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  1. Hi, this is my first time here and have been looking on various sites for answers and cant seem to find any so I hope you dont mind me posting here! I had my medical yesterday (on a Sunday!!!!!!) but ATOS couldn't tell me what will happen next. The medical itself seemed to go OK, but as with everyone, you're left in the dark afterwards. Does anyone know how long it takes for the decision makers to decide on the results? I have been through cancer and am still suffering from the aftereffects of chemotherapy, but I suppose I'm lucky as I still have a job to go back to. The problem is that if I am turned down for ESA, I won't be able to claim JSA, as I would not be actively looking for work, as I already have a job. My occupational therapists have stated in writing that I cannot go back to work and I showed this to ATOS. I guess I'm really concerned about the benefits... if I dont get ESA or JSA, what do I get? If anyone could help, you would make my day and ease the strain of all this polaver!! xx
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