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  1. Hi, I have been a member of CAG for years and have used your excellent advice to claim back bank charges back in the day. unfortunately i have an issue which needs a little more tailoring. i have received a court claim dated 24th November from Drydensfairfax solicitors / Cabot Financial for a very old (July 2006) Premier Man account. If i remember correctly (need to dig out all the paperwork) but this was a small debt I must admit i should have dealt with this many years ago but i guess i hoped it would go away if ignored. i have kept all the paperwork but do not have a default notice or any correspondence from Premier Man of any intention to transfer the debt to a DCA. The POC reads:- The Claimants claim is for the sum of £16xx.xx under an agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974 between the defendant and Premier Man Account number Nxxxxxxx and assigned to the claimant on 13/01/2012, notice of which has been provided to the defendant the defendant has failed to make payment in accordance with the terms of the agreement despite requests for such payment. and the claimant claims the sums of £16xx.xx together with costs i will be making a CCA and CPR 31.14 request tomorrow. any advice you can offer would be welcomed and appreciated. thanks in advance C22
  2. Hi. Just need some information regarding hire or rental purchase, is there a difference ?? Reason I ask is, 10 month ago I got a computer on hire purchase from Perfect Homes, I went here because the cost compared to brighthouse was almost half and a better spec and also was only £20 more expensive than the well known computer shops. Don't get me wrong, I was and I am happy with my purchase but unfortunately I have hit some serious financial difficulty and costs have got to be cut in my household, I am cancelling my ties with virgin media so internet will have to go, my mobile phone has gone and also the car, I rang the store to explain that there is no way that I can now afford the payments and is there a possibility you can collect and take it back, they said no because I didn't take any insurance out with then. When I made the purchase we had our own home insurance so declined there's as this would have cost a extra £4 a week (maybe a little more) but apparently this also covers you incase you want to return the item with no adverse affect, don't get me wrong even if I knew this I wouldn't have took it out anyway and I am not sure if it was mentioned in the purchase procedure. Any way, back to my point. I want them to come and get it back as its a hire agreement, do I have any rights or am I stuck with trying to find the money every month for something I no longer want to hire.
  3. Good morning all, First post so apologies if its a bit of a ramble, I received today a claim form from Northampton County Court, claimant MCE (Marlin) in respect of an debt with HSBC. It mentions a bank account facility and they are claiming over £10K. I got myself into debt in the mid 2000's trying to support my business with credit card and overdrafts and it all went horribly wrong. The weird thing is, this debt is actually 2 debts. One for the current acc and one for a credit card. I was harassed by Marlin in 2007, 2008 and 2009 and as I lived with my parents, they were getting most of the calls to their home number and the rest to my mobile. I know I shouldn't have but I paid monies to Marlin in 2009 but then received some debt advice and was advised to write to Marlin as it was felt that they did not officially own the debt. I made a CCA request but it was returned and refused as they said it related to a Bank account and was not covered by CCA. I wrote to HSBC and asked them to clarify the situation (no response) so I wrote back to Marlin and made another CCA request and never heard anything more. I got a letter from Mortimer Clarke a couple of weeks ago saying I owed them £10K and had to contact them as soon as possible and today I got the Claim for from the court. Can someone confirm my position regarding the CCA request, can Marlin combine 2 debts, a bank account and a credit card and then add on £4K worth of interest?? Do I have grounds to defend the case in respect of this? I am scraping by on less than minimum wage at present as I became a full time carer to my father in 2009 and since he passed in 2013, have struggled to get back into work. Thanks in advance for any advice offered.
  4. Hey folks, need a favour Does anyone have a copy of their T+Cs for their natwest credit card from late 2001 early 2002? I would appreciate it if the booklet could be uploaded onto here. Great If it arrives before 7am tomorrow in time for mediation. But still need it for court. Regards
  5. My mother in law works part-time for a supermarket in England, an has worked there for over 2 years. In July there was a store meeting where everyone was advised that they will be requiring people to offer more availability for the times/days they can work due to business requirements, and that redundancies were on the cards. On the way out of the meeting they were given generic letters for them to fill in with their new availability. Mother in law extended her hours of availability even though she didn't want to and she cannot commit to much more (she cares for my 2 year old a few days a week whilst i am at work). A few weeks later in August there were some redundancies in the store, seemingly for those who didn't offer the flexibility/availability required. Mother in law's new availability was accepted and her shifts she has been given has been based on that new availability since. Last week she was hand delivered a letter inviting her to a meeting with her manager tomorrow to discuss further availability that the store needs their staff to commit to, and that if this is not achieved then the outcome for the staff who cannot fit in with their requirements will be a new contract offered under the new hours the store demand, and failure to sign the contract would mean they are dismissed. I will be going to the meeting with her tomorrow as support. A few points i wonder if anyone could advise me on?: I have advised her to give some further offer of availability to show willing, and to draw a line and no futher. But can they ask for further offers of availability despite seemingly accepting what she offered when looking at initial redundancies? Can they make redundancies in the first step, and then in phase 2 (i.e. now) threaten dismall with no redundancy? In my mind there's nothing different to when asking people to change their hours to suit the business in July and doing it again a second time now. I have suggested she writes a flexible working request as she is unavailble 3 days a week due to caring for my child and hand it to her manager in the meeting tomorrow. Is this worth her doing or likely to cause problems? Basically, if she refuses to say she's available for all of the store opening times/dates and they dismiss her for this (as in give her a new contract which she doesn't accept) is this legal and does she have any avenues of recourse? Any advice appreciated.
  6. Hi all, I'm new to posting on this forum so please be gentle with me if all this has been done before. I've spent the last few days reading various threads on this issue but my head's now spinning!! Any help, advise or pointing in the right direction would be greatly appreciated. Back in October 2009 when I was in a financial black hole, I foolishly sold an MBNA CC Debt to Credit Card Killer/Momentum Networks. (That's a story in itself) Since then I've had the expected phone calls, letters, defaults, assignments to DCA which have been on-going, most of which I have ignored. Last Thursday 16th Oct I received a Count Court Claim from Aktiv Kapital for the outstanding balance. Over the weekend I sent the AOS stating I intend to defend the claim. Is it a futile exercise to use "I've sold my debt" as a defence? All reply's will be thankfully received.
  7. I have used other's student oyster card in June and now got a second letter from TFL saying that will take me to Magistrates' court in about 10 days. There was a letter in July which asked for explanation and I replied and asked for settle out of court but it seemed not to be used at all. I have 3 actions to take: 1) plead guity and not to court 2) go to court 3) plead not guilty and reset new dates. What should I choose? If I choose 3), what will be the new date? Is it possible to be after Feb next year? and will it make things worse? I mainly worry that it will affect my visa application next Feb. I can apply for IFR normally. But if I get criminal record, I don't think I can apply IFR Can I apply for extending my current tier 1 general visa in such case? Really appreciate anyone's help!
  8. Good morning, I really need some guidance and help on a matter that has been going on since March please. I work for a local council authority and back in March this year my manager tried to get me to significantly increase my evening overtime working hours without my consent and also without change to my contract even though this would have meant a substantial change to my working hours. When I realised that she was being underhanded, I said I wanted to speak to someone on the council to ensure what she was asking was correct. Needless to say this did not go down well and after many days or her threatening legal implications and much bullying to get me to do it, I declined once more. It was then she threatened to email the entire council (21 members) about me and tell them I had flatly refused to do as I was being told and to support her in her endeavours to 'manage' me and not to enter into any interaction with me again on the matter. She later sent the email. At this stage she also challenged me to file a formal grievance against her if I so wished. Having no personnel dept to go to I visited the CAB who advised that she was out of order and to file a formal grievance against her, she was not allowed to change me contractual hours etc without the consent of the council. This I did and what has enfolded can only be described as a farce! The grievance was held by 2 current councillors and found that my manager had not been bullying me and it must have all been in my mind and she was right to do what she did! I appealed the finding and some months later an independent panel found in her favour regarding the bullying as my colleagues refused to back me up. The panel did find that the way she had managed the situation was all wrong. They confirmed she had been wrong to send the email which undermined and embarassed me and the way the whole thing had been handled was disgraceful. The panel suggested the council must decide what the next step forward was but suggested some mediation could be offered to me and my line manager. A findings report was released for the council and she refused to let them see it. The original grievance was raised in March this year and during this time I have not been allowed to speak to a single soul at work about the matter. I have been completely isolated, without direction and it has really left me vulnerable. The final straw for me was when a new councillor came into the office 3 weeks ago demanding I go to mediation as the situation was now intolerable and embarrasing for the council. I said I wasn't sure I could attend as the situation had never been resolved (with the manager) after all she did she was never even given a slap on the wrists for her behaviour and now the whole thing has just been swept under the carpet. He demanded I go, if not, the council would have to take further action against me! I just can't cope with this any longer, it has been going on far too long as has caused me mental and physical stress, including heart palpitations. I went to see my doctor and she signed me off work for 2 weeks and then a further 1 month since my last visit with work related stress. (She did offer to sign me off back in May when I went to see her but I said I would wait and hope the situation would be resolved.) I have heard nothing from work at all in the last 3 weeks, but this morning received the attached letter quoting new deadlines and grievances etc etc. This is about to send me over the edge I swear, but what should I do, I'm off with stress and they send me more??? I don't know which was to turn. The letter is signed by a councillor on behalf of the staffing committee, but this newly formed committee (Sep 2014) is not a personnel/HR dept and I have no guidance at all. Do I really have to deal with this letter now, it seems like they are adding to my stress. I feel they have caused my current ill health due to their lack of duty and care towards me. I feel like walking out. I know that utimately I'll have to go as I no longer trust my manager or the council to stand up to her but in the meantime need some guidance, many thanks in advance to you all. I am happy to answer any questions you might have to clarify the situation.
  9. Hi all i'm new to this bear with me, I have just received a letter from Paratus AMC claiming i owe Mortgage Arrears of xxxxx for a house i don't own or have made any payments too. There is no address as to the Mortgage Arrears or information, just they want me to contact them ASAP to pay Arrears. After doing some digging it appears on my credit file i have a Financial connections to people whom i knew and it is going back to 8 years ago the date im linked, it looks like someone has signed my name for a Mortgage /Re-mortgage. or they are fishing sending out a letter to everyone with same name in hope. I have received a letter from a Company a few days later from TLT which states Paratus LTD AMC v Yourself " We confirm our client has instructed us to cancel the recent warrant request and we have written to the court accordingly." that's all it say's. Are this Company following proper procedures.? I have no knowledge of this debt they request, all help to respond to these reptiles would be gratefully received thanks.
  10. My mother is in arrears with Mortgages 1 Ltd and has fallen behind with the repayment proposal due to my father being off work ill. (Broken ankle and complications). HL Interactive have written saying "YOU ARE AT RISK OF EVICTION. We have now been instructed to enforce the Order for Possession. This means that an eviction date will be scheduled and you may have to vacate the property. ACT NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE Please contact us on ********* as soon as possible. We will try to work with you to find a solution to your mortgage arrears and avoid the possibility of you losing your home." The end of term for the mortgage is 4th May 2015. Closing arrears balance £13,409.59 Current oustanding mortgage (including arrears) £22984.54 She can only afford to pay £950 per month. How can we stop this eviction? Were looking at equity release to pay off the mortgage but this will take time. (more than the 9 days remaining before eviction) Failure of equity release, are there any other re-mortgage options? Thankyou in advance. J.
  11. Hi there, I am new to the forum, I signed up as I need help. Basically, I have the chance to work up in Aberdeen as an ERO (Emergency Response Officer), just means a mobile security guard really, but they require my last 5 year work history, vetting it's called. They already managed to secure some of it, but still need a few details from here and there, basically, I am asking, is there a really simple way to get all of my work history and unemployment dates in the last 5 years? If I call HMRC would they be able to provide dates I have paid national insurance and tax etc...? I appreciate it may be a trivial matter, but it's been going on for little over 2 months now and I'm afraid they eventually withdraw the job offer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  12. Wonder if anyone give me some help, Possibly Andyorch My wife received a County Court Claima few days ago Reference a MBNA (Virgin Card) POC Below The Claimant claims the sum of £ xxxxx.xx for debt and interest. On 24/2/2003 then defendant entered into an agreement with MBNA for a credit card under reference XXXXXXXXXXXXX. On 31/12/2009 the defendant defaulted on the agreement with an outstanding balance of £ xxxx.xx. On 28/01/10 the debt of £xxxx.xx was assigned to Varde Investments (Ireland)Ltd, who its self assigned the debt to Aktiv Kapital Portfolio AS Zug Branch on 03/03/12> Notices of Assignment were sent to the defendant in accordance with s136 Law of Property Act 1925. AND THE CLAIMANT CLAIMS 1.) the sum of £xxxx.xx 2.) Stautory interest pursuant to section 69 of the county courts Act 1984 at a rate of 8.00% per annum from 3/3/12 to 21/8/14 £xxxx.xx & thereafter at a daily rate of x.xx until judgment or sooner payment I have filed AOS saying I intend to defend all of this claim I have prepared a defence by using some of Andy's advice to others and if I post it could someone advice me if it Looks ok and if I should amend it and anything else I should be doing. Have sent a CCA Request to Aktiv by recorded delivery.
  13. A friend of mine (not me but a close friend) is considering a debt management plan to help with his debt problems. From reading I see debts are prioritised but what happens to those debts which are not priority but where there is a ccj already in place and where he hasn't kept to the agreed payments? If this isn't the right forum, perhaps you could report for me. Thanks.
  14. I've been managing a rental property and the tenants (a family - husband, wife and child) have been residing in the property for approximately 6 years and there has never been an issue with non payment of rent. Due to work and family pressures, I took my eye off the ball and did not check that their rent was being made. I recently check the account and realised that last months rent had not been paid. Having contacted my tenant he apologised and informed me he had been experiencing some financial difficulties and would be making the payment. However when I went into the bank, they informed me that the last payment that had been made was back in OCTOBER 2013!! So as at this month the amount owing is £12,000!! I immediately went to see the tenant, he explained the reason why payment had not been paid (there was an issue with his business). (The thing that really annoyed me was that he had not made any attempt to contact me (his wife was annoyed as she said she kept telling him to) - but I do accept responsibilty that I should have checked). I had no option but to immediately served him and his wife (they have both signed the tenancy agreement) with a Section 21 Notice - which means they should leave the property at the end of September. The tenants wants to remain at the property and have presented me with a payment plan where by they agree to pay £500 every week from 1st of september 2014and £1,000 from 6th october 2014 everyweek untill the arrears of rentis clear and uptodate. I'm unclear what I should do:???:. I clearly NEED to get the money that is owed and am worried that if I evict I will not see it again. I think I have three options: 1. As this is the first time they have been in this situation, do I inform them that if they negate on the payment plan then I will evict at the end of September - but then risk losing what is owed? (plus at the end of September they would only have paid £2,000 and by the end of September the arrears will be £11,200). 2. Do I let them stay and register a default against them until the amount is paid off? (If so, how do I do this?) 2. Do I evict and register a default? :???:My feelings would be to opt for option 2 but as I've never done this before would really appreicate the advice asap.
  15. Hi all, Need a bit of advice. I will try and keep this short and give all the facts, today my partner has received a requisition from the dvla No ASN required. On the 1/3/2014 we got 6mts tax from our local post office and paid for It by cheque the cheque was declined by our bank. We recieved a statutory notice dated 27/03/14 saying we had to pay the £68.75 or deliver up the licence. Now fast forward to today 13/8/2014 he gets this letter saying as he has failed to deliver up the licence he is required to appear at Lancaster Magistrates Court on the 1/9/2014. Now this has come as quite of a shock as I thought he had rung up and paid but he totally forgot about it, i know its no excuse and i am mortified this has happened. The car is taxed now as of this morning. Any advice on what to do. And yes this means I have been driving without a valid tax disc and I know that is against the law and believe me I am mortified and ready to hand myself in at the police station.
  16. I would appreciate help iro submitting my defence which is due on 05/07/2014. AOS was submitted on 19/06/2014. I have attached relevant docs. The Credit Agreement was provided following a CCA request to Marlin. As it was too difficult to read they then provided the letter of 23/01/14 with a typed out version of the declaration. I believe that I had a default notice from Northern Rock in 2009 and have received the statutory notices each year. The loan was opened in 2001. The last full payment was made in October 2009 and token payments were made in Dec 2009 , Jan 2010 and Feb 2010. N Rock were aware of my financial difficulties at that time. I have not received an actual deed of assignment... just the attached letter and similar letter from N Rock.
  17. we had a bad house fire 5 months ago which spread to next doors house , we were uninsured . our house cost us £16,000 to put right which we took out in loans yet next door who had less damage than us have been told by his insurance company it will cost £102,000 to put his house right , my problem being is that his insurance company have now sent me a letter asking for my insurance companys details so they can liase with them over the repair costs , as i have no insurance i have as yet not replied but a friend of mine thinks that as i have no insurance this company will probably take me to court to reimburse them , any advice would be helpful please
  18. Hi all, I have been asked for some help from my auntie and i'm trying to find out any information that may help her course. I have searched the forum as best as I can but really cant find anything that exactly covers this. ...so here goes.... My uncle has just passed away and upon going through all his things she has found a boxful of unopened letters some addressed to her and some to him, most of them are request from various dca's saying she owes money for xyz accounts and threats of court action etc etc, there has also been a ccj issued as well, it all seems above board as in the initial claimant forms are there but obviously they have not been responded to as she knew nothing about them, and then the court has issued her with a ccj for £5000 saying payment forthwith, this was issued in January this year. little history on the debt is that it was for a bank account that they used for a business but it was in her name so that is not disputed but she thought it was all sorted when the business folded but obviously that was not the case. (He was in charge of the business and she had nothing to do with it as far as i'm aware) the account was originally with lloyds but it had been passed about to various dca and it is MKDP who have put the ccj in, It had been issued by Northampton court I really would like to know what our options are,and where we stand in all of this. Can we challenge the ccj or is it to late for that now? There doesn't seem to be any new letters from mkdp since the ccj was issued,is that normal? what can they do next? I appreciate this is a little complicated but any help would be greatly received many thanks
  19. I booked a holiday with onthebeach.co.uk in error due to the site not being user friendly. I did not know the booking had been made as the total cost (including credit card surcharge) was not included until I proceeded with the booking. It also initially showed the return flight being to Manchester and I had specified Liverpool Airport for travel. At no point did it say the booking had been confirmed, I therefore then booked the same holiday for a longer period, due to there not being much difference in price. I can cancel the hotel but as the flights are with Ryanair, they are non refundable (and they are the majority of the holiday cost). Please help. I only knew the booking had been made as I received a confirmation email, but I was not checking my emails whilst looking for holidays!
  20. Hello Is there any direct representetive on here from EE ? I have a continuing issue with mthe billing and reception aspect with my contract AG
  21. Please do not judge me but I have cheated the benefit system. On Monday of this week (28/04/2014) I received a letter which has requested that I attend an interview at my local Job Center concerning "an investigation into alleged criminal offences in relation to a claim to benefits" The letter does not give any further information other that I might want to have some legal representative there with me and that I should notify them that I will be attending. This I have done and have arranged for a legal representative as well to be there. A little background concerning what led to this situation. I have been on JSA for about 9-10 years and during that time I have done everything that the job centre as asked of me gone on courses both voluntary and mandatory, Been on the Work programme and finished it. Applied for numerous positions and showed them I was trying hard to get employment. But, at the end of it all I still was unemployed. All through this time (except for a three year break) I have kept an hobby of mine going and even tried to turn it into a business using a employment run test trading scheme that allowed you to start up a business whilst still receiving benefits. Business initiative (BI) were the people who oversaw the scheme. However during the test period BI did something which completely upset me to the point that I quit the scheme and did not touch my hobby again for three years. Moving on :- My wife is disabled with a variety of conditions (osteoporosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome + others) and we have never had any Benefit for her except for DLA High rate Mobility) they never let us have the Care component. Anyway she developed another problem about 12 months ago and in receiving a prescribe drug for that to keep it under control as there's currently no cure for it. Something to do with the three main nerves in the face becoming inflamed and this causes severe pain in the head and neck. Even forgetting her tablets for one day means it takes about 10 days to get it back under control again. Anyway to keep it short Because I did not want her to be on her own in the house if I was lucky enough to finally get a job I did something silly and started my hobby again. However, due to the bedroom tax money had become rather tight and so I sold some of my things I had created to pay for my hobby and not have to use any money coming in from benefits as these were needed to pay for our normal day to day living. The problem is that the hobby grew beyond just a few £'s per week and grew to about £50+ after all the costs involved were taken off. This money I reinvested in better equipment and materials for the hobby. None of it was ever used for day to day living. I did not tell the JSA about this but discussed the possibility with them of getting onto a scheme they were now running whereby you received a proportion of the benefits you used to get for about 26 weeks and during that time you traded. We even went as far as getting me with a Enterprise Support Agency who would look over a business plan I was creating and make sure it was viable. However, the name Business Initiative came up as the people who would oversee my business progress and it was alarm bells instantly. As previously mentioned I had had a bad time with them and I just did not want them anyway near me again. The hobby(business) kept growing and the calculations showed that I was now at a point that with Working Tax credits and the income I was generating I could finally get off JSA and made the decision to go self employed as I did not want to waste all the effort I had put into it. The irony is that on the very morning I was going to sign off, get registered for self employment with the tax office and contact my housing association the above mentioned letter came and it completely put everything into jeopardy. So, here I am asking for any advice concerning what I should do now. I know I should not have done it but I only really did it with the intention of being there for my wife and to finally follow a dream I had had since I was a boy of running a business in an occupation I love. Please advise and I will answer any questions you may have (except what the actual business would be). Oh and I forgot to say that I have no criminal record at all, This would be my first offence if it did go to court.
  22. I am a member of an organisation which is a Limited Company registered as a mutual society. We had a visit two weeks ago(26 March) from a Marstons employee, informing us that he had a High Court Writ to seize goods and collect payment for a Supplier. We have an ongoing dispute with the supplier regarding their breach of contract - and increase in fees after their takeover of a company we had previously dealt with.They said the Consumer Credit Agreement still stood! - they themselves terminated the contract, issued a default notice under the CCA 1974, in the sum of £395.11 obtained a default judgement in the sum of £2958 plus costs and then escalated via Marstons to the High Court. We had no paperwork at all from the Courts, suppliers or Marstons about this and had no knowledge until the HCEO arrived. (I have since obtained this from the Courts) We refused him entry to the premises (commercial) it was 7pm in the evening and I was brought down to the premises after a phone call saying someone was on the premises. I told him I was paying nothing until I had evidence from the courts ( he wouldn't show me the writ) but handed me a prescribed form 55 with two items listed saying he had seized the goods. He didn't execute his levy correctly as the WPA was not signed. The next morning I emailed Marstons, the supplier telling them that they were in breach because a debt cannot be enforced in the High Court if it originates from a Credit Agreement (I think I'm right here) We heard nothing until Monday last week, with a WPA attached to a letter from marstongroup saying we had 48 hours to sign and return, this was not done. Meanwhile, I compiled all the information with an N244 with a witness statement and supporting documentation, and obtained the procedures from both the High Court and County Court of what to do. Today another officer from Marstons arrived with the new set of Controlled goods forms and entered through an open door and took an inventory of the small amount of assets we had. This was scribble signed by me. He then wanted me to pay the full amount to stop him seizing goods. I said we would pay only the amount of the Default Notice, not the CCJ and had filed the forms with the courts and were awaiting them back. He rang his office who stated they wanted half of the now £3600 debt immediately in cash, or I could get friends to use their debit/credit cards!!!!!!I said no and after an hour or two stand off, he agreed to the £395 payment with a verbal agreement (recorded by him of course) to which I'm made clear a monthly payment would be made commencing 28 days later, on the understanding that it would be paid only pending the stay being granted by the court. I went to the court this afternoon, it was closed until 10am tomorrow! any advice on what to say or do next please! is it a case of waiting for the judge to decide on the stay! Apologies for the length of this.
  23. Hi guys, I joined Vodafone Friday last week and I have started to experience signal issues. This varies from receiving 'No Service' to trying to use the 3G service which is excruciatingly slow and then stops working altogether after a few minutes of use. Another phone I have which is on the 3 network works fine. I was wondering if it would be possible to have my contract cancelled as I am still in the cooling off period? Hopefully I can grab the attention of the VF forum team. Thanks in advance, Tom
  24. Hi, This one is a little different. In a nut shell. I bought a knowhow service 'Fix and Fault' for my desktop. Whilst in store employee stole items from the desktop and gave back to me saying 'irreparable' Sold me a memory stick and downloaded items from hard drive. I then put my desktop through to my insurance company to make a claim. Insurance company contests my claim as internal damage was 'malicious' and have verified missing items from desktop and damage with an engineers report. I've complained to PC world (this was difficult to say the least!) and supplied with evidence etc. PC have offered an amount compensation due to the theft and no provision of service bought (desktop was not sent externally for repair by employee). I believe the amount offered does not cover my outlay sufficiently (I have evidence this with PC World and actual financial cost to me is lower than what has been offered) nor my humiliation with my insurance company etc, so I have very politely requested a revision of their offer. I gave 14 days on 08/01/2014, received an automated response 09/01/2014 and a personally written response 20/01/201 acknowledging my email and forwarding onto the compliant handler. To date I've had no further response from PC world complaints department. This complaint dates back to Oct 2013. How do I progress from here? Should I send a deadlock letter or simply proceed to small claims, do I warn of my intention to go to small claims, or should I seek legal advice from a solicitor? Any help would be gratefully received , many thanks Hazel
  25. anyone do a favour please... I have a return offer from MBNA obv some £400+ lighter than what i'd roughly done. they've not sent any breakdown yet, that will be asked for on Monday. 1, the neighbour in question needs the money if he accepts it as it stands , can he argue the rest later. 2. can someone do a better job with the way I calculated the redress [CIsheet then stat] have all the statements. dx siteteam
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