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  1. Hi, Can anyone offer any advise on how to deal with N-Power? I was with them for 2 and half years, and they kept messing up the DD and they sent so many wrong statements and bills. Eventually we were set up on a plan which expired in April this year. They then sent us an invoice saying we owe them £3400 as we have been paying the wrong amount even though they put us on the tariff and set the DD up. I've complained and complained and complained to them. I eventually managed to switch providers as they blocked it at first. It has now reached deadlock with their final say on the matter is they will knock £250 off due to the bad service but because we are no longer a customer of theirs we need to repay the rest within 2 years at £132pm. At the moment our outgoings are a lot more than our incomings so their is no way we can afford anywhere close to this. We offered £20pm but they wouldn't accept that and are now threatening to get a 3rd party debt collection involved, even though I have never signed anything to say they have authorisation to pass my personal details to another party. Their customer service is absolutely appalling. I am going to go to OFGEM but will it do any good? I am just worried now that we are going to end up with bailiffs banging on the door or extra charges being added. Can they really force us to pay £3100 even though it was them who set the payment up incorrectly? Please help, we are at the end of our tether.
  2. Hi all, I used to be with Npower for gas and electric got fed up with not getting bills then getting 2 at once or them messing about with payments. I left them for another supplier on 26/02/2014. I got a final bill from Npower on 4th March 2014 which I noticed had the wrong readings. The readings they had estimated were higher than the actual reading. (i took the reading myself on he day my supplier switched) i called them and gave them the new reading which would of meant my bill was less than they sent. The lad on the phone said they would amend their record and if there was still money oweing I would get a new bill sent out. 6 MONTHS LATER I get an email saying my bill is ready to be viewing please log in. I try and log in and it says my account is closed and I therefore cannot log in. I am now really confused. They have either messed up and the email is a mistake or they have taken 6 MONTHS to change my final bill and have now sent it out even though i cant view it. This is just a joke. i rang the number on the email and get told by a robot voice there is a 19 minute queue!! Ive hung up obviously. If this is a bill after 6 months surely this is beyond a joke its taken them this long!!??
  3. Hi, I moved in to the property in April 2013. In the property was very strange electricity meter with 5 tariffs, so I decide to use the same energy supplier like the previous occupier, it was npower. After 3 months the meter got broke so npower replace it by new 2 tariffs meter. Because of the previous meter npower couldn't produce me a bill, I started few complains, but without any result. I asked the Ombudsman for help. They spoke with npower and made a final decision that till end of July 2014, npower will send me a bill. Now it is September and I still did not receive my bill. When I call npower they keep telling me that they have a technical issues. Ombudsman is telling me that they can only monitor the case, but they do not have any power to force npower to produce me a bill. I am overpaying right now (by monthly direct debit), and I think, I can't change the provider, because this pending complain. Is there any other company or service which could help me with my case? Please help. Danny
  4. Just tried to contact npower but they have a wait time of over 1 hour! I thought I would try and get some info here first. we have a letter today from them. Very polite, apologising for not getting in touch sooner about a bill. The problem is that we have been trying to pay the bill. My wife has tried numerous times to set up a direct debit without success. The system will just not set them up for some reason, despite everything looking ok from our side. She has also sent several complaints regarding this issue. She has paid some of the bill via direct transfer, but, sometimes we forget, as nearly everything else is set up by DD. Now, we expect the bill to be quite big as this has been going on for some time. I'm just wondering what options we have. I've read about the back billing which might be a defense here, but if not, what are our options? Bearing in mind we have tried over and over to set up DD and complained about not being able to on many occasions with no reply. Thanks Lee.
  5. I recently had a new electricity meter replaced (at the request of nPower, our supplier) on the 10th April 2014. On the meter plus card the guy left it states: R (meter number) 39998 F (meter number) 04775 on the 9th July i submitted my reading online: 5247 On contacting nPower to find out my balance, she manually worked out the approx bill (39952 on 27th nov 2013) and based on the start reading on the card (04775 to 5247) This gives us an overall CREDIT of £700.00. She said it could be a few pounds either side, as it wouldn't be exact. On contacting them today, they have based on the bill on a start reading (on the new meter) of '0'. Is this right? Does the meter plus card hold any weight in respect of the readings? Is the reading on the card (marked F) the start reading of the new meter? nPower have passed it onto their 'back-office' which could take upto 28 days to resolve. but I was assured the manual reading was accurate (and certainly not out by £700) Please help with whatever advice you can please. Thanks James
  6. http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?407619-Npower-Credit-where-it-is-due.&highlight=credit I gave Npower some praise in October 2013.. the Customer Service rep recognised I was on a wrong tarrif and changed it without too much fuss, or so I thought. My new monthly Direct Debit would be amended from £72.00 per month, to £68.00 per month according to the Customer Service Rep. Which was a fixed tariff until 2015 On November 1st, 2013, I received a letter from Npower telling me my new monthly direct would be £10.00 !! I did send a letter to Npower asking what on earth was going on, even though they signed for the letter - they declined to respond. On the due date, the Npower direct debit was requested, for £10.00. The December payment crept back up to £68.00 which was the original quoted figure. Not long after that I was advised that my direct debit was going to be increased to £83.00 because my usage had changed - not that much it hadnt, but I assumed it was to do with the hike in power charges that was widely being advertised. So much for the fixed tariff When checking my bank account yesterday, I noticed there was a credit from Npower in the sum of £79.06p. Today I received a bill from Npower - it showed the following payments:- January 2014 @ £68.00 February through to 10 June each month at £83.00 Credit £76.09 On top of which, they say my new Direct Debit will be £61.00 ? So they have been over charging me by £15.00 per month for the last 5 months, my new bill going forward will be £7.00 less than originally quoted and all based on assumption of usage ? Meanwhile, each month they have benefited by an extra £15.00 in THEIR bank account. If you x this by however many customers they have, it must have made their figures look reasonably healthy. On top of this, there is a little note at the bottom of the bill that tells me if I take out their new tariff until 2016, I could save an extra £16.10 a year. I am not sure I could cope with more of their easy to understand tarrifs !!
  7. We moved into our new home in October last year. British Gas were the suppliers for gas when we arrived. A week after we arrived British Gas tuned up to replace the meter. we took a reading. 6 weeks after we had moved in we changed the gas supplier from them to NPower. We asked British Gas to snd us the final Bill. It arrived last week only 8 months and 2 weeks late but there you go. The bill comes to £131.54 - £21.92 per week. Our house is not a mansion it is a 3 bedroomed semi. Is this a high price to pay for Gas, as I don't understand the breakdown. My Gas bill from NPower which covered Chistmas, January and February works out at £15.97 a week. I just don't get how ther can be such a price difference. Theres no disputting the units of gas used but the price - we had no choice but to use them and we are paying for it now. To top it all today a letter came from BG Solicitors advising us we had 7 days to pay or else. Yet we have only had the final bill for 7 days.
  8. Hi folks, Sorry this is going to be a lengthy one. September 2011 After an unsatisfactory experience with Spark Electricity I decided to switch to nPower in September 2011. In the beginning everything seemed to go smooth, monthly payments taken out and meter readings reported timely, everything worked out just fine. Until.. January 2013 We decided to move house in January 2013. Between September 2011 and January 2013 I had been making DD payments on my old address without any interruption. As a result; there was a surplus credit of approx. £230 in my nPower account. We moved to the new house and I had nPower set up as electricity supplier. I phoned up the customer service desk to confirm arrangements regarding the move of properties. The new house was allocated a different customer number versus the old one. I requested a final bill for the old address (which was sent and had already been paid for) and requested the surplus credit to be moved to the NEW account number rather than putting it bank in my bank account (*now wish I had never done this*) Normal DD payments then commenced for the new account with far higher values than was required for the account, eventually leading up to nearly £500 in credit in my account. May 2013 All of a sudden sometime in May, DD payments started to increase (up to 3 a month, with the same monthly fee). I phoned up HSBC to cancel these duplicate payments as they were incorrect. Spoke to nPower customer service, they were aware of a problem and said they would address it. August 2013 nPower DD payments then fully ceased until August, where they attempted to take 3 payments in 1 go which I immediately had denied by the bank. Logging in to my nPower online account, even with the periods I had not paid my monthly DD, I was still well above the zero mark with a positive balance. September 2013 I spoke with the nPower customer service desk asking them to look into this undocumented and unexplained DD payment behaviour. Customer service employee instructed me to fully cancel payments and revoke my DD until they had addressed the problem. November 2013 Several months went by and I received a bill well in excess of £900. By now I am fuming with their incompetence to sort their billing out and lodged a formal complaint. December 2014 I've had enough of their incompetence and request to change suppliers to Sainsbury's Energy. nPower allow to let me transfer and confirmed they will sort me out with a final bill to clear up the confusion. January 2014 Spoke to customer services about the status of the complaint (no news from nPower). They requested me to send my HSBC bank statements to prove all payments made to nPower under the year 2013. I have contacted HSBC, got all the statements and e-mailed them through to them on January 2nd. February 2014 nPower write to me that they are still dealing with the complaint and offer me a brochure to contact the Ombudsman. March 2014 nPower contacts me to mention they have still not received my statements, which I then sent to them again on March 3rd. April 2014 nPower contacts me again to say they have not received my statements. I have transmitted them again on April 19th. After receiving a letter requesting to call them I phone up the complaints team and endure a hefty discussion. It must have lasted at least 40 minutes (on top of a 1h20m wait!). Conclusively this is what nPower states: - I have made payments close to £400 throughout 2013 - They deny of having received certain payments that have 100% been taking out of my HSBC account and I have the statements to prove it - They have an outstanding charge of £1340 (it took me half an hour of pressuring the staff member to come up with this number) What actually occurred: - I have made payments close to £600 throughout 2013 and have bank statements to prove this - I have moved the £230 mentioned in the beginning of this post from the old to the new account - Even if the charges were to be £1340, the outstanding sum would only be around £500 and I am more than happy to pay that - Additionally, £1340 is a ludicrous amount when knowing that our monthly average sits around £80. I consider £1340 outstanding to be fictitious as they can not back it up with figures. Nor do they acknowledge my payments previously made. For the life of me, I can not understand how hard it can be to simply produce a correct bill with a starting & ending meter reading and match that with the incoming payments. I am aware that nPower have changed administration systems during 2013 which may have to do with this massive c**k up ?! I requested them to give me an overall statement from the date of opening the account to the date of closing. The customer advisor denied this request saying that nPower does not do statements of accounts. I challenged him and asked him how they are going to prove the charge, which he challenged in saying that I can log in to the nPower on-line system and download every historical bill. I actually tried this yesterday and the on-line system does not allow me to retrieve any historical bill, but in stead comes up with an error. I terminated the conversation after not getting anywhere with such an inflexible representative. What next steps should be taken? I have not contacted the ombudsman just yet but believe I should do this sooner rather than later as it must be done within 9 months of raising the complaint, is this correct?
  9. Hello all, I have a bit of a complicated one here… 3 years ago I moved into a property as a tenant..tried to contact npower numerous times without any success of them admiting they are my supplier. After 3 years they came up with this huge bill charged for a business account (and meter registered at the wrong address). I do not have any idea how and why they opened a business account. It is not in my name but in the name of the property owners. They have agreed to recalculate all the bills using domestic rates and VAT, but it still comes out big. I have asked them to apply the back billing policy, but they said that because the account was opened (not by me) as business they can only apply back billing for 2 years and not for 1 year as for domestic accounts. Is there any reasonable solution to this and any way I can be back billed for 1 year back? I do not want to wash my hands clean of this and let the property owners pay it, but I do not want to pay the unfair huge bill. Thanks!
  10. After getting a new electricity meter fitted I have received a shocking bill I was wondering if anyone could give me some help and advice. On 17/05/13 a new single-phase digital meter was fitted replacing an old analogue meter in the communal hall of the Maisonette I live in. ‘Lowri Beck Services’ have been trying to replace it for years, over that time missing a couple of arranged appointments! Checking my records I have found that the last actual meter read NPower undertook was on 11/02/11 at 36903KWh and the last read I undertook was on 5/10/11 at 38480 KWh. The reading taken upon fitting the new meter on 17/05/13 was 52842 KWh. I have therefore taken the spread of excess KWh owed as the difference between the last actual NPower reading date (11/02/11) and the date of the meter change (17/05/13 ). In order to work out the cost am I right in assuming the excess units should be spread out over this period? The last bill I paid was £149 up to 42372 Kwh estimated used, date 19/02/13. Therefore I work out the excess units as follows: 52842 – 42372 = 15939 KWh over 27 months (17/05/13 – 11/02/11) . The next bill I received was £1562.62 for the excess units generated by changing the meter, estimated meter readings and dates of 41843Kwh 07/02/12 until 52842Kwh 16/05/13 therefore: 52842 – 41843 = 10999Kwh over 15 months (16/05/13 - 07/02/12) I don’t know why they have taken the estimated excess start date as 07/02/12 rather than the last actual read on 11/02/11 or my read on the 05/10/11. I also don’t know why NPower used the meter reading 41843Kwh as the start of the excess Kwh rather than the meter read of 42372 Kwh that I have already paid up to, an overcharge of 305Kwh. Am I eligible for the 12 month back-billing restriction? Would this be taken as 12 months prior to the bill for the excess units of £1562.62 (which was reversed) or from the last bill I have actually been asked to pay, rather than been reversed (I still haven’t received one as yet!)? Answers to the above questions would be really useful and any help in how I go about structuring a response to NPower would be gratefully appreciated. Ps any advice as to where to address letters would be great, my account is currently under review by the complaints team due to informing NPower of the problems via telephone.
  11. Hi all, Could some one please give me some advice on a problem with Npower that I have. In May 2013 I used Uswitch to change my gas supplier from British Gas to Npower. As far as I knew at the time the switch went through and Npower started to send me bills and take my monthly direct debit from my bank account and I always paid on time. At the end of december 2013 British Gas sent me a letter stating that they were going to cut of my gas and elec for non payment of bills. I immediately rang Npower and asaked them what was going on as I had dutifully paid my gas and electric on time. Npower said the account was definitely with Npower and that I should call british gas, which I did. British gas confirmed to me that they had never given ownership of the account to npower and it was not their problem, "and by the way we have been reporting your missed payments to the credit reference agencies and if you do not pay £££'s now we will arrange for a DCA to come and steal your belongings". I then paid up the minimum payment they would accept there and then and set up a payment arrangement with them. Worst of all as it was a standard rate it was more than what it would have been had i actually been on Npower's tarriff. I then called Npower and asked them what the hell they were doing and asked why they have been taking my money by direct debit if my account is with British Gas - They could give me no answer. I started a complaint with them and expected the matter to be resolved immediately especially as they have hundreds of my hard earned pounds in their coffers. 6 weeks later and I had heard nothing back. I called Npower again to ask where my money was and they said that they were waiting for British Gas to release the account and would credit the overpayment to my account. I never told them that I wanted to be with Npower (why would I after all this?) So it now turns out they are trying to take over my account and lo and behold BG ask for a final repayment on what is still owed - which i don't have. I have 2 more weeks to go before i can invoke the wrath of ofgem (8weeks after initial complaint) and it has gone so far that i want to nail Npower to the wall for this given the stress it has caused me and my partner and the fact that Npower still have 6months worth of my utility bill cash which i need to pay off British Gas. I've been having a look around the site and can't find a similar thread so any advice welcome. Thanks.
  12. hi guys Wonder if you can all help me please. n power are currently threatening to install a prepay meter in my home due to not being able to afford there bills this has been going on for years. We was in alot of arrears few years back which we was paying on standing order every 4 weeks without fail and our bills was coming down nicely then out of the blue they said that standing order was no longer a recognized payment and we should now pay by direct debit. I explained that my husband gets paid 4 weekly and if we set up direct debit then they are unlikely to get the money but they insisted so we switch to DD and they failed to get money due to other bills taking it. We had a visit from someone on behalf of n power and after showing them all the letters and explained to them the circumstances they just walked out apologizing saying he can not enforce anything due to them changing payment and us paying for over a year by standing order. Can anyone advise on what to do because im really getting stressed with all the threatening letters with court and prepayment meters im not refusing to pay but they now want £200 a month electric and £150 gas a month and there is no way i can afford that :-x:-x:-x:-x
  13. This is quite a story Think it best if I do it in bullet points Sorry for the long post... Been supplied with Electric by Npower since 05/07/.08 Always paid up on Direct Debit Always had large bill Sept 2013 Bill was so huge they wanted a monthly duel fuel sum of £274 Sept 2013 Asked if Meter was wrong the y said very unlikely Oct 2013 spoke to energy Advisor and kept daily records of consumption using more at night than daytime!! They kept saying that cost £90 to do a meter check (trying to dissuade me) but decide to go ahead. Guy comes twice to install a check meter but cant due to a black circuit breaker. Meter is housed in box outside and in January 2014 display disappears. On third visit meter deemed broken and new one ordered. New Meter installed and I monitor it only using 9- 12 units a day. N power after struggle agree to pay refund of over metered amount will total £2000+ My online account all bill prior to 2012 deleted although I have some going back to 2009 on computer Complete mess of online account as repeatedly recalculated Special bill of £700 paid by me in 2009 as we had high bill. I just paid it although needed to go to family for financial help I am disabled with many health problems and paying my energy bill has always been a struggle Should I get compensation for worry stress and suffering from N power in addition to my refund??? The excess consumption should trigger a flag system on the computers so any large consumption for size of property can be evaluated and also vulnerabilities of customers should be flagged. Advice please should I take this all the way to the ombudsman? that will make a refund on the electric and I will accept that but I really think they need to be brought to book over this.
  14. Utility companies are getting bashed from all sides at the moment, I thought for once it might be nice to give a positive comment. Npower is my supplier. I have received a letter regarding the price increases. Being slightly confused about a 2 meter tariff (night/day) which I thought no longer existed, I telephoned to see what it was all about. The waiting time, I was told by the automated respondent was between 21 and 46 minutes.. gulp..!! no matter, the AR continued - we can telephone you back - you will not lose your place in the queue. Which they did and less than 15 minutes later, I was talking to an extremely helpful young lady who not only explained that I had misunderstood the 2 meter reading (that I was actually still on this tariff) but has also switched me over to a one meter reading tariff that, even with the increase in prices will not cost me more than I am already paying currently. There appears to be some good deals for existing customers - fixed until either 2015 or 2017. So, thank you Npower
  15. The bills in my flatmates name, but they don't live at the property anymore, and npower has sent that they are considering getting a warrant of entry, however we requested a payment card in november and this still hasn't come. what can we do?
  16. Hi was wondering whether someone could advise me please. Below may be long but bear with me. I moved into my rental property back in Sept 12. After contacting NPower to carry on supplying the property they informed us that it wasn't them previously. After contact Southern Power they informed us to check the suppliers website and low and behold NPower supplied the property. We contacted NPower again to then be told it was them. We set up the account for Dual Fuel and the Direct Debit to what we normally pay which was £120 pcm. Thought nothing of it and a DD went out for only £40 but thought this was a part payment. During this period we still received mail from NPower for the previous tenant after contacting them on numerous occasions i was told to return the letters back to them and after a month they would stop. . It wasn't until December that i noticed no payment for Nov was taken and none for December itself. Contacted NPower to find out the account hadn't been created correctly and that it still appeared in the previous tenants name. I was told they would correct it. On the 27 Dec i received a letter from Debt Collectors for the previous occupiers. I again contacted NPower to verbally complain about the service received. I was told that the account still hadn't been recreated correctly and that it would be corrected. I spent a fair amount of this day discussing this issue. Again in Jan 13 no payment went out so contacted them again. I spoke to the Customer Services Onwatch Manager who apologised and assured me that the direct debit would be set up for £120 as discussed. I also discussed the outstanding amount from Oct 12 and was told that my account was currently not showing this amount. I waited until Feb 13 and no payment was taken this time i contacted the Complaints Dept and spoke with them. I discussed my concerns about a large bill due to there incompetence and was basically told to suck it up!! The DD was created but i was told it would be Apr 13 before the first payment would be taken. Low and behold a week later a payment of £120 was taken which crippled me for the next month. I contacted Ofgem who told me to write a complaint before they would it involved. I wrote my letter and received a response to contact them. This i did and got a slightly different response to last time contacted them. They apologised stated that the amount from Sep 12 - Feb 13 was not showing on the account and offered £40 as compensation for my trouble. I received a few bills and all was normal until today when i received a bill for nearly £900. I contacted them today and the initial response was "and what do you want me to do about it" however after giving them new readings i was told there was nothing they could do until a new bill was generated. I also informed them that my husband was about to lose his job on the 16 Jul 13. What can I do?? I begrudge pay these clowns as i feel they are at least 75% responsible for this. I was the one doing all the chasing after all.
  17. Hi, I signed up with NPower, but shortly after changed my mind and went with Spark Energy, as they offered a better deal. The gas ended up with Spark, but NPower took control of the electricty account. This was pretty cheeky of them because they did send me a letter saying they knew I had gone for a different company, so just ignore their letters and the account will end up with Spark Energy. This was now 1 year ago. I have had correspondence with NPower, and they admit they got it wrong, and also promise to transfer the account over to Spark Energy, which they have failed to do. In the meantime I am paying Spark Energy by direct debit and the account is way in credit, because I am not actually paying Spark Energy for electricity yet... I have kept good records of all of this,including meter readings and all the leters. NPower sent me a voucher for £20 to appologise for taking so long, but I did not spend it, as I don't want to take anything from them which might indicate that I am in any way happy with the situation. Its getting pretty boring phoning them up to hear their empty promises. NPower people keep coming round and asking to read my meters. I send them away empty handed. What should I do? Time to write to the ombudsman? Thanks for your help. Rupert Smith
  18. Hi there, I currently have a problem with Npower of which I have already turned to the Ombudsman and have filed a complaint. I contacted Npower in May and notified Npower I had been there since February, they told me this wasn't a problem and they would get the account set up in my name, I also supplied my readings for when I moved in at this time. A month went by and I hadn't received a welcome package, I called them and asked what the hold up was, they apologized and said the account should be set up soon. Shortly after this I started to get letters threatening forced entry into my apartment (all addressed to the Occupier). I contacted them to tell them that I was still waiting for an account set up in my name and was waiting for them to send a bill in my name, it took many phone calls but eventually Npower called off the debt collectors (after all I don't even think you can get a court order against the Occupier). I called them every month right up until November when they finally set up an account in my name, they also gave me a bill for around £1200. I called them up to see if they would reduce the bill considering that they had taken so long to set up my account and had raised the prices during the time this account was stuck in limbo. They offered to reduce the bill by £70 and set up payment plan which would have me tied to them for around 2 years. As you can imagine I have no interest in being tied to a company that cannot write my name on a bill for more than 6 months. I cant afford to pay the whole bill in one go (the most I can manage is £800) so to avoid a payment plan (of which they mentioned that they would block me from trying to change supply while there was an outstanding balance with them) I contacted them and made an offer to resolve the case, I offered them half of the balance that they asked for which I would pay immediately upon receiving the ok in writing so that I could close the account and switch supply, I put in my mail that I feel as though they are trying to trap me into a contract with them for a 2 year payment plan in order to pay the balance and that I did not have the chance to change my supply since they didn't set up an account for me in my name. I said in this mail that I if we cant come to an agreement I would contact the Ombudsman to resolve the case. They contacted me back saying my request was totally unreasonable and that I was free to contact the Ombudsman (they even included a flyer with the number for them in their mail). They have demanded that I call them to set up a payment plan with in 10 working days or else it would go over to a debt collection agency. The kicker with this is that they haven't even taken my readings, they called me once before they sent their final stance on the issue, I gave them the gas reading fine, then when they asked about the electric, the guy on the phone kept giving me a serial number that didn't appear on my box, so they said they would send someone out, which never happened. So all this is based on estimated readings. I am in a place where I can either try and pay the amount that they are asking and wait and see what the Ombudsman say, or I can not pay them until the case is settled. What should I do in this situation? Kind Regards, Matt
  19. just a bit confused at the moment, my mother recently put £10 of credit onto our gas meter and usually we get about £3.50 of credit and the £6 emergency is paid back.. but this time round we got the £3.50~ of credit but the LCD states "emergency credit used" when it had just been repaid, this is the first time it's happened.. does anyone have a clue why it won't allow us to use emergency credit? cheers
  20. Hi. I'm new to the forum. I just need some advice. I am in the process of taking NPower to court because of billing mistakes for several years. I started the claim in May 2013. I was already awarded judgement in August due to NPwer not returning their defence in time. However, they successfully applied to the court to have it reversed. The same thing happened when they did not return the Directions Questionnaire in time. The court gave them another week to file it. (Which they did) Three weeks ago, I received a letter from the court to say that the case had been struck out. I was fuming after all this time. I applied to the court to have the case re-instated, and I have been given a 20 minute court date for the end of January. My main questions are, what happens at the court? do I need to take anything with me, and what will the judge expect me to say or do. Will NPwer be at this Application Hearing? As you can tell, I have never done anything like this before. I would appreciate any advice. Thank you.
  21. Hopefully this is an easy one for the brains on here.... As I am sure some of you know NPower have been having problems with their magical new computer system... This meant not taking payments from me. Then it meant me building up a £500 or so debit So they took it upon themselves to set me up a payment plan for £50 on a seperate direct debit with no call or advice to myself or from myself. On the assumption this is wrong...where do I stand? Doesn't the direct debit thing they always read to you over the phone stop this kind of thing happening? thanks in advance...
  22. i have issued court proceedings against npower , who harassed me for a bill that i did not owe , and they have even mislead the court on court papers , has anyone else out there taken npower to court ?
  23. email: executive.complaints@npow er.com [no spaces] dx
  24. Npower are now increasing direct debits without any prior notification. My direct debit was increased by £25 this month and according to someone on their complaints team today it is legal to do this without notifying the customer. When I told them I'd had no email or letter announcing their intention I was told 'we applied a notification on your account'. I'm not in debit to them and I have an online account for duel fuel. What makes things worse is that two days ago I rang them and discussed the tariffs and told them I'd wait a while before deciding any changes. Nothing whatsoever was said about the increased charge. I am incandescent with anger at this daylight robbery. I understood the direct debit guarantee stipulated a 10 day notice period before changing amounts. Or are Npower assuming they can just rip up the rule book and do what they like??
  25. started 2-3 days ago on a mobile phone not used for over 3yrs as theres no signal in the depths of remote Scotland. the mobile co put up a new mast, hey it works now! got numerous calls from 01214235640 looked them up on whocallsme , thought just to leave it. as [problematic] by the looks of things. well I thought i'd have fun tonight . they just phoned answered it asked for mrs DX I said dunno where you got that name from I got this phone at a bootsale last week. she said, no worries, i'm from NPOWER, and we've identified YOU are on the wrong Tarrif & that you ALSO have unclaimed PPI!! now i'm not that THICK!! how the bugger can she know that about an anon person that answered a phone brought at a bootsale that she does not even know who it is?? so I asked what Tarrif I was on..... she said to confirm that she'd need a number off of my electric bill. I said sorry cant do that.... well I cant help you if you don't... what do you mean... we've no mains powers, we run on a community generator, you do realise this is the isle of XXXXXX of the Scottish coastline..theres only 5000 live here. oh ok she says... what about this PPI you have not reclaimed she said... what PPI on what sorry.. well you have a credit card.. do I , you don't even know who I am dear... oh go away off she said line went dead I wonder what NPOWER have to say about this ..... dx
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