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  1. The press are reporting a crackdown on nuisance calls with ever larger fines for the transgressors, such as PPI, onlime marketing etc. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2967040/Will-FINALLY-end-nightmare-nuisance-calls-New-law-make-easier-hit-firms-500-000-fines.html https://www.politicshome.com/home-affairs/articles/story/crackdown-nuisance-calls http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2865158/Britain-s-one-billion-nuisance-calls-face-crackdown-task-force-warns.html As DCAs engage in constant calls and texts even after being told in writing only, by letter I wonder if they can be snared in this trap, Arrow, Lowell, Muckhall Snotcall are you worried? No I thought not.
  2. http://m.bbc.com/news/uk-31545417 If the forthcoming Court of Appeal case goes against the Bounty Hunting industry then people should start getting their claims in fast. If the Bounty Hunters are obliged to start refunding all of their victims, then they won't have enough money to do it. The result could be that they start closing themselves down pre-emptively. People should consider issuing small claims for refunds without hanging around too long
  3. Hi There, I've just received a County Court Claim in respect of sum of money owed to a previous employer for a lease car. I dont want to dispute it although i think there are a couple of things wrong with it and will look to pay it in full before the 14 day deadline. My question is will this show on my credit rating that a claim was issued against me? Many Thanks
  4. I have been estranged from my family for many years. I have just been informed that my father has died and that my brother is the executor. My mother is still alive so I take it all my fathers assets are transferred to her My question is my brother being given access to the will when the mother is still alive The death is being registered in the probate office so all assets can be passed to my mother As wills are public documents, can I have access to this will from the probate office even though my mother is still alive. That is what is confusing me Many thanks
  5. long ish story grandfather remarried, v happy were together ages they both had same will if they die money left to other partner etc if after one partner dies the other dies within 30 days the estate is to be split between her 3 children and his 3 children. well she died 12 years ago, 6 years ago he decided to remake a will as his deseased wifes children made no effort atal to contact him or play a role in his life, so he left the estate to his 3 children, but did leave 5 grand to one of the children and 3 grand to the other two so atleast hes given them something. now he died few weeks back, low and behold they are all popping out of the woodwork one had even requested copy of the will, now they are saying they are going to contest the will put a cveat on the house and kicked off about letting him be burried in his wifes grave, how cruel and twisted is that!! anyway we know they cannot do that bit and funeral for him to be burried in his wifes grave will go ahead thankfully. any thoughts and opinions on this?
  6. hi everyone might sound a bit daft but.. . got a letter earlier in week ( a warrant of control!) to say i had to pay by feb 7th (today) or bailiff would come i have contacted company i owe and am awaiting email response prob be monday now am i right in thinking he will call today or will it be later if later i will hopefully have got agreement in place to pay company direct with installments thanks for any help
  7. Woah!!! Wonga will not face a criminal investigation after sending out fake legal letters to pressure customers into paying back their debts. City of London Police said that, after a ‘thorough review’ it has concluded ‘there is not sufficient evidence to progress a criminal investigation’.
  8. hi there im asking this for a friend whos in a sticky situation. Wanting to do a debt relief order but has a car to her name. it is this pictured. After some research i no cars have to be under £1000 but 1 valuation comes way over for her. what should she do? thanks a lot. [ATTACH=CONFIG]55697[/ATTACH]
  9. hi guys this is quite long winded so please bear with me ,thanks myself and my partner have been orange mobile contract customer for 15 years we had great service up to now my partner changed jobs in august 2014 and was paid diffrent time monthly ,so he phone orange up to change payments dates when our direct debit comes out the orange advicer said we couldnt do that but advised us to cancel direct debit and pay using our debit card for couple months then set up new direct debit with new payment date which we did now im aware our new month on our mobile contracts start on 8th of each month so bills must be paid by 4th each month ( we used pay on 20th each month before direct debit was canceled ,so 2 wks early ) on 1st dec 2014 we paid lastest bill by debit card and adviser set up new direct debit for 1st jan ( and 1st for every month after that ) on 3rd dec2014 orange sent out new direct debit confirmion that payment will come out on 1st jan 2015 and 1st every month after that in the post last week i noticed when i was checking my online banking that orange hadnt took there money on 1st jan yet ,i spoke to bank and they said direct debit was restained and was set back up and not to worry as it was matter time they take payment yesterday i checked my orange account online and said payment was over due ?so called orange up as thought this was strange ,the advicer said no direct debit was set up etc ,i said it was i had letter ,so i paid the overdue account on the spot as i dont like being late etc ,plus strange thing the advicer gave me £15 pounds off my monthly bill for next 2 months for hassel now its not hassel we worried about its our credit files ,im worried we get a late marker due to this ,even though a direct debit was set up they never took payment ,that means bill was 12 days late (we worried and furious as our credit file was been in fab nick for a year now due to fighting a 3 year dispute with welcome fiance over missed payments which we won and markers were removeed with your help) any advive would be great thanks
  10. Summary. Ordered a new tablet PC from seller on Ebay. 24/12/2014 Despatched from London Showed as being accepted at Derby town DO on 30/12/2014 Estimated last delivery date 5/01/2015 6/01/2015 still shows as being help at Derby town DO Contacted seller (US based) who asks ME to chase it up with RM...Erm NO. I am not the customer so my contract is with the seller. They have to do the chasing. Checked Track and Trace today and it shows as being delivered from the Hayes DO, about 100 miles from me! I suspect that once the date for resolution has passed and I contact Ebay, they will say that as it has been delivered, there is nothing they can do. We will see.
  11. Got a NIP for 37 in a 30mph zone. asking for a photo and camera calibration certificate. I've also stated in the letter that it's likely I will be travelling abroad for quite a while (up to 6 months), and don't know exactly where I'll be staying. I've provided them with the address of the first hotel I'll be staying in, and that they must write to that address or i won't see any correspondence.The hotel will forward any letters once I've stopped staying there. I'm concerned they'll ignore what I've told them, and they'll end up writing to my uk address, and I won't see the letters. Not sure what else i can do. Obviously not willing to name myself as the driver until I see the photo, as it could have been my colleague driving at the time of the offence.
  12. Hi,I recently just paid off my IVA six months early and I'm coming off my interest only period with NRAM who to be fair have been good enough to stick to it but in three months I go back to repayment increasing payments by £300 will NRAM extend my mortgage term to help reduce the payment. Cheers nafjor
  13. City Link customers are being urged to collect parcels from depots on Monday. The firm also said parcel depots would "remain open for a short period of time" to enable customers and intended recipients to collect their parcels. Sky saying one million parcels still at their depots. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-30621884
  14. This story appeared on Scoop today. http://www.inquisitr.com/1690876/if-you-dont-pay-tax-in-russia-the-bailiffs-will-seize-your-cat-miaow/#utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+google%2FyDYq+%28The+Inquisitr+-+News%29 The story bring back the stark reminder that taking family pets was indeed part of the initial proposal from MOJ way back in 2006. Thank goodness it was rejected in this country (but is still used in some foreign countries). I remember complaining at the time that such a proposal would result in aggressive action as we brits are by and large pet lovers.
  15. Hi, My son purchased a pay and go phone from Vodaphone on black friday (Nov 28th). He had to purchase credit and there was an offer of 2 months subscription to Now TV as part of the deal. The phone was going to be a Christmas gift for his son (my grandson). His wife was also buying things and got the Now TV deal on another purchase so they did not need both. Vodaphone sent a message to say they would activate the credit within a day or two. Obviously this was not much use if the phone was not going to be used until Dec 25th. He decided to cancel under the cooling-off period of distance selling regs and told Vodaphone via their chat option. They would not agree to this, even though it was only a couple of hours later. He phoned them and they still wouldn't budge, they insisted on sending the order out and then making him return it. In addition to this he had also been billed twice. He refused delivery and got the DPD driver to select "item refused as no longer required" on his electronic pad and it went back to the depot. He has confirmation that it was being returned to Vodaphone. Since then there has been no communication from them and no refund. The double payment was sorted out by the credit card company but they say they cannot do a chargeback unless my son can prove he has cancelled the order. We would feel happier if we could give them the cancellation in writing as they seem to be very reluctant to accept it, but cannot find an official e-mail address and the call centre would not give us one either - does anyone know who we need to send this to?
  16. I have recently been kicked off ESA by Atos, scoring zero points with mental health issues, I recently seen citizens advice which done the mandatorily reconsideration for me, I should have scored about 30 odd points but none of the questions that citizens advice showed me were asked, the mandatorily reconsideration phoned me the other day asking me questions, I got so stressed I couldn't do it so put the phone down due to my condition, she then phoned a few days ago telling me I still score 0 points I explained I got stressed and couldn't speak but that didn't help so I lost my cool with her and swore, anyhow I got the letter through this morning saying they uphold the original decision, also on the letter says that the Atos medical examiner said I looked fit and well and was well tanned and muscular, it was the middle of August of course I would look tanned I think anyone did the summer we had, I was even crying in front of her due to not seeing my children and my father recently passing away, but she lied and made out I was alert I couldn't even keep eye contact with her, but she said I did, what are you supposed to do go in there with a rope around your neck is it, anyway I'm thinking of appealing what do you guys recommend? i seen my doctor on Monday he give me a sick note for 13 weeks as he agrees I am not fit to work at the moment and said he was not surprised with the decision as they are doing it to everyone. Thank you
  17. Hi, My girlfriend has received a court summons for a speeding fine (36 in a 30) and failure to provide details of the driver. This has gone to court as the previous paperwork had gone to a previous address. We will go guilty to the speeding offence by post so what sort of fine will we receive ? But the failure to provide the driver details we will go as not guilty as we never received the original requests for them, so again we will expect a fine but roughly how much please ? My girlfriend is a low earner and takes home roughly £950 after tax. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
  18. Another from Scoop where a bailiff/EA has been threatened, this time with a gun: .http://www.getsurrey.co.uk/news/surrey-news/man-released-bail-after-bailiffs-7929055 It seems that more people are unhappy with the Enforcement industry, and is this a growing trend Thoughts?
  19. I received a letter last week from Atos telling me that I will need a medical to discuss any entitlement I might be able to claim (fine). It has taken them almost 11 months to tell me that, but to add further delay they say it will be at least a further 26 weeks before I will be called for a medical.
  20. Hello, A friend who lives outside UK has been using a well known UK gambling site. He has won a lot of money but the website says that as he is outside UK they have suspended his account and will not pay him the money. So, website is quite happy to take all money from him when he is losing, but then use an excuse when he has won to avoid paying the money. Any advice please?
  21. Hi, I wonder if someone can help me. My Mum has very recently passed away suddenly, and I've just come across a copy of her Will, which names her bank as her executor. She wasn't wealthy, with somewhere in the region of £20k in savings. Having just read through the information she had kept on the Will, it appears that the bank are going to make quite exhorbitant charges to act as Executor; minimum charges, plus fees for every bill they sort out, and more fees to transfer the residue of monies to beneficiaries, etc. I am 100% certain that mum would not have understood quite how much of her meagre amount was going to be taken in charges. By my calculations, once her bills are paid, and the funeral costs are taken care off, there MAY be just enough to pay the minimum charges of the Bank! My question is, can the appointment of Executor be challenged? And if so, how? Thanking you in advance for your help.
  22. I bought a bathroom tap from Amazon marketplace and received the item a week later. I immediately noted the item had dents on the chrome finish, as if it was dropped or impacted by a metal object. I also realised the seller was based in Germany. I wrote to the seller and sent photos, all communications going through Amazon. The seller was fairly slow and replied with single line emails every time. They initially offered a small amount £10 refund but I clearly explained that I wanted a replacement. Again no reply for a couple of days, they said "if you don't like the tap, then send it back and we will refund it". I gave the seller every opportunity to correct this, to me they appeared lazy and unwilling to cooperate. Then I raised the question of who will bear the shipping cost and where to return the item. The seller provided no return address to the UK and the only address was on their package for "Germany". Soon after and given the seller was being difficult to communicate, I contacted Amazon UK support to complain and raise the matter. They agreed to bear the return shipping cost and so I sent the item back to Germany with registered international post. For the record, the item cost was £60 and postage to return was £45. It may seem ludicrous but that was the minimum traceable package cost and that is exactly why I made prior agreement with Amazon. I posted a scan of the receipt with the cost through the very same email communication,and waited for a refund. A couple of days later I received a call from Ireland from a guy working for Amazon support (perhaps senior?) apologising for the inconvenience and confirming that the seller will refund the item and will pay the return shipping as well, as they should have provided a return address in the UK. Most importantly, that same guy put all of this in writing and confirmed by email! (Yes I still have it!) The item arrived at the seller three days later, who although having the reference code, delayed the refund of the item for five days until I requested it again. The shipping cost was NOT refunded. The seller is impossible to communicate with, they don't speak good English and give lazy responses. They do not even acknowledge the shipping cost. I have now been chasing Amazon UK for over a month with emails, which are being ignored. Also made several complaint phone calls to their support team which are always met with a confirmation the matter will be resolved, but nothing seems to happen. We are going around circles or they are mocking me. My understanding is that under Amazon's policy I have followed every step correctly to return the item and either they or the seller should refund the shipping cost for an item that was damaged to description. It is clear to me that under distance sales (now Consumer Contracts Regulations 2013) and even Amazon's own policy the shipping cost must be refunded. I have been shopping with Amazon UK for over 10 years and I have never had such a terrible treatment. Perhaps an article to the Guardian or a letter to Trading Standards will refresh their memory of their obligations to the consumer? Or action in court?
  23. Hello, I left UK in emergency with a debt of about £2200 on capital one card and 2 phone contracts... Now I m coming back to UK after a couple of months... Will I be stopped at airport or arrested...??? I have stopped recieving any emails from capital one and O2...?? Kindly answer me
  24. There are just too many unknowns, it would be very disappointng if the Scots decide to vote for independance.
  25. I have taken a new job and in an area where O2 have no service. Contacted O2 for advice to be told my phone was out of contract and I was told this on three separate occasions. Based on that I looked for a supplier who covered the area, found one signed up for a contract with them and contacted O2 for a PAC code at this point I was told I still had a year left on the contract, I mentioned my previous conversations to be told they made a mistake I have now been sent a termination invoice. I am reluctant to pay this as I went to another supplier based on the fact they told me my contract had expired and if they made the mistake why should I pay for that. Is there an O2 rep here?
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