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  1. Hi all, I am hoping someone here can help me. I need to SAR Egg for an old credit card that has a balance outstanding which is being chased and an old settled loan. I understand the company is no more and perhaps Barclays bought the card debts? Can someone tell me the address I would need to send an SAR to for the card and another for the loan (if different from the card)? I really appreciate your time - i've tried looking on here and it seems other people have done this succesfully but for the life of me i can't find the address anywhere...
  2. Hi, I am preparing to apply for a mortgage and have checked my credit file using Experian and Equifax. Equifax is showing an 'arrangement to pay' for four consecutive months in Feb 2009 and my account settled in April 2010, yet there is no mention of this in Experian. I would really like to find out more information regarding why they have done this. I don't remember any conversation about putting me on a payment plan/ So, how would i go about finding this information out? Also, do i stand a chance of getting this removed? I appreciate any feedback you could give me. thank you/
  3. In the seemingly never-ending paperwork trail of my mother in law's financial nightmare, Mortimer Clarke (initially via Marlin some 18 months ago) are now chasing her for a CC debt (originally Egg, then BC). No one had chased her for this debt in around 4 years so she'd just let it lie. We asked for CCA which was provided with missing terms. Wrote back and told them unenforceable with no details as to why. Today she has received a new reconstituted CCA, which has all prescribed terms from what I can tell at a quick glance. They have also sent a couple of statements but the balances are showing in US dollars and not sterling!? They have also sent an I&E form and requested it be completed so that her financial situation can be assessed. The CC account was taken out online in August 2002 and they are saying there are no signature documents available as it was taken out online. Statute Barred date is 11/2014 from what I can follow of the paperwork. Previous letter mentioned veiled threats of legal proceedings etc. Is a signed document required to enforce this debt? I don't agree with her not paying it back but she has absolutely nothing more than a state pension to live off and can barely make ends meet as it is so would be offering something like £5 a month (debt is £3.5k so she'll never clear it). Thanks for any advice.
  4. Hi, I hope I am posting this in the correct place, it is a follow on from a thread I started in debt and self help forum. I have had a response from barclays (ex egg CC) to my CCA request and not sure what to do now?? I have been in a DMP with pay plan since 2006 and have made significant progress in reducing the debt but there is still £3K outstanding and I have been made redundant so cannot afford to keep up the monthly payments but think i may be able to offer a settlement hence why I sent a cca request of to them. The account defaulted in 2006 and is no longer showing on my credit file. Thank you for any advice and I hope the attachments work
  5. Received a court claim yesterday from this outfit. Has been in dispute since 2009 having requested CCA and received a copy of the application form. There are plenty of charges - there is PPI (however very old and I cannot obtain statements between 1999 and 2004 when it was on the account but can certainly apply an average. I don't have the majority of docs referred to in their POC. After some advice on best way to proceed - intend to defend - should I counter claim? Not sure where they get the interest figure from either! Didn't think they could include that? I thought once terminated no interest was payable on that front? Should I request the POC docs via CPR request and see what comes back - if anything although aware that's a civil request and they don't have to send them! Any help and advice greatly appreciated!
  6. Can anyone please advise regarding an Egg loan. Account opened: December 2005 Last payment: August 2010 Date defaulted: May 2011 Original amount: £9000 Current balance: £3500 I recall that the application was done on-line, but they also sent me paperwork to sign before the monies were paid into my bank account. I lost my job about 5 years ago and I did send a CCA request and when they sent my fob off letters, I used the template letters to put the account into dispute. Since then I have received an annual balance statement but hey haven't actively pursued the debt. It is now with Arrow, who also hold cira £20,000 of my debt form other organisations, the other debts being post April 2007 debt that is also not being chased. Given that I am already half way through the 6 years to statute barred - should I leave this alone or make them a full and final offer of £350? Do I risk them coming after me for the full amount of this and the other debts?
  7. I am in a similar boat to many people here - had an Egg card from 2000, became overwhelmed by debt and signed up with a debt management company in November 2006. The debt management company advised me in 2010 that the debt was unenforceable and wrote to Egg asking for a copy of the CCA, which Egg said (when they were still Egg) they were unable to provide. Egg was bought by Barclaycard, Barclays sold the debt to Marlin and now they've started chasing me. In reply to their first letter, I emailed to say that I would like to see a signed credit agreement for the debt they are trying to enforce, and today (a month later), I've had a print-off of an 'online application' which includes no mention of interest rates, etc. Curiously, they've also detailed an unknown credit card number on the letter (which is also handwritten on the 'application') which looks like a Barclaycard number (starts in 4929) and is certainly not the number of any Egg card I have held. I've sent them a formal CCA request for any account for which they're seeking to enforce a debt. I've spent a long time paying off and settling with creditors, and my credit record is looking better, which is important as I set up my own business 18 months ago. This debt no longer appears on my Experian credit report. I guess what I want to know is: - can Marlin do anything to further affect my credit record, given that the original debt is not on there? - can they enforce any action against me to reclaim the money? - Is there any benefit in making a SAR application? I have not, at any stage, acknowledged the debt is mine, and given that they have now tried to give me an erroneous account number, suspect that this may get tied up in their systems! Thanks in anticipation!
  8. I will try and keep this brief but I have several issues with my Egg PPI claim and would appreciate help/advice. Made original enquiry back in May 2013, they wrote and asked for proof of current address in Juy and I sent. I have notes from SAR which state received 31st July and address changed. I sent SAR in June and the cheque was cashed but no info received. Between June and December I received 4 more requests for address info! I complied twice but then got fed up of sending, (at this point I wasn't aware that they had processed in July!) Out of the blue in Jan 14 I received 2 letters, one saying my claim for CC had not been upheld because I applied online and one saying my loan claim had been upheld with an offer of settlement. I appealed against both decision. CC because I recalling being told on the phone that my online application was more likely to be approved if I took PPI, this was rejected and so I've taken up with FOS. Loan appeal because I believe the amount to be much higher than offered and at that point I still did not have my SAR info. I asked for them to either send me the SAR info or review offer- finally on Feb 6th I received the SAR info! This information includes loan agreement x 3. One of the them is dated incorrectly. I got in to difficulties with this one and it resulted in a massive CCJ and a charging order against my home. In the end I sold the house to pay the loan and moved into rented, I have never really recovered from this and now wondered if this should've been enforced due to the error? Also, none of the agreements include terms and conditions and although the PPI is listed again theres no terms. Finally, there's no documentation to show payments so its impossible for me to calculate how much PPI I paid and presumably also it impossible for them? My questions are: Can I do anything about the error on the agreement? Its now paid so can this be retrospective? Should I complain about the the fact that it took 6 months to respond to SAR? Also complain about the delay tactics re proof of address when clearly their own records confirm they had it in July. Also, on the offer they ask for certified proof of DOB as mine differs on records but again on the paperwork from SAR my DOB is correct- another delay/barrier? Thanks in advance for any help x
  9. Ive recently been sent a letter from Marlin re an alleged debt from Barclaycard (Orig Eggi card) Apparently this was an online application and as such, no signatureicon was needed. I do remember having an Egg card, but I also remember the balance being around £300 not the 2428.50 they now assert. This was over 5 yrs ago. I was further puzzled when I heard recently that Barclay had sold customers info to rogue traders. I have just asked them to send me a signed agreement, but they say the tick box was sufficient... REALLY?? Ive also asked for a full statement of account, Payments made and full balance etc. Any advice will be most welcome please. Glenn
  10. Hi i am hoping someone can help or at least point me in the right direction. Back in 2008-09 i went through a really difficult period, i was laid off work due to sickness and my relationship ended so with various bills an no income i found myself in a mess. I contacted all my debtors to arrange a payment plan but egg credit card weren't interested in letting me pay what i could afford, i managed to pay token amounts but then i couldn't keep up with this, they defaulted the account, then i didn't hear anything until i received a letter from Bryan Carter, they asked me to pay a chunk of the debt to stop it going to court, i wasn't in a position to do this so they sent the forms and i made an offer to pay of £20 month, being naive at this time i didn't actually realise the conseqence of what was about to happen, ie a CCJ being registered. ....so annoying as i would have asked my parents for help had i known. i have been paying £20 month since the CCJ was registered 22/7/09 until June this year, i rang BC to change the payment date an they informed me the debt was no longer with them and that i would hear from Westcot in due course. No contact until 12.9.13 with the headline 'failure to make payment' saying despite their letter of 28th August i have failed to make a payment or enter into an agreed plan, unless i contact them urgently to make a payment or to establish a regular repayment plan they will have no option but to recover the debt, this will be either: Legal action through the court and judgement obtained against me (haven't they already done this)? Refer the debt to a door stop collections agency. what i want to know is it worth me asking for a full statement of the account before it was taken to court, after reading these forums i am sure there will be charges that were applied that i could possibly claim back!? What will happen in 2 years (when the CCJ falls off credit report) i am sure unless i find myself with a windfall i will still be paying this debt, i don't have a problem paying what i owe when they are genuine charges. I also have 2 other debts that are still not resolved that are with HSBC so hoping some kind person may advise me on these also. Thank you for taking the time to read, any constructive advice is very welcome
  11. Hi I am wondering if someone could advise me how to work out a suitable figure from Citibank regarding an old credit Egg card started in 2003. This is not PPI. This involves Egg and Citibank incorrectly reporting on credit file for years an incorrect number of Egg Accounts. I only ever had one and they reported 3x all commencing in 2003. This incorrect information was not removed until 2012. They have asked me to provide a figure. Thank you
  12. Hi all, I am looking to get my records for an old EGG account that i am being chased for that i genuinely think i settled in full nearly 6 years ago - it's Bryan Carter that's chasing me through Lowells and i've asked Lowells for everything they have but they've said i need to speak to Egg to get original documents etc... Is Egg now owned by Barclaycard? If so can anyone tell me where to send the request? Thanks all
  13. Hello All I would be grateful for some advice. Out of the blue, I've received a letter from Canada Square Operations saying their records show I purchased PPI with an Egg loan. The loan was actually to repay the balance on an Egg credit card and the loan was suggested to me over the phone. I don't recall filling in a form. I can't remember the start date, but I settled the balance in November 2007. They've included a questionnaire for me to complete if I want to make a claim. My problems are: 1. I had no idea PPI was involved, and I understand from other threads that it is not a good idea to say this. 2. Since I didn't know about the PPI, I haven't got any paperwork on it at all; I kept it until a house move 2 years ago, dammit! SO Do I ask for an SAR - they probably do have the file as it's not yet six years since settlement? Otherwise there are a lot of questions I can't answer. However I am fairly confident that if an SAR reveals that PPI was involved that I will have a valid claim since: 1. I was self-employed and I had both an income protection plan and a critical illness policy with another provider 2. I have successfully claimed PPI from my bank To complicate matters I am moving house in 2 weeks' time. I gather they are pretty stern about proof of address. All help gratefully received! Kind regards, Magiciansgirl
  14. Hi all, Has been a very long time since I've been around here, as, thankfully, I've managed to pay off most of my debt, get my credit record pretty much clear and stay that way - thanks in no small part to the generous help and advice received here! So, apologies if this is the wrong place to post this, but I'm hoping someone can help me with something that's come up recently. The reason I say I've cleared most of my debt is that there is one thing outstanding which hasn't been a problem for a long time but has now raised its ugly head again. A major change in my personal circumstances in 2001 meant that I ended up with huge debt which I spent years paying off, entering into various agreements with creditors throughout 2002-4. One of the accounts was an Egg card, which I managed to keep on top of, but during a period of unemployment in 2009, I fell behind with the payments. They defaulted the account (the outstanding debt is just over £5000), either shortly before or shortly after Egg was sold to Citibank and passed it to a DCA - so long ago I can't even remember which one but I think it was either Moorcroft or Cohen. The DCA in question wrote to me, asking for payment, I CCA'd them and didn't hear a dickie bird from them after that (some time during the summer of 2009) - absolutely no contact whatsoever relating to this account for getting on for four years. I thought it unlikely that I'd hear any more about it, but was prepared to deal with it if/when something new did happen, which it now has. Egg was sold to Barclaycard a while back (can't remember when - some time in 2011, I think?), and last week, I received a letter from Barclaycard stating that they had handed my account over to Marlin Financial Services and that I should contact Marlin within five days to settle the debt/arrange terms. Yesterday, Marlin left a voicemail on my mobile, the usual DCA vagueness: call Marlin on this number, no explanation of who they were or why I should call them. The account is showing as a default on my credit report, but only with Equifax, my Experian report is clean - despite this, though, my credit score is 'good' with both Equifax and Experian as I've managed to stay out of financial hot water for the past five years or so and all other defaults, settled or otherwise, came off my reports during 2009 and 2010. My question now is this: I am assuming that Marlin will continue to contact me, so should I begin the whole CCA process with them, or just ignore them, given that the account is already defaulted and I'm assuming they can't default the same account twice (so I have nothing to fear from them in terms of default threats, and they can't legally start adding charges)? I know they could threaten me with a CCJ (which is obviously the last thing I want), but clearly that will only hold water if they follow the proper channels and comply with my (and the court's) requests for information, and for my part I want to be sure I've done everything I should have done, if it does come to that further down the line. I've been through the whole process of CCA requests and threatened CCJs before so I know what to do, and if they are able to provide me with a properly executed CCA (which I imagine is unlikely, especially afer all this time), I will be more than willing to negotiate settlement with them - however I'm wondering if it's worth even entering into negotiations with them, since it's been so long since there was any action taken on this account, and the default will come off my credit reports in just over two years' time. My major concern at this point is avoiding a CCJ although, as I say, I suspect it won't come to that, as the chances of them having my CCA are slim to none. I would very much appreciate any advice forthcoming from people who know more about these things than I do! I've benefitted greatly from advice received from members of these forums in the past, for which I am very grateful - it's because of such lovely and knowledgeable people that I now know how to handle these bullying DCAs, and no longer fear them or their threats! Thanks! SS xx
  15. I had an EGG card for about 10 years, then in 2010 I couldn't keep up with the repayments and defaulted. Now after a couple of phone calls with them I gave up contacting them and waited for them to contact me. It never happened, until yesterday (3 and a half years later) when I got a claim form from the County Court. It said "EGG served a default notice on the defendant stating the amount due & requiring the defendant to pay the same. The defendant failed to pay & the agreement was terminated. The agreement was assigned to the claiment (Marlin Capital Europe LTD) on 31/01/2013. The claimant has complied with sections lll & lV of Practice Direction - Pre-Action Conduct." They are now claiming the full amount I owe them, plus interest -£3000 approx. as well as court fees of £190 and solicito's costs 0f £100. As I stated earlier I had absolutely no contact from EGG for 3 and half years, then I'm hit with County Court. Is there anything I can do? I have an Admission form to fill in stating my personal details, income, expenses plus offer of payment. So they can find out how much I can pay a month I'm assuming - not much! Any help would be much appreciated
  16. Hi Everyone, I'm hoping for some advice, I have been chasing Barclaycard for what seems forever to try and reclaim PPI and Charges on an old Egg card. I took the card out in October 2004 and it went into default about a year later. Eventually I received the SAR information and had £60 worth of charges, and a couple of hundred pounds of PPI premiums. In addition to this, there was a two page list of tranactions relating to the November 2004 transactions, if I add up all of the transactions and add them to the opening balance, there is a £611.40 difference between my total and the closing balance. It may be that the transactions have fallen of the bottom of the page, but I would obviously like to know the details in case there are any charges of PPI premiums in there. I sent in three seperate letters in the same envelope, requestinging the refunding of the PPI, the Charges with interest, and the details of the missing £611.40 and that if they cannot provide me with this information then that element of the debt should be removed. Yesterday, I received a leter from Barclaycard advising that they could not establish if the CRP policy on my account had been mis-sold so they would like to return me to my original position. They offered the following: - Refund of Premiums: - £278.01 Refund of Interest charged on CRP Premiums : - £12.31 8% Simple interest per annum: -£174.19 As I am still in debt to them, they have said that the Refunds will be deducted from my debt, but that I will receive the Simple interest. This seems fair, however, I also received a second SAR information pack from Barclays yesterday, relating to an old Barclaycard. This included details of a the Egg card, with a balance of £0.00. When I went back further, I found a statement for the 1st December 2011, which had the following entries: - Closing balance of last statement £1,708.87 CHRGOFF PRCH PRIN BALM, 04 NOV £1,708.87 TOTAL OF NEW TRANSACTIONS £1708.87CR The present balance is shown as £0.00. I am currently paying approximately £20.00 per month to CapQuest, and the account says on some of the card holder account details print out that the account became delinquent at the end of 2011. Please can anyone clarify if I still owe Barclaycard money, or if it has been sold on to CapQuest? If the debt has been sold on, can Barclays withold the refund of premiums agains the det??? I have also spoken to Barclaycard requesting that they refund the cost of my numerous calls and letters and have been told that I will receive a call back within 48 hours to discuss this. Dan
  17. Well I've had my letter back from EGG who don't uphold my complaint for thefollowing reason (card taken out online in 2003 by the way) 1) Online sales at that time did not require i take out ppi as condition of obtaining card 2) Online sales at that time did not provide an advisory service. 3) Online sales at that time required you to positively confirm that you wish to purchase policy 4) Online sales provided full T&C and requested you read them before you submitting application. I have sent a SAR request off, which i know may take a little while. Am I dead in the water here. I don't remember asking for PPI or 'positively confirming' - i guess that means a tick - anything. They've said this is their full and final response. HELP! Hx
  18. HELLO ALL, TWO OF MY DEBTS (FROM CITI AND EGG) WERE BOUGHT BY DLC. I TOOK ADVANTAGE OF THEIR 90% DISCOUNT ON CITI DEBT AND SETTLED ACCORDINGLY. WHILE THE EGG ONE IS STILL UNDUE, THEY MADE ME AN OFFER OF 75% ON EGG BUT I DO NOT HAVE THAT MONEY SO I AM STILL PAYING THEM £1 PER MONTH. I STARTED DEFAULTING ON THEM IN 2006. I AM NOT SURE WHETHER I ASKED for a CCA file or not but all of their correspondence mention the original creditor name. So far I have been advised by DX to send them a CRA file. Which I shall do as soon as my printer is fixed. A new development is that none of these appear on my Equifax credit file any more. Do they still have enforcement powers as I have been paying them a statutory payment for each account. They have offered discounts in the past. What should I be doing meanwhile, apart from the CCA file? And while I am asking for CCA file, should I keep paying? Thanking you in anticipation. P.S: BTW ARE DLC, ROBINSONWAY, BRYAN CARTER, LOWELL SUBSIDIARIES OF THE SAME COMPANY? ARE THEY CLOSELY CONNECTED ANYWAY?
  19. Hi there, Have recently been receiving letters from Marlin regarding a Barclays credit card debt, now I'm assuming this is regarding an Egg card that I had and was subsequently sold on to Barclays, I had completely forgotten about this debt and the contact from Marlin came somewhat out of the blue. The debt has obviously been sold to Marlin as my credit file shows the Barclays account to be satisfied, I have paid Marlin a nominal amount to try and keep them quiet and deflect the danger of CCJ but they still persist in sending letters and are constantly telephoning me. I'm thinking that I will send them a prove it letter as the account number they had in the letter introducing themselves meant nothing to me and did not tally with the original Egg account, should I also send a CCA to Canada Square Operations? Obviously I'm not answering calls apart from when I suggested that all contact with me should be via letters. Anything else I should be doing.
  20. Hello Again, This site was so good last time in helping me with some problems I had been having with a most dubious debt recovery firm that I thought I would come back and ask for further debt advice in trying to reclaim PPI on an old Egg/Barclaycard for a friend of mine and hope that the very kind people here will offer me some further advice. Chatting with a friend of mine a few months ago, we were discussing PPI refunds and to my astonishment, she told me that "she was still paying PPI on her Barclaycard and had never bothered to try to reclaim or cancel this" - well to say that I was amazed is an understatement and said that having had a few dealings with banks and credit card companies over the years that not only was she insane to take this attitude, especially as she has small children and is not particularly affluent, but I would be happy to take this on for her and try to reclaim it for her. She had the credit card with Egg initially and cannot remember ever being given advice by the company on any aspect of the PPI insurance when applying for the card or memory of even ticking the box to apply for this. She is and has been before the card/PPI application, employed in quite a good job that pays three to six months sickness benefit and she has no real history of claims for long term sickness benefit throughout her ten or so years at the company. The company look after their staff, pay private health insurance for them and really, there is no real benefit to her whatsoever in having PPI, now or when she initially started the account with Egg, In her statement when I sent this to Barclaycard on her behalf a few weeks ago now, she wrote - "I took out the credit card many years ago with Egg and had no idea that I was paying PPI. I don't remember it being sold to me but if it had been offered, I would have had no need for this and would have declined the cover. The first time I was aware of paying it was when I received a statement from Barclaycard that every month I am paying this insurance. This was within the past few weeks. I have absolutely no need whatsoever for this insurance and am certain that it was neither offered to or agreed by me at any point. It might be the case then when Barclaycard took over the card from Egg, they added the PPI without my knowledge or consent" They replied back in the middle of April to say that she applied for PPI protection on Egg's website when she initially took out the card in 2003 and they were not upholding her appeal as they had viewed the documentation she saw when taking out the PPI and this was clear and accurate and that was their final response on the matter. She had not spoken to any representative and therefore had not been badly advised in any way they felt. Here things become a little contradictory to say the least. I wrote (in her name) to say how disgusted I was at this decision and wondered why with all the bad publicity PPI has had over the years, how they could morally justify continuing to take this from their customers, knowing how flawed this insurance had proved to be. Barclaycard wrote back to say that "no additional information had been received and therefore they were still upholding their original decision but wished to confirm that the PPI policy was cancelled at the end of November 2011" - something which was never confirmed or even communicated to her, either verbally or in writing. Very interestingly, she then received an "Annual Review of Optional Payment Protection Insurance on your Credit Card" dated November 2012 informing her that she had paid £300+ at an average of £27.00+ over the past year up till that date. So it would appear from this that the PPI was still being taken a year after it was stated to have been cancelled by Barclaycard and despite a further letter from me on her behalf, no confirmation has to date been received to say that this PPI payment is still being taken or has actually been cancelled by them. I love a fight and want to take this all the way. Am I right in thinking that my next move should be a SAR request and what do you think a. my next step on her behalf should be after that and b. our chances of getting her money back here after her paying PPI for at least ten years on the account. Many thanks for reading this (sorry it is somewhat longwinded) and any help will be greatly appreciated indeed. Janis x
  21. Hi, I have read through the other Egg/Barclaycard threads and did not know whether to jump in on another or make my own. Last thing I want to do is hijack someone else's thread, although there are some great stories here. So hopefully someone can give me some help. I have recently sent a CCA letter from the templates section on the site to Barclaycard who are hounding me for payment on a credit card. Original account was with Egg in 2009, which was then taken over by Barclaycard. I have had Barclaycard and Mercers hassling me and with a massive change in income cannot pay. I sent the CCA to see if there was a signed agreement in place. I attach two pages of the letter back from them. Plus page one of a 'standard' agreement copy they just sent through. They say they don't have to have an agreement signed, I don't know what to do next. If I throw up the files here, I have taken out all references, but any help would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks all. [ATTACH=CONFIG]46335[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]46334[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]46333[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]46332[/ATTACH]
  22. Does anyone know what paperwork and record transferred to BC from Egg. Specifically, credit agreements, and proof that a debt is not statute barred?
  23. Hi can anyone help me in 2004 I did a online application for a egg credit card the ppi box was pre ticked and wouldn't let you proceed unless you left it ticked i clicked and got card. I then phoned egg to say that there was an error and I didn't want ppi they said ok we will cancel in dec 2012 I got a Barclays app and while checking my accounts found ppi had been taken out I called new owners barckays told them them said we will cancel it then I claimed they twice said no now gone to FOS what are my chances I did tell Barclays and FOS that reason I didn't want ppi was I was covered by my employers fully been with them since 2002 sent Barclays a letter from my employer showing this need to know if anyone has been successful regards
  24. Hi all I have to old Egg accounts that were transferred to Barclaycard. Both account closed and in default more than 6 years ago. Balance on both accounts was £10,000 each and is still outstanding. I submitted PPI claim and have received a letter from them upholding my complaint (one one account so far) and offering the following - Refund of CRP payments to 10 March 2002 £217.15 Refund of interest charged on CRP premiums £3.95 8% simple interest inc extra 45 days £165.83 Total = £385.93 They are applying refund to my debt (which I know they are not allowed to do) and sending me a cheque for the interest. I have made an SAR which is now overdue and will now go the County Court route as I am not convinced that the figures are correct for a £10,000 credit card balance. When I called them they said that that the card start date was 1 year earlier. This not correct and I can't prove it but it probably works to my advantage as CRP on £10k in one year must have been impressive. Two questions that I would like help on please - 1. Should I send the cheque back to them for the interest as they owe me the full amount as they have bought the debt from Egg? 2. Should the figure be higher than the one stated? Apologies if this crosses any existing threads bt I haven't found anything similar Thanks
  25. Hi all I have two interim charging orders from 6 years ago for Egg credit cards which have now been transferred to Barclaycard. I suspect that Barclyacard don't have all/any of the paperwork and I have made a SAR to Barclaycard. If it dos turn out that they don't have my records can I use this to get the interim orders set aside? Thanks
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