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  1. I have spent over 1 hr trying to sort out this problem. Briefly, my partner had a Barclaycard many years ago, got into debt, doesn't have a card anymore. Has a debt of £6,600 approx., although it was about £6,200 in April this year, Agreed payments of £16 per month were made to a debt company. cant pay anymore as income from self employed isn't great, also recently he is recovering from open heart surgery? I spent ages, time and phone calls calling Barclaycard and the two debt companies, Barclays say it is the debt company adding on interest which is about £60 to £70 per month, over the years I have sent lots of correspondence to those concerned when he moved over a year ago, He has never tried to avoid paying the debt, but realistically cant afford to pay all the debtors more than he can manage, as priority debts such as rent, council tax etc should be the main concern. It seems the debt company is imposing the interest and that Barclaycard cant do anything about it, Barclaycard even took £699 from bank account which was towards the 6 monthly rent due. Can anyone please help, suggest other areas where I can get advice, law or consumer rights information on this. Thanks
  2. Hi all Sorry if this is in the wrong place as you can see this is my first post I have recently been sent letters from barclaycard and a company called MKDP LLP saying that my credit card debt has been taken on by the latter company not having delt with people like this before MKDP LLP said i could set up a monthly card payment of 150 pounds per month which I have done. I have since read some horror storeys about the company just taking money from peoples accounts without authorisation. so I have a few questions 1 where do I stand with this debt now they have my card details? 2 would it be a good idea to try and reach settlement figure? If so what % of the balance should I offer The debt to barclaycard was aproxx 7000 and was passed on to MKDP LLP because I could not keep up with the payments kind regards P
  3. Hi folks, been reading about welcome and MKRR this afternoon as getting up to speed on this little issue I will have to resolve sooner or later. I took out a secured loan about 5 years ago with welcome and fell into financial difficulty a couple of years later due to sickness, no ppi. Debt has defaulted and ended and I have received Noa from Welcome and a company called MKDP LLP who claim to be the new legal owners of the debt. They have asigned MKRR as DCA and I have received a letter from them asking to make contact with them to resolve the matter. Im just wondering if I should be SAR'ing welcome just to see what they have because i dont have a copy of the CCA, can I still do that? Cheers in advance..
  4. Hi all i am new to all these problems and forums so i apologise in advance if i am not making sense or i am posting in the wrong area. my problem is that my dad is away for a month and i have been checking his mail. i came across a county court claim form against my dad for a sum of £1560 owed to barclaycard. i understand that my dad is required to respond to this within 14 days however what happens if he is not in the country?? the reason he has got himself in this pickel is because he tends to ignore anything he doesnt know how to deal with instead of asking for help. if i dont intervene he will continue to ignore this and i am scared of what the consequences will be. this is all scary to me. i can pay this amount for him, if that is the best course of action or do i have other options such as negiotating with mkdp???? i have briefly spoken to my dad and he has explained that he had missed one payment and the charges and fee added where extortiante, therefore he refused to pay. Instead of contacting Barclaycard im sure he probably just ignored calls, letters etc. i am really confused as to how to deal with this, i know if i leave it up to him he will continue to ignore this problem. can i contact mkdp and negotiate with them or is it too late for that? what would be the best course of action regarding the claim, since my dad tends to ignore all lettes i cant say if he has recieved any notices etc. i feel that defending part of the claim will be weak on my part hoever i dont want to just hand over more monies then i have to. hope someone can offer advise on this . Regards
  5. I sent an Account in Dispute letter (12+2+30) to MKDP in February and heard nothing since then until today. It may be a small detail but they have transposed the last 2 digits of the reference number they have used. They write: “At the current time we must apologise as we are still unable to resolve your query. We are however currently liasing with their client [the bank], and as stated previously MKDP LLP take great care to ensure that such matters are dealt with in a professional manner and apologise for the delay in resolving your query.” I was under the impression that a DCA could not continue to hold data for this length of time, any advice? are they acting unlawfully and is this harassment?
  6. Hi and thanks to anyone who can give me some advice. I have received the following claim and the POC are standard as I have seen already on this forum: "The claimant claims the sum of xxxx being monies due from the defendant to the claimant under a regulated agreement between the defendant and Barclaycard **************** and assigned to the claimant on xxxx2011, notice of which has been provided to the defendant. The defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served pursuant to the Consumer Credit Act 1974. The claimant claims the sum of xxxx and costs. The claimant has complied, as far as is necessary, with the pre-action conduct practice direction." Didn't receive any notice before action and so far I have sent the AOS (online) and a CPR 31.14 request. The only response from MKDP was a letter stating that I had a judgement, the amount being nearly double of the claim and that I had agreed to paying them £60/month by DD. They also gave a time limit to comply before enforcing through the courts. My details on this letter are correct and it also mentions the correct credit card number, but I immediately spotted that the claim number was incorrect by one digit. I need some advice regarding the defence, since I have not received any info from MKDP and the POC is very vague. Also should I mention this letter that they sent me or is it not relevant? The account in question was opened in 2003, a Barclaycard initial/basic ? with a starting credit of around £300 to £500 which was then gradually increased by the lender. The actual application form was from one of those self-seal forms that use to come in magazines/post. The last payment was around July/2010, and I was unable to pay due to loss of job (company went under owing me a substantial amount for which I eventually got a few pence for each £1 owed). The balance is less than 5K. I did have an offer from barclays to settle this for 60% of the total in 2011 but I didn't have any money. Thanks
  7. I have ( unfortuneately ) a Trade Pro account. I have had this account for approx. 4 years. The total owed is approx. £1700. I have missed a few payments in the past and this is probably the reason why it is so high but have been keeping up the payments recently. Yesterday I received a letter from Trade Pro ( on headed paper) saying that my debt had been sold to MKDP LLP and that all details have been transfered to them. MKDP LLP has appointed Compello Operations Ltd. as their servicing agent to manage the account on their behalf. With effect of the date of the receipt of this notice all payments should be made to MKDP LLP. Compello Operations Ltd. will contact you to arrange payment of the balance. Are Trade Pro allowed to do this ? Should I get in touch with Trade Pro instead ? These payments are really crippling me at the moment ( self employed, doesn't need explaining really !! ) and this millstone around my neck is something I really could do without . I must have paid this debt off five times over by now and it isn't going down !! Anybody got any advice please Phil
  8. Hi all, I lost my job in 2010, run up debts with Barclays and Barclaycard and now they've sold my debt to Lowell and others. It is a lot of money, but I would like to repay them and get rid of all debts as I have a job now. I owe Lowell £2,415; this was a debt from my Visa Debit, the overdraft was £1,800, so I guess they added some charges. The other debt is for a Barclaycard, £4,581, sold to MKDP LLP, original debt was just below £4,000. Originally I had less credit, £1,500 I think, then as I was in the middle of my job problems Barclaycard sent me letter, I did not ask for it, saying they had increased my credit to £4,000. I had no money and I spent it all. I'm paying my student loan as well and lots of other stuff, I thought I could set up a direct debit with Lowell and MKDP for £25 a month for each, but will they be ok with that? Will they charge interest on the debt if I start paying? Also should I pay all the charges as well or just what I owe? I checked my credit rating on Experian, and it says "Fair", how's that possible? I'm not even registered on Electoral Roll! If anyone can help me out a little with info or directions/links I'd be very grateful.
  9. Hello, this is my first post, as have made use of other material to get this far. However, I now need answers to a specific set of questions. I have a credit card account with HSBC, nothing paid on it since feb 2008. It has been passed through the usual subsidiary debt recovery agencies and has been the subject of two section 77(1) requests, one of which, july 2009 was passed back to HSBC, who then passed the account to another agency, who were sent a 77(1) request jan 2010, which was not even acknowledged, fee not returned. Suffice to say that nothing was ever sent to me to satisfy my requests. Earlier this year, HSBC sent letters informing me that the account has been sold to MKDP. It is my understanding that where a 77(1) request is unfulfilled, the account cannot be passed to another agency or sold to another firm under section 78(6) and as such is unenforceable. Is that correct? As this breach of CCA Regulations has occurred previously, the account now CANNOT be enforced. Is that correct? I received a letter from MKDP yesterday who require me to provide evidence that the account was in dispute with HSBC or will be referred back to their Collections Department. My inclination is to tell them to stuff it as they have already been informed that I do not recognise their having legal title to the account. Is this likely to be regarded very dimly by a judge in the future? How am I to square the fact that it seems to me that HSBC sold this account unlawfully? Should there have been a duty of care on MKDP as responsible holders of a Consumer Credit License to have satisfied themselves as to the legality of their purchase before the sale of the account? Am I even obliged to enter into communicative discourse with MKDP? Help would be very greatly appreciated. BD
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