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  1. Thanks will have a read, will definitely wait out to get a letter or two. many thanks claire
  2. Ok thanks for your advice. I was just concerned because it had already gone to the debt collectors, and annoyed by the fact I knew nothing about it!! AND that I actually paid for the parking! BUT I don't want court papers, hence why I thought sending a letter would help to state my dispute. Maybe I will feel differently when I had slept on it (not literally!) Thanks again Claire
  3. Hi I have had a quite look at the forum and I am guessing I am going to be told to ignore the letters but here goes... I just received a call on my mobile (know idea how they got that!) from Roxburgh, and was told that they were a debt collection agency, and that I owed an outstanding parking ticket fine of £177! Now firstly I had no idea I had any outstanding parking fines with a company called Parking Eye, and I certainly had not received any letters to that effect. AND we bought a parking ticket! It was when I took my children to the cinema, and I even remember buying the parking ticket and being annoyed that infact we could have parked for free if we had gone into the cinema first! I am a little concerned we may have run over our parking by minutes.... Roxburgh stated that there is a letter in the post stating my debt, and that as I am disputing I should contact Parking Eye and tell them what I had told her. She did also say I was not the first person today stating they had not actually received any letters from Parking Eye. Now I cannot find a phone number for Parking Eye and I certainly do not want to email them, so they have my email address. Not really sure what to do, as Roxburgh are a debt collecting agency, and I do not want to be taken to court, or get a CCJ etc. Advice or letter ideas would be very much appreciated.... Claire
  4. Thanks for all the advice, I will add my letter to the growing file....
  5. I think I am gonna send it, soo worried to just ignore....hopefully it will put them off at least...will then, as you suggest, and has happened in the past, someone else will probably contact me in about a year.. Will let you know how i get on. And thanks
  6. Your right...fussing....but your also right in that I want this over. thanks
  7. Strange..just googled the address and its not a wilkin chapman grange address but an Arrow one....should I send a copy to their actual address, as well as the one on the letter? or is that overkill? Just thought it might not be an actual address and get returned....sorry to be a pain.. claire
  8. That made me laugh for the first time today, thank you And thank you to everyone who replied for helping me on this. Feel bit more confident about it all. The SB letter will go in the post today. Claire
  9. Thank you all again for your advice. I am scared to ignore it (although I have done this in the past), so I think I may send the statute barred letter. BUT would it be possible to send one of you a copy of this recent letter? Just to be sure? (I could not see an attachment option to this thread) Can i really make a complaint? I just want to be sure this is a DCA (although it does have Arrow written under the company logo)....but I am guessing from what you are all saying is that it cannot be any thing other as not legal? Claire
  10. Hi Thank you, any ideas where I can find details or a draft letter I could send in regards to this? I know very little about what it actually means... And sorry if I sound stupid but does this mean they cannot take me to court and put something on my credit file???? Everyone being very helpful thank you
  11. Hi. Looking at the statement they sent me I paid my Orange bill on 24th June 2004. The owed amounts were accrued the few months after this date, and I was not aware, so obviously did not pay, hence the debt. But yes I paid on 24th Juine 2004. My next move? Thanks
  12. Hi I have not paid anything towards this debt as I was unaware I had it. And then questioning how a phone bill had hit 2k! I sent the letter as mentioned above but it not admit the debt was mine. I did Experian yesterday, and there is nothing on my credit file. Does this mean this company cannot add it to my credit file at this stage? Will/Can they take me to court? Should I write them a letter stating this 'stat barred'?? I am so worried now, as this companies letters appear to be less aggressive but more to the point... Am not sure what to do Claire
  13. I only sent one letter, stating this was the first time I was made aware of the debt that I MAY owe. That I had had no correspondence previously in regards to this debt, and asking for a full statement. I did have various phone calls with Evershed in the first few days, but as i did not know about the debt I know that I was simply asking for proof. I am hoping this means I have not acknowledged? Thanks for responding by the way...
  14. Hi I am wondering if someone can give me some urgent advice. I am being chased by Wilkin Chapman Grange (Arrow) in regards to an old Orange bill (2004). Its a 'Without prejudice Settlement Offer' and gives me 21 days to pay or they will take me to court. I have been chased over the years by various companies for this, and each time I have queried it, the contact fizzles out. I even had a family solicitor kindly ask them to contact him instead of me, and again it fizzled out.... I have kept all correspondence from the various companies, which I can scan and show if it would help. I do have a statement of account but this is scanned, and certainly not original. I also have a letter apparently from Orange (again scanned in and not original headed) AFTER the date they bought the debt, which seemed strange to me. I have been contacted by the following: 5th Dec 2008 Eversheds (asking for pay slips, bank statements - repayment offers will not be excepted, 28 days) 5th Dec 2008 Arrow (giving an Arrow address and an Eversheds address to contact, saying it will out default account on credit history) 5th Dec 2008 Orange (but not headedpaper, just paper with scanned logo, and Eversheds details at the bottom) 9th Dec 2008 Eversheds (again! not 28 days - immediate repayment, but 18th Dec (now ten days!) CCJ or send Debt collection to home 9th Dec 2008 I sent a letter to Arrow and Eversheds asking for statement of account 11th Dec 2008 Eversheds (pursuant of Law of property act, now issuing CC against me, and a warrent of execution, take good for sale at public auction, 10 days to pay) After this time (and numerous abusive phone calls telling me they were going to take my house away, and they did not need to provide proof (my second child was due in a week - I just thought I would go to court if honest) 27th May2009 Arrow Serving a statutory demand, judgment of court not required - 14 days to pay 20th Jul 2009 Arrow Finally sent statement of account, but scanned, blurry, and did not really show a breakdown or why that much, just totals. 14th Jul 2010 Arrow Serving a statutory demand, judgment of court not required - 14 days to pay 5th Dec 2011 Wilkin Please pay this debt - quite polite actually 19th Dec 2011 Wilkin 14 days to pay, various enforcements listed 3rd Jan 2012 Wilkin Without prejudice Settlement offer - lists details of what I can pay....not aggressive but says taking me to court in 21 days. I read yesterday about 6 years they can no longer chase, so wondered what steps i should take. I don;t know what to do or where I stand, or even if this company will also just disappear. I checked my credit history yesterday, and I do not have bad credit, and there are no debtors on there. And I do not want anything on my credit history, as we are in the process of relocating as a family and about to get a new mortgage!!! I am sorry this is so long winded.....please can someone help..
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