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  1. My brother passed away in hospital yesterday. He had been in for 9 weeks. He was initially admitted suffering uncontrollable fits. At the time nobody knew the cause and it was assumed he had been drinking too much. He was in intensive care for a week where they managed to control the fits. he was left with some brain damage as a result of oxygen starvation. He was moved to high dependency where he made such good progress over the next week or so they wanted to discharge him to a psychiatric hospital ( he has had mental health problems for many years). The only reason they wouldn't take him was because he had mobility and speech issues due to the effects of the fits. Moved to a stroke ward where he was given physio etc and was making such good progress we had a meeting about his discharge to a stroke rehab unit. It was just before this that he developed a problem with his blood. We had no idea at the time but have since been made aware that the week before he was given a transfusion whilst a relative was visiting. this problem became much worse and still we were unaware of the problem. Two weeks ago my sister went to visit him, we hadn't been for a few days. She thought he was ignoring her because of this. He was unresponsive and had his head turned away. When she got round the bed it was obvious he had had a stroke. He was staring with the right side of his face drooped. Nurses were alerted a dotor came and said he had had a stroke. He ordered a scan. I arrived and waited 2 hours. Nothing happened. Very few staff around. More visitors came so we left but still nothing was done. I phoned later that night still no scan. we were beside ourselves as we had all been made aware from publicity that action needs to be swift. It was sunday morning before we heard he had his scan. It was tuesday when we got to see the consultant who showed us the scan images that revealed the extent of the stroke damage. Half his brain destroyed. Obviously the prognosis was very poor. The reason he gave for the lack of treatment was that the blood problem prevented them from giving emergency care. This was the first time anybody discussed it. They didn't know what the problem was even though it had been there for at least 4 weeks! The following Saturday we arrived and he had greatly deteriorated. Again no staff to speak to. His ts hirt was dirty his mouth was in a terrible state. His teeth hadn't been cleaned for days. Visited monday still no staff that would talk to us.I phoned again on the evening and got quite angry when again the staff nurse would tell me nothing. I pointed out his lack of basic nursing care. i was very upset. Tuesday morning my sister and I get a call at work saying we needed to come in as his condition had deteriorated and doctor wanted to speak to us! This was Visited Wednesday and Thursday asked about the blood problem but nobody would answer He was in such a low state that they could do no more for him and would only keep him comfortable. On friday they withdrew fluids and all medication and would no longer feed him.Again I asked about the blood problem, what had been done to investigate it, what had been eliminated. The only answer I got was telling me what they would have done if he hadn't had the stroke. We were called Saturday morning but were minutes too late, he died without us. We are supposed to collect the certificate tomorrow but I am so angry that we don't even know what was wrong with him in the first place! Is that it? Will we never know? 9 weeks in hospital with no definite diagnosis only a stroke after 7 weeks! What went wrong? How can I go further with this? Thanks in advance
  2. Hi all, On the BBC this AM: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-22687648
  3. Just found this during a random web search, and can't recall ever seeing it discussed here. That little 'partnership' went t***-up soon enough, didn't it? Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke, but still, he can take solace in doughnuts. http://www.credittoday.co.uk/article/14761/online-news/debt-buyer-serves-mack-hall-founder-with-court-order
  4. I have got myself in a situation I cannot see any way out of. My income dropped by about 40 about a year ago and since then I have been struggling to maintain my credit commitments. I often have to pay credit with credit but they are all approaching their limits and I don't know what to do. My current amount owing is approx.: 11,000 Barclaycard credit card 4,000 Barclaycard (was egg) 8,000 MBNA 4000 Next 4000 Very 1200 Argos As you can see this problem is extremely serious and I was actually shocked when I sat down and worked out exactly how much I owe. I have recently been getting treatment for anxiety/depression and while this is pre existing my situation is certainly not helping. I cant sleep at night thinking I will loose my home (owned but in negative equity due to house price drop) If I pay my mortgage/ council tax/ fuel bills ect I am left with around £200 per month to pay almost £1000 in minimum payments which is why the credit cards have got so high so quickly. If I contact everyone with an offer are they likely to accept? There is a PPI claim outstanding on the BC (was egg) and this has been with FOS since August 2011 I am so grateful for any advice anyone can give
  5. Citizen Advice Bureaux has released the following : - What is theBenefit Cap Read more: http://www.adviceguide.org.uk/england/benefits_e/benefits_welfare_benefits_reform_e/the_benefit_cap_what_you_need_to_know.htm
  6. I am paying via ARC and have the original l oan but extension as defaults on my credit file. The extension is only for £160 so once I've paid that amount to ARC I'd like that default settled. note my account has been assigned not sold to ARC. Online chat:
  7. Hi all, I ordered a pair of jeans for my then boyfriend from Premier Man in 2009. I paid for the jeans using my debit card. I recently carried out a review of my credit history and noticed that they had actually opened a credit account and I'm quite furious. I bought the goods, they delivered them, that was that, I had no intention of ordering from them ever again and certainly did not request a credit account. Although it shows as settled and obviously no defaults, I've been advised by my mortgage broker that it may be looked upon negatively and as I didn't know it had happened, I should look into getting it removed. Is this possible? There is absolutely no mention of signing a credit agreement or being provided with a credit limit anywhere during the order process, except for a bit hidden in the Data Protection notice: "We may also use your information, including shopping habits, to open and run your credit account including payment recovery, fraud prevention and debtor tracing and for our marketing." but it never asks me if I want this or not. I think it's really shady and want to get it removed but I'm not sure I have a leg to stand on. As an aside, I will never order anything from any of their group of companies ever again. I've never known any online retailer to operate in this way.
  8. i received a letter from LOWELL FINANCIAL today saying i owe £70 , they saying its regards orange, and i cannot recall this. what do i do now, surely they will have a signature ?
  9. Hi, this is my first time here and have been looking on various sites for answers and cant seem to find any so I hope you dont mind me posting here! I had my medical yesterday (on a Sunday!!!!!!) but ATOS couldn't tell me what will happen next. The medical itself seemed to go OK, but as with everyone, you're left in the dark afterwards. Does anyone know how long it takes for the decision makers to decide on the results? I have been through cancer and am still suffering from the aftereffects of chemotherapy, but I suppose I'm lucky as I still have a job to go back to. The problem is that if I am turned down for ESA, I won't be able to claim JSA, as I would not be actively looking for work, as I already have a job. My occupational therapists have stated in writing that I cannot go back to work and I showed this to ATOS. I guess I'm really concerned about the benefits... if I dont get ESA or JSA, what do I get? If anyone could help, you would make my day and ease the strain of all this polaver!! xx
  10. I have had 2 loans in the last 4 years with Natwest, paid them both off early, the second one recently. How would you know if you had paid PPI? Pretty sure I would have opted out of any option of it. But so many seem to be putting in claims? Wondering if it wasn't that simple. I have the draft letter that Martin Lewis has set out, so don't want to go through one of those PPI claim places (I lose count how many txt I get every day from those companies) but is it worth me even sending it off? Won't Natwest just say I didn't have it even if I did?
  11. Hi I put a thread on here and despite 37 views not one comment? Am I doing something wrong? I haven't used this site in a while!
  12. Its been in the news all day-he did not know what Magna Carta actually means. He has obviously never had any letters from RLP............
  13. Hello All! I really wish if I wouldn't need to keep coming back here because of rogue landlords!!! So the brief story is, I am due to move out from my current place and found this nice, clean, new room in a house only 2 streets away, so hiring a man&van won't break the bank but the room is quite pricey for the area - was in hope to get quality for my money. Everything was nice, clean and fresh smelling when I viewed the room and property last weekend. I was shown around by the tenant who has the cat but she didn't say a thing of course and as I didn't see obvious signs (nor smells) of a pet, I didn't ask if there were any pets as in my experience people always tell about this sort of thing upfront. I signed contract this Wed 19th of Sept 2012 and paid 1 month's rent upfront and 1 month's rent worth of deposit and got keys handed to me. Says in my contract that besides of other rules, I am not allowed to keep pets so it gave me the impression the same rule applies to everyone else in the same property. I went round there tonight just to check how my stuff gonna fit in the new room as I am due to move in tomorrow or the latest on the day after. Only now I found out about a cat being kept in the house! The cat belongs to a mum and daughter (daughter is about 18-20) who rent another room upstairs. Just now when I was there, the cat was in my new room, having a nap on the double bed but the 2-seater sofa in the room was also covered in cat fur, and there was this reeking stink of ('scuse the language), cat p*ss as it's a male cat and as we all know, they 'mark' their territory around - in this case in my new room!!! Do I just have to put up with this now??? I am not allergic to cats but the landlord didn't know that before I paid for the room so I might as well could be. I am also outraged by how stinky my new room is now! I'm afraid this smell will remain and airing the room or using air freshener not gonna be much help as the smell gone into all the furniture. I feel depressed and ripped off..... The other problem is that my job is to work for a family looking after their kids where one of the parents is actually allergic to cats. Now I'm also worried, that just by living under the same roof with a cat, it will leave enough traces on my clothes, hands, handbags, etc to be enough to trigger the allergic reaction, which would very likely upset the parents when they realize it's me. Can anyone advise what is the best thing to do now and if I have any legal rights to resolve this? I feel like I should be getting a discount on the rent at the least! I will be moving out from there ASAP as the smell is churning my stomach, feeling sick already having to move in there! Thanks for any help!
  14. Please before you even start to read please dont judge me! Im not a criminal and would neva intend to harm anybodies life but i would just like to know if anybody has been as daft as me? Big gulp ....here goes.... I have just been sentanced for being drunk in charge and got a 12 month ban fined £620 and 150 hrs! Its now going to crown court as my solicitor has appealed.. It all happened afta a domestic at home...a big one, so silly me left the house sober and just needed to get away...i parked up in a layby and then got totally wasted just wishing all the problems would go away! I had no intention of driving and had even taken my footwear off and the keys out of the ignition...the car was going to be my bed for the night! Dont know what i was doing but i was half in the car and half out of it when the police arrested me...can only think that i must have needed the loo! In my eyes what i do to myself is my business....i lost a good career due to redundancy and the rest just snowballed! Never been in court before or had any convictions for motoring offences....i so scared about going to crown court! Could my sentance be increased if i lose my appeal? Your all probably going to think im stupid but i need to get it off my chest! Everybody makes mistakes:-( Jan
  15. I have been searching for a phone package for evening time or daytime calls, but it seems impossible to get a good deal without broadband. She goes to library some days and does not want daytime calls. She use the internet in the evening but still cannot find a package that would be suitable for her limited budget Any ideas please
  16. Hi, My question is on behalf of my father, I recently discovered debt letters, bailiff warnings and threatening letters addressed to him, the problem is my father has early onset of dementia and this has been recognized by various health experts, he was found to be unable to deal with mail correspondence among other things. A letter from council bailiffs has arrived stating we are to attend your property shortly to remove goods in connection with your unpaid council tax debt due xxx council. Our removal teams are in your area throughout the coming week and will enforce the liability order without any further notice. My father is not of sound enough mind to deal with anything like people coming to the door, I know this could also have serious implications on his state of mind and health too. What can i do about this? Is there any guidelines to help when dealing with someone who has health, mental issues like dementia? I know that they have been previously informed of his condition by a third party and have not seen any further correspondence untill now with this letter. Any help would be greatly appreciated please.
  17. Is this normal? Do they have any right to know this?
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