appealing this. As I have a works pension and only ever received under half the amount of Incapacity Benefit from day one, I have been told that I will now whilst waiting my appeal not receive any payment as the money due is less than IB. If I do not win my appeal I will move onto Jobseekers Allowance. Again this amount is less tha IB and because of my works pension I will not expect to receive any payment. What my question is : If I became self employed selling crafts that I make would I qualify for Working Families Tax Credit? Because of my Injuries. I would only be able to work a few hours a day but plan to work 16 + if I am able. It is not unreasonable to calculate hours making items added to travel and hours at craft fairs would be more than the needed 16 hours a week. Thanks.
  11. I own a home with my wife and desperately need to move due to size as we have more kids on the way. Since buying my home 7 years ago there are a string of defaults etc on my file, unsecured and in the main unsettled, but being paid by arrangements. I have been stupid and irresponsible, for the last 6 years, building up a debt of £25k to various loans, cards, payday lenders etc. This can only be put down to me being an idiot! Missed payments are on unsecured stuff, mortgage has never faultered. The current home is worth £200k, and i owe £120k to standard Life now woolwich. £80k equity that i would love to use to pay off my £25k debts and use the remainder to use as a deposit on the new home. my earnings are now good £50k pa + £10k regular bonus, with my wifes part time work bringing in 18k. wifes crredit is good but with about £6k in loans, but never missed. Is there any suggestions for how i could get a lender / broker to assist with this situation on moving home many thanks
  12. Been called in by j p fraud investigation team to give me the opportunity to explain as they have grounds of employment and living with a someone as husband and wife . After some fishing around on what ive done wrong as i don't live with my husband and have not since 2008 due to my children from a previous relationship did not get on with him and we decided to live apart , over the past 4 yrs its been on and off but when my children go to my mums the odd weekend he will stay and as i live in his house where he still pays the mortgage any diy or gardens need to be cut he will come up and do them only cos ive got asthma and i ant doing it as they r big and up hill , he has his own place where he pays council tax and his bills ,ive been told that i will get classed as living together but iam not and i don't want to also they are accusing me off working which yes i am but its no more than 16 hours a week so i never declared it since 2008, which now ive just found out that i should of . Worried is not the word ive been told they will stop my benefit there and then , do they stop everything or do they just stop income support as i will hold my hands up to working and happy to pay it back as i believed i could work under 16 hours but i will fight about living with my husband all the way . Hope someone can help as i dont know what will happen thankyou
  13. Hi everyone, I have been a total pleb and due to various circumstances left it rather late to inform the council that I had a wage rise last year. I know I should have done it immediately later but at the time of the rise I was under incredible pressure with debt worries after separating from my husband who left me in huge financial difficulty together with the fact that i was undergoing various medical tests which at the hospital as I was (an still am) showing symptoms of MS. This ommission came about because I was sorting through this years paperwork and unusually for me have left the tax credit renewal rather late. I rang the council to tell them about my wage rise in April 2012 and that I think I had forgotten to tell them about my rise last year. The lady on the phone said that due to my 2012 rise I would not be entitled to which I said that I expected that. This meant that I would have been overpaid by 3 months. Whilst talking to her I explained that I could not remember if I had told about last years rise, and when I confirmed my normal pay, she said no. Today I have realised that my tax credits figure has reduced from the original one I gave when claiming and Have tried to call them back about this but was on hold for over 45 minutes during my lunch hour then had to hang up. SO, I know I have been overpaid by 3 months for defo and am sure that for the majority of last year I was also overpaid by some and I have tried to create a spreadsheet to work it out which includes the rise in salary and drop in tax credits. I make it approx £1000 overpaid. In addition, I think I am currently being investigated as my employer explained that he had received a request for an Employers statement wanting details of my pay and pay dates. I am totally worried sick that I am about to be called in for investigation and wonder what is going to happen next. Shall keep trying to ring them to explain or has it gone too far?? Any help would be really appreciated. I know have been totally stupid for not telling them last year but I genuinely did forget due to over-rising circumstances......
  14. I have recieved a letter from Bryan Carter solicitors regarding a account that was passed to them from Fredrickson International ltd on behalf of there client Everything Everywhere Limited saying payment must be paid in full within 14 days if not they will advise their client to do court proceedings how do i go on about this as i do not have the amount they are asking for? advise plss
  15. Hi I am currently in the middle of trying to claim some sentimental items from my late fathers estate via a local solicitor. When we started the process i asked about her fees...after picking myself up from the floor, she suggested i could pay a block amount for services ( I think, this was in April) and then produced a bill which i duly paid up front the bill details read as below..... 'professional charges in connection with advising you in regard to your fathers estate; to include discussing probate in general; to advising you on action you can take; to contacting Mrs ****; to include all attendances upon you including in person, by telephone and email; to include all care and conduct throughout.' Now the solicitor is asking for more money...was the bill i paid in April not a complete sum for the job....I refer to the... to include all.... wording doesn't that mean the whole job or am I sorely wrong. I have no problem with the work the solicitor has done and we are now close to receiving the items i asked for...they want to wait 6 months after probate before they hand anything over (why???) but as a part time worker who rakes in a cool £500 a month, only, I find the extra cost a bit steep...she may have forgotten about the block payment and I don't want to pay twice as it were...or I could just be living in cloud cuckoo land regards costs of things as my husband says (he earns a lot more than me!) anyhow I would really appreciate if a lawyer/solicitor could analyse the solicitorese and clarify this for me....
  16. I need assistance with an RLP issue however reading some of the posts it seems that RLP staff seem to read this site and sometimes match up cases. I am therefore reluctant to give many details. I went to CAB to-day but the lady I saw I think just made it worse. She said she knew nothing about the company and immediately phoned them. I did say not to phone them, especially as she had no idea who RLP was and what they did. She got me to go through their 'security' check etc then she started speaking to them, but i had to take the conversation over because I feared she would say the wrong thing at any minute. She then advised me to phone the store directly which I did but luckily I couldn't speak to the right department as on reflection I am not sure it is the right approach. Is there anyway I can in box a PM to any of the site team to get some initialadvice. I do not mind sharing the issue afterwards once I decide what to do.
  17. I have a son who is permenantley in a wheelchair and recieves the higher rate DLA. He is attending a residential college and as such the authoroties have stated that he is not entitled to the carers allowance while he attends the residential college. Is this correct?
  18. please can anyone help/advise me i am going round in circles with my council & the debt collector both refusing to help me set up an affordable payment plan!! I owe £880 for 2010 council tax. swift credit services have advised me they want payment in full within 7 days now i am on an income (with defecit of £900 a month) & cant pluck £880 out of thin air! I have been advised BY THEIR BAILIFF that he'd accept payments (over 8 months) that would be all he could do!!! but i still can not afford this & he would also want me to sign a walk in possession order (or something like that) can you PLEASE tell me where i go from here anyone i am desperate & have a 14 week old baby & a 5 year old
  19. We need help as something strange going on with Scottish life. Our endowment is due to end next year 2011. For the past 2 years now, we suddenly have been getting letters saying that we have not paid our premiums. They say they have informed the Halifax (our mortgage suppliers) and the life insurance is down to around £8000. The first occasion we phoned and asked them for an explanation, as payment has been paid (bank statements) the first time they said the money had been attached to somewhere else and confirmed that it had been received and they would sort it out. In the meantime we received a cheque for the amount we had paid from another department who said because I account was closed the money has been returned. The situation was sorted out and we returned the cheque which they had confirmed they had received and the account was as it should be. The second time I was so mad as it was about 6 months later they did the same thing saying we have not paid. They said a major investigation was being carried out and kept us waiting for a about 30 days or more. we kept phoning they kept saying they dont know what is wrong. Meanwhile they had dropped our endowment life assured from about £28,000 to 8000. That was again sorted out they said sorry and it was supposed to have been reinstated. We have now received this again, I phoned them and they said 'this has been going on for some time hasnt it' the money has again gone astray to somewhere else and that they had received the notification from the relevant department that day to say that the premiums had turned up from somewhere else again. We received a letter 'Certificate of Endorsement' saying no further premiums due and life assured down to the same £8000 figure. It is as if nothing has been done and they are trying to cover something up, because even though they once again said they had made a mistake we have received a cheque (covering the premiums we had paid) saying that the account had closed due to non payment and now they are not offering to rectify it. The person on the phone had even said that they would write to the Halifax and inform them of the mistake. We are so worried as if this money is not reinstated, next year we will not be able to pay the premiums we are due to the building society. So we need some advice on how to proceed. for us we see this as criminal behaviour by a company, so advise us please, I have not yet returned this last cheque.
  20. Hi, I have been trawling through these forums trying to find out what I can and can't do legally. I have a debt of around 7k to Egg which has been in the hands of Capquest for around a year. I started off paying them what I could afford which was £40 per month. They then upped the payments to £48 per month which I went along with. My Direct Debit on 28th July wasnt paid as I was skint and so I assumed they would try and take it again in a few days. But I have now had a letter from HL Legal who are now demanding full settlement of this account within 7 days? Not sure how they think I can pay £7k when they couldnt even get £48 out my account last week. So I want to send them a CCA but as I have been paying this for some time does this mean I have already acknowledged the debt or do I still have a case for doing this and what possible outcomes could there be realistically. Thanks, Mick:???:
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