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  1. Oh and i forgot to add i wont be appealing against this, instead i will we using the money whatt my parents had given me to get my Driving Ban reduced by 6 mnths as i will be needing it to live on and pay the remainder of my rent So now my ban wont finish for another 9 mnths because of them, so i will be claiming even longer i suspect than i was hoping for as i was getting my licence back in 3 mnths Oh well
  2. Hi thxs for the replies Well we heard back today and we have a 2 week sanction I spoke to the decision maker and she said i have not tried hard enough, i should be going about with CV in hand and knocking on employers doors and handing them my CV telephoning them getting peoples names and putting them down on the work search form It is not acceptable any more to look in the Newspapers Look on the internet or Visit the job centre as a sign of looking for work you need to have the names of companies and contact details put on your forms Well im sorry but to keep them happy ive just applied for any job by email just to keep them happy Funny thing is i received a text by the job centre telling me to apply for a job by sending my CV by email which i have done and the bloody thing has been returned 3 times Delivery Status Notification (Failure)‏ they haven't got a clue
  3. Thxs Can some one clear this up I have been actively seeking work but i have not applied for any jobs in the last 2 weeks as there wasnt anything out there that i can do and within the hours i can attend work Because i havent applied for jobs this why they have stopped it? Also how can i apply for jobs that i have no experience of doing thxs
  4. Ok thxs is it possible to appeal the decision?
  5. Sorry im all over the place as im worried sick, they said it has been stopped and have sent it to a decision maker
  6. Hi i went to sign on today and the advisor said that in her opinion that i had not tried hard enough over the last 2 weeks looking for work and have stopped my JSA and has been sent higher up for a decision to be made Ive done my work search as i have always done for the last year and not had a problem until today Im a 43 old man with a partner and a disabled son im at wits end and worried sick and wondering what to do Ive been a driver for 20 years and last year lost my licence and im having a nightmare finding a job as thats all i have done but the job centre dont understand that Ive never missed a signing on, im going to a work programme with seetec and looking at doing a 3 months course Im thinking of moving out just so my partner and child can get some money again Any help would be great thxs
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