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  1. i have been inundated with calls from moorcroft. the problem is that my phone number has been recycled from the last subscriber and i am getting all the calls for her. as usual despite repeated requests to cease and desist, i get ignored. i have demanded they send me a copy of their complaints procedure by email which i have just received, i then receive another email from moorcroft with a password telling me i need to use it to open up the complaint document. I smell a rat Dear Mr Further to your recent telephone contact please find attached a copy of our response. The attached document is password protected and an email will follow shortly with the relevant password. Should you experience any problems accessing this information, please do not hesitate to contact us via the email address below. Your sincerely Compliance Team Moorcroft Debt Recovery if i try and open the attachment i will get this This file, Account response xxxx.zip, is password protected so it can't be scanned for viruses. We recommend continuing only if you're sure the file is safe. By continuing to download this file you may risk infecting your computer with a virus. To download, click here:
  2. Hello, I've read a few forum posts and come across a few bits and pieces of help but nothing concrete. I keep coming across acronyms and not sure what the mean..such as CCA. Basically I've had an overdraft with lloyds tsb. I didn't pay any money into the account for a few months so they lowerd my overdraft limit andadded interest and charges to the balance. When i could finally afford to start paying money back They wouldn't freeze any interest or charges. So any money i would have paid in would have been swolled up anyway. EG: 1500 overdraft, limit lowered to 1000 with around £70 a month of charges and interest on the £500 over. I offered to pay back £100 a month untill balance was clear if they stopped charges and interest they declined. £100 pay in on the balance which was around £1700 by this time would bring it down to £1600 but then charges of £70 again...which would mean i was only paying off £30 a month. I refused to pay anything and this incurred a default and the account has been passed on to moorcroft. They have said i can settile the account which is now about 1800 if i pay 80% of the balance which is 1440 but i don't have that kind of lump sum all at once. I can afford the £100 a month through but feel i'll be paying £300 too much ? What's my best course of action here ? thanks in advance !
  3. MBNA sold debts that belonged to both me and my husband. Idem bought mine, Moorcroft bought my husbands. I emailed Idem regarding reduced payments that I would make, and eventually they responded agreeing to my reduced amount. However, Moorcroft ignore emails (sent day after day) and they will not reply despite my husband requesting that they not call, but put in writing instead. They call anyway, and to whomever called, I asked them not to call, but to respond to my husband's emails - however, the chap then called my husband's mobile immediately! I got a statement from Idem, and in exactly the same marked envelope (same return address, same statement format) my husband had one from Moorcroft. Does anyone know if this is the same company??? It's really cheesing me off that Moorcroft ignore all the emails. Also, they're sneaky so-and-so's: they are based hundreds of miles away from us, and yet they call the landline using a local number that they must buy to use, to look like they're someone local calling us - idiots! It doesn't take long for me to recognise the number and ignore it. But, they're making me so mad!!! I think I'm wasting my time re-sending the same emails but at least it proves the point that they're ignoring us, dispite contacting them on a daily basis!
  4. Hi Everyone, i'm after some advice. I took out an unsecured loan with Alliance & Leicester back in September 2008. Unfortunately I was unable to make the repayments after 10 months as my ex-partner was made unemployed and we were facing repossession on our home. The last payment I made was in July 2009. The company then became Santander and the last letter asking for repayment I had was October 2010. I had been unable to make any repayments on it since the last one in 2009. Fast forward to yesterday....... I come home after staying away with family for a couple of weeks to have received two letters from moorcroft debt recovery. The first one asking to confirm whether i indeed at an outstanding debt with Santander. As i was away they didn't get any response. I also had another letter saying i owed just under £5,000 and were threatening litigation. It said they "may" have no other alternative but to pursue legal action against me. I now don't know what to do. I am currently unemployed and every single spare penny i have already goes to other more important debts. Can they really take me to court straight away, only a couple of weeks after the first letter? Any advice much appreciated, thanks.
  5. hi list My wife has lost her job, she was self employed. After running out of cash she missed several payments to Halifax credit services. I found out about payment plans etc. My wife phone up the Halifax, made a request to freeze the interest, she stated that she did not have an income. I spoke to Halifax, and offered them £10 per month until such time that our joint finances improved, currently I am the only bread winner and I am making all mortgage payments, buying food etc. After two months of paying £10 per month, we have received a letter stating 'As we haven't been able to agree a suitable repayment plan we've transfered your HALFIAX debt to debt collection agency. I have phoned up the Halifax on 11/12/2012 and asked them what is going on. They claim to have sent a credit default notice 3 months ago which they cliam allows them to do this. I have pointed out that we reached a payment plan with them, this payment plan has been honored by myself. The Hailfax called back today and said that the messages was unclear offered me £30 because of the 'inconvenience' of their answers and that they had not made themselves clear. I have asked them to explain themselves in writing. 1. Are they allowed to do this type of thing after accepting a payment plan? I have not defaulted on it. 2. I wonder why they have offered me £30 if they are so innoccent ? 3. What options are available to me? My wife did not choose to loose her job, its problem of being self employed. I am hard pressed to make my own payments otherwise I would have offered them more.
  6. Hi Guys looking for some advice. i've recently been contacted via a doorstep visit by Moorcroft chasing a credit card debt of £2600 (Amex) which i stopped paying about 15 months ago. In all fairness he was polite and non-pushy and just asked me to fill a direct debit form in and leave out for him to collect at a later date. I didn't do this as was under the impression that it would be unwise to do direct debit and should offer a standing order instead. He has now chased me by phone insiting that it must be a direct debit form as they don't accept standing order, the only other option is that i call him every month and make a payment over the phone. I've asked him to get a breakdown of the account showing charges, interest and any PPI as the statements i have just show the total balance due. He has said they can't obtain this. Now earlier on tonight i had a phonecall from him telling me he was on his way round as he had been instructed to visit me urgently to reslove. I wasn't in at the time but just wondered what my next action should be ? Should i request a CCA / SAR from Amex or offer very low payments ? I'm not really in a financial position to commit to anything at the moment Any advice would be very much appreciated many thanks
  7. Hi guys i have an outstanding cancellation charge with Orange, now i don't live with my mum and i haven't for the past 3 years. Tonight my mum phones my mobile saying that someone called xxx from MDR has phoned asking to speak to me my mum asked what its regarding and he wouldn't say anything i phoned my mum back and asked for his phone number so i called back to speak to someone called xxx who was a right snotty cow. I asked how she has got hold of my mothers house number and she said maybe you've called us off it before i was like i aint that stupid love, so i demanded she took it off her record and replaced it with my own personal record where could they have got it from ? either from a credit check years ago off Orange or when i was a PAYG when i lived with my mum i dont know but id love to know is there a way i can get them into **** for harrasing another member of my family and can i demand proof all the information they have on me ?
  8. Hi Received a letter off these yesterday, it was defaulted back last year and went to Direct Legal and Collections which i paid them £5 a month for about 6 months as im unemployed at the moment, i had 3 phones on contract mine, my wifes and sons, we all refused to pay the bill up until Orange decided not to provide us with a proper 100% working service, Phone calls not dialing out, No 3G connection to the network extremely slow web browsing, text messages failing and loss of signal on both Orange & T-Mobile, Orange claimed there was nothing wrong on there end and but i declined and stated well whats the possibility of this happening on 3 different mobiles provided by you. So they called me back 3 days later and stated there was problems with masts around the Manchester area and would take several months to fix but no reimbursement offered, so as you can image my wife and son was going mad saying they wasn't paying £35 a month for nothing so decided to give me the phone back and return them to Orange for cancellation so i packed up all 3 phones and returned them without a return address as we didn't want them back and took seperate contracts out elsewhere Orange actually took the time out of there pathetic days work to trace the phones back to us and return them to us via Recorded Delivery so now im stuck here with 3 phones which they dont want back and a big £1100 debt to repay. One thing i dont understand is that Orange are making up fake figures as the Direct Legal & Collections said i owed £1600 but now moorcroft state i owe Orange £1100+ When i asked Direct Legal why they returned the debt back to Orange they stated because i failed to pay August which clearly went out of my bank via Standing Order and was paid full for that Month, Now they have passed the debt to Moorcroft which they will get £1 a month payment without a income & expenditure as i have been messed around by passing this back and forth to different debt collection Me with Virgin Wife with Three Son with Vodafone and all are happy with the service and best thing about it all are paid separate now rather than me paying 3 phones Here is a copy of the letter they sent me
  9. Hi Forum, long time no speaky... This says it all really, so here goes: I will of course update as and when I get a response
  10. HELP!!!!!!! I have a £5k debt to Mbna from Jan 2010 it was sold/passed around Aic, Wescot, Moorcroft and finally Arrow Global with a few solicitors letters in between. I did try to reason with Aic when the account was first passed but soon learnt my lesson. Last week a letter came from Shoosmiths solicitors (dated 20/9/12) asking me to agree terms in the next 14 days or they would issue court preceedings (threats that had been made in previous solicitors letters), then yesterday a claim form arrived from Northhampton County Court (Claiment Arrow Global). What do i do or can i do? Who do i need to contact and what do i need to send back to the court? Any help appreciated
  11. I wonder if anyone can help? Moorcroft Debt Recovery are pursuing me for 2 debts owed to NatWest (overdraft and bank loan).....they have amalgamated them into one claim. I sent a CCA request & a postal order for £1 by recorded delivery on 21/09/2012 they wrote to me on 8/10/2012 offering a 25% discount on my debt if I paid within 3 months but did not mention the CCA request. I checked with the Post office and they delivered my CCA request letter on 25/09/2012...unfortunately I did not keep a record of the postal order so I can't check if it has been cashed. what should I do now? Thank you in advance
  12. Hi All, Just need some advice please, I defaulted on my orange account, this is after cancelling my contract after the 24 months period, i owed orange just over 30 pound, i forgot about it as i was in the process of moving and was busy with that and getting my kids back into schools in the new area. After checking my credit file i found out that i had a default listed back in April this year regarding orange acc. Well i phoned orange on the 2nd oct to pay it and they blatently refused and said i had to ring the dca who are collecting on oranges behalf, dca is MOORCROFT, I refused to speak to them and said i wanted to pay directly to ORANGE, but ORANGE said as the account has been terminated and been past to MOORCROFT for collection, i asked if it had been sold and they stated NO just collection . As i refused to pay dca, i thought i would see if i had a statment with my acc details on from ORANGE, hooray for me i did, i checked the back and it had ORANGE BANK AND SORT CODE details on it so i logged into my online banking and paid the amount off in full on the same day as phone call may i add, also listed acc number for ref. What i want to know is have i done the right thing in by passing the dca and paying ORANGE directly and what to do now . many thanks on any advice
  13. my son got behind in his monthly payment with bt , ,he was paying the bill each month ,on time , in July or August this year ,, his telephone contract was taken out, sometime last year 2011.. .to cut a long story short , they shortened his working hours , ,he is a nurse ,and works for the n.h.s. ,,they cut his hours because they closed down a few wards at the hospital where he worked ,,bt sent him a reminder letter on the 17 th September ,informing him that he owed £155.98, asked him to pay immediately , ,or charges woud be incurred , ,today he received a letter from moorcroft ,demanding that he pay the amount over £400.00 informing him that over £80.00 worth of their own charges had been added to his debt which they state is an administration cost , which has beed added to offset (some of )the costs incurred by our client ..the previous wording and the brackets around the words are as exactly printed on the letter , ,,he is unable to pay this amount in full can Moorcroft add the charges . My son did not receive a letter from bt informing him that the debt with them had been passed to moorcroft ,., Moorcroft want payment by the 10th October .. Please help ,,any advice will be appreciated , ,,my son lives on his won ,he has two children to keep he pays maintenance for , his wage each month is under the £800.00 mark ...
  14. Hi all, new here, hopefully I'm in the right place, doing the right thing. I owe BT 360.00 for a bill and cancellation fees as my contract was for 18 months and I closed it early. I wrote to them explaining my financial situation and made an offer to pay in installments albeit small payments. I didn't hear back from them. Then about a week ago I started getting phone calls. I answered the first one and a male with a foreign accent asked for me by name, I asked who was calling and he replied "Jimmy". I stated that Jimmy was unlikely to be his name as he sounded neither English nor Scottish and he laughed and asked me to "confirm my DOB and address". I told him I never give out personal details to cold callers either on the phone or at my door due to identity theft and I certainly wouldn't give them to someone with an obviously fake name who refused to confirm his identity. He then proceeded to attempt to tell me I had an outstanding amount, at which point I stopped him and said as he hadn't confirmed my identity, continuing to tell me details of whatever alleged debtor he was calling over would surely be a breach of data protection and that (ok I lied) I had started to record the call and therefore would have proof of such a breach. He then hung up. The next day I recieved a letter from Moorcroft saying I owe 450.68, 360.00 plus their fees, with the usual demands for immediate payment. I then started recieving phone calls and text messages from them from numerous different numbers, sometimes at minutely intervals, all of which I ignored and added to my blocked list. I have today recieved another letter from them threatening court action with a further 105.00 in costs applied. My account is still accessible via BT website, with the link to pay through the site still active. So my question is, am I correct in ignoring Moorcroft and making payments as offered to BT, direct to them through their site, despite them not replying to me? Thanks Gem.
  15. Hi All, Having just passed a significant birthday , I thought I would cca all six of my defaulted credit card accounts, to see where I stood, rather than just keeping my head under the duvet, and paying them forever!. Moorcroft was collecting an agreed minimum monthy payment for Egg/barclaycard. Moorcroft responded to both the cca request, and then 12 + 2 days later I issued an 'account in dispute' letter, which they also responded to. Yesterday I received the following letter from Barclaycard, * I tryed to attach the 2 page letter as pdf's, but the site would not let me, because I don't have enough posts? apologies for my computer ineptness* Basically saying, " we are currently unable to provide a copy of the terms of your credit agreement as varied in accordance with section 82 (1) of the cat. We accept that we are therefore prevented from enforcing our agreement with you while this state of affairs continues" They go on to say that they have " suspended my barclaycard account" and " this is a temporary measure which will be kept under review" They also state that they may " demand payment, may instruct a third party to demand payment" They site 'Philip McGuffick v Royal Bank' in which it was helt that ' none of these steps constituted enforcement? Also included was a stapled 7 page, double sided 'reconstituted' thingy, - obviously no signature. Do you want me to scan and pdf and upload that? I am guessing that this is a 'result' ? But would appreciate some advise as to what happens now? Are they in fact allowed to " demand payment, instruct a third party etc. " What should I do next? many thanks Tom [ATTACH=CONFIG]38259[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]38259[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]38260[/ATTACH]
  16. Hi I am new to this and was hoping for some help and guidance hers the story so far: Ran up a phone bill debt with orange while abroad i was charged for roaming charges even though the mobile was not being used so was suprised to be met with a hefty bill (unsure of exact balance) . I tried to fight this but orange wouldnt back down so months passed with no payment being made and nothing more said other than a few letters being received from orange. Then in January of this year i received a letter from Moorcroft dated the 11/01/12 stating they had been instructed by orange to collect the over due debt of £3124.79, another letter followed dated 14/01/12 about the debt once more and then on the 14/03/12 they said that the debt had been passed to the home collection dept, I stupidly rang them and was bullied into agreeing to repay £40 per month I never made any such payment as was not in a position to do this once more a letter came dated 16/06/12 saying they would accept £50 per month or court action may be taken, I ignored this letter and hid away In august however a new letter arrived from Direct Legal chasing repayment of this debt the figure they seek is £3060.66 I made contact to agree a repayment plan but they would only accept £61 nothing else via d/d this was agreed in principle but was later cancelled after i sent a letter requesting they delete any bank details held and send me there details to arrange a s/o but to a lesser amount of £20 more affordable for me, they have now sent me a letter dated 6/09/12 enclosed is a income and expenditure letter along with a request for me to send in my wage slips or proof of income i dont want to run away from this debt any longer and do wish to start making payments but to the amount that i feel affordable, do i have to complete this I&E form and provide the wage slips ect?? Also when reviewing my credit report the debt in question still shows under Orange communications showing default date at 17/01/12 when in fact i defaulted last august when the bill was generated no payment was ever made, and also showing the balance to be £2395 Please help! Thanks
  17. Hi Have a credit card from nationwide going back to 1988 and have sent them a section 78 cca with no success and they have stated no agreement available and sent t & c's which only relate to mid term of the credit card usage. However i have now been advised by moorcroft and nationwide that moorcroft have been asked to collect. Sent moorcroft a letter advising nationwide in default of my cca request and that they return account to nationwide. moorcroft have replied account on hold whilst they contact nationwide VOLVO
  18. hi, i meet a friend and he told me that he had a problem with moorcroft. i have problems with moorcroft as well. according to what my friend said moorcroft must have a legal right to enforce the debt. he said i can ask them to send me a confirmation for it.. i have made payment to them every month over the last 3 years might have missed some though 2 months.. ..i need a letter template in this regard thanks a lot and if you have any questions please ask me thanks a lot.
  19. Hi hello I am a new user here so please accept my appologies if my tread is a little bit chaotic. I had a contract with Orange since 02/2007 and can not complain about the service. However all the problems started when my wife went on her mnaternity leave in December 2009 She got her last payment in September 2010 and since then we were left just with single income from my job. We were strugling to make all payments on time and at some point Moorcroft contacted me regarding Orange account. At this time i was 4 payments late. On 03/04/2012 i paid £36 to Moorcroft over the phone with my debit card and they also set up direct debit for £36 on my hsbc account on 1st day of the month for the next 6 months. also asked me if i am interested to reconnect the number but i said i'm not/ I could afford that and i was happy that within 6 months it will be all cleared. BUT On 22/04/2012 Orange put default on my credit file ...... 18 days after i agreed to pay all my debt by 6 installments to Moorcroft. Now if anyone can advise me or maybe someone already had similar situation? What to do to get rid of this default and if it is lawful??? Thank you all in advance for any advice. Mike
  20. Hi all, Looking for a bit of advice. My partner has banked with Natwest for several years and had a £400 overdraft on her current account. About 18 months ago her house was broken into and documentation / ID was taken. Several months later she started to get letters from Natwest saying she owed them over £1000. She has disputed this and the Natwest fraud team said they could not prove it was fraudulent and she would have to pay up. She refused to pay and the debt was passed to Moorcroft debt recovery limited. Following threatening letters she had accepted that she would just have to pay the debt even though it wasn't hers so started paying Moorcroft an agreed payment of £50 a month. Since she has told me about this I have told her to stop payments to Moorcroft and I have sent a SAR to Natwest. Firstly can anybody provide a template to send to the DCA to explain the dispute and stop letters of home visits, court action etc. When I receive the SAR back from Natwest I hope to find some information that will give us an idea of were the debt has come from and a way of proving it is fraudulent. In the meantime should we pay the DCA the £400 that is actually her debt? (Minus the 3 x £50 payments she has made) Any help is appreciated. Mike
  21. Hi all, I recently received a letter from Moorcrofts telling me barclaycard had decided to change my interest rate to 1%, the letter also included a MONTHLY INSTALMENT OFFER A relative has offered to help me pay the debt and so I sent a reply with an offer for full & final settlement. Today I received Moorcroft's reply. They acknowledge that I've contacted them but no mention is made of the offer I made. Instead they have sent me an Income & Expenditure form to send back to them or alternately I could phone them 'they will be happy to help' (HA no thanks) The most I'd be able to afford to pay them is about £5 a month. Should I send them a reconsider letter for the offer of f&f again? Or should I send it to Barclaycard? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
  22. Ok. It seems that there is one debt, annoyingly in joint names, that is still outstanding between Mr B and myself. It is a Santander current account which is in debit to about £1000. I have never used this account, but digging around shows me that it dates back some 20 odd years and has been passed on from several different banks due to take overs. I went into my local branch of Santander where I was told the account had been closed but they couldn't tell me anymore. I was given a number for Santander Collections, so gave them a call. It turns out that the debt was sold on to Moorcroft last week, so I haven't received any letters of assignment to date. Santander refused point blank to take the account back so that I could deal with it. I have no intentions of phoning Moorcroft, nor of giving them my new address or phone number (my post is still being forwarded by the Post Office until the end of the year, so I will get the letters they send). However, I want the matter dealt with in the best way so that I can finally get an end to the whole sorry bl**dy saga of this marriage. What I would like is some sensible advice on what I should do next. I have dealt with plenty of debt collectors before but not for a debt relating to myself. Should I offer them some kind of full and final settlement, inwhich case what percentage would be an acceptable offer. Or should I tackle it another way? Any advice greatly appreciated. Many thanks, Mrs B.
  23. Hi my son got into financial diffuclty and had a mobile phone bill for £111 ive been paying £1 a month for him because hes been in hospital since new years day due to to many traumas in his life. today i get back from visiting him and had a letter from moorcroft and saying thankyou for paying £1 a month could he pay more? now the shocking thing is the bill is now £410 shall i write on his behalf to find out how that figure has got so high at no point have we recieved any letters since the £111 no nothing so theres me thinking im happily paying off his debt and now its got so high when we set up payment plan it was based on the £111. any help would be appreciated:jaw:
  24. Hi, had a deal with Lloyds to pay a small sum against an overdraft as we havefallen into some financial difficulty. Last week i found out that my loans had single premium PPi so i made a claimand they miss-sold on other grounds as well This week they have past my account on to Moorcroft who have given me tillthe 14th to pay up or come to arrangement with them or they are going to go tocourt with it. the next payment to Lloyds is not due till the 23 of this month never beenin this situation what do i do. Any advice would be really welcome.
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