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  1. Today i received a letter from ESA saying that my Medical Certificate was about to expire on December 19th (See the mistake) and that i had to send them a doctors letter by the 20th of December (second mistake). I only sent my ESA request on the 11th of January. I hadn't even sent them a form of Medical Certificate yet. Their letter is dated January 28th. To me this seems like a huge mistake on their part. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
  2. Unfortunately i have had the need to see my medical records. I have got the feeling that the GP surgery wasnt exactly impressed at that, but had already tried, however limited , to try to help with my request for help for what has previously been disscussed with me. I blame this on my bad memory and generally being confused. Luckily i had visited the NHS choices website and learned if my records had been accessed in the last 40 days i could see them for no charge. I wonder if there is a time limit when seeing my records? Does seeing mean i get to read them or have them read to me? There is a lingering feeling that they may 'sanatise' the records. I realise they can 'hide' serious things that can damage my health or mental state. I have interpreted that serious would be like 'patient has 6 months to live' or a serious condition thats been diagnosed but not been informed of. I think comments like patient is a waste of time should be left in. I should be able to ask if any information has been withheld? I would love to have the ability to be able not to go through this, but life wasnt supposed to be easy
  3. Hello All, again Further to my recent post, I have now had my medical. I now have a few further questions which have arisen: - Previously I stated that I last filled an ESA50 in nearly a year ago, I was called to the medical a week ago and asked whether they were able to call me without an up to date ESA50, I was informed they were!!! On being seated in the interview room, I was initially asked if I could move around on my own and whether I had a bad back and extremities, I replied that a few aches and pains but generally mobile. I was then asked why I was being assessed or what my problems were, something along those lines!!! I then explained that I suffered with anxiety, depression and I was recovering from alcohol dependency (no alcohol for nearly 2 years). I then felt that the interviewer, who only introduced herself as Ajiz or something like that, no mention of qualification or her position of authority in which she was able to conduct the exam. I felt that she wasn't really asking appropriate questions to my limitations, such as my ability to go out into public places, use public transport and enter social situations. She also didn't really question me in depth about my inappropriate behaviour while interacting with other people!!! Is it up to ATOS and hence DWP to find that I am fit to work through their questioning and my answers, or is it for me to prove my case by blurting out my worst day experiences in an interview when I am not being asked the relevant questions??? My previous medical in January 2010 saw every question imaginable being asked and me answering. I was given 12 points which was later increased to 15 points following my letter challenging their interpretations of my answers (using one of the suggested letters in one of the 'stickys' at that time). Now, with all the questions that I felt were not asked, I cannot really question they're interpretation of my answers! This leads me back to the fact that all my usual life's reactions were clearly listed on my ESA50, though this doesn't seem to have been looked at!!! I saw my GP this morning who wrote a sick note for a month despite me not having had one for nearly 16 months! Can this sick note by a Dr be overridden by an assessor who certainly didn't identify themselves as having a medical qualification!!! I stated quite clearly that I believed, as did my GP, my condition had deteriorated over the last 5 months and that I had been referred back to see a Psychiatrist and my medication doses had been increased!!! Any answers, thoughts or suggestions gratefully received Thanks, Cotswold
  4. ...in february. We filled out his form a couple of months ago. What is the procedure please? He has kinda accepted that he will be put on JSA. But what is the timescale of things happening. And what happens IF & WHEN he finds a job & they sack him because he isn't mentally capable of holding down a job at the moment? Will he find himself with no benefits or can he go back on JSA straight away?
  5. Hello everyone, I don't want to bother people with explaining why I am on ESA but I'm in a support group and go once a month there ..I went for a medical in December ..the Practitioner (or whatever they are) seemed fair ..she listened to me and took everything into consideration and ended with telling me that she didn't see why I should be put through more stress and to "go home and not worry cos everything is going to be fine) .. a week later I received a letter saying that my benefits where going up (due to being put into the "support group") stating "we have looked at your claim again following a recent change" What I want to know is .. is this a pass or will I need to wait longer to see if I failed?
  6. Hi all - I have a question really. Whats the general consensus when declaring past depression on a mandatory medical questionnaire after getting a job? I have acquired a little part time job at my university calling up alumni and fundraising whilst being at uni as I needed some extra cash. Its a minor job sitting down on the phone and calling people up, nothing more. Our contracts were being prepped by HR in December, but they said we could all do some shifts, I racked up only 18 hours and I have two shifts booked for next week. Recently we have been handed our contract packs and on the front page of the contract it says my employment is subject to "occupational health clearance" and included is a Medi-Gold medical questionnaire which has to be sent off. On this questionnaire is a little thing for you to sign saying your happy to have your medical records accessed along with your happy to have a physical examination. In the past I was treated for depression by the NHS and I know it is as a result on my record, however I left the service myself and i've been good mentally for a year and a bit so far. I was speaking to friend recently about it who also had a mental illness at one stage in their life and they said not to declare it as they didn't do so in the past and are still within their job now, I spoke to my parents who both told me not to declare it as and I quote "people don't understand these problems nowadays. I won't be able to get paid until I sign the contracts and do the medical questionnaire. Thing is I want to declare it as I don't want any repercussions later down the line, but i'm guessing i'm going to lose my job now as a result? Its not my first job, I have another job in retail and I didn't have to do this questionnaire so that's why i'm just generally unaware what would happen as a result of declaring it? Thanks for reading.
  7. Hello After winning my First Tear Tribunal Court Case for Social Entitlement last October, i am unsure whether i have to still submit my regular Medical Certificates. The Decision Notice received from the Judge does not state anything about 'not having to still submit my certificates', but my Decision Notice does state that the DWP should not assess me for two years. Does this still mean that i will have to submit my medical certificates for the Two Year period i won...? Cheers, Klantee
  8. Hello, I am currently on IB and have my esa medical soon. For previous medicals I've taken my husband with me, but his health has deteriorated a lot since my last one. Will it go against me if I arrive pushing his wheelchair? It won't conflict with anything I've put on my form, but they do seem to like to make assumptions. For my second question I need to give you a little background. My husband is seriously ill. Due to his condition he's not supposed to be left alone as he can deteriorate very quickly. Even if I had a miracle cure I couldn't leave him to go out to work. Under the current system, if I was refused IB I could have claimed carer's allowance and Income Support. I know a lot of changes are happening, would I still be able to do this? (My husband gets MRC, HRM. He does need attention during the night but not enough to claim HRC -at least, not yet). Thanks for any help.
  9. A family member is in need of the above but i have no idea how i would go about finding one. Ive been warned away from any no win no fee outfits. Many thanks for any help offered.
  10. Hi i wonder if anyone could advise me. i have been to my gp to ask for a supporting letter to send with my esa form. he didnt give me a letter but said i should write on the form that i am too ill to have a medical and it would be detrimental to my mental health and that if they need him to confirm this they can contact him. can they overturn my gp in saying that i have to have a medical even though he believes im too ill to cope with it. and will it help my esa claim, with thanks.
  11. I have sent in my esa50 five weeks ago. Just got a call today from a witheld number.They were saying my name and asked if I was that person, But the line was very poor I asked who they were but had to give up in the end as, The line was very poor. Do ATOS ring you from a witheld number.Or am I stressing for nothing thanks for your help.
  12. Hi, this is my first time here and have been looking on various sites for answers and cant seem to find any so I hope you dont mind me posting here! I had my medical yesterday (on a Sunday!!!!!!) but ATOS couldn't tell me what will happen next. The medical itself seemed to go OK, but as with everyone, you're left in the dark afterwards. Does anyone know how long it takes for the decision makers to decide on the results? I have been through cancer and am still suffering from the aftereffects of chemotherapy, but I suppose I'm lucky as I still have a job to go back to. The problem is that if I am turned down for ESA, I won't be able to claim JSA, as I would not be actively looking for work, as I already have a job. My occupational therapists have stated in writing that I cannot go back to work and I showed this to ATOS. I guess I'm really concerned about the benefits... if I dont get ESA or JSA, what do I get? If anyone could help, you would make my day and ease the strain of all this polaver!! xx
  13. Given that face to face assessments have now been conducted for some 3 years does anybody have a typical list of the questions asked by an ATOS HCP to determine points scoring re descriptors for part2 of the ESA 50 ie mental health and cognitive function.....or a link thereto. Questions asked post 3/11 would be of particular interest given that descriptors changed at that time. Such information should assist members to better prepare for the ATOS medical assessment, and moreover, be forewarned of the likely trick questions etc
  14. i had my atos medical at the end of august, i was moved from support group to wrag, i appealed and am now waiting for my tribunal, however today i got another medical form to fill in. my last medical was only in august, thats less than 3 months ago. anyway my question is, if i am found fit for work do i need to open a new appeal even though i have one open already? would this new appeal to be placed back in wrag or straight into support which i was appealing for in the first place? if i appeal will i be paid an assessment rate? i dont want to be forced into jsa. thank you any help is appreciated.
  15. Good Morning....... Wonder if anyone can give me any information or help as I am in a sticky situation. I will try and keep it short. Basically just over 2 years ago I had an accident at work doing something that I was asked to do. I started work as a teamleader over 7 yrs ago at a distribution warehouse. I was off for six weeks as I did extensive damage to my ankle tendons etc. They did'nt pay me full pay so I put in a claim and won. Now over 2yrs later the situation is this. We have just merged with another company. They are resigning all job roles on the one to one they said that I would be running the goods in area with all containers coming in. I said that I had no problem doing this but I would not be able to stand for 8hrs a day on my ankle, I am due and operation and it starts to swell after standing for long periods of time. The role that I am on at the moment is great for me as I can sit and stand as I require. I asked if I could stay on that role and they said no it will eventully be automated, which is funny because they are moving one of the other guys from the new merger team into my role. They basically did no belive my ankle was that bad and sent me to see the work nurse, she confirmed and they were still not happy with that and sent me to occupational health over an hour away and sent me in a taxi. When the report came back I was taken into the office and they said they were sending me home as the report says that it is unstable and I require a 15 minute sit down rest every hour. Went back for a meeting and they said that they would need to create a position for me and this would be a worst case scenario, been back to two meetings hearing the same thing asking if I would work in Slough or Sheffield which is 4hrs away, then last week I went back for another meeting and the HR woman was gunning for me saying that they could not find a job to create and the only option would be to terminate my contract on medical grounds. How is this? I have not had a day sick in the past two years. I think they are seeing this as an oppourtunity to get rid of a teamleader as they are in the middle of a restructer. My supervisor was my witness and in the recess break he said say you need to go you have had a phonecall, because otherwise they would have chopped me there and then. Just got a legal rep and he says that they are not following the correct procedure as they have not made any reasonable adjustments. Just put in a formal grievance against them for breaking the employment laws. My question is what are my chances? If it goes to tribunal will I win? I have done nothing wrong. I have been home for the past 4 weeks because they sent me. Any help or information would be well appreciated.
  16. Its been on the news that the government are bringing in a new law stating that if you refuse treatment for your condition your sickness benefit will be withdrawn. I have a brokin disk in my back and the only treatment is surgade a 40% success rate. I attended out patient surgery consultant who said my operation had a 40% success rate!!!. The other 60% is paralysis,Thromboses,death. Not a good outlook. So I have refused the operation. Where will it go from here I wonder.
  17. This morning i had a letter from medical servises, i was on low care till last month when it ran out . Atos are doing the assessment doe's anyone have any advise.
  18. Had the atos medical around a mth ago,not heard nowt,then i received a letter(IBM270 More information) from dwp saying that they have looked at all the info given to them.... there was a tick by the medical questionaire,a tick by the medical assessment but no tick by the doctor's certificate?? It goes onto say that based on this info u may not be entitled?..then... Before we decide if u are entitled or not,let us know if theres anything else about your illness/condition that u want to tell us about! For e+ample,tell us.. if u think we have not taken into account something that you have told us about your illness,or anything about your illness that you have not told us about already. If you do not have anything more to tell us Please let us know straight away lol If u have something to tell us Write to us At the bottom it says... We must get the information within 17days of the letter? It dont make much sense to me as they had loads of info in the esa50 and were told same in medical! Why dont they get all the info themselves as the history notes would spell it out clearly instead of relying on 3rd party info?...im baffled,what are they hanging the decision on?..your help would be great as 17days is now 15 days lol ty riggs. .
  19. I have been on IC for about 15 years for mental health issues,i have had counselors,psychologists and god knows different doctors. I live on my own with care provided by my daughter,i sent my form to atos about 7 weeks back and now i have to go to an assessment,i feel like i am dying,i cannot control my basic functions,i am physically sick a lot,especially during the night. this is my meds Chlorpromazine 50mg Mirtazapine 45mg olanzapine 10mg twice at night Zopiclone 7.5mg I am so stressed i feel i am being bullied. I have asked for a recording of the assessment and they say they have to get the equipment and will get back in touch with me. I do not trust them(atos)so i think i will still go to the original appointment date. Can i have any pointers to help me with this
  20. Hello everyone, First time writer here with a few questions needing answered. Quick background story is: I've been suffering from panic attacks and depression on and off since 2008 As stated in the topic title I recently lost my medical tribunal appeal and now have a few questions. 1. What would be the options after this ? From my understanding it's first of all to write to the tribunal to ask for the reasons and see if it is a error of law case? 2 a. When I write into the tribunal will I still be able to claim ESA until they have contacted back ? 2 b. Should I receive feedback and I wish to appeal again would I still be able to claim ESA whilst it's on going or do I have to claim JSA ? 3. If I do have to claim JSA what is the time frame for making a new ESA claim ? I originally applied on 09/01/2012 and failed my medical on 01/05/2012 and their decision was made on 07/06/2012 4. Should I have been entitled to the WCA rate from 07/06/2012 ? If so would I be able to back date it even though I lost the appeal ? I am going to see someone from Citizens Advice on Wednesday but would be grateful if someone has some answers in the mean time. Kind regards, SVL
  21. just had my medical this morning that lasted 15 mins i wasent asked about my day to day living and was very rushed i dont hold much hope
  22. Hi there I have just received my MRI scan results for my lower back & I have no idea what it means! I injured my back deadlifting in the gym over a year ago, so the lower back problem has been present for some time. Findings of MRI are as follows: "The conus is sited at the T12-L1 disk level. The visualised cord and cauda return normal signal. Normal visualised vertebral marrow signal. The canal is capacious throughout the lumbar and sacral levels. Bulky moderate multilevel facet OA present and this is particularly pronounced at the L4-L5 and L5-S1 levels. The upper 2 lumbar disks are slightly dehydrated but there is no compromise seen to nerve roots at these levels. The L3-L4 disk is dehydrated with a broad-based disk bulge and focal central protrusion which is small but effaces thecal sac. No definite compromise seen at this level however. The L4-L5 disc is dehydrated witha broad-based disk bulge. This accompanies bulky facet OA particularly on the left side narrowing lateral recess and there is some mild effacement of the left L5 nerve root in this region. However, there is a moderate left foraminal stenosis in which the foraminal L4 root on the left side does appear to be impinged to some degree. This is predominantly due to bulky facet osteophytosis. The L5-S1 disk is reasonably well-preserved. There is sacralisation of the L5 vertebral body. Focal high signal in the pars on each side may reflect some low-grade stress. Conclusion: evolving degenerative changes within the facets and lower lumbar disks as detailed above. Moderate to" (The report literally finishes like that... not sure what the "moderate to" was about to refer to.) Any doctors on the forum?? Can you advise?? Kind regards, Jack
  23. hi, am a newbie here, does anyone know where the medical assessment centre for chesterfield area is ? thanks in advance
  24. Hi folks, My partner and I both disabled, with lifelong critical medical conditions (not in dispute). Partner claims for ESA for himself and me as his dependent. ATOS give partner 6 points for movement and 0 for mental health or anything. Im going to appeal there decision today, and ask to go back to Assessment stage while appeal takes place. Does anyone know what rate we will get? Do disabled premiums get paid as well during this period. Any help, including how to start an appeal greatfully appreciated. JV
  25. I am appealing Ill Health Retirement at the moment with the help of my union rep:| At a recent meeting with my rep and manager I was promised a home medical from occy health (Atos) as I am too ill to attend an Atos centre 25 miles from my home. I have now been contacted to say that my employers cannot afford the 'bespoke' service as this costs £800 and I have been advised to have the telephone consultation or they can provide a taxi to the Atos centre. Without going into too finer point I also suffer from IBS along with many major chronic conditions which is why I am unable to use the taxi service to the Atos centre or drive there myself for fear of repercusions:oops: To be blunt I feel I have been pushed by management and union into accepting the telephone assesment. Does anyone know how much the Atos 'bespoke' service is? Surely it can't cost that much for an Atos doctor to travel 50 mile round trip for at the most a one hour consultation. Many thanks for any replies
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