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  1. Hello, many moons ago I opened a JD Williams account, everything seemed fine until I opened up my account to have a wee look in, it seems I pay £89.96 per month Direct Debit, A few months ago I noticed that I should have my balance about cleared now. NO! Im still due them over £1500, I went back into my account and found the had been taking off £60ish in Admin charges, so I called them up and asked why this was happening, they said its standard admin fee's as I get the goods cheap, I said cheap, thats rubbish I only buy from you for the convenience. That was really the end of the call. Now I spoke with the bank and they said this can't be right and try and investigate this. So far I cant seem to find help. Is there anyone out there that can point me in the right direction as this cant be legal, also I never signed an agreement with them. PLEASE HELP ME Andy
  2. In January 2015 I was persuaded by TalkTalk to upgrade to a tv package. At the time I didn’t know this was what I agreed to I was stuck with it. I also agreed to an 18 month contract. Last September I changed my address. At first I was told me I had to enter another 18 month contract. I disputed this and TalkTalk accepted that the original 18 month contract beginning January 2015 would continue with any additional contract. In February 2016 Sky offered to refund me the contract breakage fee of £99 if I signed up to Sky broadband and landline. TalkTalk said they would calculate the exact contract fee that was I had to pay and I should not cancel the direct debit until they told me the exact charged that had to be paid. TalkTalk disconnected my landline in late February. TalkTalk then took out almost £200 from my bank account because they said anyone who changes address must commence a new 18 or 24 month contract. This almost £200 was because the contract runs until March 2017. I went to the bank and recovered the almost £200. I’ve cancelled the direct debit. Do you think I should recover the direct debit payments that have been paid after TalkTalk disconnected the landline. Generally how do I proceed with this.
  3. Hi all... I've never had any legal issues in my life, so this is a first for me. Here's the summary: I ordered something via the internet from a large company in Germany using paypal (total cost £50.) I received the item in December. This afternoon, I received an email from the company's lawyer saying that the paypal payment never went through, and they are demanding the intial payment + attorney fees, or they are going to sue me. I just checked my paypal account, and was genuinely surprised to find out that this wasn't a hoax of some kind. My payment didn't go through, which has never happened before with paypal. So I've gone ahead and sent the payment through again (this time it went through successfully.) My question is about the attorney fees they are demanding, which are more than the original item. I've never heard from this company since I made the purchase in December, no emails, phone calls, or invoices in the post. The letter from their solicitor says that they sent me an email, but I've checked my spam folder and I've never received anything from them. Am I responsible for their attorney fee if I settle the bill prior to them suing me? That seems crazy, as I've never heard from them before about any billing problem. Can they sue me in Germany for the legal fees, and would this somehow destroy my credit history? Thanks for any help...
  4. Hello guys, I hope the brains here can help me please. I am executor for my aunt, with another family member and a partner from the firm of lawyers who drew up the will and were nominated as executors with us. The papers have been submitted to the probate office by the lawyers and they have now submitted an interim invoice for over £5000 to us as executors. I had, perhaps naively, assumed that the bill would be due after probate was granted and the assets were distributed. Would we normally be expected to pay a bill ourselves at this stage? Do we have the authority to say that the lawyer can take the fees from the estate assets? We have incurred expenses personally on behalf of the estate that haven't been paid so far and now they seem to be asking us for money. This doesn't seem right. What do the experts think please? HB
  5. At the beginning of 2013 I was in the midst of payday-loan hell, mainly due to gambling. I have resolved all but one of those (who I am paying £2 a month to) I lost my job in Jan 2011. At some point Halifax allowed me to increase my overdraft from £3000 which I had from student account up to £5000. I spoke to them at the time (or a couple of months later) about the fees (£100 a month) and they agreed to pause for 6 months due to no job. They then paused them again for another 6 months. I had not gained employment in this time. After this period they would not freeze the fees which were £3/day. I was still using the account and had some money coming in at points and they got their fees. Sometimes I went over for a month or two so they charged more (£5/day for a maximuim of 100/month). At some point last summer I spoke to them and they said they would hold the fees on the basis I would begin to repay the overdraft. I could not agree to £50/month and at the time I didn't want them to close the account and pass it to DCA because some people still had these details. I made sure I stopped using this account. The fees appeared to freeze for 2 months and I called to lower the overdraft to £4900. This was my way to begin to repay it. As soon as I did this they started adding fees again. There were also some months they haven't added them (though they have this year) probably due to some error. They have called me on and off and sometimes I answer and the conversation has been cutoff or whatever. I have lately buried my head in the hand somewhat. All I want is for them to freeze the fees as I have requested many times and I will lower it as and when I can (I am working some at the moment, but still receiving housing benefit as it is not regular work) and then not start adding the fees again when I do reduce it. I would also like the most recent fees removed, if possible What is my best play? It was somewhat irresponsible lending but I'm not trying to get out of it (though I wouldn't mind and could easily have done a DRO before and had it cleared!) They currently don't have my correct address as I have moved and not told them, though I can get post at the old address still. Should I update them? My balance is currently -5189 Thanks for any advice!
  6. In 2008, I stopped using Barclays as my current account provider and it turns out I was overdrawn by £18. I stopped checking online backing, etc as I didn't realise that I still owed them money (my fault, I know). Long story short, I now overdrawn by £1063, made up almost entirely of overdraft charges. Where do I stand in getting these charges negated? I would be grateful for any advice. Thanks
  7. I have a couple of questions I'm hoping someone can offer some advice with. I have a secured loan with Southern Pacific (Acenden) for £5500 taken out in 2006 and is due to finish at the end of April. In 2007 I was made redundant, got in to approximately £400 of arrears and was taken to court and ordered to pay the full monthly payment plus £20 per month towards the arrears. T his I did but Acenden added a £30 arrears fee each month to the arrears, hence I had no chance of ever repaying these arrears. The situation is that I now owe £12k which is due to repaid at the end of April and is made up entirely of fees, charges and interest. My questions are, 1. Does anyone thing there is any point going to court to challenge Acenden on the basis that they have frustrated the order of a court (or whatever the legal terminology maybe) as by them adding charges to the arrears I could never repay the arrears as directed by the court. 2. Does anyone know of any company that would be able to offer legal help (rather than just the generic advice you get from National Debtline etc.)? I have approached a local solicitors (in Bolton) but they want my to pay £500 up fron t just to look at the papers before deciding if they could help which I'm not in a position to pay. Any advice appreciated.
  8. I would value your advice on how to respond to an offer from Xercise4less that hopefully would result in the closure of a dispute over my son's alleged membership arrears. In brief, my son and his friend joined Xercise4less last May on a monthly rate of £9.99 four months later when they went away to university they both cancelled. A month or so later my son noticed the monthly fee was still being deducted he cancelled the direct debit. Shortly after that he received a letter from Harlands claiming he was in arrears and that he owed monthly fees plus administration charges of £25. Others followed a month ago CRS sent him a letter (followed by a text) asking for fees of £66.50 as part of alleged arrears now totalling £166.45. He tried to contact Xercise4less by phone (no one ever answered) and by email (the company replied by referring him back to his local gym as central office hadn't received any evidence of the cancellation of his membership). More emails to the gym manager followed until he was told that in fact he was not a member of that particular gym - but of another one 6-8 miles away!! He had used the local gym for 4 months but no one had ever challenged him on the fact that apparently he wasn't even a member there... By this time the whole situation was annoying me as much as my son. I am regularly in pain and sleep is often difficult I vowed to resolve this matter once and for all. I emailed Xercise4less two days ago and this afternoon they replied. They asked for evidence of his cancellation from the gym (it was a verbal cancellation with nothing in writing). They asked for proof that he had moved to university (I have an email from his university with an accommodation tenancy agreement). Then came the money part of the offer, the bit I need your advice on... They said if evidence of relocation is provided a request would be submitted for his membership to be recalled from CRS. However this would need “a final £9.99 payment and a £20.00 administration fee” for the account to be fully closed down. My question is: should I pay any or all of those fees?
  9. just need some advice of a stupid issue caused by the Council, paid my bill up in full for the year 2015/2016, payments during the year have been up and down but ALWAYS made within the calendar month no later and yes we have had the 2 statutory warnings. We have been told there is £55 outstanding for a court summons in March, my missus phoned the council and they said we were late paying February's payment by 3 weeks so they have issued court proceedings. Can we do anything about this apart go to court?
  10. Hi everyone, I live in a flat which i have to pay ground rent every 6 months. I've always paid on time over the space of 6 years. The account was setup to have payment requests sent via email, a work email. Since October last year that email address no longer existed, better put i had no access to it anymore. I then received a Payment request through the post demanding what is rightfully owed to them but they have added "Ground Rent Arrears Fee" x4 of them totaling to: £330.00, i disputed this amount and sent a cheque of the original amount due of £200.00 saying there was no access to emails since this had become due. They sent the cheque back and demanded the full payment and still are with arrears fees still being added. In answer to my first letter to them explaining about the email, they said i was bound to the terms when registering for an online billing account that all bills would be sent to that email address only. Do i have any space for argue here? Seeing as the fees are so high every time, i have no means to pay it at the moment due to my working hours have been heavily decreased. Can i argue to the fact of the email account or the extremely high charges? Your help would be appreciated. Thank you.
  11. Fees for winning financial claims cases such as mis-sold payment protection insurance are to be capped, under proposals to protect consumers from high charges by some claims management companies (CMCs).The Ministry of Justice plans to cap the maximum completion fee at 15% on ‘bulk claims’ with a single lender, and cap the overall charge for claims worth more than £2,000 at £300. The government said the changes will stop companies charging ‘exaggerated prices’, which it said can amount to as much as 40% of total financial compensation. According to the government, CMCs have taken an estimated £3.5bn in charges since 2011. It said that there is ‘widespread concern’ from consumer groups, banks and insurers that CMCs continue to make speculative claims through aggressive marketing and nuisance calls. The proposals also include introducing a maximum ‘cancellation’ fee of £300 for bulk claims, as well as bans on referral fees for PPI or packaged bank accounts claims, upfront fees, and fees where no relationship is found between the consumer and a lender. The MoJ has also proposed capping the maximum fee to 25% of total compensation in any other financial cases. http://www.lawgazette.co.uk/law/new-caps-on-financial-claim-fees/5053644.fullarticle The consultation seeks views and further evidence in relation to proposals to: cap the maximum completion fee to 15% (including VAT) for bulk claims (such as mis-sold payment protection insurance claims) with a single lender and cap the overall charge for claims worth more than £2,000 in total to £300 introduce a maximum ‘cancellation’ fee of £300 for bulk claims when a consumer cancels their contract with a claims management company after the initial 14 day ‘cooling off’ period ban CMCs from receiving or making any financial payment for referring or introducing a consumer to a third party in relation to a PPI or PBA claim ban any fees where no relationship is found between a consumer and a lender ban all upfront fees for all financial claims, where CMCs ask to be paid before any work is carried out cap the maximum completion fee to 25% (including VAT) of the final amount of compensation awarded in all other types of financial case https://consult.justice.gov.uk/digital-communications/cutting-costs-for-consumers-finanical-claims
  12. Hi everybody Looking for some advice. Read a few threads but no answers. In November me and some friends signed up for a 5a side football league. We signed up online and ticks a box which states: I accept full responsibility on behalf of my team to fulfil and pay for all fixtures for the season. I accept that once the fixtures have been done I cannot withdraw until a replacement team has been found. I agree to XXXXx's terms and conditions, and agree to abide by the rules of the competition. I am aged 18 or over. I read the terms and conditions and accepted. On the league advert, they also show two different costs. £30 and £28 Week one, we played and paid the match fee of £30. Was told there was 8 teams in the league. Week two, we played and again paid the match fee. However the teams had increased now to 10 teams in the league. we played a further 5 games and missed three fixtures, brining our total of games to 10 Knowing we missed a game, we was aware of the 'double match fee' and was expecting to pay £60. At no point was we asked for this is the following weeks of attending. We decided that we did not want to continue anymore so got in touch with the league and expressed we would not be able to fulfill fixtures and would be resigning. Knowing we would owe some money, I had an invoice arrive at my address saying we owed a 'single fee for the first missed fixture' and 'double fee for the second missed fixture' expecting to be charged £90. But in fact it was £108 A week later, I received a second invoice. It makes no reference to the first invoice. Instead now says: Fail to fulfil fixture- single fee £36 Fail to fulfil fixtures on xxx date and xxx date- double fee £120 Remaining games to end of season- 11@£60 £660 Total owed £816 My queries: 1- there is no date to pay stated, just a 'contact head office immediately' 2- on the league table, my team has played 9 games despite playing 10. So we have 8 remaining. £480 owed 3- when signing up, I joined a league and not a cup, yet we were added in for two weeks of cup fixtures. An extra 2 weeks worth of fees. 4- as described, first week there was 8 teams, second there was 10. In essence, does this technically mean the league have added on an extra 4 games and their fees onto our seasons costs. As when we registered, there was 8 Thanks for any support given
  13. Hi, I was wondering whether it is common practice or indeed mandatory for fee costings to be declared upfront when contact is first made with a solicitor. Thanking you.
  14. I recently ordered an unvented water cylinder in error from an internet company. Their T&C clearly stated that they charged a 25% of the item's price for returns. They did not say whether this was on the vat as well, but I believe that it should not be. However, it appears to me that this fee could well be an unlawful penalty, (Dunlop v New Garage 1915) . . Surely it must cost very little more to restock a £1,000 thermal store than it does a £150 immersion heater of the same size I realise that this is to deter time wasters, but it my case I am returning a £350 unvented cylinder, and buying a £1,000 thermal store from them in its place. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
  15. A lady from Sheffield recently commenced court action against Unicom / Verastar to claim a refund of the termination fees she had paid to Unicom and also to claim compensation for the harassment she had to endure due to Unicom’s debt collection procedures. Unicom settled out of court and paid the full amount she had claimed. BBC Radio 4 ran an item about this on their You & Yours consumer programme and it can be heard by clicking here http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06wc6qp Further details can be seen by clicking here http://www.ispreview.co.uk/index.php/2016/01/sheffield-dinner-lady-wins-compensation-from-troubled-uk-isp-unicom.html I think this will be of interest to people who have been faced with demands for termination fees from Unicom.
  16. Millions of current account customers are being advised to consider their options, following an increase in fees, and changes in interest rates. From Monday, monthly charges on the Santander 123 account - held by 3.6 million people - will more than double. At the same time HSBC is cutting interest payments to customers on its range of cash Individual Savings Accounts (Isas). Barclays also announced more cash rewards for those who switch. The change in Santander fees - announced in September - will see customers paying £60 a year, instead of the previous fee of £24. The charge for its 123 credit card rises from £24 a year to £36. 'Do the maths' Last year the Santander account proved very popular, with more than 27,000 people switching to it in a single month. But experts said that - even after the changes -it still offered relatively generous interest payments of up to 3% a year, and cashback of up to 3% on some household bills. "Don't jump ship until you've done the maths," said Hannah Maundrell, editor in chief of advice site Money.co.uk. "To put it simply, you need to look at how much you're earning in interest and cashback. If it's less than the new £60 a year fee you need to take it as a wake-up call to seriously consider your options." MOre ...
  17. Hello, please can someone help me. The freeholder of my flat pursued me for unpaid service charges through small claims at the county court. I settled the first charge with at the court as a gesture to try and get things sorted. I was also under a lot of pressure has a family member had just passed away. The second charge was more substantial and included major works. This was transferred to the LVT. The LVT ruled that the service charges were not currently payable because the freeholder hadn't fully complied with Section 47 of the LTA 1987. However, they also said that i would have to pay once he issued the service charge form correctly. I have paid the outstanding service charges, though he still hasn't done any work to the property and in fact he never has. The LVT did not rule on the legal costs and transferred the case back to County court to make the determination. These legal charges are for over £6k, more than the service charge demands. His solicitor is relying upon the following clause, to recover the legal costs, in my lease which states: 'To pay all costs charges and expenses including Solicitors Costs and Surveyors’ fees incurred by the Lessor for the purpose of or incidental to the preparation and service of a Notice under Section 146 of the Law of Property Act 1925 requiring the Lessee to remedy the breach of any of the covenants herein contained notwithstanding forfeiture for such breach may be avoided otherwise than by relief granted by the Court' Please can someone help. I saw that under CPR 27 legal costs in Small Claims are limited to £260 but there has recently been a case where legal costs were awarded because the lease took precedence (Chaplair v Kumari, 2015). In addition, i have just sold the property and it completes tomorrow. This is before the hearing is set to take place. I have also just asked for the claim to be struck out as the Claimant has not filed the statement of costs which were ordered to be served over 3 weeks ago. Please can someone help me. Many thanks in advance
  18. Just a quick question, are the fees swinton charge legal £12 for processing a non direct debit payment and £24 for a bounced direct debit, so £36 in total?
  19. Hello, Vodafone Reference Code: WRT135 [#12225718]. To cut a long story short, I would like to cancel my Contract without incurring the penalty fees due to Vodafone not providing the service I am paying for monthly (Sim Only Contract). I can provide the letter I have recently sent to Vodafone, which outlines the details in full, as an attachment if required.
  20. The Taking Control of Goods Regulations 2013 came into effect in April 2014. A significant change to the regulations was how bailiff fees are to be deducted from any payment made. This is explained in detail on the following STICKY: http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?453047-Bailiff-enforcement-Setting-up-a-payment-arrangement-and-whether-you-can-pay-the-court-or-the-council-direct Almost as soon as the regulations were introduced, local authorities around the country were inundated with Freedom of Information requests to ascertain whether or not the council would properly deduct the bailiffs fees in accordance with legislation in cases where the debtor defied the instruction on the Notice of Enforcement, and instead, paid the council the amount of the liability order only (minus bailiff fees). If nothing else, these FOI requests have highlighted to the councils the way in which the regulations had changed. With the regulations having now been in place for 20 months it is now the case that paying the council direct (minus bailiff fees) rarely ever succeeds and instead, is leading to debtors being in a much worse financial position than ever before given that by the time the payment has been processed by the local authority, the 'compliance stage' outlined in the Notice of Enforcement would have ended and with it, the opportunity to enter into a payment arrangement without the need for a personal visit from the enforcement agent and a charge of £235 being applied. Given that this is a discussion thread, it may be useful to debate this subject but please.....no arguments or squabbles.
  21. Hi, I have just checked my Barclays account, only 2 payments ever come out of this account but I am constantly in my £1000 overdraft. I had a letter today saying that I had gone over which came as a shock to me as the money that goes in should more than cover what gets taken out but I havent paid anything towards my overdraft in a long time. They have changed their fees apparently and now I am being charged £26+ a month for my overdraft, I never signed up to this, I had the additions added on back in lets just say 2005 and havent signed or agreed to anything since. Are they authorised to do this and am I able to claim this back under financial hardship does anyone know Thanks
  22. As I'm nearing to my last year of my loan. I just thought I take a closer look at my statement this month. OH MY WORD! I took out a £20k, 108 month secured loan on my property in Oct 2007. Up to now, I am up to date. From 2007-2011, on 4 occasions I made late payments. Some arranging from 4days-2 weeks late. From Feb-Dec 2012 I lost my job, and fell into arrears. But within that period, I managed to make 4 payments which covered 4 months. And because I was able to find a new job, in December I paid off the remaining arrears. Since then, I have never missed a payment and my account is up to date. on checking my statement, and balance. I was assuming my balance would be near the £3763.68 mark (12 x £313.64) as I have 12 months left. But to my astonishment and disgust. My balance is showing: Balance Outstanding: £7954.99 Repayment Administration Fee: £195 Total Redemption Figure: £8149.99 Cost & Charges: £1570 Buildings Insurance Charge: 959.18 I rang them up, and told them to send me the breakdown of charges and fees. They consist of: Building Insurance - £959.18 Building Insurance Block Policy Charge - £130 Dishourned Reciept Charge - £35 x 5 Letter - £30 x 5 Collections Telephone - £35 Monthly Charge Arrears - £42 x 13 Visit Costs - £100 Land Registry Priority Search Legal Charge - £6 Land Registry Office Copies - £4 x 2 (on the same date?!?!) Issue of Possession - £49 Online Issue Fee - £100 Court Preparation Fee - £57 Legal Costs - £162 Can someone please help me. Is this even legal? And what is this charge I have for Building Insurance/Block Policy Charge. Even if I minus all the fees/charges. The balance does not even add up to the 108 month loan agreement. Any help would be great and much appreciated.
  23. My Dad is 75 years old and in a conversation with him the other day he told me that Nat West were closing his account. He said it was one of those where he paid a monthly fee but never got anything out of it, he said he'd never used any services that it offered and when I asked how long he'd had it and why he'd taken it, he said that he'd had it probably 20 years (although his memory is a little hazy) and he said he hadn't asked for it, they just told him he was getting it.....I want to try to claim back his monthly PBA fees, should I start with a SAR request and take it from there? If so, which SAR letter do I use? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  24. Hello Guys I hope you can help me. In June I started working for an Accountant on a self employed basis. Each week I would send over my hours/invoice, he would raise an invoice to client and once it was paid, so would I be. The problem arose due to the fact that this Accountant is the most obnoxious, patronising and rude person I have ever had the misfortune to meet. Not only did he continually harass me by bombarding me with text messages, emails etc. He was also always rude to the client which put me in a difficult position. I work for other accountants quite happily and they did not want half the stuff that he kept asking me for. In the end I told him by email that I would not sign his contract and that once it finished (when the Director who signed it left in November) I did not want to work with him anymore. I was approached by the actual owner of the Company who said that he would like me work with the new director and on his other companies on a self employed basis directly. The other accountant was informed and has threatened them with legal action of a "finders fee" on 15% up to 35K or 17.50% over 35K. My understanding was that finders fees were only due if someone was taken on in "employment". Also I have looked at the Companies Contract with him (which I have attached) and it does not say anything in their contract regarding a finders fee. I have also attached a copy of my contract which I told him I would not sign and although it mentions a "possible" finders fee in my contract, surely it would have to mention that also in the Company contract. This chap is threatening legal action and I getting quite stressed out. Can someone please have a look and let me know if he has a leg to stand on. Many thanks
  25. Hi, I urgently need advice on dealing with Harlands, Here is the story so far. Me and my boyfriend signed up to our local Lifestyle fitness gym, under a 12 month contract. Both memberships were set up to be debited from his account. 8 months in, he got a letter saying that there weren't sufficient funds to pay his membership, so they were asking for the £15 for the months membership, and a £25 admin fee. We went into the actual gym and asked if the other membership (mine) had been paid for, and they said that only one of our memberships was suspended, so one must have been paid. I then got a letter saying that mine hadn't been paid, with them asking for the same amount (£15 membership and a £25 admin fee). Because I had not changed my address with them (completely my fault) my letter got to me late, so when they tried to take the £40 out for my membership, they couldn't take it, and I got a letter explaining a charge. 'Your bank have advised us that our submission of £40.00 to cover the previously returned instalment plus the administration charge has been returned "refer to payer". You have now incurred a further £25.00 charge and are £60.00 in arrears.' 'Your next instalment is due in a few days time but we will not make another submission until the outstanding £65 is paid'. They then carry on to say I had to call by 27/10 to avoid further charges. I didn't call as I was unable to contact them during their opening hours due to other commitments. I have recently received another letter which states - 'We refer to our previous letter and note that you have not contacted us. You have now incurred a further £25 charge and are £105.00 in arrears. Under your Membership Agreement, you have promised to pay this debt. If you continue to refuse to honour that commitment, we will have no option but to take further steps to collect the outstanding balance. We want to help you resolve this situation but you must call us. Ignoring our letters is only resulting in further charges being added. If you do not contact us by 13th November your balance of £135.00 will be passed to a debt recovery company who will add their fees to your account'. I've tried to read up as much as I can on what to do, but I'm just really confused now. Do I call them, so it doesn't get passed on to a Debt recovery company, or do I email them and only leave a paper trail? My dad had told me I need to call them and pay them the £135.00, but I don't understand how it could cost them £75 in administration. I can't afford to pay it and I don't know what to do because they just keep putting more admin fees on top of it and I feel like its going to spiral out of control.
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