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  1. Just as a query Scenario; DCA collect on a debt, alleged debtor, stops paying and fills DCA's mailbox with CCA's Sar's, nothing provided, DCA keeps reqesting payment even though they have not provided paperwork, in the end the allged debtor says file for court or bugger off. 4 Years later since the last correspondence and out of the blue a court summons lands on the doormat of the alleged debtor from the DCA. Defence is filed, no admission within the counter defence is given, debt is denied. The DCA acknowledge receipt of the defence via the online court system and the next move is theres. ..regular checks are made on the court website, no letters from the courts are received and as such the case does not head to court, it's not stayed, no application from the defendant is made to stay/strike it out or whatever the terminology is but thats where it stayed. 7 years from the last payment made and 3 years from the intial court summons/counter defence being filed and and still nothing heard. is it right to assume that it's now stat barred anyway and that no clocks are reset when filing a counter defence in a court actin where no admission or acceptance of the debt is given is said defence? I know the answer but it would be nice if it could be confirmed? The alleged debtor was considering going back to the court to have the original application struck out , but I see no sense in that. Deb
  2. My first contribution to this site. I owe the Co-operative Bank money on a credit card and had problems with repayments. They were being quite unpleasant about it (I had asked for a 'breathing space') in one week claimed to have passed my debt onto a collection agency and then said they were taking me to court. I wrote to the CEO Niall Booker and he sorted things out and I received an apology and a cheque for £75. its worth going straight to the top. I also discovered that Phil Burrows who I received a lot of post from doesn't actually work there anymore! Is this normal for a bank to continue using the name of an ex-employee on their letters? Does Phil Burrows know?
  3. Hi guys, loving this site for information. Apologies if I'm flogging a dead horse here as I've seen some threads about CRS and people being chased for "unpaid" gym fees. I'm just looking for any information how people have got on. Long story short, I was contacted by CRS approx two years ago regarding a default £20 payment from my old gym surprise surprise excercise4less. My apparent debt was now £106 after CRS fees had been added on. I lettered them back saying in my opinion I had submitting my last payment on time and cancelled in writing. We sent a couple of letters back and forth but as I wouldn't recognise the debt, they eventually forwarded it on to a recovery agency who I refused to engage with. They sent one letter telling me they would reduce cost to £76. Over a year has passed (in this time I threw out all kept correspondence) now CRS have emailed me twice , the later threatening me by contacting a named solicitor. Has anyone got to to this stage? And what's next? Finally I like a good fight as much as they next guy and I'll gladly have my day in court Out of interest tho if I lost how much can they legally claim from me? Am I entitled to pay thousands in legal fee's? Any help would be much appreciated Thanks
  4. Hello and happy new year! I have recently noticed from my bank statements that in 2011, a deposit for a flat was never paid back. It was £400 holding deposit, £50+VAT admin fee and the rest and £87+VAT referencing. The contract I have on email states non-refundable if the letting is 'frustrated', and defines that as, if credit info is withheld from the application OR if I cancel the letting. The agent actually cancelled the letting, and no referencing was carried out because I checked with the referencing agency. So I did not 'frustrate' anything and never moved in. Yet all the money was kept. I was planning on writing a letter before action for the full amount of £565(approx) plus 8% interest from 2011, and giving 2 weeks/10 working days to repay. (I went to the Property Ombudsman website and if I go through them the process looks to be much longer and more complicated). So hopefully this can all be resolved in a couple of weeks. Is this the best course of action? Thank you for reading!
  5. Had a letter off Restons back in November telling me to set up a payment plan for an alleged credit card I had with Halifax for £13500 I can't recall any card I had with an amount like that on it. I rang them up and said I had a letter stating that I needed to set up a payment and asked them to send documents to prove i owed the alleged debt. The woman was very evassive and kept saying you must set up a plan or we will take court action. I repeatedly said until I have documentation proving I owe the debt I will not agree to anything. After being put on hold after I asked who do I write to have the documents sent to me, is, them, MFS or cabot, she came back saying she is not obliged to tell me and it is up to me to prove I do not owe the debt. I did a little research and found that Restons have a reputation of being evasive, non helpful and use bullying tactics to scare you into a payment plan. after some more research I found a conditional acceptance letter I sent off to all 3 companies(recorded) asking them for original copies of contract and other information that is required. I heard nothing back after 15 days sent the second letter of non conformity and asked again for documents to be sent across. I heard nothing from MFS or cabot, but had a letter from Restons saying I must set up a payment plan and that their client will not send out the documents requested as it is uneccessary and irrelevant. A couple of days later, 23rd December, I got court papers through the post where with costs they are asking for just under £14500 I submitted a defence online stating I have requested documents on the dates sent, and dates received. I stated I received nothing back in the 14 day time scale. I said I sent the request again and heard nothing back again accept the response from Restons and that I have nothing to say I owe the alleged debt. My issue is that I don't think I put enough in the defence and didn't use legalise terminology do I write to Restons requesting a CPR 32..14 for all documentation. Can I resubmit the defence with more information or did I respond too quick and done it all wrong. I had a letter from Northampton saying that they are forwarding my defence. In my defence I did also contest the durastriction of Northampton county court. Any help on this would be gratefully received and appreciated.
  6. Hi i have read through alot of threads with regards to similar cases but dont want to get anything wrong so some help would be really appreciated. The account in question was started in august 2008 and defaulted march 2010, i am not sure when the last payment to this account was made, please note that the balance is lower than the default balance so im assuming something has been paid since the default. They are asking for the total amount by 1st Feb otherwise they will be seeking a £50 monthly sum via the court. Cabot took control of this account in September 2015, i have not done anything via contact but i know no things need to be dealt with. What actions should i take now i no i should be sending off a couple of letters but im not sure on the legal terms and shall i just follow similiar drafts on here making the amendments necessary? Thanks for your time
  7. I received a letter from PRA Group recently. It states: ================================= We write further to the above and to inform you that your account has now been transferred to the investigations and litigation department. This is a letter before claim as required by the Practice direction on Pre-Action protocols, to give you notice of PRA Group's intention to issue court proceedings against you. You should consider the contents of this letter carefully and seek legal advice or alternatively contact one of the free agencies detailed on the enclosed document. We specifically refer to paragraph 4 of the Practice Direction and set out in that paragraph are the courts powers to impose sanctions for failure to comply with the practice direction. You will recall that you entered a written agreement numbered xxxx on or around xx/xx/2006 with Varde Experto (The creditor). The agreement was regulated by the consumer credit act 1974. The agreement obliged you to make payments, however, in breach of the agreement you failed to make thos payments and are now in breach of the agreement. By a notice of default the creditor required you to remedy the breach within the prescribed period and gave notice that, in default of so doing, you would be liable to pay the monies due and owing. However, you did not remedy the specified breach within the prescribed period and you then became liable to pay the creditor the sum of £xxxx By an assignment in writing dated xx/xx/2012, the creditor assigned the debt to PRA group. Then by notice in writing the creditor and PRA group wrote to you to notify you of the assignment. PRA group has made further written and oral requests for payment of the sums but you have not paid the sum due and owing. If after considering this letter you take the view that you do not owe £xxxx then we look forward to receiving your reasons why you take that view plus supporting documentation. We do not presently envisage that expert evidence will be needed in this claim. This letter should be treated as an invitation to refer this dispute to mediation or some other form of alternative dispute resolution (ADR). In addition this letter triggers certain time limits that effect you: 1. You are expected to acknowledge and answer this latter before claim by xx/03/2016. 2. You are expected to respond to the invitation to refer this matter to ADR by xx/03/2016. We look forward to receiving your letter in reply, responding to the claims made against you and / or setting out your proposals for settlement / payment. We are prepared to discuss repayment options if this assists you. If we do not hear from you within the above time limits then court proceedings will be issued against you which may increase your liability for interest and costs. If you have any difficulty in complying with the above limits please explain the problem to us as soon as possible and we will consider a reasonable request for extension. Yours sincerely Litigation manager PRA Group (UK) Ltd. ================================= Information: I have never spoken to PRA group, or acknowledged any previous letter. The original credit card account was opened in 2006. I do not recall the original provider, but it was not Vadre Experto. The default occurred in 2010. It is therefore due to drop off by the end of this year (two defaults have already dropped off my file, and my score is starting to improve - I'm well aware of my past mistakes and errors in judgement). The amount owed is less than £2000. Should I: A) Write to them by recorded / special delivery, asking to see a true copy of the agreement they refer to, providing them with a £1 postal order in payment of the statutory fee (if the price has changed, please advise). Also ask for a certified copy of the original default notice, and a deed of assignment from when the debt was sold on (I do not have any of the above at this point). I believe I can give them 28 days to supply this? B) Ignore the letter above, and do it if / when I receive a claim form from the court? C) something else. I don't know whether to ignore them, try and draw it out until the default drops off my credit file, speak to an actual solicitor. Thanks in advance for your advice.
  8. I've had a letter from Cabot for an old barclaycard I took out last century, and have been paying a small nominal amount since I left my previous job. What does prescribed terms mean? I also read elsewhere, asking for a copy of the CCA was an admission the debt was correct, is this true? I was considering asking them for this, as currently I am off work recovering from a serious illness and really do not want the stress of this. They have also credit searched me recently, I'm pretty sure that's not legal as I have certainly never given them permission to do so.
  9. I am trying to source MBNA credit card T&Cs from Jan 2003 or does anyone know when MBNA changed the charge for late payment/default from £20 to £25 ?
  10. Hi I haven't been here for a while and therefore a little out of touch with current practice. Thanks to the help of CAG I managed to win my battles with DCAs quite a few years ago. I have an old credit card debt which is off my credit file and owned by Cabot and for 6/7 years have paid them a nominal amount each month. They send the odd letter asking me to up the payment but I never respond as these are computer generated and I prefer to let sleeping dogs lay. Just had one threatening potential legal action if I don't contact them. I just wondered if they every follow through or if this is best ignored. They don't stand a cat in hells chance of a CCJ as its an old CCA agreement without prescribed terms, however, I do acknowledged the debt and I am making payments. Just interested to know if anyone's had one these and whether they do follow up? Thanks B.
  11. I have read a lot about court action failing because the Default Notice has not been served in the prescribed format. But in my instance, the alleged creditor cannot provide ANY Default Notice in any format, prescribed or otherwise. Does this mean that court action will fail, and if so, which section of the Consumer Credit Act applies? Any help much appreciated! Chris
  12. Sorry if I sound like a disaster movie as I seem to be on here a lot. I have had a court summons through for a credit card debt - Barclaycard £5.5k and now £6k with added charges. I have at least 10 or 11 other creditors the same but for mostly smaller amounts of around £3k. I owe about £24k altogether - it was £69k when my finances first went belly up but I've been paying off etc. I am now unemployed and will be 60 later this month so little chance of getting a job. I also have not been able to pay gas and electric and bills have mounted up to £2k. They said they would fit key meters. But I need to call them. Same with water company and don't know how they deal with debt. Feel like I'm drowning. Shall I call Barclaycard or their agents and see if I can negotiate a payment plan? I haven't even signed on yet as I was on long-term sick and then got sacked so received a month's pay in lieu. I have nothing coming in now. My daughter who I live with is on income support as she has two small toddlers and cannot afford childcare. I will write to my creditors this weekend but I'm worried that most of them will not accept a £1 a week or whatever. But if I have so many of them to pay off I can't really afford much more. In fact, I will probably struggle with that much across all of them. Do the courts allow you to offer small amounts like £1 a week? Any advice will be very much appreciated. Thanks, again! ps: I wanted to add that there is now another debt to add to my £24k and that is approx £350 for the last two unpaid monthly amounts for Pounds to Pocket. I have paid all previous 10 months and the loan would have been finished but can't give them what I haven't got and the bank has barred any payments to them. I also want to reclaim £150+ in late payment charges to NewDay for my House of Fraser scorecard. I only use it once a year for a birthday pressie for around £50 or so but I was unable to make a couple of the payments and their charges are horrendous. So when my last salary went into the bank they took £186 which included £30 in monthly payments and the rest in fees. Any ideas on how I should approach them. Sorry this is so lengthy.
  13. Hi, I have a customer that owes me some money.. she keeps saying she's going to pay tomorrow but tomorrow never seems to come. It's now obvious that she's avoiding paying. Is there any letter templates on here I could use to try to gee her up?? Many Thanks Darren
  14. Hi sorry to jump this i cant seem to find the post new thread. My freind has a court letter relling her that lowell will instruct bayliffs unless the debt of £178 is paid by the 9th to our local count court . Can someone please advise on what to do next . Again sorry for jumping post
  15. Sent this email to moneybarn today, to be honest don't even know if I have a leg to stand on if we ended up in court. I have removed my address and name but everything else is correct. My main grievances are the fact that when I was contacted about my account in October I offered to pay any arrears up front immediately and had returned to work and gave every bit of information I could to help at the time (I have emails showing my willingness to pay and continue with our agreement). Also after the car was repossessed they sold it in the same condition, plus a few extra miles, I bought it in for around half what I had paid for it 6 months earlier. Is that even legal?. Thanks for any help or replies, first time poster so any help would be appreciated! LETTER BEFORE ACTION 02 November 2016 ***** ***** ******** **** ********* ******** ****** ******** ***** Agreement number: ****** Registration Number: ******* I am contacting you today to inform you I intend to start court proceedings against your company regarding the current default I have on my credit file and the way you bullied and intimidated me into repossessing my car and destroying my credit score. I entered into a credit agreement with your company on the 12/06/2015. The total amount of credit was £7795.00, the total amount payable was £14,948.28 and the term of agreement was 60 months. I was informed in October 2015 that my account was in default by some £470 and I informed you that I had recently lost my job but was in the process of finding work, I subsequently found a new job and informed you of such. I was in contact with a member of your staff a Mr **** *****, firstly via phone and then via email. I informed Mr ***** of my situation and forwarded over Octobers bank statement and a letter from Ingeus who had recently helped me find a new job. I informed him I could make payment of any default sums immediately and was told that I had to provide proof I was back in employment to avoid repossession and termination of our agreement, despite my offer of complete payment of default sums. I then informed Mr ***** on 11/11/2015 that I was awaiting another letter from ingeus confirming that I had found new employment to satisfy his need for proof of employment, or that I could send over my pay slip on the 27/11/2015 again to prove employment. I also suggested he contact my employer via phone to which he declined. Neither of these attempts to sort out our problem amicably worked, with Mr ***** changing his mind on what information I had to provide each time I sent over what he had asked for. On the 17/11/2015 I informed Mr ***** of my intention to request a time order from the high court, to which I received a email back stating "Do you have a redundancy letter from your old employer or documents to confirm you signed on as unemployed. We have been asking for this for ages and still not been supplied. We will re instruct the agents tomorrow if they are not received today." As soon as I received this email I replied with a letter from the job centre, showing that I was in fact currently on Universal Credit which is a form of benefit payment which I could only receive if I were currently unemployed. Again the information I provided was deemed to be insufficient, with Mr ***** now moving the goalposts once again and insisting I show proof I had been made redundant something which I had never mentioned or made any indication that it was what had happened. I made a last attempt to make payment to clear any outstanding balances and late fees which was rejected on the 18/11/15. I was then informed the case had been passed to litigation and the car would be and was subsequently repossessed. Once the dust had settled and car the was repossessed I was then informed that the car had been sold and the amount would be removed from the outstanding balance. To my absolute disgust I was informed the car had been sold for somewhere in between £3000-£4000 (I cannot remember the exact figure but I will be requesting copies later) a mere 6 months after the car had been bought for £7795. The amount currently outstanding between both parties is £10,856.00. Firstly I want this default removed from my credit file as I made every attempt to clear any default money owed, late fees and to continue with our agreement. I want to make it clear that unless some sort of agreement is made before this is taken to court that I will also be claiming for substantial compensation due to the stress this has caused myself and the affect it has had on my ability to obtain credit and on my financial future. I make no excuses, I messed up I entered into a agreement and entered financial difficulties almost immediately, but at no point did I refuse to pay or not try to sort it out amicably. I made numerous attempts to clear the money I was behind along with any late fees all of which were rejected which I believe was majorly unfair. I provided any information I could at the time to help sort it out. I feel your company exploited my situation to ultimately benefit yourselves and gave no consideration to the effect this may have on me. I have copies of all emails between myself and your company showing my willingness to pay and showing my compliance to the best I could when you asked for certain pieces of information, letters from job centre and bank statements etc. I am willing to negotiate with yourselves, hopefully this time with a bit more humanity on your behalf. Any and all suggestions from yourselves will be considered with a great deal of thought, anything to sort out this dispute and go back to trying to rebuild my life. I expect a response within 14 days of the date of this email and will also be sending a copy via recorded delivery. I will also have a copy of the posting certificate from the post office, in case I have to prove in court this correspondence was sent. I also request a copy of every note or recording you have made from our phone calls if they exist. Also a copy of every single piece of email correspondence between ourselves and any relevant information you may have regarding this issue that you may wish to bring up in court. I also need a copy of the proof of sale of the car in question and amounts of which the car was sold for, I remind you that if I receive no reply to this correspondence then I will start court proceedings immediately. I also remind you that both of us have to adhere to a certain set of rules in situations like this as set out in the Civil Procedure Rules. Please acknowledge receipt of these letters within the 14 day period, if more time is needed to look over the case then please inform me either by email or in writing to my home address. Regards, ******* ******* ********
  16. Hi – wonder if you guys can help. I have acknowledged on line with Moneyclaim – and now need to prepare a defence… Name of the Claimant: Arrow Global Limited Date of issue – 26TH July 2016 Defense due: 25th August 1.The claimant claims payment of the overdue balance due from the defendants under a contract between the defendants and orange dated on or about October 2010 and assigned to the claimant on December 2012. Default balance £439.63 Court fee £35.00 Legal fee £50.00 What is the value of the claim? £524.63 Is the claim for a current account (Overdraft) or credit/loan account or mobile phone account? MOBILE PHONE ACCOUNT When did you enter into the original agreement before or after 2007? AFTER Has the claim been issued by the original creditor or was the account assigned and it is the Debt purchaser who has issued the claim. DEBT PURCHASER Were you aware the account had been assigned – did you receive a Notice of Assignment? NO Did you receive a Default Notice from the original creditor? Not sure Have you been receiving statutory notices headed “Notice of Default sums” – at least once a year ? NO Why did you cease payments? I only remember I wanted to cancel the contract – and discussed with them – but cant remember why or what happended? What was the date of your last payment? August 2011 I think Was there a dispute with the original creditor that remains unresolved? Only in trying to cancel the contract – I seem to recall I wanted to cancel and had to wait 1 month until the year was up. Did you communicate any financial problems to the original creditor and make any attempt to enter into a debt management plan? NO Do I need to request a SAR from orange and a CPR31.14 FROM Arrow? In the meantime how would I prepare my defence?
  17. Hello I have seen this a few times on here but before I send my reply to this people I wanted some advice. Played for a 5 a side league for a few months but recently started to have to cancel games as didnt have enough players, the season finished and we quit the league but now I have a letter stating that I Owe £250 and if its not paid by Feb 5th they will make an application to Northampton county court to recover the fees and that "in addition my credit rating with be negatively affected". The games we couldnt play we informed them well in advance and on the application I have signed it only states about paying for all fixtures but no figures are mentioned or any fees for not playing a fixture, Do they have a leg to stand on or is this just a simpl threat to try and scare me into paying them? Thanks Owen
  18. A dear friend is trying to fight legal action from this catalogue company via Lowell's even though she never opened the account and goods were delivered to a different address. She informed the catalogue company approximately two years ago when she first received a letter about the account. After that she heard nothing til a couple of months ago with a letter from Lowell's. Being inexperienced and knowing this was not her account she rang them and explained the account was fraudulent. She also rang the catalogue company but they couldn't give her any information! She has acknowledged the court papers and entered a defence that though the account is in herr name, she didn't receive the goods and they were not delivered to her address. But Lowell's just sent her a letter saying they would reduce the amount! How does she get evidence when the catalogue company say they have no information on what was ordered and where it was delivered? Why is this happening when she informed them about the fraud years ago. Its been assigned to her local court but she needs to be able to get evidence?
  19. I would welcome some suggestions from Forum Members please as to what I should with regards to a landlord who is taking her time in restoring central heating in the house which I am renting. I have been without heating now for a week. Prior to this, the boiler had broken down a number of times and the landlord was told by two of the engineers that the boiler was obsolete and needed replacing. I have been in touch with the LL and made the point that the situation is becoming untenable, but all I got back was that she is dealing with the matter. I would be grateful for some suggestions about what options are available to me so that I can use some leverage to get the LL to act and act urgently? I hope members can help. Many thanks in advance. Mack
  20. Hi, in the middle of December 2015 I received I letter from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors chasing a debt with Cabot Financial, after searching this site I sent them a prove it letter, heard nothing .... received court papers between Christmas and New year. I submitted a defence saying that I had no knowledge of the debt and has asked the solicitor to provide evidence. Mortimer Clarke wrote to me in late January 2016 saying that they would put action on hold whilst they waited for their client to provide the evidence.Since then I have heard nothing, until last week (8 months later) when I recieved a letter from Mortimer Clarke with the enclosed copy of the CCA of a loan had taken out in 2009 and a statement of account dated March 2016. They have made an offer to reduce the amount owing by 40% and if I agree that it would be a Tomlin order but I have to respond within 14 days. I believe though that this debt is statute barred, the last full payment of this loan was July 2009, they kept trying to take payments and successfully managed to take a token £25 payment from my account on the 10th September 2009 (which I think, based on the statement they have sent, was a charge for writing a letter to me). Since then I have made no payments and not acknowledged the debt in any way. I need to respond back to Mortimer Clarke, can someone tell me if the debt is statute barred and what the procedure would be for the ccj which is currently on hold Many thanks
  21. Not sure if this is the right place for this. Perhaps it coul be moved if not. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/08/21/treasury-and-banks-could-face-legal-action-over-help-to-buy-isa/
  22. Hi, I read here that on can use an online 'Moneyclaim' service with the Courts. What I am not clear on is if one proposes to take such a course, should a Letter Before Action be issued first, as one would with a 'paper' claim? Thanks in advance for assistance
  23. Hi All Summary: - I've had an agreement set up for 12 months with no issues from a debt. - Visited on 3rd August 2016 while on holiday by a HCEO, no 7 day warning in writing. Asked confidential questions to my neighbour - Visited again last Friday 12th at 06:45 am, again no 7 day warning in writing - He showed no ID, I let him in to stop any embarrassment and to genuinely sort out some confusion as a payment plan has been in place for over 12 months with no issues. - Outstanding amount before entry was £358 (oringal writ amount £2305.56), he demanded £1483.11 - Gave me no opportunity to speak with anybody from the claimants office - Served a writ - I didn't read it properly as I was in a panic with my daughter in the house - I had 1 option to pay in full, without hesitation and with no inventory made he grabs my car keys - We panic and pay the full amount £1483.11 with a credit card He leaves, leaving a trail of utter despair and emotional distress. I called the relevant parties at 09:00 the same day, the HCEO office decides to refund me £970 within 1 hour (when I mentioned the writ below) - Saying 'we dropped the ball' (the claimant and HCEO had no communication or understanding of my debt and the actual correct figures owed) From researching the past 3 days: - The writ was dated 28th May 2015 (expired) I never checked it. I've called the court who issued it and they confirmed it expired and was never renewed. - The actual HCEO who attended seemingly has no certificate according to the register I have made a formal complaint in writing but wanted to know if there is any consequence for a HCEO enforcing an expired writ? Also when a HCEO has no certificate? ...Can I take action? Appreciate any guidance. Thanks, garynansome
  24. Two days ago my niece asked me to look at her 9 year old daughters laptop as it had locked up and was asking for money to be unlocked. She said it happened while she was watching a YouTube video of Britains Got Talent. What she had was a particularly nasty virus known as 'Ransomware'. It locks the computer and demands money to 'unblock' the computer so it can be used again. Like most, this one came in the guise of an official site with lots of police badges and the name Metropolitan Police, it accused her of distributing child porn and wanted £100 to be paid by Paypoint. Luckily at her age, she isn't aware of what kiddie porn is but the police references and the menacing voice demanding over and over that she must pay £100 fine did scare her. I class this as Fraud and Blackmail, but the authorities aren't interested. There are at present a couple of men in the North in prison for doing this sort of thing. On contact with the Police, they weren't interested and said 'we don't have anything to do with that any longer and to ring Action Fraud. I rang Action Fraud, who is the government sponsored department that deals with cyber crime and was given a crime number and then bye bye. No attempt was made to ID the culprit nor any questions asked or requests made to send them details. That brings me to make the statement that this, (like most other Government departments), is useless and not worth the money they are costing us.
  25. My landlord has submitted a claim and now I have a form for defense. I have been abused by the landlord over 4 years and last year I finally managed to have the council serve a notice for repairs which were done in the worst manner possible. I know the following: 1. I was never given details of my tenancy deposit being protected until now where I have seen them for the first time 4 years on. 2. The name on the claim form for the landlord is the wrong surname 3. The council requires a landlord to have a licence prior to submitting a section 21 and this was not done. 4. The court application for possession was made prior to the end of the fixed term of the assured shorthold which is June 29th and this was submitted on 26th May. 5. The second landlord (as there are two), does not reside at the address stated on the claim form. There are two boxes for two people and the second one is blank. What about issuing a counter claim for breach of contract under the Housing Act and Landlord and Tenant act for failing to carry out repairs once being notified in reasonable time for a period for 4 years? When would one submit this claim as a counter or is that done as an entirely separate matter in the courts? Shall post in 2 seconds.. uploading now here are the claim form pages Will make into a PDF. two secs Ok attached attachment.pdf
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