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  1. when my husband's incapacity benefit was changed to esa last year he was told he was being put into the support group and would not have to undergo assessment for work capability. today he's received a ESA50 form to fill in. i thought he wouldn't have to do this if he's in the support group, or have i got it all wrong? he has bi-polar disorder and i'm dreading the impact this whole thing is going to have on his illness.
  2. Hi I currently have a problem with a pay rise that i should have received a long time ago. I work in a small team but i currently earn less than the others. I have been told various things i need to achieve before i get my rise. I have hit all the targets that have been asked of me and new ones are added every time i go back. I have just recently hit the last targets and was told i won't be getting a pay rise and they can't say why.... Is this classed as being discriminative?? I have worked 10 years more in the company than others and my work is more productive. Yet i'm still being refused a pay rise to match others. I was promised on each occasion of the meetings that i'd get a rise if i hit the set targets. My boss ignores all my emails requesting my review meetings. So overall i've worked at the company longest, work faster than others paid more in the same job (I have statistics to back everything up) Constantly being denied a pay rise i was promised and being ignored whenever i raise my issues. Is this right and is there anything i can do? Thank you
  3. Hey all i'm after some help. i'm a single father caring for 2 children, one severely disabled. Due to my daughter's care needs, i rarely sleep at night, generally grabbing a few hours during the day while the kids are at school. I've just been awarded DLA for myself (high rate mobility and middle rate care) after finally giving in and admitting to myself that i did in fact have a disability. So that was awarded last week and back dated to the beginning of Feb 13. Today i get a letter from ATOS telling me my Income support is changing and i have to go to some damned interview. I currently get: Carers allowance for me Income support for me (on the grounds of illness/disability) Child Tax Credits and as just mentioned DLA My question is this: Should i continue to claim income support on the grounds of illness (obviously, DLA think i'm disabled otherwise they wouldn't have awarded it) or can i, as somebody mentioned somewhere, terminate my claim on disability grounds and make a fresh one on the grounds of caring? Given that i care 24/7 for my daughter, it is hard to see how JC+ expect me to to work as well. Also, as a side question, I've seen mention of a "carer premium" but i don't know if that is paid as tax credits or IS? I've checked my award notice from HMRC and get disability element and a severe disability element for my daughter but can see no mention of any "carer premium" I have recently had lots of changes to my benefit (these were BEFORE the changes that have come in since April 2013) which has resulted in me being almost £80 a month worse off since i changed from IS to CTC, i was under the impression that payment levels would remain the same.....? Any help would be appreciated.
  4. Hi there, I have been on employment and support allowance (depression and anxiety) at the assessment rate for 6 months and sent back my medical assessment form to ATOS 4 months ago, i haven't been called for an assessment yet, have they forgotten about me or is this normal? My boyfriend has only been on it for 3 months and has been called for his assessment though we live in different boroughs. I keep sending my medical certificates to DWP and keep getting paid, not too keen to go to the assessment as it seems as long as you are breathing you are failed and i don't need the added stress all that will bring. I am on medication and am awaiting therapy, does that make any difference? Any advice would be very welcome, Many thanks
  5. Hi all, A month ago I was suspended on full pay following allegations made against me that I had consumed alcohol in a service user house and that I had asked to borrow money (none of which are true, and still neither have been proven) I have vigorously denied the allegations made against me, the two individuals who made the original comments are heavy alcoholics and often mistake their facts. I had to represent myself at my disciplinary hearing because my payment to my union (GMB) had bounced and they told me that this had rendered my membership void. I had not had the opportunity to review the notes prior to my disciplinary hearing but was presented with documentation, minutes and interview notes to review prior to the hearing. The hearing lasted for an hour and I was asked to explain the foundation of the allegations, which I did, and I had proof that none of them were true. Upon further investigation prior to my disciplinary hearing, one service user withdrew the allegations against me. Upon my return home I had chance to review the pre-disciplinary minutes my employers had sent me. They had omitted the original incident reports from the notes I had been given at the meeting, one of the allegations was reported at the beginning of March but my employers had not acted on it because the manager who received the original report had left the company, so I worked on site for a month before the allegations were investigated. Today I received a voicemail from my company's regional manager informing me that I have been dismissed for gross misconduct. I feel like I have been totally stiched up. I am stunned, and maintain my innocence. Will this show up on my CRB? I have a lot of questions to ask my employers but I don't really want to contact them without sufficient representation first. Any assistance regarding this matter would be greatly appreciated.
  6. im just wondering has anyone applied for one of these yet? i know they offer food voucher for living expenses but what about furniture cookers fridges ect ect? especially if there replacing community care grants
  7. Hi there, I've been using this forum for advice throughout my benefits journey having returned to reside in the UK in December. At present, I am receiving IB JSA jointly along with my partner. Initially, our claim was refused as I own a property in my sole name which was rented until February 2013. That was classed as a "second property" hence the refusal until we moved back into the property. We have a little girl aged 17 months. The strain of returning to the UK with no money has taken it's toll on our relationship and we are to separate. I understand that after our separation I would require to claim Income Support which is not means tested. We have agreed that I shall stay in my property with our daughter. If possible however, I would like to move to a 2 bedroom property closer to my parents as my property only has 1 bedroom. My query is as follows, as Income Support is not means tested, would I be able to rent out my property and receive an income from that whilst claiming Hosing Benefit for another property? Many thanks lisestar
  8. Hi guys! This is my first post here, I am asking for advice on weather I would be entitled to an IS underpayment that i know occurred. I was recieving IS on the grounds of being estranged in 2011 after being kicked out of home. I recieve DLA at the middle rate for care and lower rate for mobility. I have a close family friend who looks after me, as I struggle with my ASD in my day to day life and have alot of social anxiety. I cannot go anywhere that is unfamiliar, it just terrifies me! However I am living in my own place, she comes quite often with meals and stuff and to do my washing etc for me. During the time between june - december 2011 i was living in a house on my own, and then moved to a shared house closer to the family friend. When i moved to the shared house i was told I was entitled to the servere disability premium as i lived alone (not counting the sharing of facilities, as i had my own room and my own tenancy agreement) which they gave me. Before i was only recieving the disability premium, not the servere disability premium, however in the first house i did also live alone, and no one was claiming any carer's allowance for me then, so surely i would have also been entitled to that then? Is it possible to apply to have this underpayment paid to me? Or is two years nearly too far gone? It was only recently i found out i should have got it then.. Thanks!
  9. I mentioned this earlier in someone elses thread so I don't know if it was picked up on so maybe someone might like to comment on this strange analogy by my local council. According to the latest award letter from my Local Authority they have stated that for my Housing Benefit the MINIMUM I need to live on is £305. Council Tax Support the MINIMUM I need to live on is £278 I know that in their wisdom they have decided not to include certain elements of benefits, therefore making your 'excess' income higher and so you pay more Council Tax but I think someone has seriously messed up here, or is it just me being pedantic. How on earth can you have 2 different MINIMUM amounts to live on depending on which bill you are paying ? I have tried getting an explanation from the 'Help Line' but the best I can get is "it's because of the changes in Central Government" .... I gave up after 10 minutes trying to explain that you can only have one minimum amount, cos if you have 2 different amounts only one can be a minimum. I then noticed that on my award letter they said my Weekly Council Tax Liability was £18.11, so having got a bee in my bonnet I checked my Council Tax Bill, which is £944.42 for the period 01/04/2013 to 31/03/2014 (52 weeks). For the record according to the Benefits department and going off my Weekly Council Tax Liability they stated, the total for 52 weeks(1 year) = £941.72 a difference of £2.70. I know it's not much but I am getting really wound up by now by getting no reasonable explanations, so I phoned the Council Tax Office and asked them how much it should be per week on my property over the year, you really couldn't make up the reply I got, "It depends how many weeks you work it out over":doh: I eventually managed to get through to her, that it was her department that sends out bills for a 12 month period, 1 year, 52 weeks ...... it doesn't matter how you pay or how many weeks you work it out over the property has a yearly/weekly Tax Liability. So she worked it out eventually and came up with £18.17 weekly Tax Liability. A difference of 6p to what the Benefit Office are saying. She advised me to speak to them about it as it was them that sent the letter, by this time I'm thinking there is a problem here, Council Tax Office, Council Tax Benefits Office and I'm getting 2 different amounts quoted from each .......left hand right hand spring to mind. So I phone the Benefits section and question the difference, and they said you would need to phone the Council Tax Office about it, I explained that I had and they said speak to you and she offered to phone them on my behalf. At this point I had already got a rope hanging from the bannister, so I just hung up sat down counted to 100 and thought......... what the hell have I just achieved. NOTHING.. I am no wiser as to any of my questions at all. Pete
  10. As title say this is the link on the Governments new website with further information on their: https://www.gov.uk/browse/benefits/families/support-services-for-military-and-defence-personnel-and-their-families and info from that site: Healthcare, Housing and Support Services available for Military Personnel. European Support Group for defence staff on NATO and EUMS postings ESG provides support to military and civilian staff and their families posted abroad in areas including schooling, medical care and housing. British Forces Post Office Find out about the British Forces Post Office services, how to address mail, BFPO numbers, e-blueys and free mail. British Forces overseas posting: RAF Akrotiri, Cyprus Find out about RAF Akrotiri, accommodation, medical facilities, schools, amenities and recreation. British forces overseas posting: Cyprus A complete overview of Cyprus and its UK bases, a guide to the island and employment opportunities for civilian UK dependents. British forces overseas posting: Episkopi, Cyprus Medical facilities, education, amenities and recreation options for troops posted to Episkopi Station. British forces overseas posting: Troodos, Cyprus Accommodation, medical facilities, education, amenities and recreation for postings at Troodos Station in Cyprus. British forces overseas posting: UNFICYP (Nicosia), Cyprus Accommodation, medical and recreational facilities, education and other amenities at the UN Force headquarters in Cyprus. Career Transition Partnership The Career Transition Partnership is there to help ex-service people to find a new civilian career or job and help employers to recruit the best. Children's Education Advisory Service The Children's Education Advisory Service (CEAS) provides expert and impartial advice about the education of service children. Defence recovery and personnel recovery centres Services and facilities providing treatment and support for wounded, sick and injured service personnel. Human resources for civilians working for the Ministry of Defence Who to contact with questions about pay, pensions, recruitment, training or other issues to do with civilian employment at the MOD. Information for service leavers The Career Transition Partnership helps people leaving the services to find new careers and jobs - along with a range of further support services. Looking after our Armed Forces There is strong commitment to maintaining the overall health and wellbeing of service personnel - even after they have left the services. MODCARE: the Defence Social Service Association MODCARE, supports small, non-national charities: find out how to nominate a charity, donate to MODCARE or take part in fundraising. Mental health support for the UK armed forces Mental health support and advice facilities for service personnel, reservists, veterans and service families. MoneyForce A financial awareness website for Service personnel and their families. National security vetting for the Armed Services DBS NSV provides national security vetting to the 3 Armed Services and other customers across the public sector. Pensions and compensation for veterans Up to date details of service pension and compensation schemes managed by the Service Personnel and Veterans Agency Recruiting ex-services personnel The benefits of recruiting people who have served in the Armed Forces and services offered by the Career Transition Partnership. Support for war veterans Find out about legacy health, recognition, return to civilian life, support from the voluntary sector, commemoration and payment schemes. The Battle Back programme Sport and training programmes for wounded, injured and sick personnel from across the Armed Forces. The armed forces covenant The covenant is a pledge made by the government to ensure that the armed forces are not disadvantaged as a result of their service.
  11. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/scotland-leads-support-for-uk-armed-forces
  12. Hi everyone, I have a bit of a problem I really need some guidance with. In Febuary 2012 my wife, my two year old daughter and I had to move out of our old flat due the adverse effect it was having on my wife's health, I took out some pay day loans to cover the moving costs (wholly intending to repay on time), However in March 2012 my hours at work were impossible to keep up due to my wife's increasing dependence on me and her declining health. I ended up leaving around 15th April 2012 and since then have been on income support and i am her full time carer. Our landlord served us with an eviction notice in May 2012 after just 3 months of living there because she had split from her partner and needed to re occupy her property. So this is where my problems start. I started working again for my old employer at the start of June, and left at the end of July. Total, it was around 6-7 weeks. I did this to be able to pass reference checks and avid the need of a guarantor (we wouldn't have been able to have one). However at this time I didn't inform HMRC or DWP or my work. So was being paid both income support and my wage, now this I admit I did because I had a heap of debts from the move before hand which i was unable to pay. I saw a selfish and massively short sighted option to alleviate the financial pressure at the time. But now we are getting close to the end of the tax year, and obviously both my old employer's tax returns and my tax credits renewal im terrified that they will see something wrong somewhere, and if im being honest im wondering whether I should come clean. I know I have done wrong, i completely understand that, but I can assure you it was not for greed in any way. It was my job to protect my wife and family and that's what I thought I was doing at the time. I care for my wife and daughter full time now, they both rely on me for everything, and i'm terrified of going to prison or getting a huge amount of community service because as my wife's health stands now I never leave her side. Any advice anyone could give would be a great help and I would be happy to provide details Many thanks
  13. Hey guys... so here my situation. Mother is terminally ill and has been claiming middle rate DLA for years. My grandmother had been doing most of the caring for my mum previously (she had her pension so was not able to claim CA) since I was working until August last year (left my job back then) I was then on the sick and claiming ESA until the start of Feb this year. As soon as I had recovered, my DR stopped giving me sicknotes and I had warnings off the ESA department saying my money will be stopped if I don't send them more sicknotes (I didnt send anymore sicknotes and thus assumed the claim was closed). That was until the infamous ATOS got in touch about my assessment. They booked me in for it in a weeks time and the letter actually threatened me claiming "if you do not attend your ESA payments will be stopped".... What payments? My payments had already stopped weeks before. I'm not even bothering to cancel my appointment with them, they can pull in their dr's and nurses and sit waiting for me and waste their time just like they would have done with me if I was still ill, getting signed off by my DR and actually attended. Right back on topic. I put in an application for carers allowance now. I thought about it and even when I was on ESA I was still helping out with my mum for 35 hours or more per week and now i'm better and not receiving ESA I am caring for her more often. I was told by some friends about a possibility of income support to go with it? I did tick on my CA form about IS but since I gathered they wouldnt be about in their department at weekends I have decided to phone them on Monday morning and apply. Just wondering if this is correct and I will get IS as well as CA and if so how much will I get per week in total? (Not on any other income, not in employment and have no savings or cash of any sort to my name). Also regarding backdating... I requested the CA to be backdated from the date my final DR's note for my ESA claim ran out. Would I be able to do the same with IS and request backdating from the same date? Thanks
  14. Hi I need some help Ive claimed income based incapacity benefit for the last few years, recently I received a A! income support review from the benefit integrity department and it referred to my 'income support' Now a few weeks later Ive received a letter saying there has been a change to my 'income support' and the amount has been reduced to £71.00 which is the basic rate income support. What I dont understand is why do they keep referring to my incapacity benefit claim as income support? it seems they have mixed up the 2? I should be getting the full rate incapacity benefit like I have for the last few years David
  15. hi i am on income support. my wife is on disability allownce and wants to claim income support, they told her that i must stop my claim first, my question is: if i stop my claim for the sake of letting her reclaim it, hhow this will affect our benefit (me and her)?
  16. Hi. Im a single mum of 2 children, aged 4 years, and 19 months, and im struggling. I work part time (16hours a week), and am really struggling to make ends meet. Both my children go to nursery due to me working, and its getting to a point where im just going to work to pay the nursery fees, and we have almost no expendable income. Im struggling to pay the bills, and am really stressed all the time. Im considering leaving work, but dont want to hand my notice in as i dont want to be left with no money at all if i cant claim income support etc straight away. Does anybody know if i would have to wait to claim, or can i do it straight away? Please help!
  17. Just a thought. Being "unemployed", on JSA and having to navigate the benefits system and DWP etc alone, could be a nightmare for some people - if not all of us at one time or another!! I'd be more than happy to arrange informal but regular get-togethers for people living in Chester where we can share information and experiences, offer practical support and advice. The more heads, the better really. Being unemployed doesn't mean we're on the scrap heap. I'm certainly not. I've recently discovered "Approved Foods" .... perhaps putting together bulk orders, therefore reducing delivery costs, etc could help lots of families to eek out their weekly benefits. I'm also really handy when it comes to recycling and upcycling stuff, hand-making gifts, cards, home cooking, baking, altering and mending clothes to save money. Incredibly practical .. child of the 50s, who crafted through the whole of the 60s and is still doing it now! (It's now my self-employment.) I also have a Hons Degree in English and a zillion years experience being a PA/Secretary, Property Developer, Interior Designer, Charity fundraiser and yawn, yawn, yawn ..... experienced old bird! It's just a fledging idea but I would really like to offer my support to anyone in the area who feels they could benefit from a listening ear, a cup of tea and a natter. I'd love to hear your views. Impecunious!
  18. I am in the support group for the moment at least. A week or so ago I had a letter informing me of the next financial year ESA payment (from April 2013 to April 2014) which will be the exact same £amount as this last years. Now the government have capped increases to out of work benefits to 1% I believe. They also said that those who are very ill or disabled will have the normal increase. Am I right to think that those in the support group should have an inflation increase to their benefit but those in WRAG will have a cap of 1%? Anyone know why my money has not increased? In real terms this is a cut to my benefit and I am in the support group. Anyone else had this? Cheers, UB
  19. Hi, I am assisting my sister who is a long term mental health sufferer who has (or had) been on IB for approx 5 years. In 10/12 I helped her complete an ESA50 as part of IB to ESA migration process and with help from this great site the form was duly returned. Surprisingly, on 15 Jan she received a letter from DWP stating that ESA was to be awarded without the need for a dreaded ATOS medical assessment/ interrogation. The ESA start date is 11 Feb 2013. The bad news is that despite referring specifically to the support group descriptors within the ESA 50 she was placed in the WRAG. As she is on contribution based ESA then her benefit will cease in 12 months. Further, she will not have the confidence to attend an work focussed interviews without being accompanied etc. Anyhow, I intend to lodge an appeal for her to seek to have her admitted to the Support Group. At this stage I simply want to express the core grounds of appeal with further and better particulars to follow. What is the timeframe within which I have to lodge an appeal at the Tribunal ..i understand its 30 days ; if true is that 30 days post the 15 Jan letter, 30 days post the date of receipt of DWP letter which was 19 jan, or 30 days post the ESA commencement date - 11 Feb '13 ?? I look forward to your comments.
  20. Hi everybody, I hope you can help. In May this year, after going to Tribunal, I was placed in the Support Group. The First-tier Tribunal document says: "The descriptors satisfied in Sch. 3 ESA Regulations are 15(b)". This is basically as a result of being fed by a tube up my nose for 12 hours a day. Is this a mistake? I fear not, having read around a little. There is nowhere I can put on the form my inability to eat/drink and being hooked up to a machine 12 hours a day, except for the other information, I suppose. Do I need to call them and explain that I am in the support group? Or, as I suspect, is this putting me back to square one so I can look forward to having my money reduced and going through the whole appeal process again - getting up tp date letters from my doctors and everything else? Or is there another course of action to follow?? Blurred:)
  21. Hi everyone, im new and extremely worried. i have just recieved a letter saying im to get a phone call, then a form called Limited capability for Work. last year I had a medical when the man came to my home for my DLA. will that be used as evidence to support my claim or will i have to go through this process again.? since the medical last year, i have been in hospital twice, with life threatening asthma, last time blue lighted and ended up being resuscertated. my asthma is triggered by stress and im terrified it will go again because of this worry. i have a stairlift, and saftely precautions at home eg careline incase i have an episode and an adapted bathroom. the medication I am on means i need a nebuliser 4 times a day. will they accomodate this if they see me as fit for work. embarassingly i also need a bathroom with a facility to wash my privates after i go. will they provide this, because i have a back problem due to the medication i take my spine is crumbling and pressing on the nerves which causes the problem with the toilet. im really worried because i look well to the eye as im proud and as im only 45 i dont want to give in to my illnesses. i am also on the waiting list for a nerve operation. any suggestions please and thanks in advance.
  22. " (ii) turn the pages of a book with either hand " Help please ? Does the word "either" in the above statement mean; You have to turn the pages with both left and right hands or, Turn the pages with right or left hand ? Thanks, I more than likely can't see whats in front of me so thought I'd ask .....
  23. I just got my form today, a little ****ed off to say the least as i thought it wouldn't be due for at least another few months. I was put in the support group in September (which was back dated to April, i think) and thought that would be it for a while. After calling DWP they told me that i would not need to send any sick notes in and should receive a form around March or April this year. When i called them this morning that said my review was due 2/01/13 and i should get the form back to them by the end of January. My condition has not changed and frightened that they will stop my money as this is the only income i have. Does anyone know what will happen once i send in my form and if i will be summoned for an examination. Also how long will this take from sending my form in to hearing something from them along with when will they stop my money? Also has anyone else had this form after being put in the support group and NOT had their benefits stopped, what happened and did it take long?
  24. I'd been on the Work related ESA for just over a year when I received a letter telling me that I was being moved to the Support group and my money would be going up. A couple of weeks ago I received a general letter asking me to attend a meeting with a personal adviser at my local job centre. This wasn't out of the ordinary to me, I'd received this kind of letter before. When I sat down with the woman she proceeded to tell me that she needed to verify my details to pass on to Avanta as I was on the Work related activity group. This completely stunned me and I could barely say anything beyond yes and no. I felt like I'd been railroaded into this without even being asked how I was doing or if I felt well enough to handle the pressures this development would cause. When I got home I checked my bank account and discovered that my money had gone back to the reduced rate for Work related activity. I wasn't given any letter informing me of this change back. I've emailed the job centre on their contact-us general email and explained what happened. I know that probably isn't the best way of contacting them but I get very nervous on the phone and find it difficult to explain things. I've yet to receive a reply, but I wondered if anyone here had any advice on what else I should do. I've had two phone calls from Avanta today and I was too scared to pick up the phone. That has probably made things worse. I'm just so upset and angry that nobody bothered to see how I was doing. Thanks for any information or advice MB
  25. Hello Everyone, I am on income support and in need of budgeting loan for clothes and furniture. Can someone please tell me if I can apply for a budgeting loan direct online and how long it will take for me to hear from the dwp about the loan! Thanks in advance. Helen
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