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  1. Hi I am a Newbie to this I have had a long ongoing battle with HFO Services/Hfo Capital for over 13 years over a car I had on finance with Welcome Finance which was taken back by Welcome. I have today received a letter from HFO Capital demanding payment or they will carry our enforcement action etc etc. having not heard from them for over 12 months prior to this letter. This debt went to court over 7 years ago before I had found out about CCAs etc as if I had sent them a CCA request this would have not got to court in the first place and I was paying the judgment off by a monthly payment. the judgment is just about paid off now but the letter I received today shows a balance outstanding of almost twice the original judgment amount. I thought HFO Capital / Turnbull Rutherford have lost their licence to trade according to news items and threads on here. Can somebody help shed some light on this. as this is stopping me getting on with my life having to have my home and other assets in others names to try to stop them getting charging orders etc as they tried a few years ago and got an intrim C/O on my previous home as the house was in both mine and ny partners names my partner appealed to the court and the charging order was removed by the court I really don't wanto go through this again all I want is closure on this. Pleease Help!!
  2. Hi all, When i first got parking charge back in April, i found this site and made use of a company set up to help people with their Parking ticket claims They were very fast to respond and very helpful. I had already appealed to the parking company but they just rejected it and said I could appeal to POPLA but really not worth my time. They did not supply POPLA code. The Claims company contacted them for code but appeal lost due to out of date code - dealt with it, Claims Company got a new code and re-submitted appeal which won. Yay!, all dealt with. Except now, the parking company UK Parking Solutions has sent me a letter demanding payment and threatening Debt Recovery and extra charges. Is this legal given POPLA appeal already won. Does the POPLA appeal verdict hold up in court? Should I just ignore them or do I need to take action? Thanks
  3. I am currently in a debt management plan through step change paying off debts mainly to Santander & one to barclaycard. The outstanding balance is currently around £12k, it has only just come to my attention that once 6 years have passed from my default date the debts can no longer appear on my credit file. my question is simple.. .what happens if I stop paying the debts once they have dropped off my credit file?
  4. Might sound like a stupid question but here goes... In 2006 my wife instituted divorce proceedings. I was in a bad place at the time and didn't respond at all. I received a decree nisi and a solicitor's bill but I didn't get a decree absolute. How do I find out if the decree was made absolute? If it wasn't, am I still married?
  5. Hi, I moved in the house on the 27th July 2013 and we had a 12 month contract. This obviously ran out on the 27th July 2014 and we are still waiting for a new tenancy. I rang him 4 weeks prior to the 27th July to see if we would be stopping and to make arrangements to get a new tenancy sorted. The landlord said he has it in his diary and he would be around before it expired. But every time something crops up. Every single time he is meant to come something important happens and he never tells me. I find out by ringing him and asking if he is still coming. I rang him today and he never answered so I left a message. He rang me back two hours later to say he would be around today. So I cancelled any plans I had with the kids and stopped in. Just rang him again and again something cropped up. It is nearly two weeks now since our tenancy ended and its starting to annoy me. Any advice? or has this just been a rant and a case of me waiting? Cheers
  6. Hi I have a debt of around £500 with Marisota which by my reckoning is made up entirely of their £12 charges. Can you still reclaim charges or has it all been stopped? Anyone had any success with this company, they go by other aliases such as jd williams, simply be etc thanks
  7. I recently wrote of to akinika to settle a debt I have with them, I was a little cheeky and asked if they could reduce my debt by 70% (previous debt companies have done this with me in order to settle my account quickly ) instead of paying £212.21 I would pay £65, they sent me a letter back saying this is "not acceptable, however our client would accept £180.37" They have also asked for a breakdown of my income & expenditure which I have typed up for them, after I have paid everything out (rent, council tax, gas electric) I am left with £0 a month. I am currently a full time carer for a parent which I have stated in the letter so for now (due to being made redundant) I am not working and my income is all accounted for. What action can they take now ? I physically have no money to set up monthly payments to them, I am only able to pay the £65 as a family member is willing to pay this for me, but due to them being retired and on state pension they can not afford to give me £180. Can they take me to court ? If so, does the fact that I offered to make a settlement payment count in my favor ? How much should I have offered to pay them ? Any key information that I should add in my income & expenditure letter ? ** This account is for JD Williams for a catalog** Thank you
  8. I received a letter from one of the debt companies that have taken over a debt I had for £165 they offered me a settlement payment of £50 so I took this offer and I have paid the £50 The guy I spoke to was rude and very unhelpful! He told me that this account would show up as Settled instead as Satisfied .. If I were to pay the £165 then it would be satisfied, he then went on to ask me a number of questions as to why I could afford to pay £50 but yet I can not pay £165. So I am wondering what the difference between Satisfied & Settled is ?
  9. Hello all. Been following these threads and others as I am in the same leaky boat I have sent Erudio the template letter (not their own forms) requesting deferment and three months payslips as I usually did with the SLC. Sent it by recorded mail. They completely ignored it and sent me out a new erudio application form saying my own form was undated and unsigned (it WAS both dated and signed by me.) I set up a hotmail account to deal with them faster (no way I would use my real one with these people) will be sending all email correspondence by recorded mail also as backup. I told them I would not be using their form as it was invasive etc and they had enough info to defer me. Also stated I had no other SECRET income and would happily pay back the loan if I was over the £28k threshold. I am being nice. Also sent a CCA request by recorded mail as advised on various forums. As it stands they said this: 'We can confirm that we have not received your signed deferment pack in our office, and we are not able to accept a signed letter from yourself for deferment applications
  10. After 6 years of hell my credit file is now completely clean with equifax and experian but callcredit are still showing a default that should have gone 12 days ago! I've raised a dispute and they said it could take 28 days! Any idea on how I can get this gone ASAP!?
  11. Hi all, Background.. I took out a loan approx 14 years ago from the bank i was with at the time (HSBC) and payed all the payments until i lost my job a couple of years later. I thought the PPI would cover my payments but it didnt so i defaulted on the loan. This resulted in the bank also closing my account and eventually selling my debt onto Metropolitan Collection Services. I was unable to open another bank account at the time due to bad credit etc.. . but at the time didnt matter as i had wages etc.. paid into my parents bank account. Metropolitan chased me for a while and i eventually started paying a little each month via a payment card and have been to this day! I eventually grew up, opened a new bank account in 2009 after trying a number of banks, Natwest finally accepted me. I now have a family, credit card, bills etc.. and have run a free credit check through Noddle and the old loan debt from 14ish years ago does NOT show on there! Question is, do i have to still pay the amount each month via payment card or can i get rid of the outstanding balance with this not showing on my credit check? Thanks in advance, all info appreciated
  12. i have a debt from welcome that was sold off to lowell and got a few grand outstanding on there. welcome were absolute dicks to be so in no rush to pay it off now ym default has dropped off. so instead of the £200+ a month i was paying them im paying about £25 to lowell at the moment.
  13. my friend cancelled his JSA claim today and has appointment booked with his ingeus advisor tomorrow, he has asked me if he can still get sanctioned for not attending as he is switching from JSA to ESA? sorry to keep going on but he keeps asking me.
  14. Hi All, I'm still waiting for my claim form to come through, should I be concerned that it hasn't arrived yet or are others still waiting? I did call them and update my address details over a month ago, so there should be no reason why it shouldn't arrive. Thanks, Andy
  15. Hi this is probably very minor in comparison to many folks problems, here's my issue. Had a new mobile and number last Dec apparently it was previously owned by someone with debt who was being hunted by debt collection companies. Three of the companies accepted the fact from me that I am not the person they seek, MacKenzie Hall however don't. Despite sending me an email in June assuring me my details would be removed they are back at it this week. I have written another waspy email which I will send to MacKenzie Hall although only have two email addresses and would love to get the directors emails, however I may post hard copies as well for max impact. Does anyone else have this problem. I'm getting fed up paying to retrieve their voice mails as well as the slightly niggling feeling if they can mess this up what impact can they have on my digital finances? All too big Bro for me. From what I read on the net they are bullies riding close to the letter of the law, I guess they figure vulnerable people don't have cash to fight back? Just because you have debt doesn't mean you lose your human rights!
  16. Hi all, I cancelled a cpa i had with minicredit with my bank but today they rinsed my account. I phoned my bank and asked for a charge back they refused saying it was not a cpa payment it was a one off payment taken 3 times and because they changed the amount and the date when they took it , it could not be stopped. Ive put a visa dispute in and a complaint is there anything else i can do at this time. thanks mame.
  17. Won a PPI claim with LLOYDS for my son and without having to go to the FOS however letter from them stated cheque by 28 days no cheque and now its with the PPI back office as cheque is lost rang their help line got someone in the Phillipines who states no time line for money being paid but will be paid electronicaly when it finally is ??? You cannot even get through to anyone else no matter how you approach them it appears to me to be another delaying tactic and how many people are they pulling it on ?? Any advise as to what to do other than letting LLoyds get away with it.
  18. Evening all, I'm looking for advise on a statutory demand. Today I have had a letter through the door saying they have tried to serve a sta demand and will return on the 3rd Of October to attempt again, saying if I'm not in (which I won't be because I will be at work) they will post it and class this as served. Now I'm not sure what I should do next. I've not made any payment or acknowledged any debt for nearly 4 years but still quite a way from the 6 year limit. what should I do about the stat demand,
  19. Hi all, Need some help regarding tmobile trashing my credit file for the past 5/6 months now. I did make a complaint to CISAS but have just received a letter today claiming my complaint is outside the time frame for them, load of boll*** if you ask me, I never even heard of CISAS until this year so how could I make a complaint to them before that time. Anyway long story, short version here. T-mobile cut my phone off onto incoming calls only and this goes against the terms and conditions of the contract since I had written to them explaining my dispute and how much I would be paying and how much I would be with holding. These clauses are in the terms and conditions and I was so fed up that day when I needed to make some calls I cancelled the contract due to t-mobiles breach of there own terms and conditions. If they (t-mobile)have the right to immediately cancel the contract for a breach of the terms and conditions then so do I and that is what I did. Now t-mobile have been trashing my credit file with late payment markers, currently at 5 late payment markers now (August2013). I also lost out on a new contract phone from Three (HTC ONE) due to these markers coming onto my cca file, I have proof of this loss. I have now had enough, I want to take T-Mobile to court and make them pay for the damage to my credit worth and get the late payment markers removed. I am pretty good at writing letters but so unsure on how to word the POC for this claim and even what I am claiming for, default removal with damages to credit worth. Any help or advice will be gratefully received. Regards George
  20. Ok so brought a car exactly 3 months from garage, its a used car and i paid about the market value (certainly no lower) During the 1st 4 weeks i was noticing i was putting about a litre of oil in every week and the heat shield fell off (minor but still) and the air con and blower packed up completely. It was not leaking oil it was burning it. Contacted the garage who agreed to take it back and 'have a look' they did and 'fixed' the car. fast forward to now and the car is suddenly using a litre of oil a week again, basically i think they temporarily hid/fixed the problem rather than a proper fix, I think its burning so much because of the piston rings and all they did was clean the breather pipes out. So i got it, it went wrong, they had it back, fixed it (apparently) and now again its broken again. As said ive had for exactly 3 months, can i still reject under SOGA
  21. Think the Aviva folder needs amending as they no longer appear to have an online customer relations team who respond to forums. If they no longer respond to posts, perhaps keep the separate folder, but delete the description about Aviva responding to posts, to save any disappointment.
  22. Hi All, newbie here hope you can help. My partner had a debt from Barclaycard which was taken over by HFO in 2008. After some communication and threats of Baillffs from HFO my partner agreed to pay a set amount each month, which she has continued to do so ever since. In the intervening years she has tried to contact them to advise of change of address etc and also to ask for a settlement figure but has been unable to make contact with anyone from the company. During this time she has never received a yearly statement from HFO. We have since heard that HFO are no longer in business but the direct debit that is in place is still being called every month and being paid. Can any of you advise us on what we should do?? should we continue to pay or stop the DD. How can we find if the debt has been discharged etc?? We have checked her Credit report through Experian and they make no mention of the debt. Heres hoping you can help us out with some advice.
  23. I changed my name in 2006 whilst living in England and from then on-wards I did not make any payments towards my debts in my old name. I did not inform my banks or creditors of my change of name and have not applied for any credit accounts since then. I have been living in Scotland for 1 year and all of a sudden I have had Sheriffs Officers visit my address on a few occasions looking to speak to my "old alias. I have not acknowledged the debts at all, I have simply told them that there is no such person living at my address. My questions are: A. Can Sheriffs officers pursue a debt in Scotland that was built up in England? B. If so, can they pursue these debts if more than 6 years have passed and there has been absolutely no contact or acknowledgement of the debt either by phone, writing or any other method? C. Can I continue to use the same method to get rid of these peoples i.e. plead ignorance that the person doesn't exist at my address? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
  24. Hi All, hope some kind person can help me, my husband receives JSA and also claims for me, we receive 112.60 weekly along with HB and CTB, up until last week I also received child tax credit and child benefit for him, this has now stopped as he has reached 20, he still has another year to complete at college and the only money he receives is a bursary of £110 every 3 months which pays for a bus pass to travel to and from college which is over 3 miles away. We are not in a financial position to be able feed and get essentials for the 3 of us on that amount of money we get weekly, my son has been trying to get a part time job for over 12 months but most ask for experience, he took up voluntary work to gain retail experience but so far hasn't received any replies from jobs he has applied for, he will be applying to go to uni when his course finishes next year, Sorry its a bit long winded but trying to explain best I can,
  25. ]Just found this in a very old thread of mine, it was written by R&B after we had been talking about the fact that DCA's will hang up on you as soon as they realise you have become empowered and will no longer take their persistent bull. Next they stop phoning altogether, just as you were gaining the confidence and knowledge to help yourself................ Here it is, it might make you laugh............................................................. TELEPHONE HARRSSMENT, THE LACK OF.. Dear sir, i write in relation to the above and your complete lack of backbone when threatened with anything at all. I would like to point out that several other companies in the same business as yourselves take absolutely no notice of anything I say or write, indeed they take no notice of anything that the Courts, Office Of Fair Trading and even the Government say or write either, leaving you sadly lacking in the harrassment trouser department. I would like an explanation, on the phone. Please do NOT try and write as i shall refuse it at the door, causing undue embarrassment to the postman and, depending on the local trade union representative, a potential all out strike in the postal services. This would further inconvenience yourselves as you would be unable to send any futile attempts at frightening people into paying sums they simply cannot afford, by saying that you MAY send a chap who blocks out the sun at midday to collect our childrens toys or even our children, in order that they be sold to Madonna at some future stage should Malawi run out of 4 year olds. However, may I point out that I find it disgusting that recently, my children have not been woken at 9pm by your persistent calling on home and mobile phones, I have not received threats of CCJs, Charging Orders, possession orders or bailiffs ringing in my ears when I finally attempt to allow my eyelids to meet at 4am and I can have a normal phone call with friends and family for more than 5 minutes without the bleeping interruptions of caller waiting every 60 seconds. A situation Im sure you will agree is highly unsatisfactory. What I Require: I require you to put my number back into that computer algorithm which allows phone calls at intervals deliberately designed to annoy the living hell out of human beings. I require regular calls from your staff direct, such that I may explain, in full detail, my financial situation from the age of 17 to the present day, including the unforgivable exhuberance of a pic n mix in the summer of 1985, so that once finished they can still ask "so do you have a debit or credit card to cover the arrears today?" In essence I miss you. There is no chance of me paying you the sums requested as once I do I will no longer be able to receive those wonderfully stereo-typed calls from your staff and my life would be that little bit poorer (unlike my accounts) for not having to deal with you. Up Yours Faithfully (print dont sign) sorry Q, had a bored 5 mins...... [/size]
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