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  1. Hi all,i am going through a divorce and whilst i was married we had a joint account with Nationwide,which all our bills where paid from.Whilst going through the divorce and ending up at the High Court to thrash out a financial agreement,it was agreed that we both pay off our half of arrears on the joint account, (which to my knowledge ive no idea how this happened, as there was sufficient money to cover the bills).that was in December 2013.I then set up a payment plan with Nationwide to pay for MY HALF of the arrears,which i fully paid.it wasn't until May 2014 that i received a phone call from Nationwide saying there is still £470 odd still owing,i was amazed at this as i paid my half off.Since May 2014 i have received phone calls from Nationwide asking me to pay off the remaining amount,i have tried on each phone call to explain that an agreement was made in the High Court of December 2013 that this money would be paid and also stated that ive paid my half,to which they said they do NOT take this into account, they just want their money.I was also told by one of them that if my ex wife didn't pay her half then her half would be written off,which i was disgusted by.The latest is that i am now getting phone calls from 01614257485 and texts from a company called FREDRICKSON INTERNATIONAL.Now not just dealing with the stress of a bad divorce, i am also very stressed with this too.Can anyone help ?
  2. Hello all, Need some information for a friend... She was a director for a limited company but the company had money problems and ceased trading and has been closed down. Lloyds are chasing her for an outstanding debt for an overdraft she had with her limited company. The Debt has now been sold to a debt collector who is now harrassing her with letters and stipulating money must be paid. Can someone tell me if the director is liable for the debt, or the limited company itself is liable? Many thanks
  3. Hi, My stepson has received a demand from the above company for £1200, in respect of private dental fees incurred for treatment recieved in September last year ,and has asked me for help. He is 44 years old,long term unemployed due to both mental and medical issues. He states that he actually owes £805 and thought that his benefits would cover it, which of course they would'nt. Apparently he agreed with the dental practice to pay in monthly instalments, but has defaulted on these so now the practice is taking action, but I'm not sure that they have gone about it the right way for the following reasons:- 1.He has recieved no written bill or final demand. 2.They have not informed him in writing of any pending action. 3.GUARDIAN RECOVERY LTD have not shown how the original £805 has become £1200,merely stating"collection charges and interest". The £805 is not disputed,and I can pay that at the end of the month,but any advice on dealing with GUARDIAN would be appreciated
  4. Hi all, I have been pointed to this forum by a friend who was certain someone on here can help. Back in November, I parked in my usual train station car park, run by NCP. I arrived later than usual, so there was no spaces in my usual spot downstairs. I had to drive to the top floor, where i found plenty of spaces. I parked up and walked away, paying for my ticket on the 'Ringo' mobile app as I do every morning. When I returned to my car I was surprised to find that I had received a ticket, as had about 12 other cars around me. It turned out that the space I parked in was a 'Premier Bay' (not usually what I'd expect to find on the top floor of a multi-story). When I looked closer, the bays were indeed marked (unclearly) 'Premier Parking', however the words were spaced about 15 foot apart, meaning in front of my car there was just the word 'Parking'. There was also no visible signage. The only sign displayed was next to the pay and display machine, which I never use due to preferring the mobile app. This was on a lamp post around 20 meters from where I parked, positioned side on so I wouldn't have noticed it even if I looked that way. There were two lamp posts either side of my car, neither of which had a Premier Parking sign displayed. I appealed to the NCP but it was declined (in hindsight after reading a few posts, this was the wrong thing to do). I then appealed to POPLA, but they said my appeal was received more than 28 days after the ticket was issued, so was declined. I have now received a letter from 'Debt Recovery Plus' demanding payment or court proceedings may commence. I have genuinely forgotten to purchase a ticket on occasions, and reluctantly paid the fine as I was in breach of the car park conditions, but on this occasion I believe NCP should have done more to make it clear that the spaces were allocated Premier Parking bays. Can anyone please advise me what would be best in this situation? The amount owed is now £120, which is outrageous considering I paid for a ticket that day. Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated. Many thanks Neil
  5. In October last year I apparently over stayed my welcome in what I thought was a freecarpark, that's what it says on the way in. In the post came the parking charge notice which I have ignored, then I received what I thought was the red reminder about a month late, but on closer inspection it was from another company about another pcn. Well with that one I had no initial notification. Now I have had the next letters demanding payment or further action. Please can someone help me with what to do. I find some of the threads confusing so I thought I should start my own.
  6. hi all. my daughter has received a letter headed :- Debt and Revenue Services, about a vodaphone account that hasn't been paid because of the very bad service and reception she got for about the 3 mths she used it. the letter has written on it that it is a Home Visit Notice. what powers if any do these people have to recover the debt. regards gripper.
  7. Hi, A friend of mine was contacted by lowells and stupidly agreed a payment plan for a couple of old(more than 6 years) debts, on catalogue and one credit card. About £3000 in total and he his paying £50pm and is struggling to make these payments. They stated in one letter that they have bought the debt, so what can he do to try to get them of his back? Many thanks for any assistance you can offer...
  8. Hi - been trying to work this out in my head but wonder if anyone has any ideas about this situation of mine, thanks. I have an interest only mortgage - the arrears I previously had were shown on the statements and increased the outstanding balance, which I understand. The new balance then attracted more interest. Later the lender took me to court and had the arrears added to the security, increasing the balance again. Shortly after that they capitalised the arrears - so - assume the balance went up again. Also added all their legal fees. Does this mean that there has been a double recovery of interest then?
  9. From October 2014, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) are starting to recover old tax credit overpayment debts from new ongoing tax credit awards. If you're getting tax credits and you have a tax credit debt from a previous claim that has ended, HMRC will write to you to tell you that they will deduct it from your current payments. They won't deduct more than 25 per cent of your current claim. If your current claim is a joint claim, HMRC can include any previous overpayments from single claims that have ended in this process. If necessary, they can bring together a number of debts from different years and households and deduct them in a single amount. You can't normally dispute a decision to recover an overpayment where it has been more than three months since you received your final decision notice. However, you can still make a complaint if you're not happy about how HMRC have dealt with your claim. If you are suffering hardship as a result of paying back an overpayment, you can call the Tax Credit Payment Helpline on 0345 302 1429 and ask them to review your payments. You will need to give full details of your circumstances. These changes won't affect you if you already have an arrangement in place to repay any old overpayments. For more information about tax credits overpayments, see Adviceguide fact sheet Tax credit overpayments [ 190 KB]. For HMRC guidance on how they deal with overpayments, see their Code of Practice 'What happens if we’ve paid you too much tax credits?' on the GOV.UK website at www.gov.uk. http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/news/whats_new_oct14_tax_credits-_recovery_of_old_debts.htm
  10. Hello, I am wondering if you can help / provide advice for my brother. He ended up in some financial difficulties following a car accident which meant he was unable to work (self employed) for a while several years ago. As a result he got into some financial difficulties which were finally sorted in 2012 (or so we thought!). The debt was for a credit card at Lloyds TSB, who passed the debt to a company called 1st Credit. A full and final settlement figure was agreed with 1St Credit in May 2012 (we have a letter from them confirming this). However, in August/September 2012 for some reason Lloyds sold the debt on again to a company called Apex. Both Apex and Lloyds confirmed that it should not have been sent to them, and we have complaint responses from both companies in September and October 2012 confirming this. The letters also advise that the debt is closed off and Apex were sending it back to Lloyds. We thought everything was fine as no further contact however fast forward two years and we have now received a debt from a company called Cabot Financial (dated 3 November 2014) claiming that the debt has now been sold on to them. It is clearly the same debt, as all of them quote the same amount right to the penny as well as his original lloyds credit card number. We are clearly very unhappy with this as he is looking to rent a property soon and we are worried that this could affect his credit etc further. In addition to this, Cabot Financial's letter states that the original lender is "Prime Credit 1 s.a.r.l" which is not the case and we have not had any dealings with them (as was lloyds, 1st Credit and Apex) so we are at a loss with who to go to - Lloyds, Appex, 1st Credit etc. Does any one know if there are any links between these companies (i.e. is this Prime Credit 1 s.a.r.l linked to Apex/1st Credit etc).
  11. An acquaintance has today been contacted by a DCA and I found their approach unprofessional / bordering on harassment. My acquaintance was severely upset by their behaviour and attitude. I would appreciate your advice on the general situation (though not necessarily the rightness or wrongness of either party's claims). Is there anything my acquaintance should be doing at this point or should they be awaiting further contact? I am not a lawyer. Context: This acquaintance is a director of a limited liability company (A). That limited liability company paid for services from a third-party (the supposed creditor - B) and in turn had an exclusive franchise for a specific region. The understanding was that the franchise was perpetual and of a similar form to all other franchises provided by B. All contracts / agreements were oral though there is c10 years of historic precedent supporting the existence and nature of those arrangements. Approximately 2 years ago B decided to disenfranchise A and enfranchise a new third party (as it was financially beneficial for B to do so) thereby ending A's sole revenue stream. At that time, an agreement was reached with B that an alternative franchise would be provided though that never materialised. A may have owed B a low five figure sum for services rendered before the termination of the franchise. Following negotiations, as no new franchise was provided, it was understood by A that any sums owed to B were to be cancelled. None of those discussions, or details of sums owed are documented. B did not subsequently send requests for payment. Currently, A has negligible assets and six figure liabilities (including a significant debt to my acquaintance). Any sums owed by A to B were unsecured. Both B and my acquaintance have not been in contact for over 18 months and no requests for payment have been received in that time. Today, a DCA contacted my acquaintance informing them that they required immediate payment. DCA are a small firm (3 family members) and, as far as I can tell, are legitimate - they have a website and no negative media results. From their website, I cannot however determine their company number or if they are a member of any trade associations. As part of the 45 minute conversation between my acquaintance and DCA DCA said: 1) Threatened my acquaintance with criminal prosecution and a potential jail sentence for robbery 2) Spoke in legalese referencing c15 different forms and procedures with no intent (/ability) to explain 3) Had no knowledge of the arrangements between A and B 4) Assumed that my acquaintance was fully liable for A's debts and repeatedly stated that claim 5) Became forceful / insistent to the extent that my acquaintance burst into tears I have recommended that, next time they make contact, my acquaintance do the following: 1) Request they contact them in writing 2) Request that they stop contacting by phone 3) End the conversation at that point 4) Note key details of the conversation Any advice would be hugely appreciated given the distress my acquaintance is experiencing. Thanks, Ben
  12. I have 2 very old accounts with MBNA, one for a loan and one for a credit card which I suspect are statute barred. Max Recovery took over the account in 2009 and absolutely no payments have been made to them during this time. Max Recovery send me annual statements and this morning I received the 2013-14 statements. Usually the statements just show an opening and closing balance but this year there is a very small credit been posted the account mid year for both the credit card and loan. The amounts are very small but I'm concerned. I am absolutely certain that no payment has been made to Max Recovery during the year so I'm very curious as to what this entry could be for. Obviously I would like to enquire what these entries relate to but don't want to imply ownership of the debt and consequently jeopardise the statute barred status. Would anyone know how I could phrase the letter to enquire what these entries relate or should I just not worry?
  13. Hi All I've just joined because Google came up with you when I searched for global Debt Recovery Ltd. I've received a letter from them out of the blue today claiming that they are appointed by as agents for recovery of £47,751.74. Their client is quoted as being Experto Credite. I don't owe this money. It looks like a similar amount that my insurance company settled with the finance company when I had a serious car accident which wrote off the car last year, but I can't be sure it's that. The finance company weren't called Experto Credite that's for sure and it was showing as paid in full on my credit report. Should I ignore the letter or write to them asking them to prove it? Cheers
  14. Hi all. Just a quick question. I am due in for major surgery later this year and currently clain HB and ESA (pre-ATOS assessment). My consultant says that I will be in hospital around 3-5 days and then have another 2-3 weeks at home doing very light tasks but no lifting, bending or anything as I need full rest to optimise my recovery. Will I be able to claim any enhanced payment for this period? I know it is not vitally important as I guess, if anything, it will be a minimal amount but if the entitlement is there and after what I have contributed over the years I feel it is a right to claim it. If there is a case for any additional claim I guess I make this based on hospital dates and a letter from my consultant outlining the full rest period etc? Thanks all.
  15. Hi all, I got into a bit of a scrape with Primark (don't laugh) yesterday (23rd October 2014) when I tried to shoplift a couple of shirts that came up to the cost of £26. I was escorted down to a detention room where I was spoken to and my provisional driving licence was photocopied and after a few words I was given a piece of paper stating what the costs of my anticipated 'fine' from this notorious company called RLP will cover. They saw other shirts that I had purchased from another branch along with the receipt which came to the total of £42.90, but that didn't stop them from telling me to expect a 'fine'. I was told that I should be getting this letter in three weeks. I've been doing a frantic amount of research between yesterday and today and from what I've gathered, they have no legal right to scare me into paying anything and all they make is empty threats. However I'm afraid that they may actually contact Primark again and I was told that I would be taken to court if I don't pay up to this RLP company, not to mention they have me on CCTV. However the goods were recovered before I left the store and they were in perfectly resaleable condition. The police weren't called and I wasn't made to sign anything. No additional details like a telephone number or my parents' contact details or anything were taken and I was allowed to go afterwards. I'm anxious they may also turn up unexpectedly to my house when I'm not there, and I do not want my family to know under any circumstances. I was told by a sympathetic security staff member that if I don't pay this fine immigration officers and border control across the EU will be notified and I will be stopped in airports regarding this, and that this will last for 5 years. I know I'm very much in the wrong and I did something stupid but I seriously don't have the money to spare and I don't want to go to court and risk a criminal record. In addition, in principle alone I believe like many others on here it is wrong to extort money from someone by playing on guilt, particularly as it seems I'm going to pay £137.50 for items that came up to £26 that were recovered in a perfectly resaleable condition, which of course the store will make money from anyway regardless of whether I pay the fine or not. Not to mention it would supposedly be 'covering the costs of past shoplifters'. As my parents are forever adamant on taking and opening my mail and get mad if I get a hold of it I have sent off my application for the Mail Collect service Royal Mail runs, so I can collect my mail from the sorting office without running the risk of them seeing it and getting myself into 100x more **** than I'm already in. I also wanted to know if this would show up on any kind of CRB/enhanced CRB check and do retailers regularly check RLP's so-called 'dishonesty register' when someone applies for a job? If so, how long would I be on there for? I'm 18 and I've never had one despite frantic applying. I definitely don't need this as a further setback. Do I ignore the letter when it comes or do I reply? And if so, how? I'm afraid to leave it but I also don't want to be out of pocket because of greedy capitalism on the part of RLP as I believe there is no basis to do so as the goods were recovered, the police weren't called and RLP is a private company with no legitimate connections to the criminal justice system. This was completely out of character for me and I definitely won't be doing it again. I'd lose my friends if they knew as well which is why I'm here looking for advice on what to do when the letter from RLP comes. I just want this over and done with. Please help!!! Thank you xx
  16. Hi There, Got a parking notice back in January this year. My partners ticket was due out at 10:07. They slapped a ticket on the car at 10:17 with my partner returning at 10:20. I of course appealed against this notice as it was no more than 13 minutes out. The shopping precinct was busy at the time also delaying her getting back to the car. I sent my written appeal to ANPR Ltd. I heard nothing from this. Yesterday morning I receive a letter pack from a solicitor who state ANPR have now instructed them to collect debt and as such are preparing county court papers to which they will submit in around 14 days time. Can anyone tell me where I stand with this. When I called ANPR they said they wouldn't handle the case no more and I was to contact the company dealing with it. My concern is that baliffs will start knocking if the county court become involved. I'm panicking trying to find the money to get together within 14 days but another part of me is telling to stand firm as I appealed and heard nothing until this pack arrived. I've heard all sorts of advice on here. Some say ignore and the forum mods say don't ignore. The form they've attached which they claim will sent to Northampton County Court Bulk Centre looks official enough. Any help on which way to proceed would be greatly appreciated.
  17. Last July I had a hard drive replaced in my son's laptop, two months later I had a "north bridge chip" replaced in the same laptop, and just three days ago the computer crashed again, after a half hour conversation with one of the KNOWHOW people he said that the hard drive had crashed again but that they would replace it free of charge, when I asked him about the data on it he said it would be no problem for them to put the data on a flash drive and save it. When I went to PC WORLD I was told that I would have to pay £80 for the data recovery. When I queried this with them I was told that if I wanted the data I had no option but to pay. I asked to be shown this policy and he printed the relevant page and it states.. ."if you accidently delete important files, photos or home videos we can help. our state of the art technology can recover your lost or deleted files etc, etc," My point is that "I" have not lost or deleted any files, the files are still on the three month old hard drive that they put in and are only under threat because it is faulty and must be replaced. I phoned trading standards and was told that I should use "Supply of goods and services act".. Can anyone advise me on this please.
  18. ok , so were do i start ,im 34 years old and have been suffering from depression , and recently had my medication reduced, which affected me and i have never committed any crime before but went and stole several drills from b&q , which now i have had my medication corrected am absolutely mortified at what ive done and cannot explain why i have done it, ive been arrested and are currently on bail but not charged yet Well i have now received a letter from civil recovery solutions requesting i pay a sum of 3100 but if pay within 14 days it will be reduced to 2450 , please help me and any advice on what to i can do as i dont have this sort of money and cant sleep with worry
  19. A short while ago my partner's son 'B' who lives with us had an 'incident' on the road where a driver of a vehicle in front of him alleged that B's car had gone into the back of him whilst slowing for a zebra crossing. B denied this and told the driver that his car was stopped and what had actually happened was that the driver had allowed his car to roll back into B's car. B got out, spoke to the man denying any liability, took pictures, showed there was no damaged to either vehicle and thought that would be the last of it. A short while later B's insurance company contacted him by telephone to say they had received a claim. B denied any responsibility and sent in the pictures he had taken - apparently the driver and his passenger were claiming for whiplash and all sorts. Amazing when they was no damage to either vehicle and the impact was less than walking pace. Anyway despite the evidence and denial B's insurance company advised B they would be settling a claim against B for labour and paint costs to repair a bumper and produced a quote from the other party's insurer which states no parts required, repairs and paint only and totals £380 plus VAT - no further reference to a personal injury claim was mentioned. B protested to his insurance company stating that there was no damage and he still believed that the driver rolled back into him rather than the fault being his. B also stated the driver's attitude at the time was along of the lines of: "you are a young driver, you're inexperienced, who do you think they are going to believe" B also stated that the driver was Nigerian and when B asked to see his licence (B had produced his on demand to the driver) he told him that he was able to drive on his Nigerian license indefinitely in the UK (which may or may not be true) and he didn't have it with him. Many phone calls later to B's insurance company and they carried on and settled the claim without any agreement from B - I spoke to them myself and they were truly appalling in their telephone manner and responses. The claimant is an NHS Trust employee with a lease car supplied by the NHS Trust he works for - I know how this works as I used to have an NHS lease car. Anyway we had thought it was all settled and this year B went with a different insurance company and swallowed the loss of a NCB. However B has now received a letter from Linkfield Loss Recovery Services which appears to be a claim for the other party's excess of £100 I told B that if these jokers contact him he is to say nothing other than 'Everything in writing only' and refuse to give any information or do any 'security' checks - he understands that fully. What's odd about this letter is that it names the Client as the NHS Trust and then goes on to name the driver but the claim is for the excess and the letter states their client's claim is in respect of uninsured losses which consist of the £100 excess. Firstly I need to know if this company can claim the excess back in this way and if B is liable to pay it? I'm guessing Linkfield Loss Recovery Services are nothing more than a debt collector so powerless in every way but I want to be sure. Company details from their letter head below: Linkfield Loss Recovery Services Ltd Linkfield House 1 - 3 Linkfield Corner Redhill Surrey RH1 1YZ
  20. Hi, need some help please: Had a loan for a car a few years ago. It was a complete lemon, broke down time and again. took it back and it broke down again the next week. Paid a £500 cash warranty on it that was supposed to cover it for everything. It broke down one last time about 3 years ago, called them, said we had to get the car to them. We couldnt, so it sat there for 10 months. I told them time and again, and then eventually scrapped the car and informed them of that. Borrowed £1500 to begin with for the car, paid £800 (£500 for warranty) deposit for a car that was worth maybe £1200 max at the time (didnt know that then) Paid £300 a month for about 20-24 months. Yet this letter below says I owe £5110 still. When you have disabled kids and no transport and cant get credit you are desperate and will use anyone, know it was stupid but had no other options at the time. Then 4 weeks ago go a letter from this firm saying they had the debt and were going to do a doorstep visit. I called them straight away telling them I withdraw any right they have to visit me, and that I dispute the debt. We never had a credit agreement (there wasnt one, ever) and we did not owe the debt etc. I was told that they didnt have a copy of the CCA!! I was told to email them what I wanted and they would get back to me, this is what I emailed. Re our conversation today: no 1/ You have no right to access to my property, you have no right to call at my property. We do NOT have, and have NEVER had, a contract. Any permission you believe you may have had from me is hereby withdrawn. If you believe that you have power of attorney to act on my behalf, you are hereby FIRED, and any consent you believe you may have, tacit or otherwise, is hereby withdrawn. If you feel so inclined as to enforce statutes as a consequence of this matter, I will report your conduct to all relevant bodies and will pursue proof of claim in affidavit form, under your full commercial liability and under the penalty of perjury. Please also see the full attached notice of denial of access. no 2/ You have been asked to only contact me by post from now. Any attempt to call me by phone will be classed as harassment and will be reported as such. no 3/ I am giving you 7 days from today to provide me with a copy of the credit agreement for this alleged debt. If I do not receive it in that time I will consider the matter closed. no 4/ I refute the debt, I do not owe that money and no payments will be made on it. no 5/ I expect a confirmation email from you today that you have received this notice and that all points are understood. This was on the 5th september 2014. Today got a letter saying " Accordingly a statutory demand is to be served upon you without further notice" and threatening to try and make me bankrupt. I m a full time carer with disabled kids so really wouldn't be a hassle for me as I have no asset's anyway! But I dont owe this debt, I dispute it, I have informed them of that by email and on the phone, they dont even have a copy of the CA. I need to do this the right way now. I know I need to send them a letter stopping the bankruptcy (I really dont think they will, but the Mrs is really worried) nd I need a letter to ask for Cetc. Can anyone give me the correct templates to post asap plus any other advice re anything I need to do. Thanking you so much in advance.
  21. I am not certain if these jokers were ever a legitimate DCA but it seems that justice has caught up with one bunch of rogues who have persecuted someone innocent http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/ruthless-blackmail-gang-conned-grieving-4301240
  22. Today (19 Sep 14) RLP's practices were featured on BBC Radio 4's 'You and Yours' programme. The repellent Vanessa Willetts spoke for RLP. Apparently RLP don't think that their methods are either aggressive or misleading, and she says that consequently they won't be changing the way they work. It can, therefore, only be a matter of time before they end up in court. Meanwhile, let's see if what she says is true - but remember, this is RLP, so don't hold your breath - or if they do change anything. The You and Yours piece was interesting in the time allowed, and Richard Dunstan made some good points. It did mention that the Law Commission say there is no legal basis for RLP's claims. Sadly, there wasn't time to feature: - the Oxford case, which one of RLP's retailer clients brought, and lost spectacularly - RLP's highly amusing demonstration of the Streisand Effect, in which they tried to stifle criticism (including reporting of the above case), by hiring expensive lawyers to send a risible letter that achieved no more than giving us all a laugh - RLP's lies about consumer websites being investigated by the police for criminal activity RLP's deceitful attempts to infiltrate this website by the use of sockpuppets like Frogboy - the simple fact that no-one who has followed CAG's advice on how to deal with RLP's aggressive and misleading claims has been taken to court, nor has anyone had to pay anything to RLP unless they chose to
  23. The future has not looked especially bright for the UK’s once rapidly growing civil recovery industry, ever since its leading practitioner, the Nottingham-based Retail Loss Prevention (RLP), and its retailer client lost – and lost badly – a test case in Oxford County Court in May 2012 (HERE). But a few weeks from now, the industry will receive a further stunning blow that may well prove fatal. On 1 October, the Consumer Protection (Amendment) Regulations 2014 will amend the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008, extending the definition of a ‘transactional decision’ and giving consumers new private remedies where a trader uses misleading or aggressive commercial practices. And guidance on the 2014 Regulations, published by the Department for Business Innovation & Skills (BIS) on 14 August, expressly states that, as a result, civil recovery “is now clearly covered” by the consumer protection regime established by the 2008 Regulations. It is important to note that this does not mean that civil recovery per se will become unlawful on 1 October. Rather, any misleading or aggressive action by the civil recovery agents will become unlawful. However, given that, as practised to date by the agents on behalf of household-name retailers such as Asda, Boots, Iceland, Tesco and TK Maxx, civil recovery against alleged shoplifters relies for its profitability on hoodwinking often vulnerable people into paying arbitrary, fixed-sum demands for ‘compensation’ for which there is in fact no legal authority, it is inherently misleading. http://thejusticegap.com/2014/08/end-road-civil-recovery/
  24. Last week on Thursday me and a friend went to Primark. She asked me to get a sticker off another shoe which was 14 pound I got it off the shoe and passed it to her. She took the sticker of the shoes that where 20 pound and stuck the sticker ontop of the shoe and paid for them. When we was on the way out a women in no uniform and no badge came up to my friend grabbed her and dragged her a side. She had a terrible attitude and told her to put her phone away and told her to come with her. The security guard who was in uniform asked me if I wanted to come with her so I followed. We were told to wait in a room in primark for around a hour while the women who dragged my friend by the arm was calling us fat and names to someone outside the room. My friend asked her what was happening as we had been waiting in the room for a long time and she told us we where being prosecuted and the police where on their way. 10 minutes to the shops closing time 2 PSCO's came in and started ripping into us calling us **** and saying I am sly because I do acting and told us we are being given a civil recovery and if we don't pay it the PSCO themselves will kick our doors down and take items out of our house at the same value and when my friend said she can't do that only bailiffs can she started getting defensive saying she can do it herself. I haven't recieved the letter about the civil recovery yet but what do I do when I get it?! When my friend went out to get a refund on her card for the 16pound for the shoes he flirted with her and then told her we are probably looking at 130pound?! I am 17 with no income!!
  25. Hello, Today I checked my credit report with noddle (it's free) and I noticed I have one default account which has been registered with PRA. Concerned I checked Experian and there is same information. Both of them are relating to my old debt with QQ which has been taken over by Mackenzie Hall. I settled this debt in 2011 and I've requested a confirmation letter from MH, which I still have a copy of. I was working really hard over last 3 years to build my credit score once again. Could you please help me what should I do and how should I deal with PRA. Dates and ammount on the letter and credit report are exactly same. Also I am 100% sure I've settled all my debts from the past. Thank you
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