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  1. Hi new user , I have read a lot of posts about the parking eye letters and how you should really just ignore them ,but I wondered if it makes any diffrence when the car you are driving is a company car , you are the registered driver with the company and the DVLA, but I am considering just ignoring this demand for money , but my worry is that will my company get wind of this or is it really just a matter between me and parking eye. If so I am bracing myself for the nasty letters and havent responded to the 1st letter and have read thats the best action. Any advice would be much obliged.
  2. I am being chased by Jacobs for a parking offence that occurred in Dec 2010, I challenged the original offence as i was ticketed at 08:02 only 2minutes after the elapsed time and the attendant didnt let me move the car, season of good will and all that. i paid £70 to the council and proved it with a bank statement clearly stating paid WMBC 70 pounds in the March, The case was dismissed by TEC because Wmbc couldn't trace the payment on their system!!!!!, i have refused to pay a penny more it went to jacobs who are chasing me for 348 pounds and this is after i have paid them 55 pound to hold the Debt?, My wife has lost her job and we are still struggling on my wage and working tax credits. I have found out the warrant was issued in August 2011 so this i think is now unenforceable also the bailiff who was supposed to of hand delivered a letter cant be found on the register? I say supposed to be hand delivered as it had a frank machine mark on the envelope and i saw the postman deliver it. I am wondering where do i stand, I have had the head office on the phone and giving grief to my wife whilst the warrant is out of date is this harassment? can i bring proceedings against them, as with the fine even though i have paid it off once before if i was to pay it again via the councils website will it bring an end to what the Bailiffs can and cant do. The fees seem extortionate on a few website including the governments no matter how many times i work it out the most i could actually owe is around 160. also when asked about my car and i informed them i no longer own a car his tone went from cocky to one of desperation as i know clamping the vehicle is usually a trump card for them. I can say i wont be inviting anyone in for tea and biscuits. thanks in advance
  3. Westminster council is trialling a new technology to make it easier to find an on-street parking space. It's early days but the technology seems to work, albeit a very small trial covering just a handful of streets Throughout October 2012, you can download an app that will allow you to see if an on-street parking space is available on an individual road. If the Bay Sensor trial continues to be a success, the council will evaluate it and decide if the scheme can be rolled out city-wide. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-19732371 http://www.westminster.gov.uk/services/transportandstreets/parking/bay-sensor-technology/
  4. Had a ticket back in december last year where on of my employees parked my van in a car park while doing a survey in a cornwall council lesure centre paid and displayied a ticket but got held up in the plant room. no ticket on van on his return. a week later a ticket arrives i write a letter and appeal it which got turned down then sent a letter asking for more info and giving the drivers details this was back in december had nothing until returned home today to find a hand delveried letter from marstons high court bailif. phoned cornwall councill offering to pay the £70 parking fine but the lady on the end of the phone refused and told me i need to contact martons as i can only deal with them now not willing to do this as the have charged £177 just to hand deliver this letter how should i reply to and surly they must accept an offer of payment is there a way to pay it direct to cornwall council parking fine deptment bank account?
  5. Silly me! Blue Badge application in for renewal, I had completely forgotten that my current badge would run out. SO I got a ticket. As I have ongoing entitlement to the badge, can I claim forgetfulness as a reason not to pay? PS I am not a new CAGGER but have a problem finding which email address I used previously as not been here for a couple of years
  6. I have received a PCN for my car being "parked in a restricted street during prescribed hours." I parked in front of a school playground entrance that was bricked up about four years ago. Shortly after the bricking up, the yellow zigzags were ground away and the sign removed. One very faint zig (or zag) remains, with the rest being hidden by a layer of tarmac. A yellow line remains, but is not continuous, as it is partly covered by the tarmac for its entire length and sections of it are either completely covered or have been worn away. The only sign prohibits parking of goods vehicles over 5 tonnes between midnight and 8 am and buses between 6.30 am and midnight. My vehicle is an estate car and the ticket was served at 13.02. I was parked adjacent to railings, but these have been redundant since the bricking up of the gate. There is no sign at either end of the street to indicate that it is in a Controlled Parking Zone and there are no parking bays. Double no-loading stripes remain on the stone kerb, but are faint. Do I have grounds to challenge the notice?
  7. I note that the BPA have published their new Code of Practice on their website, It is interesting to read the maximum charge of £100 is mentioned time and time again. However, I am at a loss to understand how amounts such as this can be an accurate pre estimate of loss particularly when the Department for Transport has issed the following statement. Charges for breaking a parking contract must be reasonable and a genuine pre-estimate of loss. This means charges must compensate the landholder only for the loss they are likely to suffer because the parking contract has been broken. For example, to cover the unpaid charges and the administrative costs associated with issuing the ticket to recover the charges. Charges may not be set at higher levels than necessary to recover business losses and the intention should not be to penalise the driver. At the end of this rather long an boring document clearly designed to try and justify the existence of this questionable industry , it states that courts action or debt collectors should be used to try and recover unpaid charges. In my opinion, the above DfT statemnt combined with the recent case in S****horpe case will deter them from using the courts and of course we have been ignoring debt collectors since the Duke of Edinburgh was a boy. So is there any real change other than the long overdue clamping ban in England and Wales and the fact that the keeper/owner of the vehicle now has the opportunity to IGNORE.
  8. Just a thought , as these speculative invoices are not something that could stand up in court , is there a case for harassement here if these beggars keep on sending them?
  9. Hi I recieved an email a while ago (I went on hols) from CAG regarding photos of private parking sign - warnings - locations - etc and .. I have lost the email in my recent inbox cleanup I have some photos to send, could somebody resend me the correct email / person to send them to ? thanks
  10. hi i got a parking ticket from PPS recently - i was gone for 10 minutes to come back and find it - and i haven't really done much about it as i assumed PPS (Premier parking solutions) can't really enforce anything..please could you confirm that i can ignore this request for money from the debt collection agency they passed it onto ..CCS Collect. or if not...could you suggest the best letter i could send them - thanks for any help you can offer? (click thumbnail for larger version)
  11. Hey again, I can't figure out how they manage to get these photos, do they use a sensory camera that takes snapshots when movement is sensed, or is there someone watching on the other end the whole time!? Anyway, Parking Eye sent a notice with pictures, can they identify who the driver is that way? I'm happy to just ignore as I have done with other PPC in the past, but was just checking.
  12. Combined Parking Solutions - suspended by DVLA “Combined Parking Solutions” [As a result of] the signage used by this company. The Agency has suspended the company’s access to data. More to follow
  13. Combined Parking Solutions - suspended by DVLA “Combined Parking Solutions” [As a result of] the signage used by this company. The Agency has suspended the company’s access to data. More to follow
  14. Hi Guys I have a bit of a problem.... I had cause to take my heavilly pregnant wife to my my local boots the chemist on a retail park. I dropped her right outside and moved off the double yellows (Kids in the back) to in front of a deserted cycle park.. facing the store so I could see her come out. A parking attendand asked me to park in a bay and walked off... I had a look round and there were non empty in the vacinity but one guy returned to his car loading his shopping.. I waited while he did this... I actually noticed the parking guy take a photo of my car.... I pulled into the space to await the wife... A few minutes later the guys supervisor knocked on my window and asked if I had a problem with their parking bays!!!! I`m afraid I lost the plot... resulting in a ticket from CMS Ltd (My mrs was in pre term labour). Now I have no choice but to contact them otherwise I will be charged a £28.00 admin fee from our lease company if they have to get involved.. in naming the driver. I was just going to advise them it was me though I did not intend parking and did not enter into any agreement to park up.. and would not accept any further corespondance from them... What do you think??? Many thanks Harry
  15. Hi again everyone I started a thread a few weeks ago about SOs visiting but I wasn't in. Anyway today they came back and I have recieved a Form of Charge For Payment of Money. Last January I recieved a parking ticket for parking in a disabled bay I do not have a blue badge but I did know the gentleman who the disabled space was put in for, I lived in the street when this was done, he moved out and informed the council he had done so. I understood they would remove the disabled space. Anyway, in hindsight , stupidly I parked there and got a ticket. As I knew he had contacted them I wrote to Dundee City Council and explained the space was no longer in use and the neighbour had moved on. I did not recieve a reply but about 4 weeks llater the disabled space was burnt away and is now no longer a disabled space. I assumed (maybe wrongly this was a response to my letter. Not long after I can't remember exactly but weeks not months I recieved a reminder to pay Iagain stupidly assumed it was just in the system but I did phone the number on the ticket and try to explain but was told all challenges had to be in writing I explained I had written in and was told well it will be looked at and dealt with No more letters then the SOs visiting last month and today when I was in The letter states I have 14 days to pay !72.05 (made up of 90 penalty charge, 7.45 Agents fee, 74.60 charge fee. It is signed and witnessed and it states If I do not pay the sum within 14 days I am liable to further action including arrestment of earnings and attachment and auction of articles. I am also liable to be sequestrated. Well I can not afford to pay that half way through a month I do not know if they would accept instalments? But surely by removal of the bay they admit it wasn't needed. Ok maybe I am naive and perhaps a little stupid but I NEVER park in disabled bays in supermarkets as I know they are needed but I knew the disabled gentleman no longer used this space. So my questions are what do I do, do I fight this further and if so how? Do I phone thSOs on the 0845 number on the letter? Any advooice gretaly recieved. Thank you
  16. Hi - new to the forum so bear with me! My son is in Thailand and is the owner of a vehicle that has received a parking charge notice from Parkfair. His car has been caught on the camera driving into the private parking area on 30/7/2012 at 12:57 and out again at 13:07 - a total of 10 minutes. There is no photo showing the car parked. The notice was received by post on Saturday 15/9 and the "date of the notice" is 7/9/2012. The charge of £100 has to be paid within 28 days of the "date of notice" and if within 14 days the cost will be reduced to £60. The driver (I presume it was my son who is currently in Thailand) can appeal within 14 days of the date of this notice (7/9). I went to the car park in question and the sign says that by entering the parking area with out the relevant authorisation you are consenting to pay a fixed penalty charge of £100. I have been on the "Parkfair" website, but can see no terms & conditions. Are there any "t&cs" relating to this type of penalty notice e.g. they have to issue it within 28 days? I think it is unreasonable that we have under 7 days to pay the lower amount when it took over half the given time to arrive here - I would appreciate your comments. Is this a "lawful" notice? I came onto this site and saw many of the posts regarding this type of charge, but as some of the posts were a few years old, I am not sure if the advice is still the best i.e. ignore. My thoughts are that I should email them explaining the above and suggesting that as he could not park there, the driver had gone in to turn the car around. However with reference to their notice as he entered the parking area he would still be consenting to the charge. By the way......I do have my son's permission to open his mail while he is away!!! Any advice you can give will be appreciated. M
  17. I recently used a retail store and have received a G24 parking charge notice demanding 75 pounds (50 pounds if I pay early). I know that G24 is one of the [edited] companies who partake in this [problem]. i did overstay by 30 minutes. Some questions if anyone knows answers please: 1. Change in registered owner - I am in process of applying to DVLA to change the registered owner, not sure if will change it to my partners name at my address or my father who lives overseas. I am tempted to change it to the overseas address? Is this a problem? 2. Options - Other than ignoring G24, what are my options? i have prepared a letter using Tim Kevan's brilliant template on bloodspot. But If I am about to change the registered owner details should I even bother? 3. Credit rating: I know everyone says ignoring this demand will not affect my rating. However, the experian report has a section which can be used to add details from debt collectors. Experian say this information is not available to credit lenders but used to ensure only appropriate individuals are chased for debt. Will the PPC be able to add any details of this so called debt, though not enforceable, to my credit file?
  18. Hello I am hoping for a little help please Today I went to the shop and parked in a disabled bay (as usual) I didnt display the blue badges because they are usually on show but had been put away cause car had been cleaned. I came out of shop and man was putting a "parking charge" ticket was put on the car from these folks. I explained about badges and he said to appeal it will be fine, I have looked on the company website who don't even entertain appeals about blue badges. The charge is £65.00 and goes to £90.00 in two weeks if I dont pay. Is says in Part 5 on the back the following - ADMINISTRATION/LAWFUL ISSUE, this parking charge has been lawfully issued and the collection procedure will be processed in accordance with the administration of juctice act 1970. DOES ANYONE KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS? The problem is I don't have £65.00 and I certainly don't have £90.00 but it says on the back that they will send it to a debt collection company and then may be to court. Any experience or ideas? Thanks
  19. Hi I have had a quite look at the forum and I am guessing I am going to be told to ignore the letters but here goes... I just received a call on my mobile (know idea how they got that!) from Roxburgh, and was told that they were a debt collection agency, and that I owed an outstanding parking ticket fine of £177! Now firstly I had no idea I had any outstanding parking fines with a company called Parking Eye, and I certainly had not received any letters to that effect. AND we bought a parking ticket! It was when I took my children to the cinema, and I even remember buying the parking ticket and being annoyed that infact we could have parked for free if we had gone into the cinema first! I am a little concerned we may have run over our parking by minutes.... Roxburgh stated that there is a letter in the post stating my debt, and that as I am disputing I should contact Parking Eye and tell them what I had told her. She did also say I was not the first person today stating they had not actually received any letters from Parking Eye. Now I cannot find a phone number for Parking Eye and I certainly do not want to email them, so they have my email address. Not really sure what to do, as Roxburgh are a debt collecting agency, and I do not want to be taken to court, or get a CCJ etc. Advice or letter ideas would be very much appreciated.... Claire
  20. 1st time post and looking for advice. I parked in the council car park last sunday, purchased a parking ticked and placed on the dashboard of my car. I returned a couple of hours later to see a penalty charge notice issued by the council (it appears to be completed correctly). On checking my parking ticket I realised that it must have flipped over when I placed it on the dash or whilst closing the door. So the ticket has been issued correctly but as I had a valid ticket to park do I have grounds to appeal? many thanks
  21. I have a parking charge notice of £25(originally) from LegionGroup. I had overrun my paid-for parking time. What I am trying to establish is this: the car park is 'owned' by knowsley borough council. I have spoken to them and they have said that they employ LegionGroup to manage the carpark. Legion issue the ticket, and the only mention of KBC is in the body of their letters to me where it says ...'.which is a car park provided by KBC'. I have spent hours on the internet and know that tickets ISSUED by the police or council will usually be enforced, but tickets ISSUED by private firms won't. So, do I ignore their threats or treat it as a COUNCIL issued ticket and pay up? This is my first time here, I have to pop out so apologies in advance if I keep anyone waiting for answers. P.S it's now gone up to £40. Thanks, Julie
  22. last january my wife got a parking fine a letter from bolton council came addressed to me as i was the registered keeper . thing is it claimed to be the 2nd letter and demanded £80.00 iirc ( i never got the 1st letter giving me chance to pay £30.00 ) i called bolton council to ask why i had not got the first letter and they just said well it was sent to you i also asked to see photographic proof it was actually my car , i recieved nothing !. i then chose to ignore their letters as they had ignored my request and today i have received a letter from equita bailiffs say in large red letters REMOVAL NOTICE . i contacted bolton council who told me i owe them £82.00 which i then offered to pay but they refused to accept my payment ? what i would like to know now is can bolton council refuse my offer to pay in full ?. if so what happens next as far as this bailiffs letter goes and what charges can equita load on top of the £82.00 that i own to bolton council .
  23. My car broke down on a busy road - while I was on the phone trying to arrange my breakdown service, I got a ticket. I explained that I had broken down, but he still issued it. He said I should have been next to the car. I told him I'd gone 50 yards up the road to try to find a street name to give to the breakdown service, but to no avail. I feel like contesting this, but is there any precedent anyone knows of for this type of situation? Thanks
  24. I have vehicle on long-term (3 year) hire from my part-time employer. It is used exclusively by myself for personal use. I have no other vehicles. My Council (Oxfordshire) will not grant me a parking permit, since I am not the registered keeper (the leasing company is), and they only grant permits in these situations if the vehicle is provided by a full-time employer. Of course this is ridiculous! It's my car, for my own exclusive personal use, and it should make no difference at all to them how I come to have it available to me. So anyway, here is my question: is there any way I can be the registered keeper? I have enquired with the leasing company and they insist they have to be the registered keeper, even though this is different to being the registered owner. What else can I do?
  25. Hi, Some months ago, I went into the City Centre and parked in a long parking bay that has room for some six cars. There was only one space left at the end, and as I reversed into it, my front tyres were just over the white line by a couple of inches. I couldnt reverse any further back because of the car behind. This line was separating the parking spaces from a very large loading bay. When I got out of the car, I was studying the white line and was not sure whether or not I would end up with a ticket. I then spotted a Traffic Warden and crossed the road to speak to him. I explained that my front wheels were a couple of inches over the line and asked him if I would get a ticket? His reply was that they would not issue a ticket for a couple of inches. Well, I returned to my car to find that the very same Traffic Warden had given me a ticket only a few minutes after I spoke to him! I was absolutely livid! I wrote and complained about the ticket and there was a bit of correspondence back and forth. They refused to void the ticket. They told me they had spoken to the Warden who had denied saying what he said, but claimed he had said "as long as the wheel was not over the line". I believe they now wear headcams, and I asked them to look at the footage. They ignored my requests and still demanded payment. Today I received a letter from Equita Certified Bailiffs saying that a summons had been issued at Northampton County Court. So when did it go to court? And why wasnt I given the opportunity to defend this? What can I do now? Can anyone help?
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